I have a feeling MCU phase 4 movies are gonna be the biggest flops in cinema history

I have a feeling MCU phase 4 movies are gonna be the biggest flops in cinema history.

Disney is way too confident and is going to put a lot of money on those movies.

I think most people won't watch capeshit after Endgame.

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I have a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

have sex

>it's the 5 billionth Yea Forums is always wrong about capeshit crashing thread

>15 movies in phase 4

Very much doubt it

I would love seeing all these movies harder one after the other. Capeshit is cancer and Disney and even bigger one.

You don't think that's a real list right? I mean obviously a few of those franchises are getting movies but don't be an idiot

that tonight's gonna be a good night

>"Secret Invasion Saga"
That implies more than one phase

it won't fail, but expect a bit of a drop for newer characters. Many are jumping off and the higher expectations from the previous films will undercut whatever is made.

They won't be flops, Marvel has enough good will and name recognition to withstand 5-6 bad movies before their box office numbers start dropping. They would need multiple Thor 2's before anything has the remote chance of being a 'flop'

>doing secret invasion without x-men


You idiots have been saying the next movie is going to flop for a long time. Marvel is Coca Cola now. None of it is going to flop, none of it is going anywhere.

How do you do secret invasion if skrulls are misunderstood dindus

if they released a 2 hour long video of Brie Larson taking a fat shit,they would make profit and make a sequel

Tonights gonna be a good-good night, I gotta feeling


Also they're introducing multiverses in Far From Home, the series is going to get too convoluted and metaphysical for most norms. Guardians 3 will be a massive success but I don't see any other surefire hits on their horizon.

From what I recall, Namor has a situation similiar to the hulk where he can be in other movies but he can't have his own solo movie due to rights.

Don't quote me on this but I believe that there was an interview where someone said that some skrulls are still evil (but they didn't have the rights to super skrull or any named skrulls before the deal).

I'd watch that

>20 Skrull refugees represent the entire race.

Has any Disney-Pixar movie ever been a flop? Sure, there are some movies who didn't perform as great as someone would imagine, but they've never been a flop. The same thing will apply to Disney Marvel from now on, unless Disney let go the brand, which I highly doubt.

I hate the MCU, they´re unfunny pieces of shit with no rewatchability but, like Pixar, they have perfected a formula that is proven to work for most people: action+comedy+the sense of not being a waste of time because it is part of a bigger story.

is pic confirmed...or fanboy wishing?

How do you faggots fall for this every time?

>only four fucking movies look remotely interesting
I might watch camrips of Strange 2, Guardians 3, Namor, and Fantastic 4, but I'm not even gonna give the rest of that awful shit a second glance.

The good dinosaur

because sometimes an insider does leak things on here, and sometimes it turns out to be true.

fuckin' moron.

I would only watch Doctor Strange and Thor in the cinemas, and would pirate or ignore the rest. I very much doubt Avengers V happening any time soon in fact I don't think it should happen.

Not nearly as often as you faggots fall for this. Not even as much in a year as you fall for it in a week.

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I'm only watching Ant-Man and maybe Wasp movie. Too bad that this list is fake.

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that tonights gonna be a good night

This recurring fake troll list used to say "The Wasp: Escape from the Microverse" instead of "The Unstoppable Wasp" and had the Deadpool logo combined with the Thunderbolts logo.

Was it truly a flop? Or did it destroy Pixar? The answer is "no" to both questions. Yeah, it did underperform compared to all the other Pixar movies, but it didn't affect the studio and public's perception. Pixar is as strong as ever.

It's not Pixar. We all know pure Disney movies flop.

Are you ready to be wrong for the nth time? We already went through with this multiple times since the MCU started.

They've definitely peaked. It's downhill from here, but it's gonna be a good while before they actually start struggling.