Batwoman CW

She doesnt give me a boner. Why would I watch this?

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Protip: women don't care about your boners, incel.

Is that ruby rose? Or whatever her name is. She’s cute

uh i thought rose said shes nonbinary
how can she be batWOMAN

>steal his shit
>demand crefit for his work

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So which Batwoman is she supposed to be? I don't remember any of them looking like straight dykes.

it's on CW, it's getting 10 seasons anyway thanks to teen drama

they should if they want to make that money.

Lesbians dont exist

This is something I'd do as a parody, what the fuck is this garbage

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Kate Kane. She's been around in the comics for about 13 years, had her own series for a while. The show look is different (in the comics she still had red hair, but it was more like a bob cut; wore a long wig as part of her costume), but both are straight dykes. Seems like they largely got the characterization right, aside from the blatant man-hating going on in the show.

a modern one

That catwoman looks like a dude & not in a sexy androgynes way like Anne Carlisle.

She can be cute, but tends to try and lean more on the masculine side.
I thought she was really hot in John Wick 2

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>let's just steal Batman's gimmick and put it on a woman
And that's why capeshit sucks.

Shame, I didn't even bother watching that crossover they did with her either. Is she from a different earth in the series?

Batwoman has been a thing since forever.

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Not this version of the character.

Batgirl/Batwoman has been around for decades. I'm surprised they didn't go with the Barbara Gordon version though, it's the most obvious choice and the easiest way to connect the story in a way that casual audiences can understand (remember Gordon from the Nolan movies? She's his daughter, which is why she's so interested in crime and Batman)

I was specifically talking about Kate Kane which wasn't even Wayne's cousin until Morrison made it so.

that sonic movie is looking pretty good now



Batgirl and Batwoman are two seperate people