Are there any older people left here who consciously remember Cartoon network when it was in its golden age...

Are there any older people left here who consciously remember Cartoon network when it was in its golden age, the powerhouse era (1997-2004)?

Nowadays the internet is full of 19-year-old zoomers who are nostalgic for the Cnreal era (2007-2010) and missed out on so much good stuff before that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cartoon Cartoon Fridays, I lived for them

nostalgia is for losers whose lives have no value

Ahhh, Two Stupid Dogs.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force was my jam.

Not having nostalgia is a sign of brain damage, maybe a tumor, see a doctor

I remember the powerhouse era as well as the newer shit, I'm more nostalgic for the older stuff though. Especially Samurai Jack and Billy & Mandy


Freaking Cow and Chicken

Cartoon Cartoons were the last great thing CN ever did.

Yes? I'm 28 and my most impressionable years were spent watching Cartoon Network and Kids WB during that time (Nickelodeon was pleb tier in my kid brain because they had live action shows, which diluted the purity of the cartoons)

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All the good stuff is on Boomerang. Flintstone's, Scooby-Doo, etc.

Like Pete & Pete wasn't a good show

30 years old here

I remember when Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon all showed Yogi Bear and even Looney Tunes simultaneously (the Looney Tunes anthology movies were shown on Disney periodically 1994-1996 believe it or not)

I remember when Disney Channel had lots of weird shit like the Tall Tales live action show, Jim Henson Hour, Mother Goose shorts, that live action Alice in Wonderland, weird 80s-era live action Chronicles of Narnia, Flight of the Dragons, the low-budget live action Alice in Wonderland movies, and that nightmare fuel Return to Oz movie.

I remember when Nickelodeon showed Flipper, Lassie, Adams Family, etc as part of its regular non-Nick At Nite Schedule.

I remember when Kids WB was classic looney tunes + Animaniacs and not just anime

I remember when Cartoon Network showed obscure black & white 1930s shorts at 3am

I remember Robot Jones pre-voice render

I remember that 2000-2005 period where anime on Toonami was largely uncensored outside of swearing/nudity and we had bloody violence in most of its glory.

I remember UPN and how it showed kino like Recess and Buzz Lightyear of Star COmmand on weekday mornings so you could watch it before school

I remember the Starship troopers cartoon

I remember the FIRST Max Steel

I remember Reboot pre-Toonami

I remember the endless rerun loops DBZ had when it hit Goku arriving at Namek

I remember the original airing of the DBZ ep where Gohan fights Form 2 Frieza and it accidentally cut to 2 eps later the next day, fucking up the whole schedule for the week.

I remember when syndicated ocean dub DBZ, Beast Wars, Donkey Kong Country, and War Planets/Shadow Raiders were all shown at like 5-7am on saturday mornings all on the same channel (again, UPN).

I know this comes off as a "muh 90s kid" posting but it still needs to be said to counter zoomer influence.

I remember Zoog Disney starting the trend of this tween sitcom shit and losing interest in Disney by ~1998



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My heart just skipped a beat reading that

31 here. Disney channel seemed a bit before my time, maybe it's just that no one watched in my area?

I'm not defending my childhood self, just reminiscing. It's funny though, it was just one of my weird hangups. I thought cartoons and animation were like the highest, purest form of art and everything else was like shit tier.

I definitely tried watching some Nick back in the day, but even the cartoons weirded me out as a kid. Cat Dog, Hey Arnold, Ren & Stimpy, all those shows made me feel like sick when I watched them. The only time I got semi into Nick was when I started falling out with Cartoon Network in the early-mid 00's (hi-hi puffy ami-yumi, foster's, that jenny robot show) so I branched out in desperation. I think during that time I only would watch early Spongebob seasons & the original Fairly Odd Parents.

Hello me.

I'm here friend, but I must admit, I have more distinct memories for Adult Swim during that time, though I did watch the channel during the daytime of course.

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Anyone else /cartoonorbit/ here?

Hi jake goldman

What kind of emotion did this scene give you?

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was that when they would have codes in the commercial breaks that you could enter into their flash games so that you could get unique pictures to stick on your page?

it wasn't

>I remember when Cartoon Network showed obscure black & white 1930s shorts at 3am

Late Night Black & White
I always hated when that came on

Simmer down

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Disney channel used to be an add-on style thing like HBO so most people didn't have it initially in the 90s. Once they moved it to a block package with dozens of other channels did it really start taking off. Originally Disney Channel just used to play the old cartoons from the 1930s-1960s with a few live shows like Mickey Mouse Club, which is where people like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake were introduced to the industry. It wasn't until the late 90s that the channel really took off as its own content producer.

you have a whole board that you can circlejerk on tourist

you have a whole board that you can circlejerk on tourist

you have a whole board that you can circlejerk on tourist

you have a whole board that you can circlejerk on tourist

I think a big division exists between people who primarily watched Cartoon Network and people who watch Nickelodeon.
I never watched spongebob or fairly odd parents, although in that particular case it might be the network + an age gap of like 2-3 years.
Nick definitely gets memed way harder.

Generally speaking nostalgia is for losers though. I would never waste my time sacrificing kino-viewing hours to stream Cow & Chicken because much childhood

Yeah, the night we got cable I remember seeing the pilot episode for Courage the Cowardly Dog (probably a rerun but it was definitely before it was a regular show). I also remember the pre-Toonami anime like G-Force and Speed Racer.

I remember being a kid the very first night midnight run came on and I think the show was Gundam where they said damn or something.

I remember when Disney started catering to the tween market starting with the zoog thing and being really surprised one night at 11:00 when they aired an original movie instead of Zorro

Dude most "90's kids" probably would have no idea what the fuck you were talking about here. You clearly exceeded them here so you probably know your shit way more than they ever could.

>I think a big division exists between people who primarily watched Cartoon Network and people who watch Nickelodeon.

That's because their prime was years apart from each other. Nickleodeon had it's prime in the late 80s through the mid 90s. Cartoon network had its prime in the late 90s to mid 2000s. Pete and Pete, Doug, Rugrats and Ren and Stimpy were products of the early 90s. Toonami started in the late 90s pushing into the 2000s. Spongebob is an outlier for Nickleodeon all things considered.

Hell yeah it was.

Yeah, 2 Stupid Dogs, and Cartoon Cartoons. Every day.

Didn't they have Macross too?

What was the last good era with soul here?

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That shit is unironically what pushed me into watching anime

Early Millennial or Core Millennial, can't decide really.

I remember when it was literally the Hanna Barbera's unlabeled brown storage box we got the rights to channel.

Becauae the world is objectively a better place to be alive in compared to when we were in the formative years of our lives, right? Fucking faux-bloomer scumbag

I agree with you unironically. I've had coworkers and friends where I could just tell if they were a Nickelodeon person or a Cartoon Network person, then eventually it comes up and I'm always right. It's like those Cool Wine Aunt facebook quizzes or something.

I think this has something to do with it. When Nick was in its prime, Cartoon Network was some random Time Warner offshoot channel that they just ran Hannah Barbara and Looney Toons 24/7. But that's why I loved it so much when it came into its prime in the late 90s, because you had all these crazy ass caltech grads dicking around the Hannah Barbara studios with access to all the archive cells and footage of all the shows, which is how we ended up with Adult Swim, Space Ghost, Sealab, Harvey Birdman, and that ultimate golden age.

I swear the first time I snuck out of my room to stay up late on a weeknight and saw the
I thought I had opened a portal to another universe or something.

> Write to me, Stick Stigly, PO box 963, New York City, New York State, 10108.

I'll remember that jingle for as long as I live.

The true answer here is really none of them, because they all take place in an age of mass consumerism and propaganda. You would have to go back to before television and radio to find the last era with "soul", because you'd have the majority of the population creating instead of consuming.

Not sure. Other than those two the only other anime I remember watching that early are DragonBall and Sailor Moon in syndication, Kiki's Delivery Service (I assume on Disney Channel or some affiliate) and the occasional random OVA on Sci-Fi Channel.

Motherfucking Thundarr.

So underrated. I wasn't that surprised to find out Jack Kirby developed it.

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who /dragonballwasactuallybetterthanDBZ/ here?

Anyone else catch Tenchi Muyo during the confusing early puberty years and dream about a 7-way orgy with all the girls?
>tfw you finally found out there was an episode Toonami never aired with them all trying to fuck him in the hot springs and downloaded it from Kazaa
Gallons of semen.


Followed by that bitchin' guitar solo

Stop acting like a boomer, nigger. things don't linearly get more soulless just because you want it to. But I guess on Yea Forums "soul" means "what I have nostalgia" for.

ill give props to anyone who remembers this

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How do I redeem my props?

here is your one prop

I liked the Secret Squirrel segments they had on 2 Stupid Dogs. Cartoon Network would also play the poorly animated Hannah-Barbera version which was janky.

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Based truthteller

2 Stupid Dogs was just a shitty ren and stimpy rip off


>Original Adult Swim
>Courage the Cowardly Dog
>Powerpuff Girls
>Dexter's Lab
>Samurai Jack
>SW: Clone Wars mini series
>Ed, Edd, & Eddy
>Teen Titans
>Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
>Time Squad
>Sheep in the Big City
>Cow & Chicken
>Johnny Bravo

Nothing else is worth mentioning.

>those one shorts that were the predecessor to Family Guy

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Where's Robot Jones?

Love me some original Dragon Ball. Watched through DB pretty fast cuz I wanted to get to Z and see what all the fuss was about. Z is just an incredibly mediocre battle anime with none of DB's world-building outside of the Frieza saga. I can't believe some of the auts here actually think Z is the best show.

Don't even get me started on Super.

GT at least had the right idea with returning to the Saiyan's ape roots, making Trunks a central character, and focusing on exploration.

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Except that Big Dog is nothing like Stimpy and aside from being high-strung, Little Dog is not like Ren at all.

Angry Beavers

I the goddamn trash.

Robot Jones was the beginning of the end. It was soulless.

Anyone else around for the golden age of Kids WB?

>Earthworm Jim
>The Tick
>Batman TAS
>Original Pokemon
>Jackie Chan Adventures

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dude you forgot batman beyond


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Thank you user. Thank you.

oh SHIT I forgot all about that one! the original PPG has some dark episodes man. Like that one with the manchild collector who kidnaps them and packages them for his shelf, and the moral of the story is toys are for children to play with
>how far we've fallen

>I remember the endless rerun loops DBZ had when it hit Goku arriving at Namek
Oh shit, the good ol' days.

I remember when it took another 5 years just for Trunks to arrive.

I member watching Captain Planet and Swat Katz during Superchunk

We should hang out

>5 years just for Trunks to arrive

As if there wasn't already enough waiting to get to any of the actual good shit in Z

That and time squad

>watched courage, dexter, ee&e in the afternoon
>watched toonami gundam + dbz in the evening

based childhood

everything that came before and after that era is objectively degeneracy

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More merit than any of the other R&S rip offs.

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Time Squad was animated/written/voiced in the same vein as Billy & Mandy. I'll concede that it was part of the transition to the end, but it was still fun and not Camp Lazlo/Chowder levels of soulless.

I love Swat Kats but jesus fuck every episode is just an excuse to pan around that jet some more.

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take me back

Quite the opposite Robot Jones had soul. It was one of the last soulful CN shows before they changed the voice. When they cancelled robot Jones for cheap stuff like Juniper lee, Hi hi puff daddy, and camp Lazlo, that was the real beginning of the end.

I must be the only person who absolutely hates the late 90s - early 2000s cartoon network style. It's just as bad as the caliarts shit.

I don't know if I hate Sumurai Jack for how shamelessly formulaic it is or the fans not realizing it.

God get rid of black outlines and every tard thinks it's a masterpiece.

Fucking goddamnit. Even as a little kid I was like "yeah this kid is me." FUCK

>Johnny Bravo at the bottom

I know that feel

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Samurai Jack was so good because of its focus on minimalism and style. Take a look at most cartoons. Hyper active screaming, ADHD stuff, you know, standard cartoon fare that started with Merry Melodies and Tom & Jerry.

Samurai Jack was much slower and more thoughtful than its contemporaries. A huge focus on painting, color, and light. Not saying it's a masterpiece or anything but it's still quite good.

I guess. I like Genndy's stuff just fine but I honestly can't tell if people thinking it was ever supposed to be a progressive story are just pretending to be retarded or not.

how did they get away with this??

Fucccck where does the time go

The story was never anything to write home about, I think for me at least it was the visuals and how different it was than anything else at the time.

>talking about double D made me uncomfortable

That’s what you sound like. You know what, I really need to sincerely thank you. Seriously, I cannot tell you how glad I am to see this thread. It’s the last shitty thread I will ever read in this godforsaken website. Until I read this post, I had some faint sliver of hope that the average iq of anons on this website was above room temperature - at least in celsius. But, while my optics nerves were being assaulted by the flaming parrot caca you call an opinion, it dawned on me that I am browsing a website full of immature, childish, gay children and I have no more desire to waste my like this. I have MCATs to study for. I could call up my old fraternity buddies, they’ve been hounding me to chill with the, or see how my family’s doing. I’m wasting time right now that I could be spending working on my idea for a isometric 6 player board game with deckbuilding mechanics and dragons. Instead, I’m playing chief tard-wrangler to a bunch of gay tard children. Fuck it. I’m out. Peace.



Shit, i still remember when i saw bugs bunny and daffy duck in the same show, it was amazing. I guess it was 92 or 91.

As a early zoomer i remember all of the cartoons i'm 20


see you tomorrow!

Cartoon cartoon Fridays ran 1999-2003. You were 4 at most when it ended so you don't remember it consciously. Poser zoomer.

I remember going to cicis pizza and discovering that there was a channel ENTIRELY dedicated to cartoons and thinking that was crazy. Never really got into CN until Space Ghost and Adult Swim and stuff.

Kind of went straight from Nichelodeon to Comedy Central to MTV and shit.

The initial pilots of the cartoon cartoons on what a cartoon (dexter, ppg, Johnny, cow and chicken especially) were hardcore

Tex Avery show and bob clampet show were very similar

CN had a huge animation library. I guess they still do but they sure as hell don’t bother with it anymore

But what if i remember nearly every episode of duck dodgers?

Yugioh and x-men evolution were best


fuck off

objectively superior time

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Sounds like someone had an invaluable childhood.

i remember what came BEFORE cartoon-cartoon fridays. Cartoon Planet hosted by space ghost

showed lots of hannah-barbera shit

trips confirm

Ranking major CN eras:

Powerhouse (1998-2004) >>>> Checkerboard (1992-1997) > City (2004-2007) > Check It (2010-2016) > Noods (2008-2010) > Dimensional (2016 - Present) > Summer (2007-2008)

>”Don’t close your eyes cos’ your in toon heaven”

More Membering:

I remember when Disney channel was commercial free

I remember when Roy Disney hosted Walt Disney style sit downs on Disney Channel to advertise new stuff like Lion King and Disney’s Animal Kingdom starting construction

I remember when Dexters Lab, Johnny Bravo, Courage, PPG, and cow and chicken were just pilots on what a cartoon among many other failed stuff like the rat & fly, fish & chip, family guy, bird & worm, yucky duck, etc shorts

I remember when CN premiered its first independently made show the Moxy Show, which is now lost media

I remember when Rugrats was effectively over and just reran seasons 1-3 then premiered with a new shitty art style and more kid friendly writing

I remember the DAY TOM took over toonami

I remember when space ghost, Brak, and they mantis guy constantly appeared in everything on Cartoon Network as hosts

I remember the viewer warning before season 1 of gargoyles that it could be intense for children

I remember when WB showed both Batman and Superman TAS in alternating half hours each weekday afternoon under the title “Batman-Superman Adventures”

I remember When Disney channel showed teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon

I remember the almost surreal music video bumpers on Disney channel of public domain songs. Even I was extremely young for these.

I remember Space Cases

I remember when Pokémon was just locally syndicated and always reset it’s episode run at when charmander evolved

I remember when Nick Jr didn’t even have Face as a host

anyone remember a 90s cartoon intermission ad on cartoon network or nickelodeon?

It had a red background and then green splatter appears on it and had a really raw guitar riff with it that sounded badass



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>forgetting disney
The Big 3 were damn near a personality test

Cn city was still good but watered down. Powerhouse was like Michael Jordan while city was like lebron James.

congrats sir you are more 90s kid then me i didnt even know they had an animated starship troopers and had to search it

The best journey is starting out a little kid in the early 90s and watching mainly Disney, switching to Nick around 1997 when you were 10 then becoming a Cartoon Network guy more 2001 when action cartoons and anime were big

Disney went to shit first with Zoog and tween stuff circa 1999-2000, Nick went to crap on 2004-2005 when most of the classics got cancelled and it started transitioning into the spongebob and Dan schneider network. CN died in 2007-2008 with life action shit, all the cartoon cartoons dying, toonami getting cancelled, and the removal of the last classic cartoon blocs

This is all well and good, but do you remember the dic cartoons on Family Channel on Saturday mornings? Or Captain Lou Albano as a live action Mario and voice of the cartoon one presenting Mario cartoons from Mario Brothers Plumbing in Brooklyn, New York?

>used to wake up at 5am every day from kindergarten to 4th grade and watch
>Home Movies
>Space Ghost Coast to Coast
>Super Milk Chan
>Harvey Birdman
>was always excited to see “The Dawn is Your Enemy” bump and at that point began preparing to go to school
>sometimes parents would catch me and would forcibly change the channrl but they couldnt stop me because I was normally up before them
>would also watch Discovery Channel shows on the human body that only came on at that time that were pure kino


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> the powerhouse era (1997-2009)?


imagine not only keeping up a user-specific troll for this long, but also on boards where they are not relevant

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trips confirmed ESL

Remember the Tex Avery show? Couldnt find a pic

The powerhouse era ended in 2004 in America. Maybe you were living in eastern Europe or something where it lasted longer

I was never into DiC much found them lame. Though I did watch Heathcliff and Inspector Gadget

Remember that Tex Avery cartoon show? It came on EARLY, usually around 5. Did you ever watch KaBlam? Action League Now(!) was my favorite segment.

>he didn't watch Adult Swim in 2005

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Adult swim has been basically a separate channel from CN since 2004

anybody else remember commericals during the day for adult swim saying how its for adults and kids shouldnt be watching it?

How could Disney and Nickelodeon even compete?

who here /ninjascroll/?
how many times did you fap?

It was one of many anthology blocs where they just showed classic shorts for an hour

>Bob Clampett Show
>Late Night Black and White
>Chuck Jones Show
>Droopy Hour
>Scooby Hour
>Acme Hour
>Bugs & Daffy
>Yogis Gang

Were other examples

>tfw no kino cartoons with based original jangle pop tunes anymore

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I always imagined them older. Blossom has B cups, Buttercup has A cups and Bubbles has D cups

I miss when CN had tons of promos with all the characters new and old interacting or just like going to work together. Made the channel feel like it’s own community

Don’t get that shit now

GT shot itself in the foot with a shitty aesthetic. Whoever was the colorist should have been fired and shot in the head.

loved Time Squad; I found Sheep in the Big City amusing but was too young so I only saw its last showings

>Original Adult Swim
>Courage the Cowardly Dog
>Ed, Edd, & Eddy
>Teen Titans
>Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
>Time Squad

these were some of my favorites


The same animator for GT worked on the best animated eps of Dragon Ball Super like when Goku fights Kefla and Jiren finally loses

>muh children TV shows were better than your children TV shows

>is on the same channel 30-something
>"is a different channel"

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>t. dumb fuck zoomer
Nostalgia is great. Just don't let it consume you like some idiots who just shit on anything new, even when it's better. Realize that nostalgia is a reminiscence of your formative years and it should feel good, but it doesn't mean that what you grew up watching was superior.


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It’s true if you’re comparing 90s to today

Reddit Nostalgia = posting about 90s kids stuff on social media and clinging only to the most famous stuff of the era while still having an optimistic outlook at the current state. Using terms like “peak television” to talk about today or thinking about nostalgic things only on the context of socializing with others

Kino Nostalgia = desperately wanting to return to when you were happy. Recognizing today is fucked and will only get more fucked and using your memories as escapism
Here ya go

I'm from eastern yuropoorland, so I'm not sure what exactly were they airing in USA around that time, but in that time period of OP, Cartoon Network, and other foreign channels were just becoming popular, so its pretty much the only thing I've watched(and Fox Kids). For me, CN was Tom & Jerry, Dexter's Lab, Johny Bravo, Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd and Eddie, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, I am Weasel.
No idea what even came after that, but I remember shows slowly becoming shittiet and shittiet while I was still watching(Sheep in the Big City, etc)

>Kino Nostalgia = desperately wanting to return to when you were happy. Recognizing today is fucked and will only get more fucked and using your memories as escapism
This leads to a very dark and sad place. Don't do this. You rob yourself of your future and potential happiness by convincing yourself that nothing can ever be good again.

>tfw you became this guy

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>Sheep in the Big City
this was around the time when I stopped watching cartoons.It was painfully boring.

Seeing yourself in an old television character you thought was pathetic when you were a kid is a really bad feel.

what the fuck was up with this shit?

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36 here. When Disney channel came around it seemed like the only people who watched it were in super religious families and it was all they were allowed to watch. As it went in I considered it to be a fucked up channel, kids seem sexualized and it was trying to push kids to be into this weird social niche. Then you saw the kids that were on those shows turn into shit like miley cyrus and Britney spears and you just assumed some fucked up shit happened to them during their Disney days. Now its ten times worse and I won't let my niece watch that shit shit. Disney fucking ruins people.

My mom was an animator at Hanna-Barbera in the 80s and when all the 90's Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon shows started coming around she would always watch them with me because she was amazed at how much better they were than anything before them.
HB pretty much dominated the animation industry from the mid 60s to 80s and they fucking sucked. Cut every corner, reused cells wherever possible, would straight up copy+paste scripts and characters between shows. When shows like Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life began to hit it was like there were finally some people who cared in the industry. Same with Space Ghost Coast To Coast, that shit was written in a utility closet by drunk studio hands who were given a budget of $0 and a handful of old frames from C-list IPs and they made gold because they wanted to make something enjoyable, not profitable.

This carried on with shows like Ed Edd & Eddy and Spongebob into the mid-2000s until it seemed to suddenly slow down a ton. And it wasn't just me, my mom would talk about the drop in quality. It wasn't that we hated all new shows, I still liked stuff like Flapjack and early Adventure Time, but you could just feel the golden years had ended.

tl;dr fuck off zoomers, it's not just nostalgia goggles. ACTUAL boomers were going wild for this shit back in the day too.

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We were a mostly cartoon network house but we loved the live action shit like the hidden temple and double dare on nick, Pete and Pete.

Who here remembers Big O

fuck i still love ed edd n eddy, genuinely funny shit

The souless bugmen stepped in as animators and enhanced your childhood. Give thanks to the bugmen.

Adult Swim is now and always has been made with pure heart and soul

I grew up in Brazil, where the old CN promos and golden era mentality lasted a few years longer than in NA (so the transition from old CN to AT-era CN was smoother). I remember sleeping over at my Gran's house and staying up until 2AM watching TV because we were never allowed to at home. Comfy times.

I was born in 1993. I remember toys being higher quality back then.
Am I just nostalgic or have producers downgraded to cheaper plastic

i knew i stayed up too late when big o came on..

Well, the Barbies are shittier at least. My wife's Barbies from the 90s are much higher quality than the newer ones we got for my daughter.

>born the year the powerhouse era started
>old enough to remember the tail end of it
boomers and zoomers will never know this feel

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Its probably a combination of toys being a dying market so they have to increase profit margins and chink shit

Cn city was when the zoomer era was kinda beginning with shit like Juniper lee, Hi hi puff daddy, Camp lazlo, Ben 10, and My gym partner's a monkey not being good as what came before

>And it wasn't just me, my mom would talk about the drop in quality. It wasn't that we hated all new shows, I still liked stuff like Flapjack and early Adventure Time, but you could just feel the golden years had ended.
I think many people noticed it. Around 2005-2007 Nick and CN cancelled a lot of good shows, like Samurai jack, teen titans, and megas xlr, with no ending and began cheapening out with the flash shit like Johnny test. Funny enough this coincides with the start of Web 2.0 and the Gen Z/Zoomer kid culture.

bases or crinfe?

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>bragging about being a little shit

>tfw zoomer who only remembers spongebob, fairy oddparents and jimmy neutron
good memories though

This began airing on CN in 2008 and was part of the Zoomer/cheapening downfall era for CN. Get out Zoomer.

what if your formative years were fucking garbage and not worth remembering?


it aired on nick first in like 04 or 05

>CHUN dun dun dun dun dun

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>Friday night
> home just after street lights come on
>have a bath
> yess fish sticks n fries
>cartoons all night

At least we got to enjoy a golden age for a little while.

Adventure Time and Regular Show were also good times for the first few seasons

I watched both channels equally as well as WB kids,one Saturday morning, and Daria. Anything animated

Man..I just loved cartoons. My grandma would even get me Felix the cat, Popeye, Betty Boop, etc tapes.

>American cartoons

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Its for people with good memories, which you have none of. Sorry bro

the sad thing is, you're right,

what is this awful animation? It looks like the art on a generic walmart brand barbie.

Cartoon Network was only truly great before they began producing original programming. As much as I liked Dexter, Cow & Chicken, and Johnny Bravo, it was all downhill from there.

Imagine you are glued to the sofa, fully potatoed up watching cartoons all day. What would it take to get you to change the channel?
for me, it's

any of the late 80s - early 90s rehash shows (Pup Named Scooby Do, Flintstones Kids, Popeye & Son, Tom & Jerry Kids, Yo! Yogi) all made me sick

Born 89
I had a happy childhood

>referring to a still image as animation

I remember when Cartoon Network had a block hosted by two hands. They had cowboy hats and the hands used the thumb as a mouth to talk to each other. Stuff like The Centurions would air during that.
on Nickelodeon they had their show in a square in the center of the screen, and then other shows in smaller squares around the perimeter. when it would go from something like Gumby to Doug they'd switch places on the tv.
later on they had stick stickley

but can you remember not to redditspace on my fucking board, asshole?

>implying soul exists

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In the mid 90s I had a 3DO with a disc that had an episode of 2 Stupid Dogs and an episode of the Batman cartoon, then 8 trailer/commercials for other shows.

Late Millennial. It's insane the disparity in quality between Late Millennial and Early Zoomer here.

Are you a zoomer who feels left out when it comes to all the good stuff and all the good times? You might understand the world when you get older

Anything live action. I only liked cartoons.

Real Monsters

>Are there any older people left here who consciously remember Cartoon network when it was in its golden age, the powerhouse era (1997-2004)?
yes. it was during my prime childhood years. (born 1990)

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I miss ed, edd, and eddy

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After Elementary schoool

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CN City should've been it's own show.

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It's Aaahh!!! Real Monsters

You have shit taste.

>parents go out to party
>older sister makes me and little sister pizza
>we watch cartoon cartoon fridays til we pass out on floor
>parents come home and carry me to bed
my life's not hard or anything but I miss those days

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I loved Cartoon Network in that era with the first logo. All the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Tom & Jerry and Tex Avery shows. I miss it so much soemtimes I get myself watching the old ads.

>nostalgia is for losers whose lives have no value
t. 22 year old who's got it all figured out

I need to go back, bros.

I love how pissy they get because they have nothing special about their generation. They can't tell their kids "back in my day" about anything because there's nothing to tell. We have several family photo albums from the 90's and zoomers have self indulgent insta accounts.

This. Late Millennial was the swan song of decent content with soul. It wasn’t all perfect, as you could start to see the issues form, but for the most part they nailed it. Take me back to spending all day with friends playing Kirby Air Ride, lads.

Not bad, but EEnE needs to be second, and Grim needs to be a bit higher. Johnny doesn’t deserve the bottom either, but I’m not sure who should be there. Probably Cow and Chicken.

I remember when you had severe autism to write that all out. That was right now.


That’s a funny way of saying 63

All you remember is dumb fortnight memes and streaming. What an incredible generation.

*sip* yup, those were the days

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Six Teen was such a weird show at the time because it was just crappy with a weird art style, but looking back at it now is fascinating. It really was a snapshot of mid aughts mall culture outside of major US cities. I knew all of these people.

Man that looks unreal, I feel like so many commercials, channel bumpers, and irregular programming event things have been lost and forgotten and you can't go back and rewatch weeks or months worth of cable television on what.. tape? Would just take too much of your current time if you're not looking for something specific..

That X-Men theme still gets me everytime. This was the coolest show to watch in my child mind. I hope one day they'll enshrine it forever in the current zeitgeist by inserting it in some new X-movie (and not that Phoenix bullshit please...)

>Single mum gets drunk at home
>No older siblings
>Mash and bread for dinner
>No cable, mother watches romcoms on VCR
>Punch to the side of the head
>Lay there on the floor crying until I fall asleep
>Wake up in the same spot on the floor

My life's not hard or anything but i miss those days..


Yeah there are a bunch of compilations on Youtube but I can never seem to find the ones I'm looking for. If you email the National TV archive it might help though.

good times for sure. cartoons as a whole though really turned to shit. steven universe and mighty cringeswords are 2 of the worst shows ever created. not to forget the loud house. little jamal has 2 dads.

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It's alright, I managed to watch a lot of cartoon friday's at a friends house.

well I hope your friends are like family because that's something I've always been missing because my family is so close, I'm 28 now and hardly have any friends who would take a bullet for me

Based jack went cyberpunk before it became cool
Also miss the good old sunday mornings where i'd eat breakfast with my dad while watching Tom & Jerry on boomerang. feels bruh

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western cartoon industry prob at its worst point ever, I don't know how OK KO is allowed to be broadcasted, the standards are rock bottom.

Also I've never seen anyone post about Miguzi on teevee

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I liked it. Got my Totally Spies fetish fixes as a younger lad.

Is that Megas? holy fuck i lived for this show

I'm so close with my best friends mother that I once punched him out and I was really worried how she'd react, she replied "If you had to hit him he probably deserved it"

>western cartoon industry prob at its worst point ever
basically happened overnight imo. went from breadwinners, sanjay and craig, regular show and adventure time to pretty much nothing new that isnt some tranny jew shit.

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I hate to get all freudian but I had a best friend turn on me out of the blue in 7th grade and I havent really had a "best friend" since. I've even gone completely cold on multiple friends too now. It's strange.

>Totally Spies fetish fixes as a younger lad.
How so? :^)

Attached: totallyspies.gif (400x320, 2.14M)

>This (pic) was a bumper


Good post. What about Spaceghost and The Specials animation on MTV Liquid Television.

t. Vegas shooter's brother

This. Disney Chsnnel gave off such a weird feeling, part wasteland, part hypnotism birthday party, and the colors always seemed fuzzy or muted. Wtf was that about. Nobody I knew watched it. It was corny yet pozzed

>into the mid-2000s, until it wasn't just me, my mom would talk about the drop in quality
Yes, this was like a timeline error when in 2004-5, TV animation began to inexplicably decline. It was the first time I remembered feeling confused and depressed that the "future" was devolving, supporting the growing anxiety that 9/11 had wiped out prosperity and family-based cool creativity. Right after Paris Hilton became a household TV name.

The early 90s TMNT toys were very nice. Tons of details. Little chains and weapons to choke on. McFarlane Toys really exploited the later laziness you cited.

Replace sheep in the big city with Codename kids next door, then I agree

Weren't all their shows equivalent of Big Bang Theory laugh track horse shit? miley.. uh that one with the two brothers inthe hotel, corey in the houe, drake & josh, plenty of others, I never watched that channel, would flip over to nickolodeon and Warner Brothers channel thing when CN wasn't showing good stuff.
I lived in a place where half our cable was spanish, so pretty much all the nick channels commercials were in genuine espanol dub, for whatever reason, they would heavily increase the volume level of the commercials, and they LOVE fucking cereal brand commercials, but then again maybe there were just as many on CN.

>Ed, Edd n Eddy
>Dexter's laboratory
>Powerpuff Girls
>Courage the Cowardly Dog
>Cow & Chicken
>I am Weasel
>Johnny Bravo

I liked Spongebob and Fairly Odd Parents on Nickelodeon but those started right around when I stopped watching cartoons. Nothing can top Cartoon Network's run during the 90s / early 2000s.
>have Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost on VHS
>movie is over and about to rewind
>this comes on and the short is Courage the Cowardly Dog fighting some evil alien duck
>didn't have cable at the time
Zoomers have Iron Man I's end credit scene but I'll always have this.

I do remember early CN. I watched it when it first existed and would be playing Top Cat, Space Ghost, The Banana Splits, etc. before they picked up original stuff like Dexter, Powerpuff, etc.

It was good times. Mid-2000s generally had poor shows on both channels.

Fpbp nuff said

That'll happen, my wife is the only person I'm really close to anymore, although i can still rely on my mates.
I moved 8 hours away from where i grew up, not much contact with friends anymore, broke my arm 3 months back and was bitching about not being able to do anything and the oxy stopping me from being able to shit, so one of my mates hopped on a train with a bag a weed, stayed with us for 10 days, helped with the cooking and cleaning and drove me around.

I remember the beginnings of Dexter's Lab, and the Powerpuff Girls shorts premiering

McCracken and Tartakovsky, fucking dream team

It was just wall to wall Hanna-Barbera shorts all day

2 Stupid Dogs was from the true gilded age (1995)