How do Americans still watch this crap?

How do Americans still watch this crap?

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Unironically boomers. God I can't wait until 2025-2030 when they'll die off.

Wear a nice suit, and have the right opinions. Anyone can have a show.

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>getting triggered so much by a late night host you mock his ill child
mid west boomers are pathetic

boomers are the only reason we arent completely ruled by blacks and mexicans though

I don't. I watch James Corden instead.

Attached: James with NCT 127.jpg (961x705, 166K)

Maher's views are a little different, because he hates Muslims.

Okay how about
>Obama's dead mother has a message for him

And it's a woman with a bone through her nose

It's just a shitty bunch of cells dude!


Incidentally they're also the reason you're going to be ruled by Mexicans

Obama’s mother was a coal burner though


Attached: walkthedinosaur.webm (320x180, 2.22M)


ironic, isnt it. damn us while they're here, damn us when they leave, the last boomer paradox

Notice Jimmy Fallon is the only one without a drink since he’s the only person there who isn’t insufferably smug

you now realise anti-abortion is backed by the jews because they want that precious foreskin

damn, did they grind that lil nigga up?

I can't wait. mexicans at least care about their families

that just makes it funnier

>The fat guy drinking apple juice
Haha, get it? It's funny to act like a baby as a full grown man.

they all look like super passing traps

>Not clever
>Thinks he belongs on TV

Christ I hate that man.

you only think they're smug because you're the butt of all the jokes

>Fallon has no drink because faggot "I don't drink."
>Corden has apple juice because he's a massive faggot
>Colbert is holding the bottle because Trump has drove him to drink heavy liquor


Attached: walkthedinosaur.webm (320x180, 231K)

Colberts one redeeming quality

Lmao the not Trevor Noah black guy already got cancelled


yet he was mad at trump for the Muslim ban

i used to love conan :(

sad af

>Jimmy Fallon is the only one without a drink
that’s ironic

Conan has other non-political comedy material, you know.

He hates religious people in general.


His show got cancelled awhile ago


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Half of these guys are just riding off of Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz's success

And what about it?


Kimmel used to be a cool guy what happened

Not really. James just chose him as his favourite member compared to the others.

Based kpop poster

the absolute state of korean """"""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""


Tell the name of the one who gets scared and falls down at the flinch game. I mean the one that James has his hand on in the picture too. My sister is asking btw, she's beside me and wants to know his name.

Corden literally says his name in the video. Are you deaf?

Why are they all white?

yes everyone knows (((meyers))) is a generic white name


Attached: wh*toid face.png (645x773, 11K)

source me

he only hates them because he's a jew and they threaten pisssrael. He doesn't give a fuck about the Christians dying in the Middle East.

That's my friend, Taeyong. I post about him here sometimes.

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He's still white idiot and that's what matters. His skin is white. He's Caucasian.

You know exactly why my n****r

Wait, I just realized there's also a poc in the pic.


He must feel lonely.

Are you gay or a girl?

Shame on you for either

More like they didn't allow him anywhere near the bottle so he would sit up straight.
Fallon hasn't been a day sober since the 90's.

>Jimmy has a famous actor play Trump's literally who dad
>alt-righters Photoshop his dying son
Gee, why is Hollywood so mean to us wypepo?

I post about him because he's unironically my friend, believe it or not. My gender or sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.

Do you even watch maher? he isn't a jew, he fucking despises all religion and grew up catholic you idiot.

Besides your comment doesn't make sense in the context of being a shill for israel either, he has recently been talking about how it should be allowed to criticize jews without being called anti-semitic which is exactly what those kikes yell any time someone does anything but praise them. All things considered maher is pretty based as far as liberals go.

>my friend
sure, Jan

The guy who fell could have a heart attack or sth. Why do Americans think this game is funny?


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He is, but I have nothing to prove to you cuz it's pointless, you don't even know who he is anyway.

The majority of them are white.

It used to be that comedy was controversial, provocative, constantly rattling the cage of the establishment. Those guys on the other hand could all be running for senate. Comedy is dead.

>the chad conan towering above the manlets

Yeah but make no mistake that /pol/tards constantly trying to proselytize on this board with their offtopic political bait in order to try and recruit and radicalize individuals idea of "Good comedy" is saying the word nigger. This is their idea of being subversive and against the establishment even if there is no wit or hilarity attached to it.


But that's exactly what comedy should do. The whole "n word" embargo in the States is fucking ridiculous. It makes zero sense and the whole world laughs about it, but you sorry fucks. This is exactly the kind of taboo comedy should break. But they don't, because they are all scared to death.

>he isn't a jew
He is literally a Jew. It's a race, not just a religion. And he is absolutely a shill for Israel

No, they were selling it as diversity.

He's only there because he's sucked Loren Michaels dick.

Yeah, but niggers.

Why did they cancel /ourguy/ Larry Wilmore? Weak tea, Comedy Central

Saying nigger is not witty or revolutionary. Its 12 year old level humor of basically giggling at saying a naughty word. This is why the right can't into comedy. Not even talking about just the word nigger, that is just an extreme example. Right leaning "comedians" imagine themselves fighting against the "left wing establishment comedians" which is all fine and dandy but the problem with that is that as a result, their goal is to be "anti-left" more than it is to be funny and this makes their humor cringeworthy because it doesn't seem natural because they are always fishing for a way to be "anti-left" instead of just being naturally funny. Politics is explicitly their goal more than comedy.

Greg Gutfield is noticeably more unfunny more than even the worse "leftist comedian"

Saying DRUMPPPFF is not witty or revolutionary. Its Reddit level humor of basically giggling at dissing the president. This is why the left can't into comedy. Not even talking about just Plumpf, that is just one example. Left leaning "comedians" imagine themselves fighting against the White House which is all fine and dandy but the problem with that is that as a result, their goal is to be "anti-right" more than it is to be funny and this makes their humor cringeworthy because it doesn't seem natural because they are always fishing for a way to be "anti-right" instead of just being naturally funny. Politics is explicitly their goal more than comedy.

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Therefore, comedy is dead.

comedy is only dead if you invest in politics. Because fanatics never have a sense of humor.

Fuck off back to Pleddit you kike horse shoe discord tranny

was it kino?

whites are cringy

Fuck off niggerkike