With incels interlinked

with incels interlinked

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>omg she so quirky

Wow she's so spontaneous and stuff.

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I'm glad Mark Hamill set a precedent. Actors are no longer shy about voicing their disagreement when some hacks writers butcher their character

Smh why do actors never realize that this is a business
I may not agree or like what my employers make me do but I don't go around shouting “my bosses are fucking dumbasses!!! XDD”
Just watch the clip of Dinklage complaining and in the next interview he looks like he has a gun to his head

>Dinklage complaining

based Jeremy


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>disgusted to the point of sickness

ouch. D&D I don't think these people are ever going to speak to you again


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kys furryfag

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go on Youtube and conduct a reasonable search

it's him saying D&D are great writers and it sounds like a gun is being pointed at him

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based bootlicker

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Is this from the brain surgery?

when your bosses are incompetent enough to crash the franchise you can't help but get pissed off. And since show business involves having cameras shoved in your face almost 24/7 you get almost no time to vent that isn't recorded


Gay and s0i

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>How dare these people express their honest opinion about a show they've been doing for a decade? It's a business, shlomo&co are making shekels, just stfu and drink our koolaid if you don't want us to blacklist you
If you get an opportunity you should kill yourself kike ass kisser

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Being American is a mental illness

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I'm upset that Dany turned evil and is going to die.

And I'm aware that I'm a faggot for feeling that way, but that doesn't change the way I feel. People can give the laundry list of violent psycho things she's done in the past, but she's never murdered children.

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Her going Mad Queen would have been great if the transition from "some times does questionable things" to "indiscriminately firebombing hundreds of thousands of civilians" was longer than 5 minutes.


except its not really a novelty wine thing more like she's drinking dom perignon just to stunt on people

>I don't go around shouting “my bosses are fucking dumbasses!!! XDD”
I do
almost daily
my boss and his boss generally join in (their bosses)
But then again, I dont work for tyrants and tend to work for people that understand how to take criticism and become better at their job.

Ah ah ah, this picture doesn't work, she doesn't have hair now.

No, but she let her dragon do that, more than once.

>but she let her dragon do that, more than once.
It happened exactly once, maybe (because all we had was the farmer's word and some burned bones), and she was so upset that her immediate reaction was to lock the dragons in a basement

Sounds like heavy deadtone sarcasm rather than forced praise.

She can just put on a wig.

My life was incelkino until last week when I made the mistake of fucking a woman on Tinder, now she is constantly video-chatting with me and constantly coming over for sex, which honestly has been pretty underwhelming but frequent, and I am too nice of a guy to tell her I don't find her very attractive (she was prettier in her photos and with clothes on)and I always feel woozy and light-headed after for like 3 hours after sex. It's been a nightmare losing all the free time and I haven't worked up the nerve to tell her to fuck off (she is a very nice girl)

TL;DR Being an incel is preferable to roastie contact

Looks like Jim Carrey doing the Grinch grin.

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>I always feel woozy and light-headed after for like 3 hours after sex.
I thought I was the only one

Look at that hairline


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drink some water m8

Threadly reminder: this absolute Chad kills Dany in the books

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how would that help

God I wish that were me

Cumming and sweating is dehydrating you, which is why you feel bad

>Dom Perignon
why do richfags have such shitty tastes?

She has the key to my heart :3

Getting some Poe's Law vibes from this

Lol beta. Last bad job I had I literally complained to a customer about it and shortly after quit. Now I have a cool job where I can post on Yea Forums from work.

Fucking love this meme even though I haven't watched the season yet

I literally don't cum though (It's called Death-grip apparently) She's even wondered aloud if Im attracted to her she literally can never make me cum

Fuck off. D&D bait and switched you SJWs and made you look exactly like the mindless NPCs you are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>mentally unstable
>can't lead properly without male advisors telling her what to do
>hates her own race
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>wants to flood the west with immigrants
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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>sex with a woman

how do you think AIDS spread to the hetero population user?

Because they don't have any opinions of their own. It's why they buy bottles of $200 Johnnie Walker Blue, when there are $50-70 bottles that are far, far, better. All they know are labels and brands.

>Being this cucked by business
Corporations aren’t your friend, m8

Have sex