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What's the problem?
no one thought this was going to be good.
they should make the ears much bigger to make it look less alien
>I used to think my life was a tragedy
>now I realize it's a comedy
>dress up in Batman’s shit
>gets mad when people think she’s Batman
She doesn't look remotely threatening/strong. Isn't that half the point of the suit?
>finds batmans cave and gadgets and suit
>wtf this mine
>it’s a ‘porn parody looks better than the real thing’ episode
unironically gives me a semi
>I'm the Batman now
why not give her a short haircut if it was going to look weird in the helmet
it's implied this is batman's own suit, not one specially made for her
>”I don’t want a man taking all the credit.”
>uses stolen equipment and suit all made by a man
Poor Lucius.
How the fuck are they doing it?
what if in one episode the director takes a chance and injects realism into it by having her be overpowered by thugs and ran a train on?
We won’t see a cute batgirl/woman ever again will we?
she needs to be play by a 15 yo and use tight spats to please pedophiles like Bruce Timm and Paul Dini
a train of cum i hope
Same problem as Captain America's helmet in Avengers
Look at the top of her head!
This is what happens when you're trying to make a hakf male half female costume
Haha, she looks like Stewie Griffim.
It's supposed to look like there's something "off" about it. It's to drive home how "right" the new Bateman suit looks on her.
>no red on her suit
yikes, you really want batman to be a girl don't you?
Looks like Cat Woman.
What's the problem with that? I don't watch capeshit.
Haha she looks like a chibi, super kawaii!!
>Batman's gear fits her
we need to go bigger
Birds of Prey Huntress was way hotter
Will the batboy be Michael Cera?
She gets it changed.
>The suit is literal perfection
>Not until it fits a womyn
What the fuck is that?
If Batwoman was from Chernobyl...
that doesn't even look edited
but she's nor great nor not terrible
Fuck all name faggots
You're a garbage human being. That's the problem. Don't go into capeshit threads if you don't know shit.
That's a different guy you retard. I'm the anti-capeshit Deus Volt.
You do know it’s not the final suit, right? The whole point is that the suit wasn’t made for her and then she gets a better one
Summer Glau as Ravager in Arrow
Ayyyy lmao
I'm you but blacker
Kys manchild coloring-book-movie-watching s*yboy limp-wristed faggot.
>Oh you don't like muh cape hero movies? KYS!
Lmao, pathetic.
Female superheros barring Supergirl were a mistake on TV shows.
A fucking rubber mask is a stupid concept, you're gonna be sweating like fuck under that thing
not him but go back to /r/movies you cuck
She looks like a fucking retard.
You sure showed that punk bitch.
daredevil had the same problem so they just had him wear that rag on his head instead of the helmet
>You do know it’s not the final suit, right? The whole point is that the suit wasn’t made for her and then she gets a better one
Actually I don't care at all. i despise this trash
>I need a gigantic wig that any mook could grab onto at any point so people know im a girl!
This seems really pointless and counter intuitive to what shes trying to do. Like why should it matter if people think you're Batman? Isnt the point to help Gotham and save people?
They’re too oblivious to realize that’s how you actually make a strong female character. Not by just tossing in that she’s a woman on everything.
>alright, so you want me to custom make a new suit so you can become your own brand of superhero?
>nah, j-just make it Batman with a red bat, but dont you think I'm Batman, I am my own hero!
why would they open the mouth up like that, makes the face look retarded. Deathstroke usually has a really cool suit that is easily adaptable to live action.
Now THIS I can fap to.
So she stills Batman's outfit, makes Alfred her bitch and instantly becomes as strong as him for no reason?
Is it really this easy to troll capeshit manchildren?
Ruby Rose sates my androgynous lesbo tomboy fetish 2bh
audible kek
based and barb pilled
Batgirl is not the same character as batwoman
I thought she didn't identify as female
Huntress always was and always will be the hottest DC character.
Ayyy lmao
Based Question got to smash that. Those Question X Huntress episodes were the best. Now that I mention it, Question was the best
That's a big head.
Didn't they already try this once?
they think a coat of batman paint will fix everything
Do you not understand /
>Using the same name as someone else, thus defeating the purpose of having a name
namefags really are retarded lol
This is maybe a worse trailer than the Teen Titans one. Why do they have to be so cringeworthy with their writing?
>and she stays in costume for the entire scene
reminder that huntress was played by amy acker, AKA fred from angel
blew my mind when i learned that
>that jew
It unironically looks entertaining but holy hell the girl power shit is fucking insanely over the top in just one trailer.
Is that primal fetish? lol
Ayy lmao
it doesnt work because we've never seen batwoman
I want people to use my name though.
>GA: Who would gain from all this?
>Q: (((who indeed)))
>It unironically looks entertaining
jesus christ how low is the bar for you
does she also have an exaggerated deep cough-tone?
I don't know why they went with Kathy instead of Babs, she's a teenage girl so can have all that relationship melodrama CW loves while still being a more interesting character beyond just being Batgirl with greater connections to Gotham and its characters, Kathy's just a cheap knockoff Batman with tits and lesbianis- okay I get it now.
The bar is supposed to be low for children, which is what all capeshit is.
>jew on the board
>(((who indeed)))
How did they get away with this on a childrens' show?
>I wont let a man take credit from a woman's work.
>Says the girl literally taking credit from a man's work and stealing his image.
Is Dyke Bat Woman a worse Capt. marvel?
Holy shit I miss the comfiness of JLU. All the superheroes hanging out in outer space, debating each other, flirting, training...
t. Capeshitter
this is a very nice edit right? there is no fucking way
This will be so kino.
Finally a good wholesome super heroine for the young lesbian girl to look up to.
>those puffy batnipples
I know you Capefags
Superheros are not realistic.
Why does the suit they show as batman’s Suit have boobs? What was Batman hiding?
sick to fucking death of Batman looking like a robot. sick of chunky armor. they need more sleek. god awful robot shit.
Because it's the same costume and the producers are such fucking hacks that they didn't realize that you can't just take a rubber suit that has been made from a full-body cast and just re-fit it for the opposite gender.
>>What color socks are you wearing?
Is she suffering from hydrocephalus?
I think a way to outdo the MCU is to make the JL like a family of superheroes. Like Batman is the father figure, Superman the big brother, etc. Just in how they act.
In the MCU each superhero has weird conflicts with each other, would rather not help each other until its the last resort, don't want to have sex together, fight all the time.
Justice League should be like family.
Final version is this, that OP one is just the one she stole from Batman after she broke into his house, and forced Lucious Fox to adjust it for her. The final version is the one they made because "A man shouldn't get all the credit for a woman's work". God they fucked up this show so bad. Kate in the comic books was awesome this bitch is just a whiney sjw cunt.
the mask wouldn't fit then
Well, they better do it quickly, cause that Fantastic Four movie is coming soon.
at some point in your adult life it dawns on you that batmans mask does not protect from gas, and that he could be using gas to his great advantage in so many encounters, and that there is no need for the mask to not also cover the mouth allowing for normal and hi tech unrestricted filtered breathing, and that batman is in fact stupid shit
>be Batman
>dedicate your entire life to help a terrible city
>everyone hates you
>a woman steals your gimmick too
What a terrible life.
she looks like a dildo
I miss Earth-1 Laurel.
her head is an absolute unit
the most underaprieciated character here
Have sex
>thought she was a goddess in this movie as a kid
>can only look at it now as the “hey bruce it’s barbara” post
why do you spend all day in capeshit threads then? i hope you aren’t doing this for free
it actually is me sorry i was mistaken. was too busy fapping to black panther x captain marvel rule 34
what is this meme
Im also curious. Whats the problem? Does he looks stupid?
Are they seatbelts?
Did they tie seatbelts around her?
because babs is going to have a movie in the DCEU. they like to keep those characters off limits to the shows except for the flash
>taco belle
>TFW when you'll never see a live adaptation of The Question
This dude actually sort of looks like a bat.
how can i tell this is glau?
You’ve got a problem with her head?
Have you seen her body? She’s basically anorexic, her bones would be so brittle a kick would literally break her.
She’s meant to be militarily trained and meant to have maintained a militant training regime when she was kicked out of the army.
Seriously, fucking look at it!!!
now that im older i tear at the lost of watchtower
>trailer keeps emphasizing she needs no man
>breaks into batman's lair and steals his shit and identity
I fixed Batwoman you guyyys
>they cast a crackwhore-looking """actress""" as batwoman
>this is supposed to be powerful, inclusive and progressive
honk honk
Why make original characters and settings when you can just take over an established male character and then take credit for everything he did and virtue signal about how women are badasses and don't need no man.
kosher logic says its cheaper to fuck up an existing IP than take risks with creating or buying a new, original IP. if the female version of ___ does poorly then they can just blame it on russian hackers, toxic masculinity, alt-right trumptards and write the loss off with the IRS, which is also controlled by "them" anyway.
at some point you must realize the game is 100% rigged. either stop playing or risk getting rekt because you want to play like an honorable man according to "rules".
Don't overuse "le epin clown world" meme, you're gonna turn it into cringey facebook boomer shit.
Summer Glau?
Based leak poster.
Not a chance
really good costume / acting
>the jew in the upper left corner
Fucking lel
it airs on the cw
guess the target demographic
she looks like the fucking daughter from coneheads
Looks like a retard
Batwoman was one of my favorite DC books of the last 20 years.
This looks like a fucking abomination.
thats a good shoop cept for the tat
Looks like the source material?
Wer iz detonatr
>I am the night
Women are on average physically weaker and smaller than men and even trained women would get destroyed by an average man because weight matters in combat.
Looks good to me.
The original
Let's not forget the best huntress phase
Did we ever discuss why Bane's mask was in CW Arkham Asylum?
Not really all the intimidating, isnt it? She can still beat people while they are laughing.
We live in an entertainment culture right now of perpetual cringe
I enjoy anal sex but i am not gay. I am not attracted to men but i love the feel of cock in my butt
Thats batgirl bro.
The one op is talking about is lesbian batwoman
There's no way a costume as simple as Deathstroke's got fucked up like this
>don't want to have sex together,
>Justice League should be like family.
Either way can't happen in the DCEU anymore after how assfucked BvS and JL are. I love Shazam but let's hope they're Days of Future Past retcon happens soon so we can start over and pretend Snyder phase never happened.
I thought this was Cassie Cain's costume? Unless it's shared in between, I'm not caught up on Batfamily now that there's like 20 or 30 people apparently.
Wait, disregard this post, I was drunk.
her head looks both too small and too big at the same time
Imagine being this mad and defensive over capeshit, lmao.
Very important details to remember when watching people dressed as animals beat each other up.
CW budgets
Awwwwwww fucking gold
Just deny facts in favor of false propaganda telling us all that women are superior; I’m sure that’ll change things
This has to be an edit. No way anyone greenlit let alone made this monstrosity.
Social justice league
>>Bane it's me, B(CI)arbara
How many times did you saw a woman beating a man in real life?
Why does her face look like a fat mexican man? I can't be the only one who saw this.
Is that literally just the Bale cowl?
Jesus Christ WHEN will hollywood catch up to 20 years ago?
I don't give a shit about bat-dyke, nor i gonna watch capeshit tv show, but the mask looks really cool, do have sex mind you.
Good lord I didn't know I could become this flaccid
Well, I guess I’m into fat Mexican men doing batgirl cosplay.
I literally went up inside you, didn’t it?
It’s trying to hide.
>Daddy said it's my turn to be batman
She does not look well at all.
Well, I really liked her character in John Wick 2. I can only hope that she brings that energy and experience to this role.
Why do women get tattoos? Is it just to further ruin everything good?
To let decent men know they only want men with mental and drug issues
it's capeshit you stupid mongoloid holy shit get a life
as long as its fapkino who the fuck cares? it's the same with supergirl
no one watches these shows for anything but a few fapable scenes an episode
Seriously, best thing to come out of DC
I still go back and watch it sometimes
Alicia Silverstone has hair to die for
hahahahaha fucking megamind lookin ass
Well that was beautiful
stop pretending to be me
i am you and i am gay
No red hair = no kino
I'm more confused why Wayne Industries seems to have hired a single effeminate black man armed only with a taser that he clearly is hesitant about using to protect the CEO's House / Office...especially since Bruce knows that all someone would have to do is slightly move a single ornament in his office to have access to the Bat cave
she looks like she just crawled out of a sewer
Scuffed Bonnie Rotten
>In the MCU each superhero has weird conflicts with each other,
Well, yeah. That's how Marvel and DC differ. Marvel has braindead asshole civilians and their 'heroes' are gigantic assholes to their peers. DC has some assholes but it's generally far more idealistic with even Batman having a large family of interconnected heroes that actively protect and care for eachother.
big brain
Looks like gimp porn
>read this thread
>kek no way it's real
>watch trailer
>Wanna know how I got these scars? My mother was a drinker...and a Muslim. And one night, she goes off crazier than usual. Daddy gets the kitchen knife to defend himself. She doesn't like that. Not...one...bit. So, me watching, she takes the knife to him, laughing while she does it. She turns to me, and he says, "Why so woman?" She comes at me with the knife - "Why so woman?" She sticks the blade in my pussy - "Let's put a smile on that face!" And... why so serious?
She skipped neck day
She looks like the Julius Caesar reconstruction with the big head
she looks like femto
How is it that a real life 3D head looks more uncanny than some of comic books' worst art?
I knew this was going to be a complete shitshow when we found out Ruby Rose was on board but given what we've been seeing, this is shaping up to be worse than I'd thought
what the fuck is going on in his right knee area?
>Poison Ivy
>Poison Ivy
>Black Canary
>Power Girl
>Poison Ivy
Honestly really looking forward to this.
holy crackeroni
wtf where are the pouches????
user, I...
please try sex
>the suit will be perfect when it fits a woman
maybe it’s a good thing that a vigilante hand to hand combat suit doesn’ fit someone small with no muscle
Worst part about that movie. No surprise, because she's a horrible actress
She would at least be hot.
>pedophiles like Bruce Timm and Paul Dini
They're pedophiles now? Did they say something mean about Trump or something?
>Why do women get tattoos?
The same reason men get tattoos: they're social degenerates.
Because female superpower is trying to make everything about her
no one posted
>thats big head 4u
shame Yea Forums
hold up, that's porn costume?
it seems so, there a lot of creative people in that degenerate biznes.
Isn't this the suit she wanted a woman to fit?
This isn't her final look iirc
not that the final suit we see is any improvement
I'm astounded at how much better the porn costumes are than a fully funded CW show
Easily one of the worst things about the movie.
Bad acting, character is not believable as well.
I've seen better costumes at conventions
That's not Zatanna
She needs a new name. Spermhead. Yeh. That's a good name for a female hero.
read this
These people don't know that you can draw shit in papers so you can avoid making your body a joke?
big brain
I will be happy when women finally get exterminated. Just need one based mad scientist.
The average parapalegic woman could beat the shit out of every person on this website
Why waste your time and energy when women will be pushed down and whores out again?
This Feminism is just a bunch of privileged white women acting out one last wave of their dumb crazy white bitch Princess Complex as the Western society dies out in numbers, before the proliferating 3rd world with an actual future takes over and reduces all women to slave whores as all proliferating cultures with any future do.
the "dark" knight indeed
There won't be a takeover anymore. Otherwise it would've happened a long time ago. Only something that destroys the world order can make it happen. Like maybe a dictator taking over a bunch of countries.
that was some hot shit
how the fuck did she even find a nigger in Australia?
>There won't be a takeover anymore. Otherwise it would've happened a long time ago.
Incorrect, the takeover is already happening. It takes a century for it to finally close, with acceleration half-way there, as it was every time in history. Just enjoy the ride as crazy white bitches slowly get put in their place which they avoided for millennia. You dumb western whitecucks spent too many centuries bringing these whores your gains from colonization and imperialism on a silver platter while dying pointlessly only so you will get shat on in this century by the very whores your ancestors died to please, so they turned into the biggest spoiled whores of all women in both the world and history. When Allah/Mao/Burrito arrive, white bitches gonna be slapped until their learn to shut the fuck up and act meek like the dogs they are.
One can only hope.
Black guys turn women into lesbians. This explains everything in America desu.
>get a black guy
>get a blue eye
>turn into a mad lesbo
>compensating for no testo
The jokes write themselves.
what the hell were they thinking, the mask is so big
They were thinking
>batwoman with a tail hairstyle behind the mask is too sexy and that's bad for feminism
>actress is too entitled and whiny to cut the hair
>we are too fucking retarded to get a double with short hair
>make bigass spermhead mask to hold all the hair
What's difficult to understand here?
Can we please stop shitting on cape kino please?
Why can't Yea Forums accept that the best movies of the past 10 years have been superhero movies?
>actress is too entitled and whiny to cut the hair
Ruby Rose always has short dyke hair.
She varies it these years though. She has this gender fluid / fluid appearance retarded meme outlook.
yeah and super heroes don't exist, your point ?
>Go to sleep
>wake up
>Thread is still here
Based Yea Forums slow posters
It's so when somone tried to grab her hair it comes off, Like black women and it also helps hide her identity
based posters
So, shit only weenies care about. Gotcha.
Dude it's fucking capeshit, we all just accept that whoever wears a costume must be badass.
>Captain AMERICA
>wear helmet
>autistic kids
>wear helmet
Oh my, did Avengers just subconsciously and subtly say America is retarded?
Wasnt barbara a dyke anyway?
You mean that guy lovingly gazing at it?
Anabolic steroids, man.
>better one
All from Wayne's resources instead of from her own and from her dad. The final suit doesn't look all that much better they only got some parts of it right.
What are they chances they'll bring back Summer as female Not-Deathstroke?
(((Who indeed)))
considering she did nearly squat in her hayday (02-10) probably: limited
big if true