This was a stinky film fuck u for recommending it to me

This was a stinky film fuck u for recommending it to me

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no problem lad

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Consider the aroma...

Conceptualise the scent

God, what I'd give to titfuck that rump.

>watching G*rman cinema
Serves your right, you fucking cuck.

Envision the fragrance

God, what I'd give to assfuck those tits.

Conceive the ass casm

>titfuck that rump

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when did brap poster become so rampant. asses smell like shit its bad


it feels good to scratch the butthole

feels even better to sniff the finger that scratched the butthole

the smell is what makes it, take the brappersnifferpill today lad

feels best to sniff the butthole directly

cause the girl has hemorrhoids in the film

feels even better to lick the finger after sniffing it after scratching the butthole

Maybe you should stop sniffing the asses of obese shart in mart mutts.

Where's your morals?

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>sniffing ass is immoral
How so?

t. probably pro abortion

there is a difference between a gentile sniff and these fucking dogs

thats not her butthole. lrn2anatomy pls

Being a sexual deviant is indeed immoral, retard.

>an elitist amongst wrappers

Now that's rich, I've seen it all now

I need some pussy bros

i do wish all girls were degenerate perverts.

Abortion isn't immoral if it's done within first weeks.

Ponder the rancidity

It smells much better after you’ve given it a good tongue bath

With Chad they are.

okay user, just forego lecturing people about morals in the future since they're obviously relative to you

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i eat my gfs ass in the shower. squeaky clean lads, i recommend everyone try it before they die

>putting your dick into woman's vagina is moral
>sniffing ass is immoral
What is this retarded logic?

>pay a girl to eat her ass because apparently it's a thing
>taste like shit
>get sick during 5 days
I don't get it. What did I do wrong?

Avoid American “asses”.

Based. I would shower off with my gf and lick her armpits ahh those were the days back when I could....

Have sex

Normal sex is not immoral. There is a difference. Why do you think anal sex is seen as an evil thing.

>used to have a gf that would lick my ass and taint while I fapped
>would nut in minutes
>haven't had a gf in over 8 years
>that realization that I will likely never experience this again

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>trying out fetishes because they're popular
You inficted it upon yourself, user.

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Is that Sophia Lilis?

i am 38 years old virgin , after 38 years on this planet now i realize how much a loser i am and how much beautiful things in life i didnt and will probably never enjoy