is it worth watching ?
Is it worth watching ?
Fucking obviously im getting fed of this fucking website. Just watch it and find out for yourself.
>soap operas for men
Not really
For its intro yes
>im getting fed of this fucking website.
reddit m8 XP
I started watching it this week actually. I just finished season 1 and I actually really enjoyed it.
I went in expecting some incel power fantasy about bitch slapping women and racism.
Turned out life was actually pretty hard for both men and women in 1960s and it was even harder for men to get laid than now.
It's pretty good and layered. Morally gray show.
yes just so you can get pleb filtered when you complain "nothing happens"
Yea Forums is the most reddit board on Yea Forums
well the world is just getting over the korean war and people were messed up from that and the older people were messed up from world war 2
>soap operas for men
hell yeah