
Give recs and rate

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Too much effort

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Nu/tv/ summed up.

Rest is kino

>Pulp Fiction is on the list but
Fight Club
The Truman Show
The Big Lebowski
Being John Malkovich
and Rushmore aren't

Attached: Are you fucking kidding me?.jpg (639x502, 59K)

why do these threads get a ton of replies on Yea Forums, but then almost nothing on here?

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because Yea Forumsfags can't take the time to make a thread.
They have to spend their time on GoT and Capeshit

fuck off capeshitter
I meant chart not thread

fuck it

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Take your cringe-list back to the trash can you came from

+++ freddy got fingered
would rec funny games (2007)

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The type of people that would post in these threads were forcefully replaced with shitskin meme hustlers by the mods since "Yea Forums is supposed to be faster than Yea Forums but it's slower than /g/"

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heres mine

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Need some more recs. Sorcerer was great.

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you're either under 20 or this is embarrassing
cool dude, very personal

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Fucking cringe af. Watch more movies.
Best movies are...
>Pulp Fiction
>Forrest Gump
>Empire Strikes Back
>The Departed
>Boogie Nights
>Atlas Cloud

*Cloud Atlas

>calls someone's chart "cringe af"
>Drive is his number 1 movie

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Much more of a TV series guy over movies tbqh

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I didn't respond because it's clearly a joke you idiot.

>Dunston Checks In
holy based

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watch Wake in Fright
watch Les Diaboliques
watch Under the Skin
watch Run Lola Run
watch The Conversation
watch The Wages of Fear
watch Das Boot

I never said it was number 1, retard boi. It's just in the top 10.

Watch more movies, user.

Das Boot has honestly been in my queue, I'll probably watch it this weekend

based user, thanks

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Already seen The Conversation. I liked The Lives of Others better for that style of film.

Recommend another.

try The Vanishing (Spoorloos)

meant for but you can watch it too