Why did he do it, bros?

Why did he do it, bros?

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He knew what would happen if someone from here got their hands on him

If Mini-Me is a clone and he kills Dr Evil is it suicide?

Reddit bullied him

Bullied by 4channel

He was a little sad

I guess it was something small

The midget eating badger targeted him as his next meal
he took the easy way out

>No Austin Powers 4 ever

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I wanna find his body and stuff him in a sack.

Wasn't he married to like a 6 foot tall porn star looking blonde?

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He loved the hooch more than the cooch.

Gee who knows

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Fuck, sudoko by booze would be a fucking messy way to go.

He was under 6'. He did the right thing.

It's a cover up. I'm a high ranking Jew and I killed the midge by kicking him square in his little peanut head.

its actually one of the most painful and slow deaths imaginable

Would you be able to see his belly bulge if you fucked him?

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Despite being reddit as fuck, he was based.

He took two shots.

why did she?

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She was tired of being stalked by fa/tv/irgins.

He could've lived out all of my "getting eaten by a snake" fantasies.



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who could resist

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aw :(
>scoops up all the short people and gives them a hug

Absolute unit.

Life is short.

>be millionaire
>kill yourself instead of living a kino life

What a fucking retard

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>suicide by alcohol overdose
is this a thing? Aren't they sure his wife didn't kill him?

was gonna say the people who attempt suicide with acetaminophen get the worst of it but it's also liver failure, so yeah.

I fucking love that badger so much I’d follow him into battle

I get why he was depressed. His instagram is mostly him advertising junk food

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Before she transitioned into a human refrigerator a lot of pedophiles wanted her.

his kind of dwarfism gave him cronic agony.

Whoa. Is this true? It seems like it would make sense.

He's a fucking midget, it's going to affect him more because of his small body.

Maybe because he was a disgusting literal midget and realized he would never be happy.
>nobody posted the copypasta

Now I want some shells and cheese...

He learned.


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Sorta like you then

The only thing worse than a midge is a queer. Neck yourself.

All your base are belong to us

dont you dare to post felix in vain again, you fucking phoneposter

Haha BASED, bro! What's your reddit handle?

I heard that he paid from an agency who would post as him. He wanted attention, since he was a nobody after Austin Powers

Now I'll never get the chance to pick him up and smash his skull on a freshly paved road...


>not smashing him on a road in a state of disrepair
>not throwing his lifeless rag doll of a body in a pothole and paving it over


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i like le pénis haha

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Really? I thought myers was planning on doing another.

It must have been so depressing being his parents and having to clean out the waste paper bin he lived and died in.
Rest in Piss, Verne

>millionaire dwarf
>commits suicide
Just buy a pair of stilts lmao