Weebs consider this the most profound and well-written show ever made

>weebs consider this the most profound and well-written show ever made

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have sex

Not only weebs bit also Yea Forums praises evangelion alot

literally me

>sneeds consider this the most profound and well-written show ever made

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These sneeds seem to be very knowledgeable

clownshoop is better

Which one is Sneed, the fat one?

Weebs have an average IQ in the low 90s.

IT IS user, is Existentialism crammed in a Mecha anime so good it basically ruined anime because everyone nows wants to imitate it but don't know how so the focus on waifus

Evangelion is the Watchmen of Animes, the meta of the media telling their readers or watchers they are losers and they can't do anything to change it... your typical lefty mindset.

What's it like to be desired?



Which ending did you prefer the original or EOE?

That's not Violet Evergarden.

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>not good

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Or that user but I prefer the tv ending. Idk it’s like he congratulations at the end was somehow saying “fuck you the show isn’t deep at all” because it really isnt

i'm pretty confident EOE was the original vision from Anno but since he run out of time and money he implement the TV ending.

Anno is a great director, he didn't wanted to change the world with his work, all he wanted to do was to express himself and move your brain with nonsense, with cinematic drawings that didn't mean THAT much but your fuckery mind search for a meaning with desperation.

His work is great because he didn't have so much time to produce and wirte and basically create Evangelion ON THE FLY with that gorgeous animation.

Yeah the creator said he sort of made it up as he went along, but I do prefer end of evangelion although I was high as fuck when I watched it. Didn't they have to write the finale as it is cause of time constraints or they ran out of money or something?

Yeah, exactly and shin godzilla was fantastic.

that scene where he works the bolt on the positron rifle always makes me hard

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Money issues. It worked out sort of though considering the show was about the hedgehogs dilemma thing and Shinji more so giant robots.

>Not Serial Experiments Lain
>Not Revolutionary Girl Utena