Abortion is bad

>abortion is bad
This movie is propaganda.

Attached: Abortion.webm (320x180, 2.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The alabama bill will never be repealed.
Close your legs and stop being a total cunt.

>abortion = good
Lmao, why are leftists so retarded

>roasties and cucks see nothing wrong with this

Abortion SHOULD be illegal

We already have hundreds of contraceptive options. Getting an unwanted pregnancy is just pure retardation tier at this point. No one should be forced to pay for some sluts poor decisions or cheer for the killing of babies.

>abortion is murder
>but murder is OK in case of incest and rape
Pretty transparent that it isn't about being "pro life"

>greatest killer of nog population

>what is contraceptive

>killing babies is not wrong
good logic you have there

Who's the redhead with the shitty reactions in the movie? Is she a friend or what?


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this triggers the söyboy

it's good when niggers do it

Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion, it means pro-freedom


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>leftists defend this webm

there's no difference

Oh god don't show people how abortions are done they might actually think the wrong thoughts and we can't have that.

lots of people aren't smart, or rather just very ignorant, sheltered, and often times a lot of kids are simply taught that abstinence is the only form of contraceptive. especially in religious cases

If I knock a girl up, I'm going to take responsibility and not have it aborted. I don't need the government to make that decision for me like I'm some sort of child.

I preferred Lindsay Ellis' abortion movie where she kills her kid Jackass-style.

>I'm Lindsay Ellis, welcome to my abortion!
>*dives belly first into the bushes from the roof of her house*

Yeah, I'm sure that nearly doubling the African-American birth rate is going to make the country great again. That's why I vote Republican.

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Then nobody wants to pay to keep a million babys, imagine all those negroes roaming arround like zombies, just waiting to be payed


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reminder that being pro-life is basically the same as being a cuck

We have too many people.
Legalize infanticide.

Why did the abortions go down so much in general though? Is it more sex ed and shit?

Alabama is going to be 100% black in less then a year, i already see all the whites in retirement seeing their state's heritage destroyed by their own choices. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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>Four years ago
>Yea Forums is overwhelmingly pro-eugenics and anyone who makes an anti-abortion argument is assumed to be a troll

What happened? Is it Christcuck boomers who flooded in after Trump won or did everyone change their minds in order to trigger the libs?

>it's MY body it's my choice
It's funny how the same people get upset when a pregnant woman drinks, saying
>it's irresponsible, it's NOT JUST YOUR body

A bit of both.

>being so cucked that you automatically assume the relationship is a failure in your dumb scenario

Top kek
Also fuck them if it is someone else's life, I'm not going to approve of things I don't agree with because waaaah someone else was retarded. Maybe they SHOULD pay child support if they get someone pregnant then, goddamn. Not saying there aren't people who take advantage of that shit, but it's literally a system set in place to help kids in split parent situations, fuck you.

it's because the baby in the webm is white

There's no law preventing pregnant mothers from drinking though

their children flooded /pol/ and can't think about the cost of keeping these abominations around

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I like how you go
>uhhh, the opposite of pro-life is pro-choice
Have the balls to call it pro-death.

abort all freaks, everyone knows that

what flick is this

>Advocating the murder of retards
Where do you draw the line? Would people with inheritable genetic defects and diseases get killed? People under a certain IQ? I wouldn't want a retard kid either, but I don't think I could kill one either.

>What happened?
whitey realized white women don't have children anymore (at least not with them)

That's how abortion is done, so . . .

All documentaries are propaganda.

I like to fuck, but no French letter
Without a condom, the sex is better
But every time I get it in...

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Shalom Judeo-christians, i am proud to see that you are diligently following the precepts of "your" holy book.

yes it is.

yes fren

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They also have 3 times more impregnations.

all the niggers will move out of alabama now that they cant abort niglets
Based alabama

Fuck pro-choice fags. I wish you baby murderers had your limbs torn off and your skulls crushed in the womb, would you still be pro-choice?
>b-but muh niggers!
Don't care, if you're not racist scum this shouldn't matter

>would you still be pro-choice?
No, I'd be dead.

wtf I love abortion now


>All documentaries are propaganda.
Only American ones are allowed to be biased enough to qualify.

The first amendment is one of the core reasons why Americans are so fucking insane.

>retards vote for Trump thinking he'll stop the country's demographic shift
>turn around and demand a policy that will increase the black birth rate by 80%, the hispanic birth rate by 50%, and the white birth rate by 20%

What are some movies about being retarded?

This nigga thinks they'll move

we are still pro-abortion for non-whites and non-orientals but only high tier Orientals like Nips

Your wife is 2 months pregnant. God comes to you in a dream tellingyou that your future daughter will end up a colossal fuck up no matter how well you parent her and will get 16 abortions by the time she turns 28 and will die via heroin overdose. Do you abort her?

They just like to go against what is currently seen as good guy politics. Christians are against baby-killing, so they like to be cynical and nihilist and say that fetuses are just non-sentient cell ckusters that you can destroy. Now that the pro abortion position us taken over by SJWs they like to argue against it and take extreme conservative positions that are deemed as bad guy by MSM.

It's called having PRINCIPLES. Not that I expect alt-right teenagers not to be hypocrites and flip flop on issues whenever it's not furthering the huwite race worship narrative

what the fuck are you watching


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Yeah bro, Japs are totally white and not shitskins

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Why don't you just kill niggers already born as well you pussy ass motherfucker

yeah, my principle is empowering whites. i don't like abortion but i'll tolerate it if it means having fewer niggers around

Ok good to know you're another satanist scumbag who worships muh BLACKED Sun

What is this from?

Because society isn't willing to accept that yet, whereas most of the country is in favor of legalized abortion

A lot more pregnant women will be falling down stairs in Alabama now.

good to know you support tripling the population of 80 iq africans who shouldn't even be in america

>Wants to take away everyone's guns
>Want to jail you for saying no-no words or opinions
Lol, no. These are fucking retards towing a party line without knowing what it entails.

Stop having premarital sex.

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>my principle is empowering whites

Coming from a /pol/ mutt that's impressive. Albeit in none of the ways you want it to be.

do fetuses actually fight that shit likey they know what's going on LOL THE FUK

I'm pro life but I'd abort all downies. Is this doublethink?

Looks like regulat swarthy paddies to me.

>fucking retards

You can't make this shit up.

I don't worship IQ. I worship God. And we brought them here as slaves, they've been here longer than most 1488fags like you. So yeah I do support tripling the population of low IQ niggers as long as they get Satanist Black Sun Anus worshippers like you to leave.

no, because downies aren’t human


considering the effect it'd have on the Yea Forums incel population it will be before this thread's done

who said anything about /pol/? you are seeing things


ITT: moralfags

Who fucking cares about someone else's baby, they're just parasites that we put sentimental value on, I need a safety net for the tinder thots I creampie, go home reddit incels

Yes. We abort this impending disaster

>I worship God
you mean the jewish god?
>they've been here longer than most 1488fags like you
america was literally founded as a white nation
>So yeah I do support tripling the population of low IQ niggers
it's good to be honest
>as long as they get Satanist Black Sun Anus worshippers like you to leave.
it's not whites who'll be leaving, racetraitor

Lol. Traditional Catholicism is as anti-Jewish as it gets. You've outed yourself as a retard whose only experience with religion is your mom dragging you to church which you hate her for

What's it like having a single mom?

>The alabama bill will never be repealed.

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Abortion is only justified when they kid would be born disfigured/mentally challenged. All other cases are the mother killing her own child for selfish purposes.

Also daily reminder that mark hamil tried to pressure his son's wife to get an abortion, going so far as blackmailing her (after his son told him to) to try to stop the birth.

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It's not even a fucking Yea Forums thread.

so why do you want more of the golems that jews use as muscle for their agenda?

>jewish god
How the fuck can God be Jewish? He's God
>founded as a white nation
America was founded for those who wanted to escape English religious persecution. And it was built by blacks and whites alike. Chinks too.
>it's not whites who'll be leaving, racetraitor
Good luck getting up out of your basement to fight le race war faggot. Hmm I guess you're right, people like you won't be leaving since you can't move at all.

>catholic church
No wonder, you want more kids to molest.

How are Christian niggers golems for Jews? Blacks are more religious on than whites if you look at the statistics. Yes they do commit more crimes but it's because of their fucked up history and ghetto culture, not their being black. Nigerian Americans are extremely successful.

We need to ban white abortion

>Nigerian Americans are extremely successful.

The pedo issue is a universal thing, look at Japan. Hmm I guess Japs are all Catholic priests then.

>fetus getting sucked into a blender while trying to hold on

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>How the fuck can God be Jewish?
>America was founded for those who wanted to escape English religious persecution
see pic
>And it was built by blacks and whites alike. Chinks too.
yeah all those black and chinese pioneers and founders. we wuz forefathers n shit!
>Good luck getting up out of your basement to fight le race war faggot
good luck convincing your black "christian" fellows that you're totally one of the good, "woke" whites. lol

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its pretty fucking obvious - if it's totally inimical to life, why should it survive? this pro-life for everything meme is not even classically christian. abandoning retards in the wilderness was seen as a minor venial sin (much more minor than, for example, disobeying your husband or parents) by the medieval catholic church and martin luther didn't even consider them human

The American state are compulsive liars that commits psyops all the fucking time and the American people aren't allowed good healthcare, exploit or/and don't trust psychiatry (gender reassignment is the only bullshit thing bout it) are allowed to promote, commercialize and lobby any fucking bullshit religion/organization they invented.

At least half of dis-info on this planet is American, also the big difference between American and non-American degenerates is that the American ones also believes that anyone the don't like is an anarcho-statist programmed npc who was brainwashed by the ancient alien GMO chimera cyborg sub-vibrational frog humanoids impregnating peoples minds with pepe memes that support the literal vampire pot-belly goblina's plotting to rule America with the satanic Vatican and the lizard queen of England's plot to give the evil monarchist resurgence good PR.

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>being moral is now uncool because ehhhhh *farts*
Yeah well done retard, in sure you feel very cool for being immoral and shit. You guys are like the goth emo generation

k nigel

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People larping as Christians is the worst, a real Christian doesn't care about skin colour. Also, the largest opposition to abortion comes from Muslims, so if you disagree with them you're an islamaphobe, let's see leftists tackle this sticky situation

I hate abortion but I don't want to be knee-deep in negro babies when its banned. Maybe a selective ban for white couples only

I'm conflicted. I hate women but I also hate blacks.

>It's called having PRINCIPLES
Sweet summer child..

Have sex incel, I'm not pulling out on the off chance some thot is too dumb to be on the pill, fuck off with your moralfagging

>God of Israel
That isn't God in Christianity
1776. Not 1790.
>we wuz forefathers
cool meme faggot teenager
>hurr nigs gon kill u
I never said I liked gangbangers or defended them like SJWs do. Look at Ben Carson, that nigger is more successful than you and it makes you seethe.

Not eating lead doesn't mean eating glyphosate is good.

America is the greater evil, but all evils are unacceptable.

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There must be some wort of a compromise that inflicts maximum hate upon the world.

Dead baby sauce

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They don't give a shit about the child after being born.

>abortion is bad
but it literally is

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>The alabama bill will never be repealed.
It's going to struck down before the end of the month and if it does get to the SCOTUS it will be defeated 7-2 at minimum.

>gas kikes!
>fuck niggers
>kill all mudslimes
>whoa not rhe babies tho...
Why are Republicans so sociopathic?

>tips m'fedora
You'll grow up soon enough kid, don't sweat it

we got extra tired of roasties and their feminism bullshit that's what happened, liberals are now more insufferable than they've ever been unironically

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What the actual fuck is wrong with people like you? Where and how do you develop such views?

You can be personally anti-abortion but pro-choice in that you realize that while you would never have an abortion or would want to raise a child of a pregnancy no matter what, that's not a feasible option and the government doesnt need to fuckin decide that for you.

With education, contraceptives, womens rights, and job & educational opportunities the need for abortion is greatly reduced.

None of which is pursued by the anti-abortion crowd. In fact they oppose it.

It is almost as if they seem to see forcing a woman to give birth as a form of punishment or even revenge for some sort of transgression, see for a good example

And they also don't seem to have a problem with many policies that result in child malnutrition, poverty, and death. In fact they will also oppose healthcare and social policies designed to alleviate this.

What are we to make of people that want to prevent abortions and also want to prevent public healthcare services and other support for the mother and child?

And then there is their support Americas many wars that kill countless children.

What are we to make of people that oppose abortion but are just fine with bombing children?

Czech here. Why the fuck is abortion such a big issue in America?

>fuck niggers

republicans are the biggest kike loves around lel

if people don't have access to contraception then they're not very much use are they?

It gets Evangelicals frothing at the mouth and going to the polls for elections.

So that corporate fat cats can get into office and pass legislation benefiting their rich pals.

That often screw the Evangelicals voting for them the hardest.


>wanting to be swimming in pissed off white trash drug addict criminals that needs to be aborted decades late with more resources
Ok but you need to house them

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You'll have sex soon, you won't care about aborting your unwanted mistakes then

The last 50 years have proven that you civilians are just too stupid to make your own choices.

as soon as you have the balls to call pro-life pro-forced-birth

>Where and how do you develop such views?
real life, as soon as you leave your damn house you'll start seeing the behavior patterns of the niggers and shitskins
take your time to visit the hood and see for yourself instead of living comfortably in your middle class neighborhood

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Why shouldn't it survive? These kinds of children would quickly die at the time of the medieval era, it's not that they were going spartan on them, it was that they died soon after they were born, retards who did live weren't usually killed either, medieval period is huge, that's 1000 years of history by the way, they were able to keep retards like our guy Carlos II alive by the 17th century

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>That isn't God in Christianity
>1776. Not 1790.
america is a white country. unsurprising that a (((christian))) would want to change that
>cool meme faggot teenager
better than your meme about blacks and gooks contributing as much as whites lol
>I never said I liked gangbangers or defended them like SJWs do
yet you want more of them born and running around america
>Look at Ben Carson
"look at this outlier"

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Abortion is a wedge issue. Since both parties are the fucking same they both pick a side on a minor issue and exagerate it to makebit look like the biggest deal on the planet

I'm actually in favor of a 100% abortion rate.

Pro forced birth it is.

You wouldn't exist on this earth if your ma aborted her mistake as well ;)

It's not true, there are plenty of early church records against it

This is bad. It gave me problematic erections

every action has a consequence
its not just about women but left leaning people in general, some of you need to start being accountable for your actions and grow the fuck up

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what movie is it from?

they literally give condoms out for free. there are more american women in universities than at any time in history. women have more rights than ever before, and more societal protection, and there are more women working than ever. women are just lazy, undisciplined hedonists who hate being held responsible for their actions

Nah, that's just americans.
America is the cancer of the west.
A third world nation with a powerful military, nothing more.

My ma wasn't some thick brained tinder slut, thank the gods for tinder sluts and their lack of morals too, there's nothing better than blowing your load inside them

condoms are like 5 bucks lol

Fuck off Schlomo, the USA is an enlightenment meme. The solution to blacks having kids is you need to have sex, have 10 kids, make sure they each have 10 kids as well, simple as.

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Unplanned, I think.


boy, i sure do love television and film

What about spread of STDs

the solution to blacks having kids is to end the policies that destroyed the black family, specifically desegregation and welfare. that or put them on boats to africa

Why not just kill unwanted born children as well? What's the difference?


I don't know shit about pregnancies. How far along is the fetus in webm?

>need to have your moral and religious highgroud for personal gain
>don't give the slightest shit about the children after birth
>if people raise another kid, then they are cucks
its like you want them to suffer

But what movie is it, /pol/cuck?

That too, there's no need for pointless antagonism against other races when you can settle things amicably, there will probably be bloodshed, but if there's a push to a solid solution which allows both sides to respect each others boundaries, I'm sure some concord can be reached, I'm pretty sure 50 years ago there was more respect for this than there is now with this state defended miscegenation.

You're mixing a lot of different groups into one here, Christians are not anti adoption, schlomo

End your pro-forced-birth.

Got chlamydia once, I took some pills and it went away, it's fucking nothing

No one's told you this but less people are having sex. 28% of ppl under 30 are currently virgins.

Sorta torn on the issue, but I think my biggest gripe with pro abortion people is how casual they describe the whole thing as. You guys might remember the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtage going around a few years ago, where women raved about how easy and quick it was to abort their baby.

Like just got my nails, picked up some cute clothes, got my fourth abortion their year #YasQueen

And then they act all shocked and disgusted when you post disturbing pictures of aborted fetuses, gushed in blood, limbs crushed. I think I'd be more open to abortion if white women had to see the final product, the son or daughter they chose to kill.

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what would be the cut off point, like when in time could you not shoot your own kid in the head?

africa is a rich land but even there blacks starve because of their own lack of intelligence

don't pretend you actually care

Look at why people moved to the New World in the first place. To escape English religious persecution.
And just because some early Americans were racist (they didn't have the internet or many books back then) doesn't make it ok. Nor does it make them right. I don't worship Jefferson's every word, he was just a man.
>you want more gangbangers born
See this is what I said about principles. You alt-right fags like to larp as hard men and intellectuals but can't stay consistent in your views. Pro-life means pro-life. inb4 you say nigs aren't human like the edgelord you are.
>look at this outlier
I believe we are human beings not statistics. Make an Excel spreadsheet where America is 101% white and go jerk off to that you fucking beta.

It's a medically accurate representation of a common abortion method.

If it upsets you, maybe you should reconsider your moral position

That's a good question. I'd say before puberty because the kid isn't technically an adult yet so not a fully functioning human being

>Pro-freedom to commit infanticide

Who are you to tell me I can't swing my arms around freely even if it means smacking my children? My body, my choice, I should have the free choice to swing my fists at children

>when you can settle things amicably
yeah i'm sure niggers will take kindly to being told they're no longer allowed access to white spaces
>there will probably be bloodshed
there already is, and will be more as whites are outnumbered and overwhelmed
>both sides to respect each others boundaries
blacks do not have boundaries. they literally believe that they're entitled to white spaces and white creations. their entire mentality is "what's yours is mine"
>I'm pretty sure 50 years ago there was more respect for this than there is now
because segregation was the law, and violators were punished


Abortion should be encouraged. We have too many people.

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Rent free, eurotrash. Go get your shitpost license in order.

Retard pilled.

Want less homeless, mentally ill, under educated, foster care abuse, and system mooches; legalize abortion.

Regardless of what edgy opinion you have on women or boot licking opinion you have on closet faggot politicians who collect lobbyist money whilst not giving a fuck about the people, this isn't just a women's rights issue, it's a human rights issue. It's a complete violation of human autonomy over their own body.

>Hurr durr, what about the babbys autonomy!
1. They're not babies, they're no different than a tree. There's no form of sentience or enjoying the qualities of life.
2. They don't have it, there's a reason why parents have legal control over children until they're 16/18.

Btw Alabama has the highest infant mortality rate and one of the poorest and under educated states in the U.S.

>inb4 lib
I'm pro gun, free speech, and most importantly pro civil liberties and the rights of the individual. But I don't know why I bother because I'm preaching to 15 year olds.

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just create your own state with legal abortion, retards :^)
>implying that's not already whats happening

It was a nation of puritans that forbid masturbation and started cutting the dicks of babies. Need I say more?

imagine blaming everything on drumpf rotflmao
get over it snowflake, he won.

Leftists are utterly amoral. In fact they think any kind of morality is bad, and every kind of degeneracy good. It's bizarre. I guess it's the product of decades of brainwashing and propaganda.

Also, they want abortion legal up to birth. So someone has an abortion in month 8. How to they kill the child? Do the induce birth and then kill it? And how? Administer poison? Drown it? Or just leave it for 24 hours on a table until it does from starvation/thirst?

Or do they inject it with poison while still in the womb? Remember, at that time the child has a fully developed nervous system so it's extremely painful to them to be stabbed with a huge needle in the torso.

The idea of not being born is pretty scary. Not they would feel that fear. We are pretty lucky ey lads

It should be only allowed in America.
The less warriors of Israel the better.

>Look at why people moved to the New World in the first place. To escape English religious persecution.
what does that have to do with america being a white country?
>And just because some early Americans were racist
all americans were. "racism" was the global norm until the 20th century, when jewish pseudoscientists took over and destroyed anthropology
>You alt-right fags
i'm not "alt right"
>can't stay consistent in your views
more whites. fewer nonwhites. how is that inconsistent?
>Pro-life means pro-life
yeah in this case it also means pro-nigger
>I believe we are human beings not statistics
so do i. doesn't mean we should ignore data

>Want less homeless, mentally ill, under educated, foster care abuse, and system mooches; legalize abortion.

Eugenics would be more effective AND less morally corrupt but still pretty horrible.

i dont let the economy decide what is right or wrong that is fucking retarded

>appealing to a subhumans humanity
they don't even see the fetus as a human life. don't bother.

Which is why I speak in terms of morality to them. Force them to consider the morality of the issue.

If their gut reaction to watching a fetus being torn apart is disgust and it upsets them, but their position says that it's morally ok, then there's an internal conflict in them.

a newborn can experience fear, what makes you think a fetus a mere few months younger cannot?

television & films niggas be like

Yeah, plus it would be pretty hard to implement without forcing people to.
>Poor reading comprehension
I stand correct my guy.

Reminder that those bundles of cells can survive being born at 20 weeks

>Ivory Coast flag

i agree, late term abortion should start with you

Based and anatomypilled

based Spartans would throw it off a cliff

holy shit you're a retard.

maybe your mother should've aborted you so she wouldnt've been left with this retard of a kid

cool argument, niglet. wanna bring it to the white house?

>muh freedom
What about the freedom of the father to decide, this isn't just your child.
>muh body
Again, didn't create it with your body
>muh murder doesn't count because he doesn't feel anything
I'll be sure to pop a lot of painkillers in you before I murder you then
>muh murder doesn't count because he doesn't think anything
I'll be sure to kill you if you slip into a coma for any period of time then

Yongyea out

damn, that kid had some grip on him at the end!

The demographic cake has been baked retard. No laws or deportations will change what is already in motion. Curbing degeneracy and any sort of moral revival is a good thing and if you don’t understand that then your opinion simply isn’t valid.

dont forget abortion laws dont even give a shit if the father wants the child, you'll be on the hook for 18 years.
i'm not pro abortion, just pointing out disparity
also babies are affected by what the mother experiences while its inside the womb, it determines how the child develops later which would indicate some level of consciousness.

>Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion, it means pro-freedom
>I'm not pro-slavery, I just support the right of God-fearing white men to own slaves.
Why are pro-abortion arguments so deeply steeped in piss-weak logical fallacies? Every single time, instead of getting an actual argument you get this evasive subject-dodging where people refuse to admit that they are "pro-murder".

That's not how abortion stats work retard

I know it's hard for a middle class white kid to understand but not everyone has money to spend on luxuries like condoms

I used to be indifferent to all this shit (as a 30 year old male), but after seeing people fucking go nuts i'm on board. Fuck niggers and fuck white people. Fuck the world, fuck em all.

>What about the freedom of the father to decide, this isn't just your child.
It isn't a child and it isn't his body. If he wants to be a father he can be with someone who wants kids or adopt. Also what if the father is the woman's rapist?
>Again, didn't create it with your body
I mean, that's how it works.
>I'll be sure to pop a lot of painkillers in you before I murder you then
It's not a person though. How can you "murder" a clump of cells? Are you murdering spinach every time you eat a salad?
>I'll be sure to kill you if you slip into a coma for any period of time then
This is just a dumb argument and you know it is.

It's called a compromise. Kinda like how abolitionists didn't attack slavery directly, but instead attacked the slave trade and its barbaric practices. Some abolitionists weren't interested in outlawing slavery outright, but many were. In the interests of saving as many human lives as possible, sometimes you have to cut terrible deals.

The notion that it's okay to murder someone because their parent committed a crime is unspeakably barbaric, though.

Sweatie 4 years ago was 2015. Literally none of this is true for 2015. Maybe 8 years ago, true. But that was a different time

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>The demographic cake has been baked
What do we do? Will we have to reconfigure our entire society to maximize military proficiency or are there other options?

Republican politicians pretend to care about it in order to get the soccer mom vote.

i sort of get why pro-abortion people support abortion, it creates less shitty lives while killing off mistakes before their misery manifests, affectively sparing them and the society as a whole

what i dont get is the same people who push for this "utilitarian" morally grey ideas are the same ones that go apeshit when you kill useless street dogs or murder niggers. it's a double standard and it's ok when they do it because muh body.

You're just a clump of cells.

>It isn't a child and it isn't his body.
the child is literally 50% his dna
>If he wants to be a father he can be with someone who wants kids or adopt
no guarantee the woman wont change her mind
>Also what if the father is the woman's rapist?
thats not even 1% of abortions
>I mean, that's how it works.
the fetus is not the womans body
>It's not a person though.
i could argue you're not a person since you don't care about babies
>How can you "murder" a clump of cells?
by killing it in cold blood. you're nothing but an older clump of cells even in your own world view
>Are you murdering spinach every time you eat a salad?
>This is just a dumb argument and you know it is.
all your arguments were retarded and relativistic

If fetuses have souls, what happened to them after the snap got reversed?

Attached: thanos-snaps-pregnant-women-cool-vape-trick-55948227.png (500x531, 108K)

just make sterilisation free, then you have the choise to be a turbo roasty and not kill children, no excuse

Leftists argue humans have no souls so everyone is essentially just a tree, clump of cells, which makes a tiny fetus exactly the same as a grown up adult, just the cells look a bit different lmao

food. analogy.

This has to be b8

>muh semantics
That's why I used the word "child". It is your child whether it's alive or not, a person or not, a human or not. One thing you can't wave away with semantics is the fact that the "clamp of cell" in you belly is your child.

>How can you "murder" a clump of cells? Are you murdering spinach every time you eat a salad?
A plant of spinach was in fact killed in order for you to eat it. Are you really going to argue that plants are not alive? Where are you going with this sweatie? More semantic games?

based quints

>What do we do?
as a society? nothing, normies don't think theres a problem with an overpopulation based on a low IQ shitskin underclass. get out of the cities if shit ever hits the fan and learn how to shoot
>Will we have to reconfigure our entire society to maximize military proficiency or are there other options?
only a collapse will change anything. what happens after that is anyones guess

>Again, didn't create it with your body
American education everyone.

Shut the fuck up, you sub-human leftist shitstain.

>killing black people for no reason is the same as getting an abortion
this is why no one takes right wing politics seriously lmao

based low IQ response

abortion is wrong. But that webm and movie is complete horseshit.

I don't understand what faggots want, one second you say you want less kids running around hogging up resources, the next you hate abortion. Fucking centrists cant pick and choose, its either you want less kids running around or you simply don't care where your tax dollars go.

>It's your child whether it's a child or not

>what if the father is the woman's rapist
And what if the mother is the man's rapist and the man wants his rape baby aborted? This semantic game you're playing leads nowhere.

the literal thought process of conservatives

then at least murder the bitch after you nut in her you stupid lazy poorfag

logic is the same, killing off less fortunate mistakes of society will ultimately make everything better because there will be less problems to deal with

Which organ is responsible for the neurobiological process we perceive as "fear"?

Yes, whether it's alive or not, breathing or not, thinking or not, it is your son or your daughter.

>the child is literally 50% his dna
Not a child
>no guarantee the woman wont change her mind
Than he shouldn't be with someone like that.
>thats not even 1% of abortions
The fact that it exist at all means it has to be considered.
>the fetus is not the womans body
Big hmmmm
>i could argue you're not a person since you don't care about babies
You'd be wrong though, objectively speaking. Depends on your definition of person but I satisfy all the qualities of a person.
>by killing it in cold blood. you're nothing but an older clump of cells even in your own world view
Destroying a embryo is not the same thing as murdering a person. It's much easier for you to eat an egg than it is for you to kill a chicken.
I thought it was fun.
>all your arguments were retarded and relativistic
All arguments could be said to be relativistic, but then we'd never get anything done would we?

>the group of people that claims to be anti-government wants the government to decide abortion for them in the hopes that women will become less whorish and fuck them
have sex you fucking incel cuckservatives

>no argument
>immediately goes to adhom
hahaha BTFO

Should be the thought process of everyone. Women are retards and blacks are violent. Just look at the stats.

>The fact that it exist at all means it has to be considered.
Go ahead then, answer this question.
The fact that it exist at all means it has to be considered. Well?

The pro-abortion movement is astonishingly emotional. They flat-out don't care about biology, ethics, and so on. They do not CARE whether abortion is murder. All they care about is their "choice" mantra. And they get super pissy when people point out that their logic is nigh identical to pro-slavery logic. To pro-eugenics logic. To pro-genocide logic. They make arguments that are literally no different to saying that you should go and kill all the poor people to save them from a life of being poor.

Pro-choice people are on a very basic level insane. It's 2+2=5 shit. They craft this nonsensical reality so they can feel comfortable believing the things they believe. Pro and anti-abortion people are incapable of ever coming to an agreement because the anti-abortion side operates using logic like, "Murdering humans is wrong," and the pro-abortion side uses stellar logic like, "NUH-UH!"

And whether it's a child or not?

I disagree with the bill, but not allowing abortions in the case of rape or a similar situation is at least ethically consistent if you think abortion is murder.

hmm could it be the benis?

>much easier for you to eat an egg than it is for you to kill a chicken
Eggs are not fertilized you fucking retard. I know you're female but you don't have to be THIS dumb

>And what if the mother is the man's rapist and the man wants his rape baby aborted?
Can you show me one case of this?

Yes. Can you get pregnant with something that isn't your son or daughter? Pretty sure you semantically can't. This is just about semantics right, you don't care about anything else right. Well there you go.

>>killing black people for no reason is the same as getting an abortion
>this is why no one takes right wing politics seriously lmao
Nah, it's literally the same argument. Pro-abortion people have always argued that is morally irresponsible to allow people to live if they will grow up suffering or disadvantaged. For example, they use this as an excuse to systematically exterminate people with Downs Syndrome. I'm for real here. Their "cure" for Downs is to kill every single person with downs. Imagine "curing" poverty by killing all the poor people. That's how they think.

Are you implying that every child that every woman had in entire human history was desired by the man who fucked her? That's insane, sweatie.


>Women flock in droves with a smile to temples and perform child sacrifice paying a few hundred bucks each time.
>One woman in Flordia had 20 abortions in about 2 or 3 years and now she cant conceive and is reeeeing.
>Women are so incapable of stopping mass loads of cum from flowing into them thanks to all the products that exist for less then $20.
>I cant afford free condoms but lets spend a few hundred killing babies.
>Women march for the right to continue child sacrifice.

>Yea Forums is 1 person
it's all so tiresome

at least you admit its not about the kids, why have cognitive dissonance over this fucking topic? It's just republicans attempting to have moral high ground when its really about controlling women

Are you denying that pro-abortion people are responsible for the literal genocide of the Downs population?

>"no, let me rephrase that..."
Let's try again. Can you show me a case of this event:
>the mother is the man's rapist and the man wants his rape baby aborted

the same one that perceives pain, of which you would feel much if you were a fetus getting dismembered and poison.
>Not a child
requires the relativistic view that dehumanizes children
>Than he shouldn't be with someone like that.
you can't guarantee it, you're ignoring the man has no choice in what happens to the baby
>The fact that it exist at all means it has to be considered.
sure, but you can't base abortion on Big hmmmm
no argument
>You'd be wrong though, objectively speaking. Depends on your definition of person but I satisfy all the qualities of a person.
objectively speaking a subhuman who doesn't want to protect babies is not worthy of life. aborted babies have no choice in the matter, why should you get to be alive today since you promote that?
>Destroying a embryo is not the same thing as murdering a person.
life begins at conception. you're destroying a future walking, talking breathing person. just like you're killing an entire blood line when you murder a family, you're killing a person when you abort a baby.
>It's much easier for you to eat an egg than it is for you to kill a chicken.
another retarded food analogy
>I thought it was fun.
plants are not the subject
>All arguments could be said to be relativistic, but then we'd never get anything done would we?
no they can't, thats the absurdity of relativism. relativists don't have to assume any position because they don't believe in any ultimate truth. they just slither around like snakes. atheism was a mistake.

>getting pregnant with your offspring
thats hot


>undesired pregnancy is rape
Speaking of arguing about semantics, huh user?

>controlling women
you do realize that it's the height of cruelty to just let people do whatever they want at their own peril, right? you wouldn't let a kid play video games all day or eat fast food every day - or maybe you would because you hate babies and want abortion to be legal.
the fact is women are whatever we allow them to be and western women are more miserable in this day and age than ever before. personal freedom for the sake of it leads to ruin.

>Can you get pregnant with something that isn't your son or daughter?
You're from Alabama alright.

Do you want me to google it for you? What do you want from me? Do you think that no woman ever forced sex on a man because she wanted to have his child, in human history? I mean I know you're a woman, but you can't be THAT dumb.

I don't think you know what genocide means

just kill the rapist at least he did something wrong

>black woman gets shot by police
>"That's what you get, if you fuck with authority you give up your right to live on this planet!!"
>school full of children gets shot up
>"I should have the right to bear arms and don't you dare do anything about it!"
>unborn baby that would probably not live a happy life born from a mother filled with regret and self hate gets aborted
>"Uuhh I'm pro life"

Attached: Dd2z_bBVQAEhkqB.jpg (1242x1460, 207K)

Abortions should be legal but only for POC. They should be free as a reparation for slavery.

Attached: qG1Q1R87_400x400.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Can you name one single fucking case of your proposed event or not, you illiterate mongrel?
>it happens a lot
>source: my ass

Actually yes it is. Remember when Assange was charged with sexual assault because he didn't tell a woman he had consensual sex with that he took his condom off?


based numbers, pro-life fags eternally btfo

>roastie changes her mind
>get murdered by the government
just no

Where the fuck would I get that case from? Give me the big rape database, I'll find it. What do you want from me you mad woman?

post proof of your claims or just close the thread

And you agree with those charges? Fucking hell you're even more retarded than I thought or a roastie

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people. If you rounded up every single person with a certain skin colour and killed them, that would be genocide. If you rounded up every single person with blue eyes, that would be genocide. If you rounded up every single person who was lactose intolerant, that would be genocide. But for some reason, systematically killing every single person with an "undesired" genetic flaw isn't genocide because reasons.

Euthanizing severely retarded people that can’t function is different than killing somebody for having a clubbed foot, mongoloid.

>but muh exceptionally rare exception to the rule should mean all abortions should be legal!

>Where the fuck would I get that case from?
The news, you fucking retard. What shitskin waterhole are you from where criminal cases aren't reported in the news?

>killing every single person with an "undesired" genetic flaw isn't genocide
takes a big man to admit when he's wrong and utterly BTFO, good for you

>Euthanizing severely retarded people that can’t function is different than killing somebody for having a clubbed foot, mongoloid.
Pro-abortion folks aren't pro-genocide and pro-eugenics, honest.

Do you have a single proof that you are breathing air right now? Find me a CNN article that confirms this fact or we'll have to agree you are dead and therefore there is no point to our conversation.

>freedom to murder
Top cuck. Enjoy your jail cell degenerate.

The discussion about abortion can be boiled down to: What is more important a consistent valuation of human life or sexual liberation of women (i.e. having fun with sex, i.e. pure hedonism)

>What happened?

Soccer moms happened.

They're ITT too.

Attached: 1508339130623.png (944x4013, 596K)

Okay I googled it for you, what does that change? What have we achieved? An obvious fact has been confirmed, what now?

>fat bitch with a niglet baby sat next to me on the bus
>"did you adopt him?"
>"no, he's mine"
>"but he looks nothing like you"
>looks at me confused for 3 seconds
>"fuck you"

Attached: 1527724012861s.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Why do women want to kill their children so much anyways?

Attached: 1549396741616.jpg (1200x893, 165K)

that has nothing to do with the rape victim wanting an abortion, you wanna try again?

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>The Kansas Supreme Court ruled against him. The judgment stated that because Seyer initially consented to the sexual encounters and never told his parents what was happening, he was responsible for supporting the child.
So, it wasn't rape.

Try again.

I love the brainlet logic that: "Abortion isn't murder because it's only murder if it's illegal." By that logic, the Holocaust wasn't murder because the Nazis carefully rejigged the underlying legal foundations of the German legal system to let them do whatever the fuck they wanted.

>aborting unwanted children is bad
>aborting malformations is bad
>aborting children that will be abandoned is bad
>aborting children from rape is bad
Fuck, even I wish I had been aborted so I wouldn't have to suffer reality and my parents not caring about me.

4d coping strategies

It's only bad when the baby is from 100% european heritage aka white

I love the brainlet logic that: "Abortion is murder because I believe it"

any white nationalist that isnt a moron is pagan
imagine following a cult that came from the middle east

Attached: pagan wedding.jpg (570x854, 106K)

>mfw the people i ERPd with on Yea Forums may have been a yummy mummy milky milfy

Attached: 433.jpg (600x600, 33K)

good god

if killing a human (it's indisputably human in case of up-to-birth abortion that is being pushed recently) is going to be accepted as morally ok, then what exactly should stop me from killing people like you?
you don't get a special moral protection just because you were pushed out of a vagina.

Reminder that lefties cant defend their abortion stance without resorting to calling a fetus a parasite

because they suck

It is bad
I encourage all shitlibs and their pet minorities to sterilize themselves
Doesn't change the fact that its an abhorrent act though

So you need an article to say "the man kept demanding that the woman gets an abortion despite the fact that the he clearly doesn't have any say in this according to the law and his actions made no sense"? This is why these threads never lead to anything, arguing with women is just a waste of time.


I am interacting with you which means I am alive, and any alive human being is breathing air.

Levitzky, Michael G. (2013). Pulmonary physiology (Eighth ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. p. Chapter 1. Function and Structure of the Respiratory System.

they don't really, they've just been psyopped into thinking abortion is "healthcare" and that it's not really a baby. the ones who realize their mistake end up mentally scarred for life.
this is exactly why argument from legality is retarded. it used to be legal to own blacks. these things change over the course of time
>aborting unwanted children is bad
it's possible to close your legs
>aborting children that will be abandoned is bad
again, just close your legs. you're not an animal right?
i'm torn on the other 2. the rape baby did nothing wrong but the woman shouldnt be forced to carry it to term nor should a rapist get to continue their blood line

What's wrong with being pro-murder? Keeping every potato and useless eater alive is destroying the planet thus destroying all life. Murder is a part of human life. Pro-choice types who can't see this are indeed contradicting themselves. But so are /pol/fag cucks who would relegate every under table thing like the gassing vans to their 'right wing death squads' and lie about how they care about life's sanctity (ie its selective, just like pro-choice is selective). /pol/cuck God Emperor neo-boomer qanon faggots wait until every place on earth is a shithole like Brazil and the ecosystems are ruined and then pray for god to come down and save them

I need a documented female-to-male rape case where the victim demanded an abortion, and was refused.

In other words: the event which you have claimed is happening "all the time".

Well you got me I guess there is literally no other case in entire human history of a woman raping a man and having his baby. Literally never happened in human history.

people should be free to do whatever they want! AMERICA! AMERICA! AMERICA!
>After careful consideration I want to have an abortion
lock her up

>pagan cringe
no pagan actually believes in their so called gods. stop larping, incel
odin was a cum drinker btw lol

>make claim
>get asked for proof
>post an article without reading it
>get asked for proof again
>throw a tantrum and start ranting about how much you hate women
jesus christ you're pathetic

Rape isn't real. It's possible to close your legs!

Attached: 1531494665199.jpg (638x558, 106K)

there is no example in history where pure hedonism and unbridled personal freedom did not lead to ruin on a societal level. you could even say things are worse today than they were in weimar, which is why hitler rose to power. shit's going to get exponentially worse

/pol/'s stance on the abortion question is "what race is it?", so
>lie about how they care about life's sanctity
is a strawman

Why the fuck would he demand it when everyone knows he doesn't have that power. That's like demanding you learn how to fly, what is the point. Obviously if he had that power, he would do it since paying child support for a woman who raped you is not ideal.

Apparently not, since you're unable to cite even one such case.

It ends up being about what you believe in. I believe the idea that all humans must be assumed to have equal value is something that works in the long run, proven by the consistent success of this value. Believing otherwise, i.e. human life has different value depending on whatever factor is proven to not be successful.

Of course I might be wrong. Maybe there is a really smart way of defining human value that actually ends up making society better. I don't know. But human history thus far doesn't indicate that.

>Posts Africans to stereotype people from alabama
What did he mean by this

holy shit that was horrible. also
>muh propaganda.
fuck yourself kike. and pro abortion propaganda is ok in your demented mind.

you clearly didnt read the entire post.
/pol/ is not one person. i'm "/pol/" and i dont want abortion to be legal because i don't believe in subsidizing bad choices. it always leads to worse things down the line.

>killing people save the environment
top retard, there is enough food for everyone in the west trad, people are trowing away more food anyone can eat.
And if you dont give a shit about human life why even care about the environment its terrible logic

so are you now willing to admit you were lying in your initial statement?


>It is almost as if they seem to see forcing a woman to give birth as a form of punishment or even revenge for some sort of transgression
Thanks for another example

It isn't necessarily. There are plenty here arguing for blanket bans on abortion. And even then they support the 'right wing death squads' exterminating white people they don't like, which they don't apply to fetuses

Yes that's fair enough, but then you shouldn't have claimed something which can't be proven by default imho

The anti-abortion crowd do not teach about sex ed and they will even tell teenagers contraceptives don't work, they will tell them it could cause cancer!

You're arguing the abnormal and not the average case. Most abortions are elective. You're literally retarded and can't even google simple shit. Kill yourself asap!

notice how the tree hugging arguments are all ultimately aimed at depopulation
it has literally nothing to do with "saving the environment".

Here you go, a Dutch court case: uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl/inziendocument?id=ECLI:NL:HR:2011:BO9841

You are actually fucking retarded, though. Asking for proof for real-life fucking situations, lmao. DO you have PROOF that you took 20 shits last month? WELL MUST NOT HAVE HAPPENED

>/pol/ is not one person
and yet that's exactly how you described it initially

Something that pisses me off about the abortion debate is how everyone acts as though we live in fucking America. As though the American legal system defines whether killing a human being is wrong or not. This is a universal ethical dispute that transcends America's petty bullshit. This obsession with Roe vs Wade. (I love how Roe vs Wade advocates ignore that Roe wanted the law overturned, BTW.) The reason Americans are so bonkers about stuff like their Supreme Court is 100% because they either want to use the supreme court to outlaw abortion or they want to use the supreme court to keep abortion legal. Incidentally, notice how pro-abortion people pretend that the extremely conservative position of wanting to maintain the pro-abortion status quo makes them "progressive". In a basic political sense, if abortion is legal and you're fighting to keep it legal, you're the conservative in the equation and the progressives are the ones trying to extend basic human rights to babies.

op here. Pls make another thread to continue the discussion

not only are most abortions elective, less than 1% of abortions are due to rape.
i'm not the guy you were responding to prior to that post

>Asking for proof for real-life fucking situations, lmao.
Criminal cases aren't "real life fucking situation lmao". How old are you anyways? I didn't spend all this time arguing with a teenager did I?


such a stupid meme, it was the great depression

>making shit up

There is no example in history of a society that did not lead to ruin. Full stop.

Weimar didn't fall because of hedonism my uneducated American friend.

lefties will kill their children that's still inside their wombs but refuse to eat animals that have been bred, grown and taken care to be eaten. they'll say "my child, my business" but refuse to obey or respect their parents. i know im grasping at strawmans but hypocricy of the left is kinda baffling, it's almost like they don't have consistent morality.

so economic depression causes pure degeneracy like legal child prostitution and trannies?
fun fact. the "book burning" hitler did involved tranny literature and other degenerate, society-burning shit.

Are you drunk?

>lack of health care and racism is to blame
Or maybe people are waking the fuck up and realizing its inhumane. Abortion support is dropping as well.

i don't think that, but it does make sense as a principle: don't murder people for what they had no control over, murder for their conscious decisions.

>ctrl+F "abortion"
>0 results
why you lying the threads about to 404 accept your BTFO and move on

I'm not the person you were talking to, just saying that it's obvious that you are trying to make a pedantic point to 'win' an argument via intellectual dishonest discussion.

righties will refuse to abort clumps of cells but happily torture, slaughter and eat full grown animals who perceive pain and fear.

Are you American?

because people don't learn from their mistake and think they know better than what history teaches. societies based on hedonistic morals like abortion will never last.
weimar fell because it collapsed under the weight of it's own degeneracy. we are headed there too.


How about we ban abortion for all cases other than rape, incest, and severely deformed or heavily retarded babies

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Try again

fetuses also try to escape death

tahts the thing, that's how it started. if you give an inch they take a mile.
and guess (((who))) was behind all of it

I really don't. Claiming that an abundance of specific criminal cases exist and then being unable to cite one is retarded.

Do I need to explain the difference between the statements
>humans breathe air all the time!
>Austrian men abduct and enslave their own daughters in self-built basements all the time
to you?


Your point is moot. 'Not one society with unbridled hedonism didn't lead to ruin' is pointless if not any society with varying levels of hedonism didn't lead to ruin. Surely even a mutt must understand how retarded this point is.

you literally want to put your life into the hands of demented sluts

it's not moot, it's saying that we have to end blatant degeneracy or we can't even say we regret how things end. these things can be seen decades in advance.

fuck you're not even baiting

please stop skipping school in order to shitpost on Yea Forums

Because those things are a lot to ask of someone

Building your ethics around the axiom that you want to prevent pain is absolutely retarded. The center of every ethical framework should be humans and only humans.

it's hand wringers like you who just shrug and say "oh well" that hold the rest of us back along with the others.

Who, ((((((Trump)))?

reasonable countries already do that, but yes, then over the years you get faggots who want more and more relaxed law.

>societies based on hedonistic morals like abortion will never last.
Name a stuck up society that lasted.

why would i be baiting? more importantly, why are you incapable of making arguments?
a certain tribe with a revolutionary spirit which has been kicked out of 109 countries.


It was already signed retard.

>I really don't. Claiming that an abundance of specific criminal cases exist and then being unable to cite one is retarded.
I went through all of the posts until the original one, but I never found anyone claim this. I might've missed it.

Although, I saw him saying that 'what if the father is the rapist' as a central point, not 'what if the mother raped the father and the father wanted it aborted', but I also might've read that wrong. This discussion is all over the place.

>a certain tribe with a revolutionary spirit which has been kicked out of 109 countries.

>extend basic human rights to babies
They're fetuses, they're not yet born, nor are they really conscious of reality. They don't pay taxes. They do not exist yet.

Abortions are also typically performed before 20 weeks, and if done after that then it's usually because of knowledge of fetal abnormality.

Abortions reduce the population of the undesirables in society, it reduces societal costs and crime.

The fact some people here want it but only for people they see as less than them is completely retarded also.

there are none, because all societies eventually descended into degeneracy. entropy is inherent to all institutions. its why you have to fight tooth and nail to stop the descent. thankfully we live in a unique time where information and communication is readily available and can help stem the tide or even reverse the trend.
the jewish media is trying to stop this from happening by enacting blanket censorship against people who try to talk about it earnestly.

So make a coherent and logical point about why 'unbridled personal freedom' as it exists right now in Western society is a bad thing and I'll consider it.

Eugenics is anglo-saxon not jewish retard

>nor are they really conscious of reality. They don't pay taxes.
i can think of a few groups of people who are that, if we can kill them off you can have your free abortions. deal?
>They do not exist yet.
actually delusional

>there are none, because all societies eventually descended into degeneracy.
You mean people got fed up by being caged like animals and rose up against their oppressors?
Gee, it's almost like oppressing a people will lead to a society's ruin.

>They don't pay taxes.
Neither does Activision.

The only societies that last are the hedonistic ones. People don't like their freedoms being limited beyond the absolute edge of morality no matter how much you wish it were the case. A society with excessive imposed morals always either falls or changes.

The only pushes that wont truly be ever be accepted is pedophilia and bestialitt because humans have an inherent instinct to defend living breathing children and fucking animals is gross to everyone who isnt a zoophile.The LGBT are pushing back against pedophiles trying to join to movement right now, which is good.

>They're fetuses
Pure semantics. Calms the heart of ignorant people, but not an argument

>they're not yet born
The act of birth is not magic, nothing special happens.

>nor are they really conscious of reality.
So aren't sleeping people. Or comatose people. Hell, even newborns aren't exactly conscious of their environment up until 6 months. Up until then they are basically automatons.

>They don't pay taxes.
Children don't pay taxes either. Or, well, people who evade taxes.

>They do not exist yet.
Evidently they do.

hence Activision doesn't exist, ta dah!

Its wrong yes but the practice should be legal because it's a medical procedure. Just another example of everyone arguing about the wrong thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong:
You believe any abortion should be illegal
You believe this because ending a life (perhaps except the death penalty) is immoral and should be illegal
You believe life starts at conception.

it's very simple. just like you wouldn't let a kid do exactly what they wanted with boomer style hands-off parenting like eating fast food and drinking soda every day, playing video games all day, neither should you let adults do anything they please. the principle is exactly the same.
an example with women.
imagine a daughter who racks up a 3 digit partner count (because she's been told we know better than those who came before us, and love is love and hedonism is amazing) and becomes unable to pair bond, leading to a miserable feminist childless and loveless life, blaming men for it - why shouldnt she? her father failed her. libturds just never make that connection, they think its about "control" (read: guidance) - even though she didn't receive enough of it.
all these things lead to weak men, who further allow the degeneration of women, who choose the father. eventually society just collapses.

i never mentioned eugenics.
its the lack of "oppression" that leads to degeneracy, actually.
oh? what hedonistic society has lasted until today? and weimar had both beastiality and child prostitution btw.
the sky is the limit when you throw objective morals out the window

You worship pestilence and self righteousness

just imagine there is some broad out there that gets off on abortion, she goes like 12 times per year

I'm for whatever the Jews in the media are against


Obviously we are all committing to hedonism in some ways. It's a question of balance, i.e. how much we prioritize hedonism over other, more meaningful things. Hedonism is an expression of relativism and meaninglessness in some sense. If you have nothing to live for, you fall back to the things that manifest themselves instantly in the form of pleasure.

So what if people choose to have a 3-digit partner count and they become unable to pair bond and have a miserable life. They chose that path themselves. Let them be miserable.

>eventually society just collapses
Doesn't make sense.

lol this retard wants more depressed black people with no fathers and a crack whore mother who uses them for child support might as well kill them from birth cause that ain't gonna go well

>its the lack of "oppression" that leads to degeneracy, actually.
You're an idiot. History has shown you that the oppressed will eventually rise up against their oppressors and murder them. See: French revolution.

You'd be killing future Yea Forums posters

new technologies have been developed since then

You mean the new technologies as employed in Libya?

no birth control dufus

Show him the YouTube video of the sheboon who pushed an elderly white man out of a bus and killed him because he had the audacity to request the monster to be nice to other people.

Imagine saying these things within the same 10-minute window
>new technologies have been developed since then (so oppressing the people would work now)
>because people don't learn from their mistake and think they know better than what history teaches.

>So what if people choose to have a 3-digit partner count and they become unable to pair bond and have a miserable life. They chose that path themselves. Let them be miserable.
because that's fucked up and it's not how we evolved to live. humans are meant to pair bond in order to have and raise children. statistically the more partners you have the more likely you are to get a divorce.
and why should you want to do this anyway? there is virtue in abstaining from hedonism. hedonism is a rejection of a good life in favor of pleasure in the now. this is why suicide and depression rates are soaring, people weren't meant to live this way.
also risking STD's and a childless life is no joke. society depends on stable families. if it were up to me we would eject all the degenerates so that we may preserve decency and society in general.
>Doesn't make sense
but it does my friend. once the snowball starts rolling, it eventually becomes a boulder that destroys the village below
funny you should mention that, the "french revolution" was actually genocidal jews who wanted to wipe out christians by murdering the priests and rapemurdering the nuns. revolution is code word for mass murder. historical revisionism is funny like that.
the point is it's not actually oppression, dummy. holding people to basic moral standards is the only way for a society to last.

abortion prevents irresponsible minorities from reproducing, i'll pay for every single one

Attached: 1508373.jpg (1024x576, 117K)

>You believe any abortion should be illegal
no, it should be illegal except for special cases (genetic defects, rape, life in danger)
>You believe this because ending a life (perhaps except the death penalty) is immoral and should be illegal
ending a life when it's not necessary is immoral.
>You believe life starts at conception.
yes, that's objectively true by the biological definition, and you won't be able to come up with any better point when life begins.

This is not and never was about actually restricting certain types of behavior by force. Everybody should at every point be free to do whatever they like. However, society necessarily imposes certain values on everyone. For example it's illegal to steal shit. Nobody sane thinks these things should be up to everyone's personal moral standard. There really are people who think the concept of personal ownership is the devil.

In the end laws are about forcing everybody to consider their role in a bigger society. It's difficult to synchronize the behavior of millions in order to optimize the well-being of society as a whole, that's why we need some abstractly defined rules. It's very easy to get an individual at one single point in time to do whatever pleases him however. That is hedonism. If everybody only prioritize to that, society does indeed collapse. Even the individuals themselves collapse simply because hedonism is about instant gratification only. It doesn't consider the future at all.

you're responding to 2 different people.

haha what a twat

>funny you should mention that, the "french revolution" was actually genocidal jews who wanted to wipe out christians by murdering the priests and rapemurdering the nuns. revolution is code word for mass murder. historical revisionism is funny like that.
Lmao. Where's your evidence?

>humans are meant to pair bond in order to have and raise children
Says who?
>there is virtue in abstaining from hedonism.
Great, so abstain from hedonism if you want.
>if it were up to me we would eject all the degenerates so that we may preserve decency and society in general.
It's not a coincidence that it isn't up to you.

>but it does my friend. once the snowball starts rolling, it eventually becomes a boulder that destroys the village below
Where's your evidence?

>the point is it's not actually oppression, dummy. holding people to basic moral standards is the only way for a society to last.
Forcing people to what you think is 'moral' is inherently oppressive.

do you live in an all white town?

>yes, that's objectively true by the biological definition, and you won't be able to come up with any better point when life begins.
Claiming something is objectively true without evidence does not make for a good argument. Why does life start at conception?

It's the only consistent definition. Every other definition kind of clashes with our moral intuition eventually.

I agree of course, that this is not objective. Nothing is objective when it comes to ethics. But that shouldn't keep us from imposing values anyway.