Never have a seen a more vacuous, pointless and pretentious movie in my whole life. What an absolute piece of shit.
Never have a seen a more vacuous, pointless and pretentious movie in my whole life. What an absolute piece of shit
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Try this one
the beach bum is so much worse
Sprainnng Braayyk
Sprainnng Braayyk
Sprainnng Braayyk
Fine, stay a pleb for all I care, OP
Just a hint: you're not supppsed to feel sympathy for the main characters, you're supposed to laugh at them
>vacuous, pointless and pretentious
>absolute piece of shit
Why else do you think Yea Forums was praising it incessantly at release? Just look at this retard
Oh don't worry, I didn't feel anything for any of the characters; sympathy or otherwise. Also, if someone was making a comedy then they failed horribly. It isn't funny at all. Not a single part of it is funny.
>if someone was making a comedy
I wouldn't call it pretentious but I hate how people consider it something more than it is just because it plays out like a fan music video. The style of the film is half the issue.
Southland Tales
>expected American Pie: Florida Hangover
you just got KORINE'D my pleb friend
What are you filtering, exactly? There's no trip.
>What are you filtering, exactly?
It's ok to be unintelligent OP. no worries
"Art is meant to be felt, not understood."
- Stanley Kubrick
It's a vibe OP. Your loss.
But you just replied to me...
Pleb or otherwise, you didn't filter shit lol
Harmonyfags are sad. Yes, we all get it is an anti-movie with representations of futility, you pseudo-artistic retards.
The problem is that it never delivers at that. If you want shit human material go watch Filth.
How are films from Harmony Korine ntw
>I wouldn't call it pretentious
Really? Because I would call it exactly that:
>Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed
Yeah, Guwop was pretty based though.
they're a complete cinematic experience, you have to go in full knowing you're not gonna watch a cookie cutter movie, just let yourself go
except it doesn't and its just ur retardation making u believe that
try to watch other non mainstream shit possibly not recommended on dis shithole and u might gain some perspective or not and remain an autist
Oh it shows Stanley, it shows.
I'm not buying your shitty text speak bait.
Here is your one and only (You) from me. Have a nice day :)
I've never once gotten the idea that harmony korine thinks he's making anything important
Jesus fucking Christ, I am 100% sure you're under 20.
Very interesting. There's one film I heard he did that was composed by the Sun City Girls, so it's on my list.
>Never have a seen a more vacuous, pointless and pretentious movie in my whole life. What an absolute piece of shit.
Game, set, match.
lmao OP missed the point
This movie was fucking terrible. People forget how awful Stiller was
Seems like any movie about self-absorbed people in their early 20's is utter shit.
Well it FEELS pretentious
Pretentious is most used yet least understood description on this board.
It was already explained in this thread:
And rebuttaled
The movie pleb filtered you, you fucking newfag
this movie is perfect pleb filter
How exactly does making a movie feel like a loud and dumb mtv music video affect greater importance or merit? If anything it does the opposite of that retard
Go watch Trash Humpers you turbopeasant
>posts on Yea Forums
>hasn't seen 2001 space oddesy
you're a dumbass if you couldn't realize that just by the title and pic
this is why molemankino > barneytrash
Sprang braaaaaaaaaaaaak
Sprang braaaaaaaaaaaaak
Sprang braaaaaaaaaaaaak
Sprang braaaaaaaaaaaaak
i am 100 ua're mum big gey xDDDD
>Not jerking off to this scene
Are you jealous that you don't have Scarface on repeat?
>he never watched Boyhood
>Using the soundtrack album image to talk about a movie
Fuck off, that took 12 years to make and is a masterpiece
It’s genuinely sad how this sub-90 IQ tastelet - Harmony Korine’s target audience - earnestly thought this was a meaningful insight...
Literally nobody missed “the point”, it’s a vapid, dishonest flick totally devoid of substance made by a methed out hillbilly who regularly assaults bouncers and gets his ass kicked and his bones broken by people less willing to eagerly gulp down some retard’s shit and thank him for it, my good pleb
it's a movie about our shitty culture, retard. you're not supposed to take it seriously
Never have a seen a more vacuous, pointless and pretentious thread in my whole life. What an absolute piece of shit
How many people went to the kinoplex expecting some American-pie wannabe with girls?
> G-Guys, j-j-just turn your brain off
It’s a shitty, worthless movie whether you “take it seriously” or not, capeshitter
>missed the point of the movie and now i'm mad: the post
imagine watching movies for fun and not even being able to analyze them, whats the fucking point?
0/10 attempt. Enjoy your Friday, tastelet
>not realizing that its a brilliant satire of hedonistic millennial culture
go back to watching nolan kiddo
Go watch Reservoir Dogs for the hundredth time you fucking peasant.
the actual 0/10 is your analytical thinking skills, actually. ironic how you mentioned capeshit as some kind of negative thing when it would obviously suit you better than watching random movies.
Harmony Korine tried to reinvent the cinematic experience with movies like Gummo, Trash Humpers and Julien
Donkey Boy. Then he masterfully combined his lowbudget/highbrow methods with the tropes of contemporary trashpop culture in Spring Breakers. Plebs, predictably, mistake his effort for something it was never meant to be.
>heh heh tried to fool us, huh artfag?
It’s not about the plot or how good it is
Someone thought this was an intelligent response...
dont forget, capeshitter, you'll be able to follow the plot of capeshit very easily!
66 replies and not a single image of Selena's bum. I'm dissapointed in you Yea Forums.
I don't get it, why not just watch porn?
That's all this movie is trying to be
what a shit ass
she's probably a tranny
how much better would it have been if they actually got riff raff?
Not a fan of the bit where the dude sucked her gun dick?