Who of them would have voted Trump?

Who of them would have voted Trump?

Attached: why-monicas-apartment-on-friends-was-purple.jpg (968x681, 76K)

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the kikes

>Ross would vote for a libertarian candidate and make a big deal about how he’s taking a stand against partisan politics out of principle (“out of principle” and its variations would then become a recurring joke among the group)
>Phoebe has never voted, but because of all the terrible things she hears about Trump, she’d decide she has to vote against him. At the polling place, she’d either find out she isn’t registered to vote and not know what that means, then try and grab a ballot and run away with it. Or she wouldn’t know how to vote, and a nice gentlemen would help her, who the gang later discovers was actually Trump when they see Phoebe on the news flirting with him. (Phoebe doesn’t watch TV or read the news so she wouldn’t know what Trump looks like)
>Joey would forget to vote
>Rachel would vote for Hillary
>Monica would be a militant Hillary supporter
>Chandler would vote for Trump in secret because he’s afraid of Monica. Monica would find out and it would lead to a multi-episode arc about a potential divorce.

Absolute kinography


friends 2024 sounds kino

Would watch it

Joey or Rachel, Rachel even more likely so because Joey probably doesn't vote

All pretty good except Ross would be a militant Berner instead and it would cause the typical rivalry between he and Monica to flare up.

Any one of them could have. I think Chandler would be the most likely though.

Chandler. He'd divorce Monica over it

literally all of them

is it worth getting into Friends when i never have seen a single episode?

or is it too "90's"?

It's How I Met Your Mother written by women, so instead of Barney always winning and always being right it's one of the obnoxious females

God no

It's perfect background noise and if you do end up paying attention to it at all you have a great in when you talk to girls because they all love it.

how would Ross handle the Bern endorsing the Hill?

>actually making an argument where How I Met Your Mother is better

this but none of them

I'm going to say joey

Lmao too real

Monica, too, but she would lie about it.

Rage votes trump

Ross and Joey

Attached: t.jpg (588x419, 22K)

none of the Jews that's for sure


Rich NY Jews loved Trump. Monica's and Ross's rich Jewish parents from Long Island would be all for Trump, and the drama that ensues between pro-Hill Monica and them would be fodder for an episode or two. That, and when she sees Dr. Richard Burke on TV front and center at a Trump rally.

Meanwhile, Chandler's mom would be 100% for Hillary.

Also, Rachel pretends that she's voting for Hillary to not upset Monica, but secretly votes for Trump because if he wins, then Ralph Lauren is invited to the inaugural balls and promised to bring his office staff with him.

Monica and Pheobe vote Trump
Chandler doesnt vote
Joey and Rachel buy into celebrity endorsement for Hillary
Ross buys into politicized environment science rhetoric
Pheobe vocally defends Trump
Monica is secretive about it until the end when Ross is stumped by a weird ethical scenario that validates Pheobe’s philosophy

embarrassingly bad.

Early HIMYM was way better than Friends ever was and you're literally retarded if you're unable to recognize that.

>epic bro fist "challenge accepted XD" Barney
>ever being good
begone, underage faggot.

Take my upvote!

>Have you met my friend user?

Literally unable to even form own opinions.

Friends is the only modern show in which main male characters have made a high stakes bet with main female characters and won (Joey and Chandler get Rachel and Monica’s apartment)


Jews voted Hillary though.

For some reason I get this vibe from Ross that he's a major Bernie supporter.

That could be yet another Trump cameo on TV.

Attached: d2d.jpg (501x697, 104K)

It's a fun descent into madness, because after a few seasons you slowly realize that almost everyone of those "friends" is a fucking psychopath.
Maybe Joey and Chandler are genuine friends, but Chandler still fucked Joey's girlfriend.

some of it is a little problematic (lots of casual racism, internalized sexism, homophobia) but if you can look past those parts it’s still a pretty funny show