Is it worth watching ?

is it worth watching ?

Attached: mad men.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Fucking obviously im getting fed of this fucking website. Just watch it and find out for yourself.

>soap operas for men
Not really

For its intro yes

>im getting fed of this fucking website.
reddit m8 XP

I started watching it this week actually. I just finished season 1 and I actually really enjoyed it.

I went in expecting some incel power fantasy about bitch slapping women and racism.

Turned out life was actually pretty hard for both men and women in 1960s and it was even harder for men to get laid than now.

It's pretty good and layered. Morally gray show.

yes just so you can get pleb filtered when you complain "nothing happens"

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well the world is just getting over the korean war and people were messed up from that and the older people were messed up from world war 2

>soap operas for men
hell yeah

boring desu

boomer garbage. watch
>rick and morty
>bojack horseman
>final space

The pacing could be compared to Star Trek the next generation. But instead of being on a starship they are in 1960s america in a marketing office. It's high quality and fun but you need to be in a certain mindset.

The home scenes remind me of Breaking Bad scenes of Walt at home.

it's an excellent character drama, something zoomers cannot appreciate

Absolutely. Consistently high quality throughout all seasons, most honest and realistic look on all male/female issues you'll find when you know how to watch it.
Will teach you how to be a man/10.


Attached: ChristinaHendrickslaughing.webm (404x718, 2.85M)

>rick and morty
Oh look how subversive pointless profanity is.
Oh look how funny absurdity is (and it totally hasn't been done half a century before by Monty Python).

nice bait

if you find mad men boring you *might* be a woman or a tranny in denial. either way seek help.
>you need to be in the right mindset to enjoy a show featuring high quality writing, acting, and sets
they actually address this on the show.
have you ever even seen a soap opera? soap operas have asspulls, never ending plot lines, melodrama, nonsensical character motivations, and poor quality acting and writing

mad men has none of these. In reality GoT is more similar to a soap opera than mad men is

does anyone actually like that final space show? seems like such an obvious rick and morty knock off cash grab...

I'd say it is. The way I did it, because there's a metric fuckton of dialog and not much actual action happens, I was playing on my computer with headphones plugged into Madmen playing on my phone next to me. I could keep an eye on the show while playing.

Was top notch, went through the whole serie in like 20 days tops.

>not watching one of most beautifully shot shows of our time
really nigga

fucking zoomer attention span

This is bait. Next time try saying you were watching twitch streamers instead for more (You)s.

Its written by a jew, so of course he made all the white men misogynistic, anti-semitic, a few closeted gays here and there, excessive drinkers, smokers, philanderers, and generally hateable.

it's drama for guys. muh misogyny and cigarettes. don't forget the various relationships and how they end and develop.
extremely boring and literally nothing happens. if you disagree you're a cunt lying to yourself.

kys turbopleb

youre the one watching show built from what other shows put in for filler, mad men is purely that.
i don't think you're in no place to call anyone pleb.

you wouldnt even recognize good writing if it raped your ass, go back to walking pleb or whatever show you think is good because it has explosions

don't be so upset cause not everyone likes the things you do.

shit taste should be shamed, go back to plebbit if you want a hugbox

even more shameful is not backing up your opinions first and immediately resorting to autistic screeching and excessive use of buzzwords to fit in with the cool kids.

imagine coming to every MM thread to post this and thinking you're cool