American """comedy"""

American """comedy"""

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_fracture

>90% meme smears
>5% literally nothing
>5% actual problems
pretty great track record desu

I thought it was just a meme that every episode is about trump but I watched it on vacation with my dad and it litterally was every single fucking episode. It's psychotic

honestly he could have just written "incompetent" on the board and it'd have been perfect

>can't close umbrella

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Isn't this motherfucker's entire show now basically just shitty Trump "jokes"? He does realize that the moment he leaves office he is getting canned, right? I mean, he was about to be cancelled right before that whole shit happened.
Why do I get the feeling he is doing all of this because he wants to go into politics.

90% of that shit isn't even clever or legit criticism

>drumpfies seething so hard they just spam threads about this all day
And they call everyone else fragile

the press are an enemy of the people, they are nothing but the propaganda arm of the elite class

I live in Israel and everyone loves Trump. There are posters of him on buildings and streets and towns are being named after him. They’re building a statue of him on Jerusalem near the holiest site on Judaism. His approval here is 91% among Jews. The Arabs here probably hate him but nobody asks them or cares what they have to say

Then I see US TV and everyone hates him. It’s like the opposite as Obama whee US TV adored him but he was absolutely despised here and called a Muslim monkey with no soul

so much for the tolerant right!

protip: if someone has to form a list and can't just give you a big single reason why they don't like something or someone chances are they're experiencing cognitive dissonance.

His show would be better if he just sucked my cock every night while I drank scotch and called him a fucking faggot.

The show had blatant news/political segments from day one. They just became more prominent once he realized focusing on Trump would keep his head above water.


LOL I love when leftyfags try to act like the right are the ones getting "triggered" when its always the wokies on the left sending their twitter mobs after anyone who uses a no-no word or does something cool like wear blackface or want to get rid of smelly ethnic people.

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protip: it's really not.

this guy is a fucking psycho

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>LOL I love when leftyfags try to act like the right are the ones getting "triggered"

I quite like it when examples from your species of autist try to look confident.

Watch adult show, they talk to you like a child. Watch a show for entertainment, they lecture you like you are in school. Take me back this future sucks.

>Keeps insulting John McCain
Why is this a problem?

Reasons trump is a bad president:
He told the truth about us
We still believe lies about him

John Mccain is a hero everybody loves him now!

I don’t get people like this. Be liberal all you want, I’ve got liberal leanings myself, it doesn’t bother me. But you don’t understand why people would resist you and hate you when you talk down to them, tell them what to do, what to think and what to support? And that disagreeing with your beliefs is unacceptable? I see the left going after people who don't deserve it constantly. Not even talking the crazy extremist ones either. Talking the ones who don’t harass anyone, and aren’t stuck up cunts about their views. People like this, and it seems to be more common on the left, just can’t tolerate anyone who disagrees with them. It’s not even normal, it’s strange, it’s weird, it marks them as someone to avoid because our instincts are to avoid people who are mentally unstable. That is why people like this are hated by so many and turning off some otherwise left leaning people on the new more radical "progressive" types - it’s unnatural to accept them. Most of them are fucking psychotic.

>repeatedly humped flag
>can't close umbrella

The pannel in the middle shouldn't show some confident, happy and normal looking dude. It should be a fat incel slob whining about the fall of western civilization because of some annoying campus trannys. The rest is fairly accurate.

thats because jews are modern day nazis and your government has you scared of getting knifed on a bus on the way to work

israel deals with some hardcore terrorism

you wanted to kill a kid because he smiled

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He's doing it because the audience loves it. They just want him to shit talk him, he could outright call him a retarded nigger faggot and the audience would cheer, that's how much they hate him.

compared to other groups like Antifa drumpfies are made of diamonds

Sounds like a nice time, enjoy the quality time with your Dad while you still can.

>all that stupid shit
>ctrl+f "Israel"
>0 results

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fuck off kike

Forgive him, he's a French Canadien

TL;DR so I'll just say
>puts kids in cages
I'd rather be put in a cage by americans than sex trafficked by mexicans.

>w-w-we're not mad

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>he threw paper towels at hurricane victims
is that really a reason to hate him?

Read the whole list: most of it is retarded shit like that

>speaks the truth and his mind
Trump is a retarded faggot but he's the only true American president we've had in the past 50 years. Him and Bush were cool because they were relatable autists rather than fine tuned machines. Obama may be articulate, but he bullshits on and on just to get people to think he's articulate. Trump just gets to the point and calls stuff how it is.

this.. before you know it..the time will come

why are you guys from /pol/ so O B S E S S E D with these American talk shows? They're not funny or interesting, maybe it's just cause they're the only people you have a vague chance of beating in an argument without resorting to "Muh Jews" lmao

I like how 10 years ago they were still trying to be *somewhat* more nuanced in their propaganda.

Nowadays they just write it on a board and flat out tell the audience what to think. It's like how now their newspaper articles are like "here's why that's a good thing!" or "here's what to think about [x]".

Most people really are fucking oblivious to this kind of shit and I don't know if it's a matter of IQ but just some kind of awareness. I feel like everybody on a site like this is naturally cynical all the time so it's obvious to them, but to a lot of people it really isn't.

>feminine handwriting
so was it a woman or a onions?

I can't find a clip of it but at one point Stephen Colbert was shitting on Trump and the audience mistakingly thought that it was something they were supposed to cheer for so they started cheering at the news and then Stephen gave a nervous laugh and said something like "wow we have a lot of trump fans in the audience today" and the audience stopped immediately

>This is how you should think, goys

Fuck off, (((Colbert))).

I stopped being libreal after the election.

Trump really fucking broke their brains.

I remember it, vicariously embarrassing.
These people are truly fucking idiots.

Happened for me before the elections, although I will say it was a bit of a work-up from about 2014 - 2015 for me. I could already tell by Summer 2016 shit was going to hit the fan in November.
Now I can't believe how fucking insane the Democrats are becoming.

>Republican snowflakes still butthurt over late night talk shows
Same old retraded Elephants

imagine if he had trump as a guest

>attacks private citizens on twitter

what does that even mean and why specifically the terminology "private citizen"? is he complaining about people insulting each other on twitter?

>the dude who constantly lies is more authentic to the people who constantly lie



nah lmao no one on here has ever been triggered over something completely stupid

>trump eats a durian and says they taste like absolute shit
>every late night show has a segment about how great they are

His show was probably gonna get cancelled because he couldn't say anything bad about Obama. But yeah, shows exist because people watch it. It's like the first rule mass media, Elliot. Give the people what they want.

>joins social media
>REEEEEEE!!!! people are talking to me.

Attached: Colbert is Obsessed with Trump.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

You misspelled propaganda. Oh wait that's illegal... oh wait thanks Obama

>talking about a shitty TV show means you are "triggerd"

Go threaten to lynch another white kid for smiling during his minority-perpetrated harassment you schizoid.

>Then I see US TV and everyone hates him.

What is on TV =/= Reality

And to think that /pol/ though Trump was going to go against the jews.
Steven Colbert is a pedophile

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-09-08-at-9.20.43-AM.jpg (680x383, 32K)

>the only people who mock the insanity of the perpetually-offended left are "fat incel slobs"

No, the comic is pretty accurate as it is, faggot.

>He does realize that the moment he leaves office he is getting canned, right?

He will simply switch to being paid to attack the President's critics from being paid to attack the President when Trump is eventually out of office.

Kys faggot

It makes more sense in context
>Puerto Rico gets fucked by a hurricane
>the Trump administration did fuck all to rebuild what was destroyed
>In fact all they did was give them some paper towels.

>make HOURS of footage whining about Trump for broadcast television
>w-w-we're not mad

Attached: Great Tanya.png (700x900, 282K)


>the Trump administration did fuck all to rebuild what was destroyed
>In fact all they did was give them some paper towels.

Both of these points are literally false.
Stop getting your news from Reddit.

>dark souls lore.webm

>leftists accusing anyone of dishonesty

Remember when you told everyone for years on end that Russia hacked the election but it was entirely a ploy to sabotage a democratically elected President you don't like?

Attached: Politifact is Garbage Compilation.jpg (1666x1853, 306K)

>it should be the strawman I imagine I'm talking to based on nitpicked cringe photos I saw on r/politics!

Ok so what did they do to rebuild? Where is your source? Hey did you know that

They're called "NPC's" for a reason.

>half true
>literally states that Hillary Clinton pulled that number directly out of her ass

who are you quoting?

>Democratically elected
>Lose popular vote

Hey remember when the president tried to obstruct justice but only failed because nobody wanted to do it? Remember how he tried to delegitimise an honest investigation where if he was innocent he would have no reason to go after it?

Why can't democrats vote without illegal spics?

>is he complaining about people insulting each other on twitter?

Pretty much. But only when Leftists are being insulted. When it's the Right being insulted and/or smeared then it's both super-important political discussion AND le supar lulzy. It only becomes "online harassment" if you're insulting Democrats or calling Zoe Quinn a slut.

He did and he was being disrespectful to the Mexican president, Colbert I mean.

Image is still correct

Honest investigations don't crucify citizens with procedure crimes and CNN filmed swat raids to manufacture an impeachment.

There is nothing wrong with the commander in chief putting a stop to a federal investigation based on hearsay and smear campaigning. It's a waste of time and resources, and Mueller knew this going in.
4 more years

As many "look at this triggered drumpfkin"s as we've both seen in this board alone, it's extremely accurate.

>the popular vote decides the election

It hasn't since the founding of the country, shitlib.
You hate this because it means your strategy for literally just importing millions of voters and letting a few million illegal ones vote illegally doesn't always work.

Attached: Hillary and Post-Election Logic.png (1077x539, 54K)

That's assuming Democrats win at some point.

>Hey remember when the president tried to obstruct justice

But Hillary never became Preside-... oh wait.

>Honest investigations don't crucify citizens with procedure crimes
You're right, that's an entirely different process that comes up when you do a procedure crimes during the investigation.

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They got more money than Texas did in spite of most of Rico’s problems having existed before their hurricane.

>send aid
>mayor deliberately lets it rot at the harbour to talk shit about Trump.
I wish I was joking.

My aunt is a raging anti trump "we should literally murder everyone who voted for him" type. Who spends her days clapping at the news and attacking people on social median. My same aunt who hates trump for being just a rude and disrespectful person treats waiters and waitresses like garbage because "they are lower than me and should get a real job"

>an honest investigation

Fucking lel. The russia claptrap was a witch-hunt from day fucking one and you idiots KNOW it.
Nobody's taking you seriously any more. The "Muh Russia" ploy was a tactic designed to constantly sap resources from the Trump Administration for years on end while simultaneously brainwashing the public into believing the Big Lie by repeating it enough times.

The real losers here are the Democratic Party though. You showed the American public your ass for three years and gained nothing from it except bad PR.

Attached: Russia Conspiracy Theory Collapses.jpg (750x798, 287K)

>illegal votes meme
Yes there is, the investigation itself concerns the commander in chief and him stopping it can't be seen as anything but obstruction of justice.

Attached: Proof.png (419x281, 106K)

>illegal votes meme

The "meme" that Democrats literally admit to and fight tooth & nail to preserve?

>Yes there is, the investigation itself concerns the commander in chief and him stopping it can't be seen as anything but obstruction of justice.
What justice?

It worked too. MSM could convince the public the sky is falling if it wanted to.

>russia isnt real guys trust me, cyka

I see talking but I'm not seeing any sources
Keep denying the evidence buddy, it's not like several people close to Trump had links to Russia. It's not like that one general was blackmailed by Russia, it's not like they even caught a Russian spy during the whole thing.

Hey remember that time Trump Jr meet with some Russians because they said they had dirt on Hillary?

>Keeps insulting John McCain
So do "comedians" like Colbert. They only take the high ground once Trump insults him.

This. It was disgraceful and of course it needed to be stopped sooner.

It would never happen. Even if it did the Left would just crucify Colbert the same way they did Fallon.

Before posting I actually typed "Kimmel" instead of "Fallon". That's how hard these late night propagandists are to remember as individuals. They are all literally just interchangeable clones of each other.

Attached: Jimmy Fallon Trump Controversy.png (1126x889, 836K)

Where is the fucking evidence? I remember Trump saying he put someone in charge to investigate the millions of illegals voting, so what results did they come up with?
The justice of finding out whatever or not the commander is a crock. .

John McCain is a traitor and war criminal.

why do white people hate themselves soo much, it's pathetic, grow some balls

Remember when Hillary sold uranium to Russia?

This thread is proof of that. Look at all the Dems ITT that STILL think Russia hacked the election with Pokemon GO.

Attached: Bill Maher Admits to Being a Brainwashed Drone.png (602x846, 396K)

I trust evidence. Evidence shows that the alleged collusion never happened.
>The justice of finding out whatever or not the commander is a crock.
Again, based on what? That he said he didn't want to go to nuclear war with Russia? Because the New Yorker had a cartoon that put Trump and Putin in a room together? That shit is not even close to probable cause.

>Ugh, people still think Obama was a muslim third worlder without a visa or even a birth certificate? What moron believes in these conspiracy theories?
>Ummm sweatie? Trump is aided by russian hackers from Yea Forums, if you don't believe this you are delusional!

>him stopping it can't be seen as anything but obstruction of justice.

Maybe in your warped, biased view.
To people in touch with reality, though, it's seen as a petty partisan tactic to retaliate for an election-win they didn't want, based on nothing but conspiracy-theories and double-standards.

A transaction that was approved by several government agencies, and the government itself. Actually she wasen't even involved with that sale so why bring it up?

Sounds like the feds and glowniggers are the ones colluding with russia.

because the mascara wearing landwhale isn't a strawman. only getting triggered when shots are fired at you, huh? fragile snowflakes.

>refuses to get dog
Do people actually care?

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That NPC pic isn't a meme ive seen that from too many people irl.

You have the internet at your finger tips. If you were paying any attention at all instead of pretending to care on Twitter you would have seen it yourself.

Funny how a year or so ago Trump was literally launching missiles at the forces of the country he """""colluded""""" with in Syria.

You would think he would play nicer with the people that hacked the election for him.

Attached: Conspiracy Macro 2.png (180x247, 69K)

Based on things like Trump saying
>Russia if you can please find missing emails
Only to have wikileaks release several leaked emails with Hillary. Based on Trump JR meetings with Russians officials under the premsie that they had dirt on Hillary they wanted to give Trump
And you claim I have a warped, biased view.

>Keep denying the evidence buddy

The irony.

Right but where is your evidence that it happened?
It's tradition for the US president to have a pet

Are the emails fake?

>why do white people hate themselves soo much

Unironically decades of propaganda and indoctrination.

I do have the internet at my finger tips, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to back your claims.

>several leaked emails with Hillary.
Speaking of those emails, it's really interesting how much actual collusion she was doing with Russia.

No all the emails that got leaked regarding Hillary and the democrats are legitimate.

Did having pets make them good presidents?


S-Shut the fuck up?

I'm convinced they threatened Fallon's family

Who know's, it's just tradition.

This times a thousand. Ive literally heard people say "why would the news or social media lie to me?" I know some people who get all their "political info" from CNN and quote is as though its word of god.
what does this mean

>because the mascara wearing landwhale isn't a strawman.

You're right. It isn't. The current face of these public protests by perpetually-butthurt Prog-Nazis, both in real life and online, are CONSISTENTLY headed by fat, hideous men in drag (and women who LOOK like men in drag) and pin-headed soiboy genderqueers.
Like it or not these people are consistently the face of these triggertard protests. You can argue that they aren't the face of the Democrat Party as a whole, but there is no denying that they're the face of the perpetually offended.

Attached: SJW Freakshow 1.jpg (2970x1980, 1.91M)

Ive tried using logic against them it doesnt work. When they know they are wrong they get super pissed off and start personally attacking you.

>Speaking of those emails, it's really interesting how much actual collusion she was doing with Russia.

I don't have the image, but maybe somebody else can post
>When you try to fabricate evidence of Russian collusion and accidentally dig up your own crimes

Most of us are Chads by your own admission. While most of you are trannies and wimps. Sorry man it's just how it is.

Attached: RepubliChad.jpg (600x458, 65K)

based trips of truth

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I like to think the vast majority of democrats are sane people, who reason that the democratic party's ideas are the best thing for their country. And the simple minded social justice people are just the loud minority made possible by social networks.
I have to believe it. Otherwise what kind of clown world are we living in?


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Leftists literally associate health and attractiveness with the 'Right Wing' now.
I guess we should be happy that they don't lie ALL the time, I guess?

>retarded nigger faggot
Bruh, why you have to do me like that yo

Attached: Just.png (637x391, 301K)

Yeah... You know, you don't get to be the "inclusive" side for all the sissies, trannies, fatasses, rejects, losers, etc. and then turn around and pretend your clique is more attractive. Can't have it both ways.

Attached: 1543558192899.jpg (600x337, 25K)

>one overweight guy

WEW. Thank goodness. I guess that evens things out.
One fat guy minding his own business is totally equivalent to shit like this.

Attached: Liberal Freakshow.jpg (842x1200, 233K)

Leftists are uglier

It's not really like that. I don't give a flying fuck about politics and I find this to be the most unfunny shit ever. Literally the only people who will laugh at this are lefties who are as deeply entrenched as they are.

>I-Its only one morbidly obese guy!
>all these scrawny Lampwick looking motherfuckers are peak alpha!

Nah he's right this time the lefties in those images are on a another level

Even this - your favorite picture other than that other fat slob - isn't that bad of a picture compared to the freaks I see on my very own campus IRL. That's just one fat ass and some kids. I notice you never post any pictures of that tiki torch rally because almost all those guys looked like Chads. Yet every single time you see a leftist gathering it's trannies, fatasses, sissies, furries, freaks etc. I'm sorry man but you really shot yourself in the foot by being the "inclusive" side to all the human refuse. There's no coming back from that for your public image. You either have to be inclusive or prune the weirdos.

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I also dont care about politics didnt care when bush, Obama or trumo got elected. Oddly enough only leftist get mad and try to antogonize me when i say i dont care about politics and dont vote. People i know who voted for trump just change the subject.

>a fat kid and a couple scrawny teenagers
>limitless hordes of human garbage genetic refuse
Hmm, which is worse?

The fact that this is the worst the Left can come up with is very, very telling.

It's been the same on Yea Forums since the election: Buttmad Leftsist spam the same eleven or twelve images of subpar-looking Right Wingers they got from Reddit over and over again, as if it nullifies the fact that ANY photograph of a Left Wing gathering is swamped by ham-beasts and escaped circus-freaks.

I really don't get why so many Leftists are in denial over the observable fact that Right Wingers have a high concentration of normal, and even outright attractive people. Why is surprising?
Why would the Right Wing feel the need to "challenge tradition beauty standards" like the Left does? The Right also aren't the ones that created the concepts of "Body Positivity" and "Fat Shaming".

Attached: SJW Cringe 1.jpg (1350x994, 351K)


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Are you trying to insinuate that fat guy is ugly?

Yeah he's fat but he's an absolute fucking unit, straight out of the 1920's.

Attached: Fat Guys in the 1920's.jpg (800x585, 87K)

Leftism actually MAKES attractive people become ugly. This is a provable fact.

Leftists cannot claim in good faith that they are the party of "attractive people". It's just not going to be taken seriously.

Attached: Leftism Makes you Ugly Complilation.jpg (3000x4500, 1.52M)

>A P P L E P I E

Attached: Taft.jpg (992x558, 38K)

>I really don't get why so many Leftists are in denial over the observable fact that Right Wingers have a high concentration of normal, and even outright attractive people. Why is surprising?
And I can't understand why rightwingers are in denial over the observable fact that left wingers have a high concentration of normal, and even outright attractive people. Why is surprising?

>no u

>totally dumb
Hah gottem!! Colbert is so based. Did you watch Jon Oliver this week? He explained why the Green New Deal is a good thing and why AOC is actually really smart.

>scrawny Lampwick looking motherfuckers

That's another thing the Left seems to have a monopoly on.

Attached: Battle of Portland One Punch.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

You be surprised how that is the sad truth of the reality, how something is bad when the other sides does it but it's fine for us to do it.

yeah left wing people are the ones who are ugly lmao, go outside you fucking retard, Im right wing as fuck and know from personal experience most right wingers are ugly af and overweight

>Punching a guy's jaw with his fist
So not only can't he dress properly but he can't even do a correct punch

I mean it will be all over 2020 when he loses.

Delusional faggot.

Attached: shutterstock_9449968h.jpg (1800x1200, 450K)

>Im right wing as fuck and know from personal experience most right wingers are ugly af and overweight

Attached: SJW's Stealthing as 'Trump-supporters'.jpg (740x641, 52K)

>old guy is frail and not particularly attractive

Wow, what a shock.
It's almost as if I was talking about primarily young people who don't have an excuse to be old, frail-looking and weird.

>young Mitch was hot!
Goal post moving faggot.

Are you seriously talking about One Punch Bro in that pic?

What is a "correct punch" aside from one that drops your opponent in a single hit?

at least they're trying lol

righties are the ones going on and on about needing guns in case tyranny. Meanwhile the cops are literally lawless thugs and they do nothing but suck their dicks

that dude got brain damaged, well more brain damaged then he already was, fucking kek.

Its funny how poltards base their whole world view on images they get fed online. Try to leave your compound, faggots.

What an awful, illogical pleb position. And what a brutally stupid attempt to make an analogy. Please do not use Caissa for your hacky political statements. You obviously don't understand anything about the game if you think that king vulnerability and material balance are comparable to the electoral and popular vote.

I get such a sub-1000 USCF vibe from you it's not even funny.

I remember when establishment media atleast had the decency to try and be subtle with their social propaganda. Trump has scared them so shitless, they've gone in to overdrive.

But that's just the thing: they don't.
This thread illustrates that. Leftists literally need to hunt-down pictures of freakish right wingers, while literally ANY photo of a Leftist gathering is a fucking circus freakshow.

The only concentration of attractive people in the left wing is Hollywood. And since they rely on the blood of sacrificed babies for that I'm not sure even that counts, since a lot of people might consider that cheating.

Attached: Feminists and Body Positivity Protest.jpg (1280x909, 353K)

>Meanwhile the cops are literally lawless thugs

Nigger spotted.
Go cry over baby TrayTray's grave some more.

>fat incel slob whining
8k projection

It's not just black people bootlicking faggot

do people honestly find this funny? I'm not American so I couldn't care less but this shit baffles me, those late night shows seem absolutely atrocious

>righties are the ones going on and on about needing guns in case tyranny.

Ah yes, it's not like Antifa is known for running around in public with guns and threatening people with them.

Attached: Antifa at Charlottesville.jpg (656x1032, 166K)

maybe you would be less angry and crazy if you loved your body, user.

we are cool tbqh trump won the election and he has no relevant opponents atm ;)

Yes, that's my point. At least they have the balls to do something. Righties are literal cucks.

Do people find that still image in OP funny? No, most likely not.
If you care about how many people watch the show, go look up ratings and compare them to the population's size, you lazy faggot.

>Drunk guy that was literally shooting a rifle in public a day after the Vegas Massacre gets shot by SWAT sent into what they think is a dangerous situation where they can die at any time because he can't be bothered to comply in that situation

What a tragedy. The world grieves the passing of what must have been a fucking MENSA applicant.

Regardless, one statistically insignificant incident that was the fault of abject civilian stupidity in the first place does not reflect on all police, who are involved in active life-or-death situations across the country in mass numbers on a daily basis.


>do people honestly find this funny?

No. Not even liberals really find it funny.
However liberal "comedy" isn't about making people laugh. It's about stating things your audience agrees with.
There's very little laughing, but a lot of clapping.

Ah yes, the drunk man on the ground being forced to play twister is a clear threat that needed to be exterminated, with a gun that has "you're fucked" carved onto it

Pigs like this should all be killed on sight

>just before he drove into a group of protesters - killing Heather Heyer.
Yet again you dumb faggots can't even form a consistent narrative, I thought she died of a heart attack?

>At least they have the balls to do something.

...So you're complaining that the right-wing isn't literally overthrowing society/the government with violence?

I do love my body.

That's why I don't cram it full of junk-food, drugs or cock.

He made movements that made the SWAT team think he was going for weapon, which if that happens the SWAT team is dead after a second of hesitation.
At best this is unfortunate. But at the same time this retard wasn't going places in life based on the fact he fucked around with a rifle in public while drunk and didn't expect to get SWAT'd.

Again, you're a nigger, trying to use an incredibly rare and statistically insignificant incident to justify your hatred of the people that stop you from emptying your gat into Tyrone in a residential neighborhood.

lol they only attack in large groups and still manage to get btfo every single time by smaller groups, they have trannies, illegal aliens, morbidly obese people,sóibois, disabled people, niggers and literal faggots in their ranks

thats the left wing, the bottom of the barrel, they love weak people, thats your group, where u belong

"Heart Attack" =/= "Heart failure brought about by a sudden event that would have been easily survivable if she wasn't 300 lbs. overweight".

So when Trump is out of office in 2024 what will Colbert do?

>Yea Forums - altright virgins who claim to be calm and stable but sperg out at the slightest criticism of trump / white people

Why are you deflecting?

If Heyer's death was caused by the vehicle in ANY way, direct or indirect, it was still caused by Antifa.

The weak twink trannies still have more balls than you bootlickers, you should be embarrassed

>literally any response or contradiction = "spergging"

What a brilliant tactic. Now nobody can argue against your views without acquiring a shameful label!

Attached: 6B33F828-5830-450D-A4B0-FE96AF05D863.png (1198x1200, 93K)

Tell that to all the dumb faggots who say she died of a heart attack, faggot.
You are the type of moron that will pretend to be psychic, you have no idea how different the outcome could have been.

The balls to do what? Kick over trash cans and scream at the top of their lungs? What is that accomplishing?

If it's another Republican in office he will continue what he is doing.

If it's a Democrat in office he will simply switch to attacking the President's opposition rather than the President.

Really simple.

>defending trannies
>" should be embarrassed"

these are your opinions now,the internet has truly destroyed you. young man

Americans are obnoxious, not funny. They're also rapidly becoming Brazil 2.0 with their obsession with race mixing. Hopefully they collapse before Pax Americana fucks the rest of the west over completely.

"Heart Attack" is only TECHNICALLY incorrect.
Those "faggots" are still generally correct and your fat ass is mad over it.

They are correct and yet the above linked article says otherwise, faggot.
Again, you can not come up with a consistent narrative.

2 seconds on Google "porto rico mayor wasting supplies" is a waste of your time but being a faggot online isn't? Why can't you just admit you were wrong?

>Ruined Kanye

I need a rundown. What happened?

Half of that points are either not bad, or bullshit
sorry for being /pol/

Kanye started thinking for himself for a bit instead of like an NPC and realized that Trump was actually doing things to improve the nation that countless previous Presidents refused to even consider and openly spoke in defense of Trump.
The Left had a fit since them negroes is suppposed to work on THEIR voter-plantations so they called him a "house-nigger" and even a "white supremacist".

>make thousands of baseless claims
>one of them gets disproven
>but look, all these other baseless claims are still not disproven!!!

Guarantee the absolute unit in this picture has gotten more pussy than all of Yea Forums.

Kanye supports Trump
that's it

Attached: 1366239384009.jpg (284x276, 12K)

what would you say are the actual problems? I'd say
>buried report on climate change
>gave security clearance to son-in-law
>tried to ban muslims
>puts kids in cages
>violated campaign finance law
>19+ sexual assault allegations
>threatened to jail political opponents
>beloved by white supremacists

have sex

>buried report on climate change
>gave security clearance to son-in-law
>tried to ban muslims
>puts kids in cages
Obama-era policy.
>violated campaign finance law
So did Obama.
>19+ sexual assault allegations
None proven, some proven false.
>threatened to jail political opponents
For crimes.
>beloved by white supremacists
Wow who the fuck cares

Based retard

>can't even come up with a counterargument
Imagine getting BTFO by a retard

>puts kids in cages
this was something that was done by Obama and nobody gave a fuck
people are just whining about it because Trump is following along with it
>beloved by white supremacists
what does that have to do with he himself? you can't control who likes you

don't really no much about the other stuff though so I can't really make a comment on it

Stephen Colbert is funny and smart. /t

How come Jews in America support Israel but hate Trump?

>is a retard
>says retard things
>thinks he's worth engaging in argument
Think before you post.

If you want to hit someone in the jaw with your fist then you have to use the palm of your hand and not your knuckles. Otherwise you're just going to damage your hand's_fracture

>puts kids in cages

The image was literally fabricated. You believe literal Fake News.

Attached: Liberal Media Lying About Kids in Cages.jpg (1024x557, 121K)


So no actual argument?
Thanks for posting anyway, I guess.

>beloved by white supremacists

Have you disowned this diverse bitch yet?

Attached: Leftists and Bad endorsement hypocrisy.jpg (749x745, 84K)

Think before you post.

>tried to ban muslims

Yeah, remember how the ban included India and Pakistan? Oh wait.....

thats some quality content

Attached: eww.jpg (928x825, 52K)

not a single thing about Israel

>If I keep posting I win


>kids in cages
congrats on being a literal boomer MSNBC retard

>19+ sexual assault allegations

Means nothing.

I think you raped me.
There, now you have (at least) one sexual assault allegation against you.

My coworkers were talking about colbert yesterday and how halarious he is. I just had to sit there and pokerface.

boring blog, beta bitch

Why? You don't.

actual based retard

i listened to a fat alcoholic retard interview david duke and he talked about exercise, healthy eating and how he bangs young women for the 2 hours

And these people complain that there's more than two or three videos by DIFFERENT YouTubers on Brie Larson shooting her mouth off about how she doesn't want white men at her press events.

Attached: Ahahaha Oh Wow.jpg (500x375, 74K)

Trumps like the popular villain of the week. This week he is Dany. Next week he will be King Ghidorah

Attached: 49E45CC8-DD87-4410-8F33-AE3E0259266F.jpg (750x1033, 448K)

he was funny at one point, and he got so redpilled he got long ago

Attached: colbert repor.jpg (236x270, 20K)

Yeah, remember when Trump killed all those people?
Oh wait, he's actually DEescalating Obama's wars in the Middle-East.

>but I'm not going to waste my time trying to back your claims.
What part of that was unclear to you? But you know what you lazy fucker, I did look it up. Here is what I found
>"Plenty of vessels can get cargo to the island," agrees Mark Miller, Crowley's vice president of communications. "But the real difficulty is getting the goods to the people via trucks.". The Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration tells NPR that the government is working with the truck driver's union to find a solution for driving with downed power lines and damaged roads, and the Department of Defense says it has sent teams to work on clearing blocked streets.
>The National Guard said in a statement the donations that were highlighted were not distributed because they were expired. Stored items that were not expired would be distributed in the coming days, the National Guard said. Nicolás Gautier, an official at the facility, told CBS News one of of the containers had "food for dogs, and apparently several of the boxes were broken. After the placement in the van, that brings a lot of rats and it infected everything."
>“Whatever was left after the National Guard left was put in those containers,” Nicolás Gautier, interim president of the elections council, told CBS News. “In one of these containers was food for dogs and apparently several of the boxes were broken. After the placement in the van, that brings a lot of rats and it infected everything.”

>he was funny at one point

This lie needs to die.
Colbert has always been Reddit-tier trash for fedora-wearing hip young Democrats, even before Reddit itself even existed.

Attached: Steven Colbert is a Cuckold.jpg (480x360, 36K)


Can't help but notice there's a common thread among all three of those "sources", champ.

Attached: Stare Mike.png (353x432, 141K)

Well free to post your "alternative facts" then, I'm sure that Breitbart and The daily stormer has some good journalistic qualities to them.

>gets laid
>not a grandwîzard anymore

>>illegal votes meme
If they didn't think they were getting illegal votes, they wouldn't be pandering to illegals.

It's a blatant giveaway.

Attached: 1508107696173.png (633x758, 34K)

>let us just keep "investigating" you forever with no valid or specific purpose until we find something
>you can't so much as complain or else you're "obstructing justice"
>don't worry, if you are innocent, you have nothing to fear. tee hee
They've so thoroughly politicized the concept of justice that defending yourself against obvious witch-hunts / fishing expeditions is "obstruction of justice".

>Colbert was always BUZZWORDS
You sure showed us.

I remember that, there was whole pallets of packaged water bottles just sitting out in the sun

Did you somehow miss the fact that the investigation is over? Muller has handed in his report, also just imagine of Hillary complained about all the investigations they did about her. Imagine if she called it a witch-hunt, how would you react to that?

What don't you think shouldn't be there OP?

See Futhermore
>Carlos Mercader, executive director of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration, said in a statement that the bottles were not delivered to the government of Puerto Rico during last year's emergency because they were in the custody of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) until April 2018. He said a career official for the General Services Administration in Puerto Rico (GSA) requested FEMA's inventory of excess water this year through a federal program on April 17 and was given approval to use the supplies on April 26, 2018.. But by the time 700 bottles were distributed, the water was undrinkable, with residents complaining of its foul smell and taste.
>More than 10 million bottles of water left to rot on a Puerto Rican airport tarmac were deemed “excess” supplies that federal officials decided the island didn’t need while recovering from Hurricane Maria, FEMA said on Thursday. But in late April, the local Puerto Rican General Services Administration requested the water bottles from FEMA and began giving them out in May. The local agency handed out about 700 pallets before receiving two complaints that the water smelled and tasted foul.

>American """comedy"""
What comedy do you recommend instead? Oh wait, this is just a blatant fucking /pol/ shitposting thread.

>Did you somehow miss the fact that the investigation is over? Muller has handed in his report,
And the Democrats are literally hosting a "reading session" where they marathon the whole fucking thing for an audience, desperately trying to distract from the fact that it found basically nothing. It's just an extension of the "where there's smoke, there's obviously fire" tactic. Oh yeah, and Congress has opened a fuck ton of new bullshit investigations of nothing, so it was just passing the baton anyway.
>also just imagine of Hillary complained about all the investigations they did about her. Imagine if she called it a witch-hunt, how would you react to that?
>muh what-about-ism
Guess what, fuckstick, THERE'S EVIDENCE SHE COMMITTED LITERAL CRIMES. Just the email server alone is enough to send her to prison for A LONG FUCKING TIME. There was never anything on Trump. The Trump-Russia dossier was a lie and numerous ppl should go to jail for that one, too.

>His approval here is 91% among Jews. The Arabs here probably hate him but nobody asks them or cares what they have to say

They found plenty, there is fire because the administration are refusing to let other government officials see the entire thing. They are doing anything and everything in their power to block other people from seeing it, why would they do that unless there is a fire? The very document itself revealed that Trump tried to block the investigation but he could't find anyone willing to do the job of actually blocking it. Muller himself has come out and said that he is dissatisfied with how the attorney general summarised the report.
>There was never anything on Trump
And that's why we had a investigation on him, to find out if there was anything on Trump. What did Miller reach? That there was stuff on Trump but not enough to do anything about it

This is your mind on years of bullshit and a complete lack of capacity to admit you're wrong

Like you're any different

no, they didn't. They found shit that you think is "something" but actually isn't anything because here's the thing: when you don't charge someone, you're NOT SUPPOSED TO RELEASE THE CONTENT OF AN INVESTIGATION. This is a very basic legal principle and it's this way for THIS VERY REASON. Because lame retarded witch-hunting hacks like you will take it and construe it to mean "he's guilty anyway" because you've already made up your mind.

>why would they do that unless there is a fire?
>And that's why we had a investigation on him, to find out if there was anything on Trump.
You're still on this "if you have nothing to hide, why are you defending yourself" bullshit. That's not how it works. You do not have to consent to having your life turned upside down just because your political opposition doesn't like you and thinks they're entitled to keep digging through your life until they find somehting. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE. You don't get to keep digging until you find it.

>it found basically nothing
>please ignore the centrist republican shying away from breaking DoJ bro-code to issue indictments on the conspiracy issue
>please ignore the section labelled "10 times the president potentially obstructed justice" and the ending where he defers to Congress to do its job of checking the fucking executive branch with constitutionally mandated oversight privileges
>there's nothing at all in the hundreds of pages of report, it's all meaningless nothing that some stooge wasted almost 2 years on, the president and his cronies told me so

>an unconventional cut at the data

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That is how it works, you do not go after the people who are trying to investigate you and your activeness unless you have done things you don't want them to know. You cooperate with them or ignore them, you do not spend the amount of time that Trump did on discrediting them if you think you're innocent, this goes double for anyone in government. The found shit, but not enough shit to prove anything. It's the legal difference between not guilty and innocent, you might think it's the same but it's not.
>You do not have to consent to having your life turned upside down just because your political opposition doesn't like you and thinks they're entitled to keep digging through your life until they find somehting
Well then Hillary and Obama should have done told the republicans to kiss their ass then, how dare they investigate Hillary's actives and how dare they turn Obama's life upside down by repeating the lie that he wasen't born in America, all because they don't like him.

>please ignore the fact that if my browser history were released to the public I would be in jail too for "conspiracy"
You don't get it. He wasn't charged because there was no crime. The entire report was inconsequential bullshit dug-up so that useful idiots like you would do the very thing you are doing right now. And this shit could very easily come back to bite you in the ass. You do not want to live in a society where this sort of thing is acceptable.

"how it works" does not mean "how i think things ought to be"

Is this really the worst you could find? Looks like IRL cast of south park, kids are having fun and good for them.

>Hillary and Obama should have done told the republicans to kiss their ass then, how dare they investigate Hillary's actives
There was evidence of crime, in Hillarys case. Same for the Obama Administration (Fast and Furious, for starters. IRS targeting conservitards, if you don't like that one). There was not, and still isn't evidence that Trump committed crimes. You're confusing "things me and my friends and Two-Scoops on TV think are sketchy" for "evidence of crimes"

>I don't want to live in a society where we can investigate government officials
And you can other people useful idiots, you say Trump wasn't charged because there was no crime. But even that could be wrong because chances are just as high he wasn't charged because they couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
But in this case "how I think things ought to be" is "how it works

>Same for the Obama Administration (Fast and Furious
I do agree that Operation Fast and Furious is some shady shit, but I'm yet to find a good explanation of how much of that was Bush and how much of it was Obama. As for the IRS targeting controversy, that was investigated. It's also something Obama had no control over or involved with. but I guess Obama should have cancelled the investigation while crying how the whole thing is a witchhunt.

>I actually want to live in a society where we can investigate anyone, anytime, for any reason (or none at all)
No, you don't and not your government officials, either. If it were done to Clinton or Obama or that Buttfag thats running for President, you'ld never stop reeeing.

>you say Trump wasn't charged because there was no crime. But even that could be wrong
>wull.. i mean... it could be wrong, still
>wut? you want me to just drop it because there's nothing there.
Yes, I think you should. Don't do it for Trump. Do it for yourself.

He's the left's favorite Republican. Fuck that guy though.

t. Arizonan

Yeah, i was referring to his Administration, not Obama himself. Personally, I think -Obama- is beyond untouchable. Forget about Democrat partisans, 90% of the Republicans in government would be complicit in sweeping anything under the rug that implicates him in most anything for the simple belief that "nothing good would come" from The First Black President (tm) being personally implicated in crimes.

>anyone, anytime, for any reason (or none at all)
But there were reason, that's why there was an investigation. Furthermore fuck you I'm not going to drop shit because I'm a stubborn man, I'm telling you right now that just because they didn't charge him doesn't mean there was no crime. Yes you have to prove a crime but if there isn't enough evidence then there is nothing to prove, both the report and summary says they couldn't prove his guilt but they couldn't prove his innocent either.

When I say administration I include the president in it, he must have known about it and decided to continue it.

% meme smears
yes incel we call those....joooooookesssss.

thats a real smoooooth brain you got there.

>But there were reason, that's why there was an investigation.
You have no idea, do you? The reasons were completely made-up. The Steel Dossier - the one about Trump paying Russian hookers to piss on a bed - was totally fabricated and it was that document that was passed-around and handed to a judge and used to kick all of this off. This entire shitshow is based on lies, under the assumption that in the process of turning his life upside, they would find other things or just basic "process crimes" and they'ld be able to actually go after him and his people for those.

>they couldn't prove his guilt but they couldn't prove his innocent either.
Oh my god, dude, just stop. YOU DONT HAVE TO PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE. That's not how our legal system works. It's called The Presumption of Innocence. It's people like you who are being used as useful idiots because you literally have no fucking idea how this shit works.

>I see the left going after people who don't deserve it constantly.
okay, give one example fellow "liberal"

He could have. I don't think it would ever get that high-up, though. Nothing is ever going to stick to Obama. That's part of Hillary's anger. She wanted that same kind of pass and thought she was on the verge of getting it for being The First Female President (tm).

because their butt is literally hurt over it.

Lol based Colbert

>what does that even mean
...i think it means exactly what it means? i have absolutely no clue how if you can speak english that sentence is confusing to you.

Attached: 92S5gReZGnDgY.gif (540x297, 2M)

i know user, it's almost like blumpf is...the president or something.

That is exactly how legal system works, innocent until proven guilty yes. But being not guilty is not the same as being innocent, sure it sounds the same in layman terms but in the legal world it's not. You don't have to prove your innocent but you also don't have to make it harder for the investigation

And the Steel Dossier? Yeah a lot of people didn't see it as genuine due to the lack of evidence and fact they could verity. That doesn't mean that the intelligence community in the US can just dismiss it, if someone comes along and says that man running for president is being blackmailed by another nation then you I'd argue that it's your duty to investigate whatever or not it's true.

>Stop getting your news from Reddit.
yes you should instead get it from /pol/ or even better get it from youtube /pol/ who get their news from some Nazi website.

I've seen it. You see a co-worker/friend/family member doing something retarded/irrational and you try to get them to explain why they're doing that. They'll just look at you with a blank expression then go back to doing the retarded shit they were doing before

>had two scoops of ice cream

Attached: 1494382437128.png (472x355, 340K)

Cute deflection. He wasn't charged, once more and for full effect, because the MODERATE REPUBLICAN in charge of the investigation firmly believes in THE DOJ GUIDELINE that says a sitting president is immune to criminal prosecution. Full stop. End of rine. That's why for the criminal behavior he actually had large swaths of proof for he demured to Congress, whose job it is to bring criminal charges in the form of impeachment. None of which at all means "orange man dindu nuffin, he a good boy".

Then you don't have a sense of humor lmao

>hes brain washed!
no, hes smart. smart people are not fooled by trumps con. we know he is full of shit. he needs to be impeached.

none of those, thats for sure.
maybe refuses to get a dog and SNL twitter feuds.

...i mean by normie standards these people aren't bad looking but they are fucking weirdos.

Then where is the evidence?
Btw, I'm smarter than you, unless you can intellectually out compete a graduate student of mathematics (differential geometry ftw)

>But being not guilty is not the same as being innocent,
Then it's a political issue and not a legal one so what's your point? That some people just think he's guilty? Fair enough, I guess. But I don't want to live in a society where the justice system is politicized and subject to these kind of whims and I would suggest that you probably don't either, you just don't seem to realize it.

>but you also don't have to make it harder for the investigation
The Justice Department is not a 4th branch of government. The concept of "obstruction of justice" does not imply that it is.

>That doesn't mean that the intelligence community in the US can just dismiss it
Yes it does. It's political opposition research that doesn't pass very basic common sense (Trump is a known germ-a-phobe). You have no idea how this document was being used. It involved FBI / CIA / Clinton campaign/ and John McCain. They knew it was bullshit specifically maneuvered it in order to get it out into the media.

Most of the stuff on that list Obama was guilty of.

LOL! i sure do love this meme that never ever happened ever never!

How was them midterms ;)


What are they going to do after Donald Trump leaving the presidency?

>whose job it is to bring criminal charges in the form of impeachment.
Cute ignorance, but Impeachment by Congress is not a criminal act, numbnuts. It's political and the reason it hasn't happened yet has nothing to do with the report. It was always about his approval ratings. The reason the report doesn't recommend charges is because by the time the report came out, the media had failed to do its part and get his approval ratings down low enough to make said impeachment politically-safe for the ppl doing it.

You retards have no clue what you're doing and you are taking your info from the wrong people. The media hates your guts and thinks you're dumb.

>graduate student of mathematics
I have to help doctors reset their fucking passwords and navigate to websites on a daily basis. PHDs. Getting a degree in memorizing algorithms and already established concepts doesnt mean you know how to think critically, especially if you cant see that the president is a worthless con man who weakens our country every second he is holding that office and tweeting out dumb bullshit like a 12 year old girl. Also i don;t need to present any evidence, you already know all of it, but like a climate denier or flat earther, you have found away to de-qualify it so it's pointless to argue.

>not a legal one
Wrong against because it's very much a legal issue, and my point is that Trump properly isn't 100% innocent. As mentioned before the report says he tried to stop the investigation but he had issues finding people who were willing to actually do it. Furthermore I also don't want to live in a world where the justice system is politicized, the problem however is that the justice system is already politicized.
>The concept of "obstruction of justice" does not imply that it is.
How about conspiracy against the USA of then?

>As mentioned before the report says he tried to stop the investigation but he had issues finding people who were willing to actually do it.
The report is spreading gossip, which is what it is designed to do. Trump did not stop the investigation. Nothing happened. Do you realize if everything you said, thought, and did was subject to mob scrutiny you'ld be fucked? Even if you didn't do anything? They'ld construe a million and one things to be lynch-worthy just because they can. Is this your first day on the Internet?

You and these e-celeb fags are being trolled. They're handing you what you think is "red meat" knowing you will do exactly what you're doing and you took the bait. There is nothing there. If there were, Trump would be gone by now. It's basic common sense.

>-n-no no w-we're not mad at all
>the l-lefties are triggered jej ej jejeje

No, you are not mad.

Just watch the vidoes

omfg rite guise?

>Just listen and believe

>Well free to post your "alternative facts"

Yeah I'm sure you know a lot about those. Funny how even Breitbart is literally more truthful than the vapid, gaping hole that is the mainstream media.

Attached: Liberal Media Reality vs. Narrative.jpg (1355x1600, 584K)

>They found plenty

No, they didn't, queermo. The worst they were able to indict anybody on were fucking paperwork errors from before Trump even ran.

not ONE of those arguments is sound.

He could have had ONE. JFChrist

>smart people are not fooled by trumps con.

Apparently they're instead fooled by the Mass Media con.

>Where's the evidence?
>lol not gonna' provide it

Great job.

Are you unwilling to learn?
Try to stay on topic will you
Watch the videos

>watch my unqualified leftoid e-celeb clickbait


Are that unwilling to listen to a real lawyer with experience working in the legal field?

>It took YouTubers and Colbert viewers to do what the CIA, FBI, DOJ, Congress, Obama, Clintons, and the entirety of the mainstream media couldn't
You lack very basic common sense. Hundreds of pages on literally anyone and a motivated mob can be parlayed into a YouTube video that >implies whatever you want. Fuck off with your e-celeb youtube bullshit. There is nothing there. If there were, he'd be in jail. This is all just politics and the manipulation/manufacturer of public opinion.

Why are we even talking if you're that unwilling to listen to other peoples sources? Why are you wasting both our times if you're going to be that much of a stubborn asshat? You think I would link to any youtuber? I would not, the youtuber I linked to is a genuine lawyer. He explains how things things work within the legal world and justice system in an easy to understand manner.

>There is nothing there. If there were, he'd be in jail
And I have to repeat this one more time, NOT GUILTY IS NOT THE SAME AS INNOCENT.