It's like the Japanese equivalent of Breaking bad

It's like the Japanese equivalent of Breaking bad

I'm loving it so far

Attached: death-note-from-the-shadows-i58005.jpg (473x709, 118K)

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I enjoyed it, what part are you at?

Dubbed or subbed?

Episode 6

For now
Subbed on a second watch

I enjoyed the second half of the series more than the first, also check out the manga. There's a few differences

I agree that L was a better character than Near and Mello.
But the people who say the show went to shit after their introduction are exaggerating.

Some user here suggested that the 2nd half of the show would have been better if Mello was a chick.

Attached: dc4n7ap-fb52ef90-0396-41af-9183-80ad3613680d.jpg (700x900, 425K)

Based and patrician

Literally just don’t watch the second season

You’ll thank me later

Code Geass and DN are much much better dubbed than subbed.
Also episode 25 is a much better ending, the additional 12 episodes were pretty much unwanted.

It doesn't hold up if you watched it as a kid or teenager and come back to it.

>Code Geass and DN are much much better dubbed than subbed
absolutely disgusting

DN dub is fine FMA and Yu Yu Hakusho are superior as dub as well

More like patrician taste you fucking weeb pleb.

it starts out good but it takes a dive into shit later on like most jap stuff

Didn't watch yu-yu, but agree that FMA was also better dubbed.

Op here
This episode has me on edge and the music is so good in this show so far

There are some good ideas in season 2, including Light’s new allies. But I still preferred the first season. I watched it earlier this year. I’m surprised you decided to go with the dub, even though it’s not a terrible dub, I tried both and decided the Japanese audio was better.

Did you know a superior adaptation exists?

Attached: Death Note.webm (854x480, 2.56M)

Absolutely disgusting. Watching dubbed anything, you fucking pleb.

>he reads his Chinese cartoons
ok buddy sure

>live action adaption
Thank god you didn't post the bastardized American Netflix version.

Attached: louis the gingerbread man.jpg (439x538, 49K)

Gtfo OP before you get spoiled


Death Note episodes 1-11 are the only good things to come from anime ever. Goes to shit when Miss is introduced .

Enjoy while you can, after a point it turns into complete trash

its pretty good if you think that this is what happened the first time Ruyuk tried this and this was the result before he tried again with the real Light also black L is also the first version before he opens the orphanage

Season 2 is kino though
Not as good as L but still

Episode 7 is arguably the greatest episode in anime

Death Note's dub adds to its quality

it's pretty good for a Japanese produced show

Attached: death god.webm (854x480, 2.49M)

It didn't went to shit but that brat and the blondie were annoying

watch K-On! you fucking losers

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Attached: retardhazard.png (349x427, 168K)

No thanks I like shows with substance.

Fuck off. Focusing your eyes on the bottom third of the screen every second that a character speaks is bullshit and not the proper way to view cinema/animation.