Indian dude living in America. Watching this movie gave me hope that I will marry a cute white girl in the future.
Indian dude living in America. Watching this movie gave me hope that I will marry a cute white girl in the future
>in America
You'd have better luck at home in Britain.
Also, can you tell me the secret code to get free Slurpees
Here in the states I'm pretty sure statistically Indians are the most well off group so I never know how you guys don't have success with women. Even in my town which was has been white for my entire life up until this past year got developed with these huge houses and it's all rich Indians living there.
I'm genuinely curious why literally every indian guy is obsessed with white women. Do you find Indian girls that ugly?
I’ve always wondered this too, there are some Indian qts but Indian guys are always obsessed with white women
yeah, only if she's horribly disfigured though.
status thing.
There's a caste system in India and it favors the lighter skinned Indians.
So an Indian will see an actual white woman and it's like she's whiter than the whitest Indian.
bitch lasagna
It's a status things, like blacks who are happy with any white girl they can have. You've "made it" when you can fuck a white girl.
Turns out colonialism does a number on your mental state.
Dream on, street-shitter.
this woman is so ugly she looks more aboriginal than indian.
imagine being so ugly you look like an entirely different race.
It's hilarious because technically the caste system in India (I'm not Indian before you guys accuse me of that) dictates that foreigners are just above dalits (untouchables).
We're like the lowest caste to them. Brahmins can't even touch us technically.
>indian dude in australia
>decide to start watching master of none because aziz looks a bit like me (small, dark indian, ugly)
>first scene is literally him fucking a bar slut
>get instantly depressed and cancel netflix subscription because I'll never be able pull something like that
Based pajeet hater
Based Netflix ragequitter
yeah it's important to remember that whenever woke indians are lecturing you about discrimination and privilege in white countries, they are always:
1) Brahmin
2) who have been bred for 4 thousand years as the ruling caste
3) who are exploiting western guilt to achieve status and dominance
4) and still see you as subhuman
Actually a lot of those that come to the West are from the lower castes, because they know they'd never make it in India on the basis of their low-birth.
Most brahmins are still chilling in India with all their servants, and chuckling when white women come to their country to marvel at the "equality".
Ypu're spamming this shit for 8 months wtf is wrong with you, pal?
She looks south indian. They are more negroid looking
Go to silicon valley and every single one of them is a brahmin. Every single desi in journalism of sociology, politics, generally the people trying to make our lives miserable, those people are brahmin.
Saw a really good video of like a seminar of tech people and the person on stage asked them to raise their hand if they were brahmin and every single indian hand shot up.
>jewish boy marries jewish girl
This is news now?
Pretty interesting.
Huh fair enough. Most of them are so dark though.
Or maybe I'm lumping them in with all the ones that run 7-11s.
Indians in America are a very closed off group. They run their 7/11's as a family business and bring their wives with them. They don't seem to be interested in intermingling with other races.
Nice try pajeet, poos have been worshiping whites since colonial times.
It's literally one guy posting the same shit on an internet message board. It's just a meme you moron.
You will be in jail for the crimes you have committed.
My boss is brahmin and she's not like that.
Indians are alright.
Nice for fantasies or hookups but trust me, white girls are bottom tier wives, american white girls even more so.
*blocks your shitting street*
I am also indian and if you live on either coast and work out/ dont be smelly or creepy, be a normie, you'll be fine. Dated a couple white chicks and east asian chicks in undergrad.
Bet they were ugly and fat though
As far as darker skin, Brahmins have concentrated communities on the south eastern side of the horn. These aren't the same guys that give pajeets a bad name wrt cheating or cutting corners in business.
God Goy 2
she's your boss you dumb moron. she literally got what she wanted. she is ruling over you in YOUR OWN COUNTRY
nah, I just put myself out there a lot. You can be fat, ugly, poor, and bald and you can still date 10/10 women. When I was in high-school, I was like the bottom of the bottom of the social hierarchy, like my only friends were like 4 fellow autists like me and then a guy who pitied me . But then in the summer before undergrad I read The Game and watched Real Social Dynamics, unironically changed my life forever. Really helped me grow confidence and sort my life out instead of blaming it on things like my race or my height or my looks.
>You can be fat, ugly, poor, and bald and you can still date 10/10 women.
Lmao sure thing buddy
Extremely based post
actually caste system doesnt matter a lot if you have money and every day matter a little less
Honestly fuck being a 1st gen indian in the usa, indian girls go for white guys where i live and because of racism even low tier girls wont touch me
All foreigners want to lay with the fabled white beauties
>t. Filipino
>not asian or latina or black
fuckin hindu racists
Indian men don't marry white women here (key word marry). Indian girls marry whites though.
date maybe but laid nope, maybe they dont find you creepy or weird and want to talk with you but a relationship is another level, i know men with "good personality and confidence" and have a lot of female friends but when they try to make a move always get friendzoned, is a sad thing if you think about it, the only good thing you can get with this is when the women have a lot of female friends to introduce you but if your friend dont find you attractive enough her friend also not
Gotta be honest here... nobody really cares about Indians/Pakis and that will probably never change.
don't lump us in with you spineless white dicksuck seamonkeys
>muh racism
is more because indians are ugly and have a weird aesthetic, any women would date a blakman before dating a indian guy
I wonder if they thought that when we ruled over them.
nah man. just nah
I've heard of a few indian dudes dating white girls around where I live, although the girls were always massive cunts who were overweight and henpecked the ever living fuck out of their boyfriends but if that's what you're into.
White women are terrible, turn back before it's too late.
I'm Indian and my older brother said he wanted to marry a white girl. Said he watched a video of a fat white woman demanding sex from her Muslim husband
keep dreaming poojet, white womins belongs to chads and the bbc, you will never get white vegana
I thought Zero was meant to be an Arab
Y'know, at first I didn't mind poos as much as chinks, but I've come to really hate you in the last months.
For starters, your entitlement and willingness to miscigenate are off the charts.
Whites are the peak of attractiveness (appearance-wise).
Indian women fart a lot
The only indians worthy of some respect are the tiny minority belonging to the upper castes. Then pooland gets internet and every shit stinking rajesh can now spill his feces around
>tfw Brahmin
>tfw haven't memorized any of the ancient religious texts that my ancestors orally preserved for thousands of years
>Watching this movie gave me hope that I will marry a cute white girl in the future.
Another indian falling into the subliminal clutches of holloywood
Imagine being Indian
whites are considered untouchable brahmins in india.
Why are Indians so obsessed with aunts?
It's like every man in the country has an incest fetish the way they go on about them.
Just want you guys to know nobody, absolutely nobody outside of your backwards shithole gives a shit about you being high caste. You are exactly the same as the untouchables and pakis you despise so much.