Stranded on a deserted island

>stranded on a deserted island
What movie comes to mind?

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PotC "rum is gone" scene

lost is true island kino

The Island

first for cast away

For real, just google "cast away similar movies"

I recommend Robinson Crusoe

If it had been 3 women stranded instead of 3 dudes, how differently would this incident have gone?

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You imply there occurred something wrong in the process of their rescue.

Sneed's Feed and Seed the Prequel: Chuck's Exile.

>after prom
>go with a few other couples to one of their houses
>someone puts on Castaway
>whenever I hear “Wilson” I think of making out on that couch
Most of the movie was silent though so it was easy to ignore

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Would they have started the fire that drove the plane to the island in the first place?
Would they have kept swimming even in darkness?

nice Hell in the Pacific trips

which ending is better?

Whatever happened to the all-girl version they were going to make? I think it could be interesting, if it was actually trying to make a point about how women think and operate without structure and what failings they should be aware of.

that one where Kelly Brook shows her titties and gets shagged on the beach

That one with ross and indiana jones

The one where each character goes their own way

the 1954 version im assuming

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