How often do you guys shower?

How often do you guys shower?
>haven't showered in four days
>ran out of clean clothes
I hope my coworkers can't tell.

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twice a day

>How often do you guys shower?
Every day, though I might miss a day per month if I'm feeling very lazy and am not going to leave my house that day.
>I hope my coworkers can't tell.
They can.


Once in the morning (without soap), once after work with soap.

Has to be bait. How lazy are you to not shower

it depends on how many times I pooped that day. some days I poop up to 3 times in the morning so I get an early shower in to keep fresh. other days I am less regular and don't need it.

once after work out*

Once if I'm not working
Twice if I work

Every other day, showering daily makes you go bald

Twice a week maybe. No one can tell as long as your hair looks ok

I shower every other day or every day I have to go out and do shit but I only shampoo my hair no body wash. I got that sick musk cultivated I smell like a primal caveman.

I own an in ground pool so I don't need to shower I just go swimming instead

I put on a sweater and my hoodie to contain the odor.
It just can't work up the motivation.

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Once a week. Y'all have bad diet if you have to shower daily to remove smell.

I work from home, and only work out 3 times a day. So I pretty much only shower every other day unless i have to go out.

showers feel good though

It's been a month so far
I might take one soon because my armpits burn and i can flake the dead skin cells off my body and they are getting everywhere, I just don't have the energy.

every day i have a poo, which is about once every 2 or 3 days

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Just build up a strong layer of ammonia eating bacteria on your skin and you’ll never have to shower again.

>poop every 3 days

Our bodies are not made for showering. If you stop showering altogether, your body will eventually revert to its natural cycle, and become cleaner than ever. Takes about three weeks.

Yeah nah I'm not taking my chances

I shower once every 36 hours

>holding your shit in you for 3 days

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>this is what liberals actually think

Just had my 2nd shower of the day.

OP you are disgusting. Also what is it with people showering before bed, and not in the morning before work?

it works better with my rhythm

I don't shower before my bed. I shower on my bed.

You poop three whole times in the morning?
OT: I shower once a day.

i shower in the morning when i wake up and after i eat dinner

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Anyone else still afraid of the drain devil even though you grew up and know it's not real.

literally every animal in the animal kingdom washes itself in some manner

>once every 2 or 3 days
Literally how?

Stop dancing when you sleep.

Only work out 3 times a day? Well done I guess

no but I have had several scorpions creep up on me in the bathroom

The greatest trick the drain devil ever pulled was convincing people it doesn't exist

I sit in the shower and drink cheap beer and floss my teeth every night but I don't really use soap or anything

Stinky, Incel Virgins

I havent showered in 4 months
Ive given up on everything

am not holding it, i eat one meal a day. still somehow skinnyfat

I don't remember to shower in the morning. I wash with a cloth if I need to. And my hair takes a long time to dry.

Not the same user but I had that issue when I ate fast food and shitty frozen meals everyday

Toilet Witch > Drain Devil

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I don't shower. I get showered.

You're talking to a group who recognizes the different Mt Dew flavors as separate food groups.

>reddit spaced
how much extra product do you use to "smell good" I wonder

I eat trash every day (almost 400 lbs) and still shit 3 times a fat

There are different flavors?

nah man it's the pheromones

>Disgusting vidya hobo conspiracy theorists

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*3 times a day. Freudian slip

if I drink beer I have sloppier shits vodka has cleaner poops

Once. Twice if I go to the gym. No ifs no buts. Even if I'm not leaving my battlestation for the entire day.

>holding in your poop for 1+ days
w-what is this power level?

I don't like to shower unless I'm sweaty or dirty. When I worked at an iron smelting plant I showered every day but now that I work in a factory where I don't get sweaty or dirty I shower like two or three times a week.
I don't like the feeling of water on my body or getting my hair wet. I got really thick hair and it takes forever to dry.

We can tell.

I shower every other day because i don't have a particularly strong sweat smell and when i showered every day my skin would get really sensitive and my hair would get severe dandruff

But everyone is different. Some people fucking stink and should shower daily. Some people can go multiple days without showering and still not reek. It also depends on your activity levels.

Man, fast food and frozen meals are basically all I eat and I can't stop shitting. What's wrong with me.

I shower twice a day usually. Soon as I get out of bed to wake me up and then in the afternoon.

Also showers are great for getting rid of headaches. Just let the warm water run on your face and hair and the steam seems to make the pain go away.

idk dude do you drink coffee or beer or shit like that? that makes me shit on command. my parents ate garbage like tv dinners everyday and when I was in high school and still lived with them I'd shit like twice a week.

I do drink coffee, that's probably it. That and maybe it's because I have a super high metabolism. I'm not sure if that makes you shit more though.

I shower every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after gym. You niggas that shower daily or even twice a day have problems if you stink every day. Your skin and hair must be ruined from all that constant washing, they need their natural oils why keep washing it away instantly?

>main foods are pizza and chicken
I have to shit all the time bros

I shower everyday, but only wash my hair once a week. Washing the natural oils out of your hair will just make you go bald.

Stop bragging

i love taking a break from showering for a good 2-3 days every few weeks. that stench, greasy hair, pits smelling, sometimes ill throw in a long hard sweaty workout at the end and hit the shower right after. best shower in weeks.

releasing a brap as I post this

3-4 times a month maximum

dont shampoo and use shitty soap all over your body everyday idiots. shits bad for you.

Thats how often I shit. Honestly

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Every day. Any one who says that they don't shower at least every single day is a stinky Pajeet.

this is your brain no no-fap

yeah i don't shower every day it's called punk rock bro

it reminds me im a wild animal. sorry you cant relate pretty boy

Every day you lazy loser fuck.
I will fucking KILL YOU.
I HATE wastes of space like you.
Give me your fucking address. Ill find it anyway.
I am the logs.
I run the keys.
I see the code.
I know who you are, where you are and what you are.
Why you are is a reason to fucking die troglodyte pumpkin eating FAGGOT.
JULY 2, 2019.
10:30 p.m.

>tfw you do this and the landlord decides to shut off the water for whatever reason

You're not a wild animal.

once every 2 days but i'm not working
your coworkers can tell

I saw this thread and thought maybe this is a incels don't shower larp, sure enough I see this post and I gotta wonder if it's OP samefagging. He'll feel pretty weird when he reads this if that's the case

I got back from a vacation 31 days ago. So like 34 days with no shower.

This. I stopped eating meat a dozen years ago and I stopped smelling like a butthole.

Yet you can motivate yourself to go to work?

The real criminals are the people that use 3 in 1 body wash

I always heard that showering every day is bad for you but I never investigated further into it.

Women get moist when they get a whiff of musky taint. Why would wash that off?

>some days I poop up to 3 times in the morning
wtf, do you have some kind of disease? I poop once a week, if that

I shower once every two or three days.

same, too many clean normies in this thread

you should shower everyday BUT never shampoo every day. You will ruin your hair

I shower everyday. Not because I care about hygiene I just like the way a hot shower feels.

I would like to know more

We can definitely tell, Glen.

I shower six times per day, before and after each meal.

thats not what your girl said last nite xd

I don't wanna shower at 5 am. Haven't done that shit since high school.

Just clean your shit you autistic little faggot

Probably because you don't lift and eat enough to build muscle

For me, it has nothing to do with being clean. I choose to shower only on days that end with an odd number.

No but I get scared taking showers at night. Just the other day I tried to take a shower at 2:30 am, washed my hair that’s all I could take. I had to run the fuck out of there

Once per week. I probably stink like shit but no one has ever told me that.

Shampoo makes you bald, you can wash your hair with only water.

I can't even remember when my last shower was, I just don't care anymore