Is My 600lb Life scripted? It sure sounds scripted

Is My 600lb Life scripted? It sure sounds scripted

Attached: My 600-lb Life - S07E20 - Vianey & Allen's Story-00h02m44s790t.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

that's the freaking sasquatch!

they edit their interviews to make them go by faster and remove all the "um uhhhhh" shit that the fats would inevitably cause while talking

they probably give them lines to narrate, yeah

A lot of reality shows will discuss lines and voiceovers with the main people being interviewed, which they write down and read out loud recorded

They almost certainly give them lines to say, general shit about "this will change my life!" and whatever.
There are also certain "incidents" that seem so outlandish as to have to have been intended. This past season TLC rented a car for a fat woman that was obviously way too small/unsuitable for her and she fell over and there was some drama around that.
But other than that how much can you possibly script about this subject?

I'm guessing they met with him prior to filming to formulate a script for the intro narration, then he was too retarded read it back to the camera convincingly.

>t. insider

Found the squatch!!! The search is over at last

God I wish I could be this shameless

I was on an episode of I Survived. You tell your story and then go back and say it clearly for recording, sometimes they’ll have you write it down and read it. These NPC fatties are too retarded to add emotion when they are reading their own words.

they ask leading questions until they get the narrative they want then edit it together

I do want da best fo me and vee-ah-nay, we jes ruly need diz surgery fo we cans get beddah

mid season fat-ass-falling-off-golf-cart and last season fat-chick-falling-when-exiting-van were true fat-kino. never forget.

How come that huge fat black bitch with two kids two episodes ago could walk around at 780 lbs but most of these fatties can't walk at 600?

I doubt most of those lardbeasts can speak a single sentence without running out of breath, so of course they are scripted/edited.

Gods, I was strong!

If it's reality tv, it's scripted. No exceptions.

Nah. Fat people are just predictable. They all really love to eat and they really don't like moving. They're lazy and they're greedy.

Maybe it's a matter of fat distribution and age.

>is this television show scripted
You sound like that kid at recess who would constantly talk about WWF and the drama between wrestlers when the rest of us just said "goddamn did you see Hulk Hogan body slam Andre the Giant? It was awesome! And Rowdy Roddy Piper is gonna make movies! I bet they'll be awesome!"

Did anyone else think they had to amputate his arm because of diabetes or something?

No he just talks like that because he got dropped on his head.

>They Live wasn't keno

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To be fair, most of the movies he was in weren't all that great. They Live and Hell Comes to Frogtown were great, though.

Attached: SciFightersCover.jpg (380x538, 49K)

how many actors in general have great movies though? nevermind an all time cult classic (they live) and another smaller cult classic (hell comes to frogtown)