Why do they she was raped when she agreed to marry Ramsey and she knew marriage in Westeros implied sex?

Why do they she was raped when she agreed to marry Ramsey and she knew marriage in Westeros implied sex?

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she was into kink, but didn't realize how far the rabbit hole really went

she was so pretty back then

because when somebody forces you to marry somebody else for political reasons, you're not in a position to """"agree"""" to anything

anyone have webms?

She was forced to marry Tyrion, but not Ramsay.

She was in their castle and Roose Bolton risked pretty much everything to get her.
Do you think she could have just said no and walk away?


That was before she knew Ramsay was fucked up.
Littlefinger made her think she can control him.

how can it be rape if they were married?

>made her think she can control him
so she was willing to fuck him when she thought she could manipulate him, but when that didn't work out she became a rape victim?

If you don't rape your wife then you don't deserve to be married

Should be obvious.

>Thot Breaker

Because he was rough, made it painful for her and humiliated her. Also I think it was implied he was torturing her during their marriage.

How was she not impregnated? She got slammed for weeks on end.

She was ok with Ramsay just being some dude but didn't like it when she found out he's a fucking psychopath who's favorite hobby is flaying people and goes on manhunts in the woods for fun.
Bizarre right?

you can say she hit......the Wall
I'll leave now

having young sansa bdsmed and not showing it
what a waste

yes marriage implies anal rape, just move on from this shit. you’re always trying to spin it to not be rape but in this case it was.

because writers

>Why do they she was raped when

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>she was ok with ramsay
was she? she called him a bastard in his face and teased him about his new brother potentially stealing his inheritance before she learned about the flayings

Regret does not make it rape.

He took her in the boodyhole, which is a concept she couldn't possibly fathom before it happened. Remember this is girl who was so sheltered she didn't even know the correct profane words of things:

>"shift" is the bad word for "dung" XD"

Now suddenly this ugly fucker is plugging up her poopworks with his flayed warrior, biting her, "shifting" on her face and chest, etc.

i suppose that this was explicitly mentioned in the books?
cause in the show nothing confirmed such a thing


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i wonder what a medieval lunchable would look like

all bastards are infertile
the gods made them so

Why happened to her, she looked some much cuter here, now she looks like shit

I giggled desu.

>Why do they she was raped
based stroke poster

>"i need everything explicitly spelled out for me"

well of course you do millennial, how stupid of me, my bad.

I'd rape the shit out of that pic

who cares

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Involuntary application of the dogpill

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Marriage does not equal consent even if the culture implies you should fuck. Tyrion didn’t attempt to have sex with Sansa because he knew it was respect and wrong.

Why did Littlefinger hand her over to the Boltons when she was his gateway into the North? I never understood this. She was the last known Stark alive and I don't get why he would give that up for seemingly no reason. he had control of the Vale and was in no need to hand her over.

is this sophie turner's ass?

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A man fucking a woman from behind doesn't mean he's banging her asshole virgin.

>marriage does not equal consent
>in a fictional setting designed to imitate medieval times

in the books it was Jeyne who got raped by Bolton and Sansa is keeping herself pure for Robin

That’s a dude, isn’t it

I got the impression that he did some fucked up shit to her in bed, but the show chickened out and didn't show it, so it leaves us with a lot of ambiguity about what exactly she's so bent out of shape about.

no this is

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>"M'lady, as you know. Resources are low, winter is here and we have little food and with the coming battle we need all materials and man power to make armour and weapons for the soldiers. . . I-it's not responsible to use leather to make this armour for yo. . . yes M'lady. But the armour, it's design wouldnt provide much protection. Are you even planning to fight in the battle? . . . Yes M'lady, it'll be made right away."

tfw we'll never get to see the show version of Sansa getting raped by dogs

food, drugs, sex, age

pretty similar shape to mine. I'm a man

>I know his father betrayed my brother and lead to the death of both my brother and my mother while desecrating their corpses, but maybe his son is a sweetie
>Father would be proud to see me be strong as I am inseminated by this man's bastard.

When an Anglo woman embraces the Slag lifestyle, she ages 3 times quicker.

I thought it implied Ramsay stuck his dick in her pooper.

She wasn't even forced to marry him, she chose to do it and seemed like she was in charge of the situation.

>Blessed with the Tully look
>Auburn hair
>Crystal blue eyes
>Hair darkens
>Eyes become grayer
>Looks like a wolf now

Those fucking First Man genes, man.

This scene is so bad on so many levels, I think it was right around this point that I knew the show was going off the rails.

Correct, you’re following. Rape is a human condition constant, it isn’t dependent on culture. Different cultures might define the term differently, but then we’re just playing semantics. Rape as currently defined applies to any culture or any time period: sex without consent. If the person doesn’t want it, then it’s rape.

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why does everybody dress like a Sith lord now?

Being married isn't constant a persistent consent to sex.
Unless you're muslim
OP are you a muslim?

Have you ever had sex?

Incorrect, you are genuinely retarded. In the medieval era a wife was a husbands property to do with as he wished.

of course not

Medieval times, you literal fucking retard.

because when women get raped their body has a way of shutting down

Dull semantic argument. It’s like saying there was no such thing as murder in 10,000 BC because there were no laws. You’d be technically, boringly correct, because you’re focusing only on legal definitions instead of the psychology or practical outcome. If smarter people than you didn’t look at those underpinning reasons more carefully our legal system would still reflect Medieval ethics. The concept of universal rights transcends time and place, that’s the whole point.

I dont know why but I just see it in her eyes that she's a cunt IRL. Too full of herself and wanting to show how hot she is by doing shit like atm and rimming to show she can be "wild" but then she probably expects you to treat her like a goddess on a day to day basis no humility whatsoever never had to struggle for anything. Something about her pisses me off. Would still put my peepee inside of course

Sex it's actually good for health and skin tough.

You would have had your head stomped on minutes after your mother birthed you in that case

why do modern women insist on ruining their bodies with tattoos?

must be the booze and drugs then.

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Marital rape is a thing. Just because the bitch is somebody's wife doesn't mean that she have to have sex with her husband whenever he wants.

Isn't Rape technically a social contruct?