Insider here. For what it's worth, I got my hands on a sort of master list of POTENTIAL shows HBO has put thought into adapting. None of these shows are confirmed, but at least discussed to some degree within the studio. Just because a property is on this list doesn't mean that HBO will be created or even mean that they have the rights to the property. This list is likely from about a year or even two years ago, and is definitely incomplete regarding ideas that are potentially brewing.
Neuromancer Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Watchmen The Legend of Zelda Dune I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream The Wizard of Oz Dredd Logan's Run Neon Genesis Evangelion The History of Trunks Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century Are you Afraid of the Dark? The Dark Tower The Giver Hatchet The Great Gatsby Land of the Lost Doom Mortal Kombat Harry Potter Adventure Time The Diary of Anne Frank Friday the 13th Maus Akira Bioshock
Insider here OP loves sucking penises while filming They think about making a mini series about how much he loves cock
Blake Murphy
>The Legend of Zelda Depending on how they did it, I'd much rather a tv show of Zelda than a film. It should be a family-friendly Game of Thrones. But I don't know how they should portray Link. I guess he'd have to talk. But give him a deep voice and it betrays the character. Give him a soft voice and he isn't manly enough. I suppose something like Orlando Bloom from lotr is preferable but it will still be divisive.
Jordan Flores
>Neon Genesis Evangelion Which black actress will play Asuka? We all know Hollywood hates gingers.
Lincoln Foster
>Harry Potter PLEASE I've been waiting for a tv show of this since like the 6th film. Do it as a tv show and do it properly. Only problem is that, between Cursed Child and Crimes of Grindelwald, I feel like the franchise needs less exposure not more...
Kayden Brown
Bioshock would be kino if they focused on the rise and fall of Rapture instead of just doing the game's plot. No I will not have sex.
Carson Martin
Would portreying him as a mute work?
Like, in-universe make him an actual mute. And it's addressed by the characters
Isaiah Flores
Bloom is far too old now. I could see Sangster doing it
Damn all those shows are reddit and for gamerz too bunch of fags I hope ballers gets 20 more seasons
Jose Davis
>Scott Pilgrim Vs the World How much more can you flesh this out >Watchmen Already happening >The Legend of Zelda How do you pull this off? >The Wizard of Oz I'm sure this would be given the dark and gritty treatment >The History of Trunks Seems totally random >The Dark Tower This could happen in a few years, give it enough time to distance itself from the film >Harry Potter Please. No. >Adventure Time Who would want to watch this crap? >Friday the 13th Could work as an anthology
Asher Fisher
>neuromancer Book was wildly overrated >neon genesis evangelion Fuck off, they'll ruin the whole fucking thing, why can't they leave well enough alone when the anime is already great?
Logan Taylor
>>Scott Pilgrim Vs the World >How much more can you flesh this out You would be surprised. The comic the movie is based on actually goes way deeper with the character development and plot progression
the sad thing is mangakas/writers in Japan and the general public usually fully support adaptations and are happy to get anything made in Hollywood, so this shit will always get the go ahead with no strings attached.
Angel Sullivan
Why would there be original scripts on a list of things they want to adapt?
Jaxson Ramirez
Definitely rooting for a based Friday the 13th where Jason kills woke college teens in purple hair.
Nicholas Nguyen
>Logan's Run
Jordan Scott
Fake and gay
Connor Barnes
All NEW Harry Potter, now with 300% more diversity!
Mason Moore
History of Trunks would be kino
Anthony White
Cool. Waiting on the mini-series "Chafing OP's Pisshole By Way Of A Nigger's Snaggle Tooth."
>Buck Rogers in the 25th Century First Battlestar Galactica, now this. Wasn't season 2 bad enough? Why must they ruin my comfy Larson Kino. Fuck HBO if they do this.
Influential =/= good It is good though, user is a turbofag who probably liked Snow Crash
Asher Richardson
Only if we get Karl to play him for the next 40 years.
Jonathan Jackson
Neuromancer is at the same time old hat yet still futuristic... could be tricky to do something good with it but it,s the only stand out in this list. except for Dredd but only if they continue with the same vibe and general aesthetic they had with that last movie... do one case per episode or 2 with maybe a common case running through the series . that would be the way to provide exciting fucking new content, don't be cheap with cool ideas: give lots of em or make room to someone who can.
funnily enough... mortal kombat could be good if they make it weird and give it the old realistic gritty treatment like that web series had , once... would still be pretty campy but it could be fun... they must hire ppl who are actually into martial arts to make it work obv
Parker Edwards
As in New Orleans hillbilly hatchet murderer: the series?
Leo Peterson
He's onboard with the development of a Dredd tv series for years now.
Jordan Ward
>could be good if they make it weird and give it the old realistic gritty treatment like that web series had Fag
Logan Mitchell
>Neuromancer Neat >Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Eh >Watchmen Looks like shit, but I’ll give it a chance >The Legend of Zelda No thanks >Dune Actually looking forward to this >I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Probably the property on this list that I am most interested in seeing adapted with the greatest potential of done well >The Wizard of Oz Who cares >Dredd Could be great >Logan's Run No real opinion >Neon Genesis Evangelion The tonal jump from dumb robots fighting to the creator wanting to kill himself would be weird >The History of Trunks What.... >Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century Neat >Are you Afraid of the Dark? No, I also don’t give a fuck >The Dark Tower Ends shitty, but the first few seasons would be great >The Giver Unfamiliar >Hatchet Unfamiliar >The Great Gatsby Could potentially be fantastic if done as true as possible to the book >Land of the Lost Eh >Doom Fucking dumb. Doom has always had a lame story >Mortal Kombat See Doom, but a wacky Kung Fu tournament would at least be entertaining >Harry Potter Cool >Adventure Time No >The Diary of Anne Frank It’s been done well already. I don’t think there is anything more to explore in it >Friday the 13th Fuck shitty horror bullshit >Maus Would have to be animated, and I don’t think HBO would fork over enough money to make it work >Akira If they stuck to the manga and kept the cast entirely Asian, it could be incredible >Bioshock There is a ton of potential for a Bioshock show. Making a whole series about the rise and fall of Rapture would be incredible to see.
Sebastian Gray
contrary to you , "heterosexual" who want to see baraka as an alien from some other dimension instead of a mody modification freak gone psycho. yea sure fuck you too buddy
Chase Torres
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Am I thinking of the wrong writer or did Harlan Ellison not want shows/movies of any of his work
Noah Phillips
cool opinions bro
Samuel Morris
A Mortal Kombat show should be Shaw Brothers levels of hokey bullshit. I’d want to see the strings when they jump around.
Cameron Ward
fake and gay regardless, leave NGE and Akira alone
Benjamin Reed
Dune is getting turned into a movie series so I doubt it.
Neuromancer would be sweet - hugely overdue an adaptation.
I Have No Mouth would potentially be awesome so long as they don't pull their punches.
Logan's Run would be nice to see a remake.
Buck Rodgers nah, that was of it's time and it would be pozzed to hell in a remake.
Henry Fisher
There’s way too many cartoons and anime on this list Mr. Bond, I think you’re full of shit
Eli Richardson
Maus - meh, I really respect the graphic novel but can't be assed with more holobunga porn.
I genuinely feel the same way. A Bioshock show that starts off as a political intrigue piece that slowly devolves into psychological horror would be amazing to see if done right.
Kevin Lewis
Please God
Christopher Lee
>Bioshock If this actually got made I guarantee you Andrew Ryan would be portrayed like Zachary Comstock. I highly doubt anyone working at HBO can differentiate between different conservative subtypes. All they would record know about him is that he's a die-hard venture capitalist who believes in the free market and hates taxation. They would completely ignore the fact that he's a die-hard atheist libertarian who literally made Christianity illegal (one of the few laws Rapture has). The worst part of it is Andrew Ryan is a really good villain but in current year it's impossible for a male feminist social liberal atheist to be a die hard capitalist who loathes socialism and unions.
>Neuromancer Would be awesome if done right >Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Fucking hipster söy trash, we had that shit as a movie and it was terrible >Watchmen Isn't that something that's already announced and confirmed? >The Legend of Zelda Meh >Dune Movie is in the works, why making tv show? >I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Source material is not enough for a show >The Wizard of Oz Meh >Dredd Could work >Logan's Run Maybe >Neon Genesis Evangelion Only if Asuka is cute and has a lot of fanservice >The History of Trunks ??? >Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century Only if preserving the retro-sci look and feel >Are you Afraid of the Dark? Would love to see some new horror/spooky anthology tv show >The Dark Tower Movie sucked, and I'm not big fan of King >The Giver Movie was bad, but the idea was interesting >Hatchet ??? >The Great Gatsby What is there to make a tv show about? Retro parties? >Land of the Lost Remember Terra Nova? It sucked, but dinos are cool so maybe >Doom Marines vs Demons on Mars or something else? >Mortal Kombat Could be interesting >Harry Potter Remake or some spin-off in Hogwarts? Could be fun if showing comfy Hogwarts adventures. >Adventure Time Tumblr trash >The Diary of Anne Frank Oy Vey >Friday the 13th Maybe >Maus ??? >Akira Might be cool >Bioshock Underwater could be cool
Angel Myers
Nah, religious freedom is a big deal in identity politics right now. They could easily sell that angle.
Owen Sanders
Ryan is villainkino: A man who became his own antithesis due to his flaws. And he was forced into that position because Fontaine was his model man. Fontaine was someone who came to Rapture with nothing and became one of the most powerful people because of his business savvy and his willingness to give morality the finger. The kind of person Ryan would ordinarily admire.
Angel Phillips
But this is the most sjw tumblrina comic possible. Even author is some kind of tumblr snowflake who posted there. It's absolutely cringe.
Robert Cox
>Akira Please god no. White people, PLEASE, for the love of GOD, stop trying to ruin Jap properties.
Kayden Brown
Would making Neon Genesis Evangelion a dark satire go over too many peoples heads?
Camden Scott
You set it before Link comes onto the scene, base it on all the political maneuvering and events that set the stage for what would happen in the hypothetical game's story.
Henry Taylor
>Snow Crash It was nice book if you didn't take it all seriously, as it wasn't meant to be.
Andrew Cook
Obviously they would rightfully disregard Nintendo’s faggotry and have him talk.
>>Hatchet >??? I see someone didn't grow up in 1994-2009 America. That book was required reading EVERYWHERE/
Daniel Morgan
More like Chad survival for kidz.
Nolan Nguyen
What? How so?
Alexander Anderson
Zoomers don’t read books.
Luis Collins
i think it would be good to have ayn rands work criticized
Cameron Butler
>Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Would be better as an [adult swim] material. I mean, we already have the animated short that came out for promoting the movie...
Aiden Wood
>Hogwarts professors are shown taking a dump wherever they please
Nathaniel Cooper
Why did Nintendo self-lobotomize once they entered the N64 era? I always hated how they turned Link into a nonverbal autist and Mario into a squeaky-voiced muppet.
William Perez
>>The Dark Tower >This could happen in a few years, give it enough time to distance itself from the film It's already happening on fucking amazon. They are already casting the thing and there was a twitter clapback because they cast Roland as a fucking white male this time.
Dylan Myers
>Bioshock Instead of kino in Rapture, it's going to be Columbia garbage so they can say "COMSTOCK'S DRUMPFFFFF"
Logan Bennett
>>Maus >??? literally the holocaust but nazis are cats and jews are mice
Aaron Flores
japanese games are gameplay first story second. Western games are story first gameplay second
Evan James
No it’s not
Joseph Thompson
They would never do an infinite story. Everyone knows tha Rapture setting is way more interesting.
Jaxson Wright
>why did Nintendo make moves to turn Link and Mario into the two most recognisable faces of video games in the entire world, consistently for the last decade? That's a tough one...
Xavier Smith
>It should be a family-friendly Game of Thrones. have it seem that way, and then all of a sudden, episode five, there's a scene with Gandondorf brutally raping Princess Zelda
Juan Watson
>Are You Afraid of the Dark
Come on you ffffffuckers
Grayson Williams
>Fuck off, they'll ruin the whole fucking thing, why can't they leave well enough alone when the anime is already great? I don't know, I kinda think of all studios, HBO has a chance of actually attempting to respect the source material as much as they can and actually halfway manage to pull it off, can't really imagine it from any other studio, I mean this both in terms of VFX and the psychological headfuck themes of the story
perhaps it's insane wishful thinking on my part, it might just be that I'm too impressed with the fidelity of Game of Thrones, I can't imagine other studios producing anything that looked good, not unless it was a film, but a film suck because of its runtime
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream the only one that could be a good miniseries the rest would be cringe and anyone who entertained the thought that it could be good should be banned for the quality of the board
Leo James
>Neon Genesis Evangelion Maybe HBO wouldn't puss out at the last second like Anno did and actually have Touji die
That would have been god tier casting (he'd basically be Drop Dead Fred again) but Peeves was still pretty damn annoying and highlighted how 'kiddie' the books were. The films were still better off without him.
>Assuming Jews don't know anything about lolbertarians They created it, they can easily portray a godless society that loves drugs/Adam since its classy.
But, since its HBO, everyone is Black, gay trans, and the bad guy (Ryan) is white, while the good guy (Fontaine) has suspiciously large nose
Josiah Kelly
I mean to be fair, Tenabaum or whatever the fuck her name is was an Auschwitz survivor...
He got what he deserved in the manga, stupid piece of shit. Fuck him and his sister.
Michael Gomez
And she went along with it because she's a sadistic cunt who was only bothered by the Holocaust because it was inefficient. Suchong was some Chinese or Korean dude who sold weed to the Japanese. Lots of Axis collaborators in Rapture
Kevin Miller
>no attack on titan Gay
Nathan Barnes
They’re making a new Mortal Kombat movie in South Australia this year, user. TV show would be super unlikely.
Jason Peterson
I want a show about david benioff and d.b. weiss making GOT call it "Dabid 2 Dabid" >a mad cocaine fueled weekend leads two hollywood bachelors on a journey to a old dying sage who gives D&D his life work in hopes of making the world a better place. watch as these goofy heros share mischief and despair while exploring the nature of DMT and modern fantasy film. Hijinks galore.
Asher Bennett
>neuromancer >reddit pick one
Henry Murphy
No gods or kings only men
Lincoln Ross
I want a walter the wobot kino.
John Mitchell
>Lots of Axis collaborators
Not really collaboration if it's obviously coerced under threat of death. Or else Sonderkommandos would be considered in the same league as Vichy.
>Fuck him and his sister. His sister is what helped me get through the third Rebuild movie
Cooper Johnson
>Neuromancer Stopped reading there. I don't need to see any more.
Carter Mitchell
In the original Buck Rodgers stories, the bad guys were the Chinese, who scour the globe with disintegrator-ray-armed zeppelins.
Ethan Smith
Yeah, merge the first episodes of this with "Chernobyl," and have lots of different people in different places and education levels encountering an unexplained mass death.
Jack Johnson
Just as long as you don't pay any attention the the masses of story focussed Jap games and storyless western games.
Gavin Gray
That's how I feel about almost every adaptation right now. I just don't trust any project to get through the process without bending the knee to 2019 intersectional politics.
Nathaniel Gomez
There’s a rumor that Netflix is looking to adapt it.
>No I will not have sex. lol 4chans might as well let us use signatures at this point.
Christian Brown
>The History of Trunks
Samuel Davis
wasnt where i grew up
Josiah Ortiz
Have other characters react to Link as though he's talking or have Link have companions to do most of the talking anyways. >Link what do you think we should do? >silence >Yes, I agree we should do X. or >Hello, travelers where are you headed? >We're going to Kakiriko Village. Or just have the character talk like normal.
Adam Phillips
Don't see a reboot of Fraggle Rock. WTF is wrong w HBO?
Henry Garcia
have him be cursed or something to justify being mute
Nathaniel Thomas
>Are you Afraid of the Dark? would be fucking based
Camden Green
The watchmen series has already been confirmed with a trailer.
>Cursed Child The Cursed Child was pure faggotry. The beginning wasn't bad with Harry's underperforming son. But the time travel part to the moment of the murder of his parents was shit. It devalued that moment
Jacob Adams
>Neon Genesis Evangelion Fucking try it Jewlywood, as if Anno would sell out to soulless bergs
Liam Cruz
I just want the Prequel with his parents in school
Caleb Williams
>Bioshock This probably has the best potential for HBO's audience. A full series based on the rise/fall of rapture would only really be interesting for fans of the game, it would be a bore for the vast majority of viewers. I would run with a mini-series adaptation of Bioshock Infinite.
>Anson Mount or Viggo Mortensen as Booker >Lily Collins as Elizabeth >Donald Sutherland as Comstock >Taraji P. Henderson as Daisy Fitzroy >Rebecca Mader and Paul Bettany as the Lutece Twins >Ed Harris as Cornelius Slate
>Flashbacks of Booker going on a rampage at wounded knee to make up for his injun blood >Comstock used sparingly but effectively >Limited CGI while still maintaining the Sci-fi elements >All plot twists stay the same >Soundtrack full of out of place songs like the game
Connor Jackson
The ending twist only works if you have played Bioshock 1 though. Otherwise it's totally left field.
Eli Lopez
All they have to do is omit the references to rapture. it was a very minor part of the ending in the grand scheme of things anyways. The point is that she has to stop all the alternate realities that spawned from one moment, by essentially ending herself.
Alexander Adams
>it was a very minor part of the ending in the grand scheme of things
I couldn't disagree more. The only reason the alternate reality twist works at all is because the entire game people are wondering how it's connected to the first two games. That's why the realization is so satisfying
Nicholas Cook
They should attempt to make a miniseries from Blood Meridian
Jeremiah Gonzalez
It was very satisfying. As a fan service moment and interesting way to tie the games together. narratively it was trivial. The game goes out of its way to mention that Rapture was one of countless other realities, we could have easily stopped into any of the others instead and it would have made no difference on the ending of the game or the overall plot. Rapture was the obvious choice for the game because it was a nostalgia bomb, and well placed. but it is far from necessary to appreciate the story.
Michael Harris
>neuromancer >overrated
The book that was such a succes it mainstreamed an obscure sci-fi genre and birthed classics like Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner, Akira, The Matrix, Blame!, Dredd, Cowboy Bebop, Snatcher, System Shock, Psycho-Pass, Final Fantasy VII, Deus Ex, Terminator
You’re probably full of shit but a Scott Pilgrim TV show would make me cum gallons.
Charles Jackson
Not even Hollywood can poz 40k, that's why they haven't bothered.
David Torres
See, I think a bunch of these could be good, but given HBO's track record, they'd all end in disappointment. Great openings, shit endings. GoT and Sopranos are living proof. Idk if I'd want any of these getting touched by HBO's shitty hands, unless they can guarantee that quality will be maintained throughout the entire series, up to and including the final end credits scene of the last episode.
Having said that, I'd like to see Neuromancer, but I feel like it would be too similar to Altered Carbon on Netflix (even though Neuromancer is the cyberpunk grand-daddy)
Levi Sanchez
I’d love a good, deep,dark The Giver series. The movie didn’t look good at all.