Big Bang Theory Finale

5 minutes. Get in here bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I thought this show ended with that wedding episode



Added too many obnoxious jews to the cast over time.

What's the deal with The Big Bang Theory?

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Jews are funny.

Will the lift get fixed?

No Sheldon is up for a Noble Prize and that's all I know. Couldn't care less about the show but I was looking forward the shitposting on Yea Forums


There was a thread the other night saying the finale was a flashback to Sheldon writing his memoirs or something and Howard, Leonard, and Amy die in a car crash or something.


there was a wedding?

ZIMBABWE (formerly Rhodesia)


>A neurotic, neat-freak skinny guy whose friends just tolerate him, huh? I dunno, sounds kinda familiar.

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>Leonard, and Amy die in a car crash or something.
I can only hope

He's literally the only good one. I hope he gets a happy ending

anyone got a streaming link?


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Sheldon wakes up from his coma, it was all a dream all along


Bazinga won a Nobel prize

inb4 the entire series was a dream of young Sheldon
it would explain why he and his parents and meemaw were so much more different in TBBT that in YS

Is this last episode ever? If so I'll watch

>Illumination paid to show the SLOP2 trailer as the first ad

Yeah but it's an hour long




feel like shit lads, just want sheldon back

>Harrison Ford
Oh how the mighty have fallen...




guys, we live in a world where kids will ask you "what the fuck was a big bang theory?"
already kids exist who have (and likely will) never seen "how i met your mother"
movies for this feel bros?
at least Seinfeld lived on; who the fuck talks about himym

Save your "S"s for the credits please

I hope the final scene is penny and bernadette with their bare feet on the table, soles to the camera

Bernedette is and will forever will be the hottest TV girlfriend ever

this shit still exists?

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>Penny appears
>Loud cheering

These cheer tracks are terrible

>the elevator finally works after 12 years
Holy shit, this really is the end.

It's funny how deserted this thread is
It clearly shows that nobody gives a fuck about the show anymore

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Based CBS explaining the joke

The elevator working is why people cheered


they all die in a science experiment rip

Yea Forums is a shit board but at least they have SOME standards.

literally dead in an hour
its long been dead; im just here to watch the official end

Best girl was the one who left in season two or three I think who fucked both Leonard and Howard. The one with the glasses who worked in the same line of work they did.

What a lame reason to cheer. Sheldon is freaking out cause his wife is finally hot again.

I don't think Yea Forums ever did

>loving a black nurse
Chuck is goddamn desperate

>already kids exist who have (and likely will) never seen "how i met your mother"
>next generation wont experience big bang theory, since all the memes around it are all negative

Feeling pretty good now, actually.

Why are american commercials seem so eerie to me?

You talking about the girl who’s also on Roseanne? Yikes no.

I've never watched an episode of this shitshow in my life but I want to see it die

do they discuss h1b visas on this fucking show

how i met your mother was absolute kino and peak 2000s; the best era ever
its also one of few shows that went out before it lost it's magic, unlike this shitshow

>how i met your mother was absolute kino

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Maybe they’ll all get on it and it’s crashes and they all die

Anti-Sheldon : The Series Finale


imagine companies making money off your dying relatives through overpriced medicine

>himym went out before it lost it's magic
last 3 seasons say otherwise

>that went out before it lost it's magic
absolute retard

will raj fuck mrs sheldon

I want penny to kick off her shoes and step on my face with her cute bare feet

I wish that normie shit Friends would fade into irrelevancy

oh no no user
no no no

>to be continued

I always thought the show should end with sheldon cucking Leonard

Why would they make the finalse so.. uneventful?

fuck your ass, friends reruns would be permanent parts of my comfy tv channel

What's happened in the first half?

Are you honestly suprised the finale is subpar?

there’s still another 30 minutes captain autism, it’ll be two episodes in syndication

Life is changing and Sheldon's autism is making him scared.

Is there gonna be another episode?

Two parter.

Overpriced medicine that doesn't even work.


People like laugh track bullshit?
Try it now faggots.

Please tell me what happened so far

>lost it is magic

Life is uneventful


Amy and Sheldon win the Noble Prize. Sheldon throws a temper tantrum because his life changes overnight and because of his autism, he doesn't like change. Amy enjoys the change and blows a bunch of money reinventing herself but sheldon says "I loved you they were you were before." Amy, Leonard, and Raj all agree that Sheldon was in the wrong even though personally, I found sheldon's reaction sweet

Penny's pregnant

Damn American commercial are making me sympathetic to /pol/


why are there so many grills now?

I thought it ended last night

>penny and Sheldon go drinking
>penny’s preggers

WTF Penny’s preggos?

>we built a wall



this is like the reverse of the "fuck this gargabe" 2 1/2 men finale

That's the most cleavage that actress of Amy Farrah has ever shown

Its cuz its sweet but she's really fuckkng ugly and needs to try look less like a ugly bitch

stop!! why are you watching this! it's not Yea Forums approved


sheldon sure does like dem superheroes


Go back to your infinite GoT and capeshit threads


>kike complaining about free tickets

That’s always been this thing on the show. Some form of superhero shirt

last three were better than most shows ever are
still kino; shit ton of americans tuned in every night to watch it, and the last episode was a huge deal
look at hilarious this is

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male libido amirite

now thats a fun fact

They're just like YOU user!

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fucking severe weather alert. What's happening?

>you guys have showered together

Don’t die, user

Is the Poo still the only single one?

hold me bros. shedon and friends cant go like this

they never made an anime joke in this nerdy geeky sit com making fun of nerds, geeks, and neckbeards

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They get on a plane to Sweden but it ends up crashing and they all die.

The End.

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oh i remember her. wasn't she supposed to be the first female nerd to join the cast? i wonder why they cut her off.

>the last episode is Sheldon sperging out over pregnancy

There's gonna be a cameo this episode. ANy guesses?

Fuck CBS and all their tailormade for Boomer tripe

When has this show EVER been for nerds, geeks, neckbeards, etc?

Steve Jobs hologram

This finale would jump from a 3/10 to a 9/10 if that happened.

I'll try frien into a black hole or something? truly they were a big bang theory

jeez user you really love that sitcom don't you?

there are a bunch of tentacle porn jokes and in one episode they watch anime

its for making fun of them, l2r dumbass

Adam West

but seriously Patrick Stewart is on CBS's payroll now so probably him

>It's all you see... BS

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eminem was supposed to be on that plane desu

She went back to Roseanne?

you type like a cute anime girl
legend wait for it DAIRY

I assume you meant to reply to

Would be kino

Chuck has done this for two and half men

Was that the chick from Luke Cage with the massive tits

>half of a advert is dedicated to the medical disclaimer

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My bad. Thank you friend.

she probably didn't test well

I think I remember Penny saying something to the extent of “the only dirty movies you watch are anime” to one of the guys at one point.

So, how long do you think Young Sheldon can last without its parent series propping it up?

how long did my dick last in your mothers asshole?

It's for 40 year old white women

Its not even semi watchable. I could maybe sit through an episode of the Goldbergs in a comatose state but YS is actively annoying to watch

holy fuck young sheldon is a thing that actually exists hahahahaha



One more season. I don’t watch it because I don’t care for prequels


>take a quit glance at the Yea Forums catalog
>30 minutes later and I'm watching this shit

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>[laugh track]

15 minutes left. Why is Leonard such a sensitive bitch?

longer than the GoT spin-offs

can someone just tell me what happens?
im too lazy to watch it

>"no, I fantasized about Leonard... And a little idris elba"
>*white blonde women fistbump each other*

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Because his wife got pregnant while fantasizing about BBC.

This really should've been two hours


Literally nothing

>Amy: "Sheldon has something he would like to say
>Sheldon: ...BAZINGA

I liked this show alot.

But it got stale around S10.

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lol sheldon alienates his entire circle of friends

Sheldon has a breakdown and massacres the entire cast

>not fantasizing about idris elba
your racist and a fag

>Divorce 10 minutes before the end


why are they laughing
why does pickled herring being good qualify as a joke?

So Sheldon is autistic? GOT IT

>finally calling Sheldon out on his bullshit

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Why do they all get so offended? You figured they would just ignore it after 12 years?

>the finale is Sheldon being an asshole and everyone shitting on him for it

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The series ended up being an infomercial to prep successful engineers and scientists to unemployed lib art majors
This is some next level Pretty Woman shit

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How is 9gag these days

>Sarah Michelle Geller

A wild Sarah Michelle Geller appears!

>getting mad at a retard for being retarded
don’t have kids, you’ll only produce retards and you won’t be able to handle them

they wuvz da science

GuRL PoWEr!1

>stale around S10.
6 years too late

That's what God invented belts for.

>Pajeet x Buffy

This shit show is finally over.
Here's to it never being on TV again.

Would you watch an Old Sheldon spinoff where it is pretty much reverse Frasier. Sheldon is the cultured father bonding with his two jock sons after Amy dies?

retards aren't exempt from blame or responsibility just because they're retarded

What a terriable ending

Is this the start of a new sequel?

It's syndicated on numerous broadcast and cable channels worldwide

>Raj finally comes out as gay
Holy shit! Best ending ever!

Oh fuck I’m actually tearing a bit

Never been sry.

Yeah the early seasons were clearly the best, but S10-11-12 i could go several episodes without even a chuckle or scoff..

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>Please stand.

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>tfw got tears when he calls Leonard to stand

Howard didn't deserve that death

I'd rather watch Old Fink

>The real award was the friend we made along the way


Syndication doesn't count.

get ready for a wave of dumb mother fuckers on the board who will call this the 'seinfeld of it's/their time'

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Who's staying the next hour just to shitpost?

What is wrong with you two

This has been a better ending than GOT. Christ, what is this timeline?

Let's just let the thread die


>friends go from wanting to fuck off back to America to staying in less then 5 minutes

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You don’t even know, user. :/

lower expectations

Now I'm sad that the only friends I have made these past 12 years are just strangers who I share a board to shitpost

What is the fucking end tell me what the fuck

So how did it end?

>Both shows are overhyped, poorly written, poorly funny, oversyndicated garbage.

This IS the Seinfeld of the 2000-2010 decade.

Ill miss this show for the memes

It's finally over Yea Forums

Press "S" to spit on grave

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what the hell is that

Zimbabwe is eternal, user.

>Penny leaves Leonard because she cheated on him
>Amy and Sheldon break up
>Raj comes out
>Penny has a black kid
>Sheldon got cucked out of his prize
>Wolowitzes are stupid

That's every fucking drug commercial.

Fucking hell, Sheldon, that was harsh.


>Men on Film

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>everyone’s careers crater after this
say goodbye to your 15 minutes
>Jim parsons singing the theme song


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literally felt no feels. pretty disappointing

What was the last scene?

Shot zooms out of the main cast eating Chinese food with an acoustic cover of the theme song playing

SHIT. I’m actually crying a little.

We built the pyramids and sheit

Better than GoT.

Time for Brooklyn 99

>no final bazinga
Fucking garbage. 0/10.

they put Happy Fun Ball into literally every new drug. i'm beginning to suspect that every single new pharmaceutical is just some ratio of Happy Fun Ball, bone meal and earwig honey.

P good tbqh

What network is it on?



>sheldur wins noble prize and thanks his friends
>Howard dies in a failed rocket launch



Very disappointing, they truly don't care

Two and a Hlaf men had a better ending tbqh

Nuthin' But Cucks

Zooms out to reveal Sheldon holding a snow globe. He looks at the camera and winks before dropping and breaking it, cue laughtrack.

that’s it huh? my parents aren’t gonna stop watching reruns every other day so whatever I’m still not free

penny and sheldon’s friendship was one of the things I actually liked so I’m glad he called her one of his two dearest friends

They made one anime joke in the whole series and it was good awful.
>Penny: "What's this cartoon called again?"
>Leonard: "Oshikuru Demon Samurai, and it's not a cartoon, it's anime."
>Penny: "Oh, I went to school with an Anna May!"

It at least tried to be original

>tfw choking up

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I can't believe Howard is dead


So just a worse version of the Scrubs finale?

Leanord is found dead while jerking off to penny getting fucked by a nigger
Raj is run over by a truck which spilts him
Sheldon is caught sucking cock- no suprise
The jews have a little boy and decide to cut his dick off and call him jane.

That's not an anime joke, it's a Two and a half men reference.

>not using BRAPZINGA

one job, and you failed it.

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No clue since I never saw scrubs but I'm disapointed they didn't go with the super power ending where Sheldon turns into a villain

>look it up out of curiosity
>it’s not even real

I'll miss it a lot. The finale didn't overdo it, and it was extremely true to the series, nothing big happened to every character only because it was the finale and that's what people usually expect and I appreciate that.

That's what you get, dummy

it did and I apreciate them for trying.

Fuck that Chuck Lorre guy, jew rat.

Can one of you fuckers green text the episode? For those of us that do want to go through the headache of finding a stream or finding a torrent for something like the final episode of that embarrassment.

As if they give a shit. They were making $1 million an episode towards the end. If I was them, I'd just retire.

So gay, probably go ahead and kill yourself

how did it end, Yea Forumsros?

>Using the concept of anime to make a joke
>"That's not an anime joke!!! >:(((((("

sheldon's nobel prize speech was about how his friends and family were always there for him, then they ended up eating chinese food on their couch. Low key but sincere.

Big Bang Theory is a show for nerds and incels why would anyone on Yea Forums watch it? Stupid thread.

>Sheldor wins Nobel prize
>elevator gets fixed
>Sheldor freaks out because things are different
>everyone finally calls him out on what an asshole he is
>he gives a speech about how important everyone is to him
>everything is okay
>Howard dies after the rocket he was in explodes

>Low key but sincere
Can I please get a translator who speaks retard to help out here?

Part 1
>Amy and Sheldon win Noble Prize
>Life changes for them overnight because they're famous
>Sheldon is autistic and doesn't like change, runs away from all his problems
>Amy embraces change and decides to reinvent her look
>Amy becomes """hot"""" but Sheldon says "change back, I loved you the way you were before."
>This somehow makes Sheldon the bad guy (?)
>Penny and Sheldon get drinks and reminisce about how much their lives have changed over the past 12 years
>Elevator is revealed to be fixed somewhere in there
>Amy's plotline is never finished. I guess Sheldon just accepts that she's """hot""" now.

Part 2
>Sheldon and Amy buy everyone plane tickets and hotel rooms to Sweden for the ceremony
>Penny is revealed to be pregnant
>Sheldon makes multiple references to his 90 minute long acceptance speech
>Sheldon pisses everyone off during the plane ride and everyone (except Amy) says they flying back to the US and skipping the ceremony
>Amy says "waaaaah Sheldon you're so hard to deal with :("
>Every one comes to the ceremony anyways and Sheldon notices
>Amy gives her speech first, literally "Girl Power!" shit
>Sheldon looks at his long speech then puts it down and thanks each of his friends individually
>after credits shows everyone eating chinese food on the couch while a slowdown version of the theme plays

It was really really really bad. Even by BBT standards

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Wait what? Seriously did that happen? The jew died Challenger style? What happened after

post "hot" amy because i remember her looking like a jew rat fat

>First episode date: September 24, 2007
the day where the world went wrong, nerd culture was a big fat mistake


pretty good finale
i only watched a handful of episodes growing up my parents would play. i said i hated it for the memes, but i think i secretly enjoyed each episode.

its making me sad that its over since made up such a large part of my life

i still remember that year fondly

Twitter is very happy about it for whatever reason

First, thank you user

Second, that was one shitty as series finale. They couldn't do a time jump to see how their kids turned out or they know about the upcoming societal collapse so why even bother

thank you user. what a lackluster way to end an equally lackluster show

>First episode date: September 24, 2007
No it didnt
>it is

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2007 was a better time. No social media, no SJW culture, no capeshit disneymarvel monolpoly, George Lucas still had Star Wars, lot less brown people in western countries.

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He means they played it safe with the finale, not taking any risks and giving it a predictable ending.

I feel like this episode would have been a lot better if Sheldon continued being a shallow douche and his friends actually did go home out of spite and petty jealousy.

Twitter is filled with a bunch reactionary, mindless automatons. Fuck cares what they think

I was shocked too. Ended with the gang discussing all the good times they had with him. Last shot was him walking around heaven and then you hear his moms voice go “HOWARD IS THAT YOU?” and he ducks behind a cloud as the laughtrack plays, cue credits.

well it is a comedy show with a laugh track after all

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>filled with a bunch reactionary, mindless automatons

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Haven't watched the show in years and I gotta say that sounds like shit.

look at this chicken mcnooblet and laugh

are you all fucking neo eternal summer faggots i swear

who are you quoting?

Give it more time. Five years from now, things will be even worse that we'll look to now as a better time.


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You almost had me. That was probably one of the alternate endings that didn't test well

I'll be honest, the end of that Young Sheldon episode showing all of the other BBT characters as kids gave me more feels than the actual BBT finale.

The show didn't have a goal to meet, it was just a "let's see how the guys are doing" kinda thing. So I personally think this was a fitting ending, open and not that special, their lives will go on as usual

Lol yikes

I actually shead a tear.

Feeling kind of pathetic. Watched this show from the beginning but stopped four or five years ago. Everyone on Yea Forums used to watch this way back when in 2007. End of an era.

>outlives machinima, ytmnd and big bang theory

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Not twitter or reddit thankfully

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agreed and both will be better than the game of thrones shitshow finale


It makes him the “bad guy” because he was shitting on something she was happy about and initially demanding she change back according to his wants

>Can one of you fuckers green text the episode? For those of us that do want to go through the headache of finding a stream or finding a torrent for something like the final episode of that embarrassment.

is this what you're asking?

>barnacle boy died two days ago
looks like spongebob is ending soon

I'm just waiting to see how bad got will be. If himym bad or lost bad

>after credits shows everyone eating chinese food on the couch while a slowdown version of the theme plays

reference to the avengers right?

>Now that our show is over, we can finally say the N word!

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please go back to redit, twitter

The actual creator died last year too, that’s not gonna stop them.

He literally says something along the lines of "I loved you the way you were before." Isn't this shit like empowering females 101? Teach girls that beauty is not a standard you have to meet and be comfortable in your own skin? Especially since Amy's final line in the series is about grill power, seems contradictory to me.

I literally have no idea what you mean by quoting. I wrote that synopsis myself.

Someone shop a Switch in front of Raj

Howard is the only one I'd want to hang out with. Both the character and the actor.

How did I go all these years without realizing Tim Conway was Barnacle Boy?

You must have learned to read and write recently.

The show started when I was a sophmore in a high school. I was never really attached to it, but for some reason, hearing the theme song takes me back to those days.

Where does the time go?

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