Oh god, why everyone praise this shit so much? Rape scene is the only good thing about this trash

Oh god, why everyone praise this shit so much? Rape scene is the only good thing about this trash

Attached: muh satan.jpg (1866x2808, 1.6M)

Looks like school's out.

Care to explain what's so good about this shit? Is it the pointless everyday life scenes? Is it the lack of mystic elemets outside of few scenes? Or is it the main heroine who's biggest accomplishment to defend the baby was appointment with another doctor?

It's 100% true.

fun fact: anton lavey played satan in the rape scene

Mia Farrow has one expression throughout the film. And movie has no unpredictable moment. But funny moments, yes.

Actually two. Her shocked face was so memorable because it was the only time she displayed some sort of emotion

fun fact, that's a myth spread by anton lavey

Because it's a well written and well acted movie?

It's one of the greatest thriller/horror movies ever and thats why it's praised so highly. Take your hipster shit back to reddddit u queer

It's psychological horror, were you expecting something like Insidious? Fucking zoomers