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Is this any good? I've been looking for something to fill the Mindhunter gap.

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no it's horrible

It's really bad, only worth it for murderfu

Ok, thanks

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Check out the anime Monster, it's really good and could fill the void.

watch Zodiac if you haven't
Memories of Murder (korean)
Some podcast on EAR/ONS

First season is kino but it gets a bit Shyamalan with the tweests
havent watched past that but u should def give the first episode a go at least.

The first season is like a perfectly complete miniseries. It's great and worth a go. After that it tries to redesign itself into a long running show, but considering they wrapped it up so neatly they have to do serious ass pulls to get the momentum going again. And that just killed all interest in the show and it quickly spirals into shit. It was fun to watch the characters more and the insanity that followed, but if I could go back I would have stopped after season 1.

tl;dr Season 1 is great, 100% recommend. Stop after that.

I just watched it for my murder waifu

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My nigga

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Don't know about you, but I just can't see Kevin Bacon as the good guy. They really should've swapped Purefoy and Bacon around.

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kevin was a very good PUNISHED hero though

That was kind of the point though. They "bad guy" is charismatic and makes you think they're better, and the "good guy" is almost a mirror of that. The only designation of morality was what the law dictated.

I guess it's just me, I'm terrified of the man. Ever since the Hollow Man and, surprisingly, Footloose, he just puts my teeth on the edge. If I ever saw him on the street, I'd run the fuck away screaming like a little girl.

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it's alright, gets samey in places but i like it. as fucked up as it is there was emotional transference between the MC and the killer

I guess Purefoy was cast really well for his part, he can do a very good 'charismatic but psychotic'. Anyway, what was Iceman's point in this? He always felt like an unnecessary character.

>The only designation of morality was what the law dictated.
imagine typing this out and not thinking twice lmao

Here's a little more Valorie Currie kino. She plays a psycho really damn well.

More neutral rookie to act as a second foil to Bacon's character. I really don't think much about the later seasons where he was basically corrupted to carry on the cycle of obsession so they had something they could write about.

Ok, you people got me downloading season 1. I want to rewatch murdefu's arc. How did Purefoy's character recruit her in the first place? There was something about complimenting her face or something.

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Wasn't that the chick that gets killed? Fuck, I don't remember, I'll rewatch the thing.

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she was a woman

Well, yeah. I just want to copy the man's game, line by line. Want me a murderfu.

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Are you at least a charismatic English professor? Because if not his moves aren't going to work too well for you.

Fuck. I barely even speak the language.

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it's one of the worst shows ever.

watch hannibal if you haven't already. sort of hits some of the same notes as mindhunter although they're very different shows.

Potentially able to translate into your native language if it has a good literary history, such as French or Russian.

New plan, I'll learn the moves of that gay guy that got with her.
Although I did read Tolstoy in the original...

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I...I don't understand what's happening here.

most haunting leak. i wonder what james thought when he masturbated to it

Very based
>Memories of Murder
Also these.