Is the time right for an Idiocracy sequel?

Is the time right for an Idiocracy sequel?

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fuck drumpf and fuck wh*te """"people"""""

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why do people pick on the russian thing with trump when he has actual tangible signs of corruption? Like why do people pick on the one that is not true? False flag?

>her own body
Takes 2 to get pregnant. Should take 2 to decide to kill it.

Fuck off crybaby.

killing unborn children is wrong


It's not your body, retard, you're just a host.

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>relations with Russia down at Cold War levels
>solely because of Trump
>"he's a Russian plant!"
I wish he was. The US and Russia getting along would be such a fucking boon.

why are they still going at it with the whole russian collusion thing even after a leftist hero proved there was no collusion?

wow deep...

>omg a trans woman is a woman!
>i don't care, gender is a spectrum!

women when shit affects them:
>no womb no say!

uhhh wow bigot

god i wish that were me
imagine her shitting in your mouth afterwards

Facts are racist.

Let me get this straight: murdering a man's child is only a crime after it has been born? Got it.

>EVER caring about facts

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it's becoming increasingly obvious that the plan all along was restarting the cold war. hillary was going to do it with no-fly zones over syria, but since trump got elected and declined to treat russia like an adversary they're pushing the "hacked election" angle instead to build public support. military contractors need to get paid in endless proxy wars, user.

it also takes a doctor to abort the baby. unless a woman is killing her baby with her own hands, she's forcing a 3rd party to kill her baby for her

Trump didn't collude, he just made a decision about his own body.

impeachment any day now...

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>no womb = no opinion
>but trans women are women too

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If a woman wants to kill herself should she be encouraged to do so? it is her body and her choice

>vandalize star of Trump
>vandalize star of David
>hate crime
Why the double standards, leftists?

>why is thing ok but completely unrelated thing not ok?

trump is a joke but christ the people that make these things are retarded.

>Like why do people pick on the one that is not true?
For the media and far left in general truth is a minor subjective detail that doesn't really matter.
>inb4 b-but trump lies
yeah whatever of course politicians lie. Media isn't supposed to and the left literally don't believe in truth as a foundation principle. Truth is something you require your adversary to adhere to while you lie as much as possible.

she's not getting away with this

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Why did you get knocked up if you didn't want to get knocked up?


>a woman wants to make decisions about her own body
>decides to destroy someone else's body growing inside her

If you want to get a breast implant, that is one thing. You do not have a right to consider the life growing inside of you "your body". It is not your body. It is another person. It is their body. You can decide what happens with that life up to a certain point because you were only half of what it took to make that third body. The other person involved in the trio is your baby's father. He also gets to decide what happens to the body growing inside of you.

Here's an idea. Don't fuck if you aren't prepared to deal with the consequences.

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How exactly did Russia interfere again? Are they saying they changed actual votes or just that Russian data miners used Facebook to influence your uncle to vote for Trump? Is this even illegal?

This meme would be somewhat clever if it was Netanyahu instead of Putin

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They're kind of right. Getting pregnant, giving birth, contraception, even having sex is 100% a chicks choice. You have no god damn say in it, all you can do is ask "can we have sex? can I cum inside you?" and you'll get told "no" and then she isn't pregnant.

God I want to be her slave so much.

>You incels don't want us to abort our children huh?
>You want us to stop having reckless sex huh?
>You think feminists are dumb huh?
>Well how about we just stop having sex then?
>Your move incels!

There's a terrifying point in life when you genuinely realise that a lot of people are literally too stupid to see where they are going wrong, even if you explain it to them, because they can't hold enough information simultaneously to identify contradictions in their positions.
You are dealing with people who cannot have world views, yet will try to debate world views with you.

can't wait for artificial wombs

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>To undermine our democracy

When will amerimutts learn that both the "leftist subversion" and "Democracy undermining" is a result of americans themselves going full retard on one side of the mutt's limited political spectre.

>pictured with putin
>not netanyahu

>look what some literal who nigger thinks

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Someone put that monkey back in the tree

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the girl who cleans the star-nice wholesome looking
other girl-looks like a fat tramp

>Women get to choose whether they get an abortion or not
>Men get to choose whether they pay for the baby or not

Would that be fair?

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as much as I dliske trump, it is indeed a crime to kill a child.

fuck those degenerates, and fuck trump if you may.

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Doctors don't have to perform miracles if they don't want to.