I serve the realm...

>I serve the realm. That's why I brutally murdered the de facto rulers of a peaceful and stable regime in order to support and pave the way for a ruthless dictator with nukes, barbarians and crazy targ genes, she'll be much better.

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He didn't know she was crazy until he got a closer look at her.

Young Griff is based and will be a good king though.

I didn't know he worked for the CIA

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Who could've guessed she'd turn out to be dangerous? She was just a traumatised teenager with delusions of grandeur, an army of savages and three fucking dragons she kept using to burn people alive.
The only good thing to say about her was she freed some slaves, and slavery is already outlawed in Westeros. What did he think she'd accomplish on the Iron Throne?

Everyone is wrong about someone at some point. Especially when it comes to the fleeting emotions of women.

Give poor Varys a break.

It makes more sense in the books, at least.

what kind of name is Varys? What kind of degenerate is GRRM to come up with some of the shit he does

I would but Varys doesn't even have the excuse of thinking with his dick

None of Cersei's children had a claim to the throne. Varys knew this and he knew that as soon as it would be found out, which of course it eventually did, the realm would rebel and ask for a rightful ruler, which it did.
Varys wanted to get a Targaryen back in the Iron Throne, which had the best claim by blood out of all choices, together with her actions across Slaver's Bay probably made her a great candidate.

yea it's not like the head of the most powerful intelligence agency in their world would collect information on someone before deciding to support them

>not supporting the one true king who would deliver justice to everyone

>when you try to write a smart character but you're dumb as a brick

I really hope dany gets to Westeros after griff has taken the throne and is loved by the people and her dreams of being the beloved silver hair on the throne is what turns her mad

It better because it makes no fucking sense in the show.
>I'll import an army of raping savages and put a potentially crazy bitch with a chip on her shoulder on the throne because...?

Who did Varys murder?


>be super A level schemer and puppet master.
>plan a rebellion that is very, very likely going to get you found out and killed
>instead of running away and doing it from somewhere secret you do it in the most dangerous place possible and then die like a bitch because you're an idiot.

He did it for the realm. What is one baldyboi compared to the safety of the realm?

>stable regime
The one that was ruled by a cool wine aunt that blew up the largest historically relevant building in the city filled with people? Hooray for peace!

I think names are one of the few things Gurm does really well. Names like Theon Greyjoy, Lyonel the Laughing Storm or Beric Dondarrion, Brandon Stark, Stannis Baratheon etc are pretty cool

Young Griff will get toast by Dany and her dragons. Everyone in Westros will hate her and then Jon will come and kill her.

Who hooked danny up with the dragon eggs anyway?
I thought he was implying that varys contributed to bobbys death somehow
Assuming whatever he did bears fruit in the finale

I thought all those cities fell apart after Dany had conquered them?

Yeah but Stannis is too autistic to accept Varys' support anyway

A far easier way of making sure the succession was sorted out would have been to kill Viserys and Daenerys as soon as possible and have Cersei shit out as many of Bobby's biological children as physically possible

They fell apart because she left, which is why she's so attached to making her Meereen social experiment work in the books

Doesn't he support some other Targ fucking shit in the books?

Yes, but his Targ shitness is debatable

Imagine if right before the end of the finale Karl Tanner finally makes it back to King's Landing after being thought dead all this time and kills Jon Snow the bastard in vengeance, taking his rightful place as King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, and Legend of Gin Alley

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Where is that stupid boy?

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>breaker of chains
>chains up her 'children' in the basement

>the de facto rulers of a peaceful and stable regime
Wait, who're we talking about here?

Robert I guess, for all his alcoholic whoring at least there weren't any wars, except the time there was one; shit

>Who could've guessed she'd turn out to be dangerous?
Robert Baratheon

Robert "Making the Eight" Baratheon, the noblest god-given monarch these seven kingdoms have rightly seen

I get that part, but I guess it's been so long that I don't remember Varys having anything to do with his death.

>Turns out to be an agent of CHAOSH

Absholutely LADDAH ay shappose

based bobby posters

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And Harrenhall?

I shaapose the laddah is off da table as well

>bran reveals that the knight king is after him
>also has spooky omniscience powers
>is never mentioned by another character

Kevan Lannister

Poor forgotten Kevan Lannister

This would be hilarious

He didn't. Varys murdered Pycelle and Kevan Lannister

Illyrio, the fat aristocrat, gave Dany the dragon eggs way back in season one

>best ruler is the one who doesn't want the throne
>Robert hates ruling

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Really makes you think

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Joffrey too, people told him that cat sized dragons on the other side of the world were of no concern, then a few years later they're burning westeros to ash

Joffrey was retarded though, he thought Robb turned into a wolf

Varys only kills Kevan in the books though, right? At least he makes the point of saying Kevan was actually too competent to keep around. In the show, he's unceremoniously swept away with all the other loose ends in the Sept of Baelor.

Prove that he didn't


he died

He didn't warg so good

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Yes he may be a blackfyre shit instead