Gondor calls for financial aid

>Gondor calls for financial aid

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If you can't think of a thread to post, just go for a walk or something instead of posting this bullshit

>and Rohan are willing to negotiate

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fall in orc's meat internal consumption expected to impact Gondor's economy in 3Q

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>and The Titanic shall answer

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what were Gondor's main trade partners?
were all Harad ports closed to civilian Gondorian traffic?

This is basically what I think most of the time while browsing this godforsaken website


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TATW >>> original M2TW

>Muster the Actuaries!


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It's insane what modders have done to that game, I wish CA still made highyl moddable games

Taking the ring to mordor was a bitch


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The orcs are flooding the market with lower quality elvish rope

Wait til an invasion gets called on Minis Tirith and every fucker from Harad to Gundabad is sending a full stack your way

I mostly played as the evil men or the dwarves

That game was dope but the AI was brutal. If I played as any good faction besides Gondor, then Gondor would get stomped by Morder and I'd be doomed.

easterlings are very fun, fucking up dale and erebor is great

We've had no return on investment for three stinking quarters!

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Yeah! Why can't we get some dividends?

I told you! Just hold out for the IPO with Easterlings, Inc. and our shares will quadruple!

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Mordor's crash sending shockwaves to all main stock exchanges, Rhun falls bellow 400

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