Late Night with Seth Meyers

Is this a comedy show? Does anyone here watch it?

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even more unfunny and drumpf obsessed than colbert. plus he has a high whiney voice like a woman

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best show on tv if you're a total faggot

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If you're ready for a cringefest watch the interview with Jerry Seinfeld
It's probably even worse than Bill Burr on Colbert

why is he starting to look like the church lady?

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it's a propaganda show masquerading as a comedy show

It's fine. Republiniggers hate it because it hurts their feelings like the little snowflakes they are. Liberals love it because it confirms their preconceived notions. His non orange man stuff is decently entertaining.

It amazes me how upset Republican snowflakes get over late night talk shows.

Like, just make your own with your shitty humor. Surely Ben Shaprio or some other low IQ beta can get enough funding to have a show on Fox News after Rupert Murdoch’s 70 million dollar lapdogs shows end?


the soulless look of a man who sold out his countrymen