If you think that lotr amazon series is going to be good consider this:

>Numenor is isolated island
>has homogeus white population of literal ubermensch
>god reworded only them(whites) with special privilege
>they colonize muds and niggers
>they have better technology than everyone else
>They defeat Sauron by just showing up because they are so superior and pure
>If there are any mixed Numenorians they are weaker than pure ones
Tell me how will this work today?

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>they ended up sucking Sauron's cock and worship Melkor
>has homogeus white population of literal ubermensch
There were in fact so many dark-skinned Numenoreans they could create their very own nation (Harad) after Numenor was flooded.

Numenor was quite a shitfest.

isn't the show about young aragorn and numenor is long gone?


It's about some shithole country south of Mordor in the second era or something.

Daily reminder /got/ is ending, and with that, a era of television ends. There will never be a global phenomenon like GOT again, that isn't an agenda push series. GoT was made just as all of the PC push began, and merely escaped it, and as we've seen in the last few seasons, even then slowly but surely got in. An all white cast like GoT will NEVER ever be made again, ever. See the new prequel series. When GoT ends, a part of us goes with it. We can't have another LOTR, and we can't have another GOT.

Weird that it's going to end... shit, as well.

what an odd fucking feel.

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It's going to be a got type shit fest, nothing good will come of this.

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>they ended up sucking Sauron's cock and worship Melkor
It doesn't matter.
Also am i walking about harad? I'm not.
Any source of this? I had no idea.

Pls don't remind me of this pasta user... It's depressing as it is right now.

look up "Númenóreans" and "Black Númenóreans"

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Numenoreans are Med BVLLS
Reminder that Numenor is Atlantis

He's right, you know. Even if it's an adaption. Go look at the new Netflix The Witcher series cast.

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As far as i'm aware they didn't mix much for the most part. They wanted to rule lesser races.
You are talking as if they were literally black.

haradrim are not numenorean scrub

And that's the kind of cast you get when they proclaim not to change anyone's ethnicity.

>It doesn't matter.
It does matter. If you want to make propaganda about ubermensch fucking everything up big time, then Numenor is your story.
>Also am i walking about harad?
You said Numenor had homogeus white population. It did not because Harad. Fuck, those guys are even called BLACK Numenorians in case you missed it.

>a book based on poland
>both main love intrests are brown
>black elfs
really an end to a beautiful era

>It does matter.
I get what you mean but if this series actually happen it would take many seasons for it to happen probably. And do you really think people care about the context? Even if this is fall of ubermensh they won't know it. They will see all white cast(haha as if) that portrayal super white humans. Thats all they will see.
> those guys are even called BLACK Numenorians in case you missed it.
They were called black by gondor to make them look bad. It sure worked. Mouth of sauron was black numenorian. He wasn't black was he?

how will they adapt it?

so simple you can see it coming: the heroes will be the POC and it will turn out they actually did all the work in defeating sauron and that they just didn't get credited by the bigots

Imagine thinking "black numenoreans" where actually dark skinned haha

>Tell me how will this work
simple, they will just shit on the source material as usual. The white ubermensch island, will get the Asgard treatment from Marvel and no one will dare to mention the revisionism or be called a russian troll (maybe it will be updated to Iranian troll, because we're at war with Iran when the series hits)

You are just as bad as those people injecting niggers into everything. Lotr is apolitical and about friendship overcoming evil against all odds. Keep your ideological wanking out of it you fucking mong.

Eru didn't reward the Edain with Númenor, the Valar did.
The Kings of Númenor were also half-elven by descent, though Elros chose to take the Gift of Men.
In any event, if you think a television adaptation is going to give the slightest fig for canon, you're very naive.

Numenor and lotr are two very fucking different things. It's total shitfest littered with death suffering and betrayal.
I'm just wondering what will they do with it.

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>They defeat Sauron by just showing up because they are so superior and pure

He thinks Sauron got defeated lol

>He pretends that Sauron's entire army didn't lay down their weaopens at the sigh of Numenor's army.
Very nice man

They'll just cast a few blacks (like they always do). Of course, they'll say they're going to stay true to the spirit of the material, but then they'll still cast the blacks. When it is revealed that they cast the blacks, it will be in a headline telling you what a "Good Thing" it is. When you ask them why they cast the blacks, they will play the puzzled simpleton and ask >what do you mean? Why shouldn't there be blacks? There were a couple blacks in Europe during in the middle ages. Why, there were even three blacks in ancient Rome.
When you make a stink about it, their marketing boys will be ready to amplify your criticisms and spin them as the polemics of an online racist (white male). Your concerns will be used to drum up support for the show. The black characters will receive additional priority and prestige just to humiliate you and tarnish the source material.

>"Black Númenóreans"

as in corrupted you absolute pleb retard.

Also if you think that Sauron wanted to be captured i don't know what to say. He had to do this. Not his fault that Ar-Pharazor was a retard.

dumbshit read up.
there was literal civil war when the king let sauron into his council. the dunedain literally exist cus numenorians fucked off because of this shit.

Black meaning evil

You think fuckin Sauron didn't know the strength of Numenor? He baited them to come after him.

>the literall message of witcher is that racism, sexual prejudice and religious bigotry are cancer that should be purged
>diverse cast is a problem

But got is one of the worst offender in agenda ppushing.

This Numenor is about a race of superior fair skinned men who helped the elves in the War for the Rings and War of Wrath whole other darker skinned men betrayed the Elves or refused to fight and were never raised up like Numenoreans. The Black Numenor were just Numenoreans who became evil they weren’t really black.

The sad part is Numenor is a great story about the pride, arrogance and fear of man winning out over honor, nobility, and grace.

They beat Sauron in only a few days and conquer middle earth with little effort but are destroyed because their fear of death was so strong they were willing to side with Sauron and worship the Devil of Middle Earth performing human sacrifices to escape it.

What is funny is death of Men is a gift from God because men will never have to suffer seeing the world while it was still young and beautiful decay and lose its magic like the Elves must.

Netflix will miss this point and take a work that is meant to be read as ancient untainted Anglo legends and fill it with other groups.

They will put in classicism and racism so much dude
kings vs peasants
xenophobic humans vs dwarfs and elfs

Huh maybe but it was pretty risky move yes? I mean they could have just executed him. I get whole pride and mayar prize or something but still.
And it wouldn't be so unreasonable to think that they would. Mordor without Sauron means nothing.

>Numenor and lotr are two very fucking different things.

I disagree. The big bad of numenor meets his end in lotr and which in turn starts the age of men. You can't have one without the other. And besides, my point was about people injecting modern politics in a place where it does not belong.

I want blue wizards in the east fanfiction

You don't need to tell me all of this. I fully realize how good numenor's history is.
Also it's amazon not netflix. Amazon did 'man in the high castle' and portrayed 'nazis' as sympathetic people even which is not common i'm sure you agree.
There is always hope. heh

>The big bad of numenor meets his end in lotr
It's like saying that Silmarillion is the same because Morgoth loses or that Angmar vs Arnor is the same because Witch King was defeated in lotr.

Already anticipating this (to the letter, good post user!) and simply not interested.

More like the same grand story. You don't see how the fall of numenor ties into lotr?

I think that is his point as well and he fears that they will make it political trough "diversifying" the cast to make it more "equal"

Thats not the point here? Is this even possible to not see ties to lotr here?

i wrote it some time ago, ill write it again
It is likely that americans are reading fucked up translations. Czarny (black) means blackhaired in polish. To get niggers you use czarnoskóry (blackskinned) here.

that message does not extend to niggers and other subhumans

It's heavily implied that Sauron had no clue as to the true extent of Númenórean power. Sauron was immortal and gifted but he wasn't omniscient.

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