Are there any comfy movies that take place in a comfy Eastern European/Russian shithole...

Are there any comfy movies that take place in a comfy Eastern European/Russian shithole? Preferably set during the Soviet era.

Attached: KlaipedaSovietinis.jpg (630x354, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

One called Chernobyl but its from a females point of view, so you see the effects on people rather than the accident itself. Don't know the exact name maybe its just "chernobyl"

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears is peak comfy soviet Kino

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How in any world is this comfy? Maybe if this level of subhuman living is the only thing you’ve ever known.

Why do people assume that apartment blocks automatically means its a shithole

Some of these apartment blocks looks pretty decent inside.

seni rusiški filmai gal

learn to read

How can a shithole by comfy retard


>many polfaggots are from eastern shitholes
>they find the fact that monorities in the US live in nice suburbs infuriating

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I'm a polfaggot and I'm a spic living in suburban Chicago lol.

>things that don't happen

Nah, you're just retarded. The reason you feel comfy in commieblocks is because you've gotten used to it and you made it as comfy as possible because the alternative is literal suffering. I'm from eastern europe myself and the average slav can't even imagine the quality of life in western civilization or how completely far away it can be in relation to comfort by comparison. I have neighbors that literally watch tv all day and they don't care, because that's the only comfy they will ever know.

>the alternative is literal suffering
Or moving to a nicer neighborhood. Can you imagine the horrible inhuman suffering, living in pic related? Oh god if only I could live in a ghetto with niggers instead. Stop being a self-hating faggot. Your house is shit because you're poor, not because you're in Eastern Europe. Stop being poor

Attached: 0_1b629f_b70186b4_XXL.jpg (1024x678, 331K)

>live in homogeneous society
>traditional family values
>relatively low cost of living
>economy growing steadily

>"I would never live in Eastern Europe because I can't live without needless luxuries"

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It doesn't matter. A slav is always gonna be mentally in the commieblock. It took me years to realize that even when I moved to the center of moscow from rostov, mentally I was still stuck in rostov. You can see this with russians that go to america, they embed themselves in the culture but mentally they're stuck in the commieblock metaphor, sometimes even coming back home eventually, leaving that life behind. It's difficult to explain, I've only seen this behavior with slavs, not necessarily poor people.

That's a scarcity mentality and it harms you in more ways than you can imagine. Values and whatever is nice but it's common for the typical russian to save up as much cash as possible and then never spend it anywhere and then suddenly to spend most of it on booze because he's bored. I don't know why this is like this but this is the collective consciousness.

Goodbye Lenin. East German so not directly Russian but still absolutely worth watching.

I would love some post-ww2 movies that showed what happened to East European countries during the 40 year occupation by the soviets.

Attached: same city.jpg (999x1304, 810K)

>live in homogeneous society
there are more muslims in russia than in any European country. have sex

The thing is that picture and so many pictures like it are misleading you with color saturation and hdr to make it look better than it actually is. Of course the architecture is very impressive but you can't really see such saturated colors in the lights or shadows irl at any given point. If you like such colors in general you might want to visit canyon caves, or coral sea beds, those sort of places.

This unironically looks like a nice expensive condo in Chicago.

Then again I could see it looking like highrises in the projects. Chicago is pretty ugly outside of the skyline and a few areas downtown.

Tales of the Golden Age. It's about some popular urban legends during communist times in Romania. Some may have a grain of truth to them.

What does it feel living there? Like 3rd world country but "white" people?

Forgot pic.

Attached: tales-from-the-golden-age-768x539-c-default[1].jpg (768x539, 60K)

>resource effiency bad

I'm not even sure there's a word for 'comfy' in Russian.

Inadequate People is top comfy if you’re into romance in a commieblock setting.

Obviously, but it does highlight the impact communism had on these countries, and it would be nice to see a movie about it spanning from the beginning of the occupation to the end.

Tens of thousands of people were deported from their home countries and sent to Sibir, etc.

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Communist countries were 2nd world. Anyone who didn't have a horse in the NATO vs USSR race was 3rd world (India, most of Africa or Indonesia).

>deluded NEET: the post
You wouldn’t last a month in our dog eat dog machismo society, where people constantly push your boundaries, till you start dreaming about going back to your’s, where people around you at least not openly hostile to each other and hold some resemblance of a community.

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Watch cheka

>muh communism
Oy vey horrible soviets built cheap housing after nazis bombed the cities. Couldn't soviets just magically undo the damage??? What the fuck????

M8, the old USSR was an impoverished shithole where you had to wait 3 hours in line for rations of weak coffee, the penalty for every offense was death, and the medical care was so primitive they might as well have been using leeches.

That's like asking if there's a 'comfy' Romance set in the London ghettos during the 19th century cholera outbreak.

Кypьep 1986

Protagonist is a lazy smug little shit.
A lot of edgy young adults will relate.

based historian

I m still crying guys.
Why everything has to be so bad?

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the duality of a faggot

and a based nigga

Here in France, western Europe we also have commie blaocks because of jewish bolcheviks who were pretty strong after WWII. They put this trash everywhere in the suburbs. It's deshumanizng, demoralizing and created a lot of violence and crime. Teh kikes who created this abomination should have been hanged.
They also liked to build on top of a concrete slab with empty space underneath, to be disconnected from the ground, probably only as a symbolic gesture. It ends up with some sort of dark car park in which the wind blows hard and criminal activities thrive

Fuck, how could I forget. This is the right answer.

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That's fantasy. Nothing will happen to you in your block. Nobody cares. Even gopniks and alcoholics now know if you hit someone - you go to jail. Literally google фyтбoлиcт тюpьмa, even a braindead monkey knows about the consequences today.

>to save up as much cash as possible and then never spend it anywhere and then suddenly to spend most of it on booze because he's bored
too soon user

Brat is comfy
Leviafan looks good, but it's about corruption so it's sad.
This slapstick comedy is good

>A slav is always gonna be mentally in the commieblock
That's called being a whiny faggot. Yes, a lot of slavs are whiny faggots. How about you stop being that, it's easy if you try.

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>I've only seen this behavior with slavs
You realize that mentality is proudly heavy with the black community right? "you can take the nigga out the hood but you can't take the hood out the nigga".

I’ve been working in a monotown 500K shithole for a year and you have no idea whatcha talking about.

You've never been in a serious fight in your entire life. There's two things every slav thinks he can do, pick up girls and win a fight. One of them can actually happen to you, can you guess which one is more likely?

>mummy everyone treats me like shit
Huh, they don't treat me like shit. I guess it's because you're a faggot and you need to be bullied.

I’m a faggot for wanting to play by the rules and not wanting to engage in violence, gotcha.

The Lives of Others

Only 3.6 roentgen, not good but not terrible either.

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dios mio...

Goodbye Lenin is comfy. Das Leben der Anderen is not.

> Lilya's mother tells her they are emigrating to the United States with the mother's new boyfriend, but instead, she abandons Lilya in the care of her aunt while she and the boyfriend move to America. The aunt moves herself into the larger, nicer flat Lilya and her mother had lived in while forcing Lilya to move into a smaller, squalid apartment.
lol I thought it would be worse
this is very common even today, what is the big deal exactly? She has a place to live. Her own place lmao, I'd kill for my own place as a teenager are you kidding me?
I thought she'd literally be out on the street or her father would molest her or some actual fucked up shit that legit happened back then and happens to some people even now. It's funny how this is basically "the worst it can ever get" from the eyes of a foreigner, the worst thing that can happen to you is your mother leaves you in the care of your aunt and she gives you a place to stay, for free. So retarded. Everything that happened to her after is her own fault and literally no excuse.

>not wanting to engage in violence
Are you telling me people are beating you up in the street randomly? What are you telling me? Sounds to me like you're a whiny faggot and you just don't like the way people look at you. They look at you as if you're a whiny faggot btw, so stop being that.

>Stop being poor
Great idea, wher do I start senpai?

last i checked communism killed 60 million people you fucking retard, how dare you support a movement that genocided the innocent whites of ukraine for their jewish puppet masters?


The american "projects" aren't nearly as bad as commie blocks. Plus they quickly realized it was a bad idea that created criminality. In Europe they kept doing it because the ones who built them never had to live in them and pretty much despised its inhabitants.

You speak English, you're on the internet. You can learn a skill and start competing with the rest of the world right now. For example, you could learn CGI and start doing that, a ton of that is outsourced, there's a shitload of jobs in the industry. But you choose to be a whiny faggot instead. Who's to blame here? I bet it's the government keeping you down.

>The american "projects" aren't nearly as bad as commie blocks.
Excuse me, what? In what fucking way? The projects are among the most dangerous places on earth.

I'm learning this. Stay away. There's an entire continent of asians and +++ bugmen from the islands that are swarming it up already. Unless you're prepared to dish out 5+ years at least into it, don't bother.

Cool story bro, I literally am a texture artist though. Like I literally am at work right now. But you keep being a whiny faggot, I'm sure it'll work out for you.

The dudes in the projects have guns. Slavs have fists, bottles and knives.

Watch Szomszédok it is true kino

Attached: szomszed.jpg (690x450, 59K)


How's that indonesian taking your jobs loser?
>texture artist
lmao literally a merc slave
Characters is where it's at.

Sounds to me like you’re an overprotected zoomer, who haven’t experienced what’s relying solely on yourself once in your lifetime. Arrogant little shit.

I mean that's a different problem, you let these thugs obtain weapons very easily and police let the drug business going on. But the way the projects are constructed isn't as bad as in Europe were it's basically a prison, a whole city that is independant from the main city. And it's huge blocks with thousands appartments forming a sort of wall in all directions.

Sure I downloaded photoshop, now I can start making big bucks with my memes

Again, how is that anywhere near as bad/? That's honestly laughable as fuck. It's always cringey when clearly way easier and safer places want to say they are as hard or harder than clearly harder places. Torontofags are the worst with this. And yes, I'm aware places in Africa, Mideast, and Latin America trump the American projects too.

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I'm talking about architecture, you're talking about criminals. We don't have easy access to guns in Europe, and that's a good thing because we would have a serious problem otherwise. Funnily enough, all the guns we get come from eastern europe

On a serious note though.
I feel sorry for you. Everytime I talk to a texture artist it's like a giant sob story with you people. You desperately want to be creative and you can see that spark and passion for it but you just can't fucking draw for shit. And most of the time it's because you're just lazy and convinced yourself of whatever stupid shit you want to believe in. You can't develop that sense of spatial awareness to stop symbol drawing and to learn how to structure form in any other other way but abstract. You just stare at references and copy surfaces like some kind of robot. It's so sad to work with you. Sure, you elevate my meshes to an extent but on your own you're never going to create anything worthwhile. Just imagine waking up doing thumbnails, value comps, color comps and then developing the entire composition into a keyframe pipeline, and then watching it in the actual movie. I bet you probably take great pride when you see that tiny speck of metal you worked on somewhere and it's so fucking depressing to see that in your eyes or to listen to you actually say that out loud.

that girl was hot, she went nude in a film called stilyagi (hipsters) while still being "underaged"

but as stated, the film went a little bit overthetop. Its more about how naive people (and young people espiecially women are more naive) gets taken advantage of by crappy people. having crappy parents has always killed your life in all ages. Thats just basic 101 nature.

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Like that other guy correctly pointed out you need about 5 years of training to take my job. So faggots like you aren't taking my job.
>muh character art
Lmao, there is very little work for character artists. Especially outsourced. But I did work on characters in one indie game, that was before I went pro, was doing it for free at the time. By the way sculpting is about 10% of character work, faggos like you think that's the entire job. There is literally nothing in CG that's as boring as retopoing a character.

based truthposter

>Lmao, there is very little work for character artists.
lol ok
Tell that to #467 chinaman on artstation, fucking dumbass. I work 2D more than 3D, that's "supposedly" even more scarce according to your dumb logic and I do just fine. How about you learn how to draw the figure for starters before you talk about boring.

Here you go. Depression and alcoholism kino

Attached: Afonya.jpg (190x300, 24K)

>that projection
Lmao. I've spent 3 years just learning 2D, I'm pretty sure I'm a better 2D artist than you. That's kind of a requirement for the job, I have 2D shit in my portfolio and so does everyone else.

So you're saying you're shit at everything, 2d and 3d? Maybe make a decision and be great at something.
Alright faggot. I got about 30 more minutes to kill, I'd love to absolutely destroy you.
Draw a figure from imagination right now. Let's go.

Ah I see, everything you know about CG comes from browsing artstation portfolios. Well guess what, my artstation portfolio is also about 50% characters. Never in my life was I paid to make a character. There are just no jobs for character artists. People put that shit in portfolio because it looks impressive.

Yes, it's the industry's fault you made shitty career choices.
Yes, it's the industry's fault your shitty characters didn't get recognition or landed you jobs. I would act surprised morons like you get jobs but then again you're doing textures, something even a literal monkey can do so I won't.

>seething this hard

Yes, I'm learning multiple skills because I want to make my own game which I will start on next year because I saved up some money. You can start being butthut now

Of course I'm seething. I work with retards JUST LIKE YOU. It's infuriating to be in the same room with you. You're super shy and nice on the outside but on the inside you legit think you're better than everyone. When someone calls you out that's when you show your true face. Are you gonna draw the figure and prove your worth and how sick your characters are or are you gonna be a pussy?

>make my own game
Lmao. Ok bro. Good luck with that. I got everything I need out of this interaction. You can't draw for shit and you can't do anything really good. I challenged you and you backed out like a pussy.
There's a russian saying actually just for this.
Ha cлoвaх oднo a нa дeлe гoвнo. Яcнo c тoбoй вcё.

>tfw no ruski commie student gf
why even live lads

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lol go smoke an IQOS and then don’t forget to get drunk with your nerdy friends in your favourite craft bar, talking about your “”””projects””””, you sheltered muscovite bitch lol

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Don't leave user, your seethe is too entertaining. Keep me engaged.

Quality of life in Eastern Europe is the same as Western europe nowadays. Where the fuck do you live, Vasiliy

If they spoke english in Day of the Wacko it would be praised on Yea Forums as Gospel

Attached: 220px-Day_of_the_wacko_DVD_cover.jpg (220x320, 23K)

I wouldn't be able to afford making my own game in Moscow, the city is too expensive user. Keep seething though, keep projections going

You can watch it on YouTube tho with english subtitles.

So everything else I said is true

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literally all of soviet movies, you fucking retard

That wasn't even me, I'm not going to reply to you anymore because you can't draw for shit and you're a clueless retard, go make your shitty mediocre little game like shitty mediocre little man that you are.
"""Гэймдэв""" yёбoк пиздит oн лyчшe в 2д, yмep oт cмeхa. Убeйcя нaхyй.

you're such a faggot

>40 year occupation by the soviets
Uh what?

>a qt grill is pining for his dick
>ignores her all the way
what a fucking retard

>relatively low cost of living
Are you retarded? For an american/euro that earns shit ton of money it's low, but for an eastern slav that lives and works in a shithole it's not low.

Try Brat (you can watch full movie in the LFV yt channel) or that another famous one about the police officer who put wires to listen to suspects but I forgot the name.

Both these movies feature what you are asking for. Also you can try the pusher trilogy even though they aren't exactly comfy.

I will, that's what I do for a living, get paid to do that. Makes you seethe eh. Hahaha

Why would I deny having friends and drinking beer. At least make your seething offensive to me, this does nothing

Just dump some water into the core. Will be fine. Have faith in the party, comrade.

>Russian shithole
haha very funny

Fuck I recognize these commieblocks, they're in my city. Ryšininkų street 8

user, they're the same everywhere

middle class is less than 5% of population in russia, doesn't matter that your apartment cost you 100 000 000 rubles you are still living in a shithole with no rights and streets are still covered in shit everywhere. after 2014 crisis russia is 4th world tier at this point

100 replies and no sign of the goat (Kieslowski's Dekalog)

Well yeah but these are from my city 100%. I'm from Klaipeda, it's in the OP pic filename

pisi protą. Tu esi iš kaimo, o ne iš klaipėdos.

o šiaip čia absoliutus KINO, pažiek jei nematei

Is the Russian Life on Mars worth watching

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can someone explain to me the hatred of commieblocks? i mean, yeah, on the outside they're ugly but on the inside they're like any other apartment building except with more gossiping babushkas. why would the building's facade matter to the people inside? how is it subhuman living?

>absoliutus KINO
Best thread in a while

bl aš kaime buvau gal tik vieną kartą gyvenime
thanks, pažiūrėsiu vėliau

this shit looks so much like slavic and yet it's not, it's fucking with my head. like i ALMOST understand it but i don't

most slavs live their whole lives in piss poor 60 m2 apartments

Attached: Percapita.gif (1100x269, 23K)

it's lithuanian
Inga a cute and her mom is hot

don't get it too, been living in one for 30 years. Here's a view from my balcony I took a couple days ago. The building is 45 years old built under Stalin.

Attached: IMG_3546.jpg (1600x1200, 888K)

according to your image 60 m2 is pretty decent
also you didn't answer my question

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so, you guys have the plague of butt ugly new glass buildings too huh? bulgaria here

i know what it is, one guy literally said where he's from

lol have you seen Moscow?

Attached: Moscow.jpg (1600x1063, 740K)

it's an extension of the "pragmatic aesthetics bad" meme which is why faggots on the internet talk shit about brutalism too, just ignore it. they are like boomers who think colonial cabins in the US are the peak of soul

what's wrong with that statement?

some commieblocks are okay but where's nothing else for several city blocks it gets depressing

Attached: commieblocks 2.jpg (3008x2000, 2.74M)

Are you having giggle mate
There's shitloads of them

well, don't get me wrong, everything has its place. brutalism here in eastern europe i'm fine with but brutalism in the west looks weird and creepy to me. i can understand why they resent having brutalist buildings in their countries
there weren't literally soviet troops occupying the countries, that's what he's saying. of course he's being a nitpicky faggot but what can you do
yeah, it wasn't immediately clear where you were from from the first pic. i bet russia has plenty of these. some of those don't look too bad btw

i love how everything is so green here. maybe some western cities have larger park areas but everything is trimmed and tame there. the vegetation here is more natural

I'm from Perm actually but most our cities look kinda the same.

Attached: Екатеринбург.jpg (1275x853, 490K)

This is Perm

Attached: the glorious city of Perm.jpg (1280x652, 258K)


it's such a god awful small affair

i don't like this pic but is seems comfy on google maps

Yugoslav commieblocks==best commieblocks

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>there weren't literally soviet troops occupying the countries, that's what he's saying. of course he's being a nitpicky faggot but what can you do
literally wrong
Jewgle Brezhnev Doctrine

This looks so fucking shit. No cohesion at all. Like Shanghai built a proxy of its city there.

*juches your path*

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>A 56% goblin trying to explain Slavs how to live
Most Muslims live in their own shithole autonomous Republic : Chechnya, Dagestan, Adigean republic, etc. Kys

There is a difference between being invaded and being the invader

Žemaitijos Pieno™ Kefyras - 3% riebumo

these muttmericans are so brainwashed by liberalism that they literally can't understand different ethnic groups self segregate as much as possible in the real world with no outside intervention

Fortunately for me I am not a cartoon pony.

do you birch sap flavour tho

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i'm aware that there were military interventions occasionally, that's why i think that faggot was being a nitpicky little bitch

Came here to post this, based

Nope. It wasn't THAT dystopian.

sorry Ivan but history is written by the winners

>he will never experience commieblock vs commieblock snowball fights

every fucking spring mate

Attached: sula-80758915[1].jpg (1600x1200, 628K)

Which would be who exactly?

Ivans win every time


>one more Endless Summer wannabe

This is getting so fucking tiring

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>can someone explain to me the hatred of commieblocks?
>on the outside they're ugly but on the inside they're like any other apartment building except with more gossiping babushkas

>dirty and smelly stairwells
>poor layout
>cheap materials
>no parking space
>costs as much as your prestigious european apartment of double the area

Here you go OP

isn't it bad for the tree?

>deadset on removing their own history
>want to preserve their history
You sure about who is a winner there, bucko?

It is, but you can seal the hole and the tree would survive

>In the mid-1980s, the new Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced the liberalizing reforms of perestroika ("reorganization", 1987) and glasnost ("openness", c. 1985) and ended Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. Pressures for national independence grew stronger in Eastern Europe, especially Poland. Gorbachev meanwhile refused to use Soviet troops to bolster the faltering Warsaw Pact regimes as had occurred in the past. The result in 1989 was a wave of revolutions that peacefully (with the exception of the Romanian Revolution) overthrew all of the communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union itself lost control and was banned following an abortive coup attempt in August 1991. This in turn led to the formal dissolution of the USSR in December 1991 and the collapse of communist regimes in other countries such as Mongolia, Cambodia, and South Yemen. The United States remained as the world's only superpower.
Yep, pretty sure.


You still can't erase history, buddy. Your precious west is too weak for that.

so close...

takes place in 90's

>tfw live in Tallinn

Shit's good, John Wick 3 came out here yesterday

>the penalty for every offense was death
An Amerimutt wrote this

>soviet union
>resource efficient

Shuriks adventures

I attempted making a list of Russian / Eastern Europian movies about apartment block life, desperate lives, etc. It's probably not all 'comfy' though:

that original birch post lead me down a wiki rabbit hole, it turns out this is becoming a problem and there are organizations trying to figure out how to preserve the trees without destroying the birch sap tradition, because like 40% of these trees are getting infections from this shit now

O, Cпepмь нa фopчoнгe

Huh, looks familiar.

Attached: Why-America’s-New-Apartment-Buildings-All-Look-the-Same.jpg (2000x1334, 1.22M)



Better quality of life than millions of modern day americans left to rot now

What quality of life are you talking about? The only problem with living in Eastern Europe is that it's populated with orcs.

Dzien Swira
We are not Angels
The Fool

Attached: City17.jpg (877x624, 59K)

Someone is feeding you a line of major bs, sonny

My parents lives in Slovakia for a while. I honestly loved the place and would happily live there. I think Eastern Europe has a fascinating beauty and vibe to it.

You are mistaking Russia for California, user. Major cities are clean, healthcare is decent, university doesn't drive you into crazy debts. You still wouldn't enjoy it though, as we don't have those special parades for faggots like you.

I love you Slavs, honestly.

Basically. Russia to this day is still ruled by the Chabad that robbed them blind and keeps doing that, while feeding the braindead population "Russia vs. West" propaganda.

The level of delusion that those Russia loving faggots are displaying is through the roof. Hilarious.

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>Most Muslims live in their own shithole autonomous Republic : Chechnya, Dagestan, Adigean republic, etc.
Dumb burger that has never been in Russia. Muslims are everywhere in Russia except eastern part (occupied by chongs) and Murmansk like cities

nice delusion

>45 years old built under Stalin
Kids nowadays can't into math. Or history

He is right, actually. There are some let downs here and there but Moscow has the same quality or even better, same goes for Saint-Petersburg

> He is right, actually

Actually, no, he is not, he's just spewing outrageous lies, same as you.

Eastern Europe is like 3.6 roentgens: not great, not terrible.

>60 m2
that's luxurious

But Russia is so big, why is this allowed?

>Americans and their delusions

user stop browsing /pol/. Eastern Europe is full of shitskins, just like Western Europe. Our divorce and abortion rates are the highest. Russia has the highest HIV rates. Our women are gold digging whores.

>when assholes just covered ice blocks with snow and threw them at you

Brat and Brat II aka Brother and Brother II. Russian kino

Also try: Police, Adjective

Here. Peak communist kino about the life in a commie block.

Big cities are still big cities with big population density and relatively expensive housing. Also almost any family that is not piss-poor has a summer house which is not included into residential figures due to legislation.

>4 luni, 3 săptămâni și 2 zile

abortion kino

The worst I get are gypsy beggars. No niggers or muslims. Feels good not having to worry when you're gonna be run over by Ahmed or shot by Jamal.

Wow, Russia is so strong, it has everything. They all live like royalty, and all white and Christian. Glory to Putin. What is a summer house anyway? Never heard of such a strange thing.

>as we don't have those special parades for faggots like you.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1662x1280, 658K)

Based gorbo

disgusting rich, spoiled, quinoa eating, priviliged, decadent urbanites

Russia is a third world shithole, Russians are subhumans (basically white niggers) and nothing produced there has any value for the rest of the world including tv shows.

Attached: Map_of_world_by_intentional_homicide_rate.png (1480x625, 48K)

>he hasn't seen кyхня
do you even /ck/ loser?

ah yes the medieval hamlet versus a sprawling modern town with all the amenities people (all employed) need, free healthcare and education, sports and recreational facilities, culture...

...those evil commies.

Just say "bugmen" like everyone else.

Jose, doctor told you to go easy on regular cola! You get sugar rush from it. Stick to sugar-free.

Mexican Jose has a higher life expectancy than Russkie subhuman peasants

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>Russians are basically white niggers
Can confirm

Wait a minute, I thought US of A is #1 at homicide.

trust me

What's their problem?

I meant Brezhnev, I'm drunk

That's what you'd think if you only watched shit leftist media for your world view. Anyone who travels internationally can tell you that when you land in a place like Brazil, the first thing you do after leaving the airport is go buy a gun.

I love this shit.

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I'm sorry, no one gives a shit about anything that comes out of Russia, it's that culturally irrelevant.

Russia has a lot of furry porn artists and furry porn is the only relevant form of culture.