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Other urls found in this thread:


>waaaah we wanted a disney ending waaaaaaaaah

council ending is pretty disney to me

GoT should end with everyone dead and they're having an orgy in the afterlife.
That would trigger all the dumbasses who named their kids after characters from the show.

>Dany gives a Hitler salute

How big of a faggot do you have to be to believe a petition will do anything, when the last episode is going to air in 3 days, and be done?

>a better written, well paced season = HURRR DURRR MUH HAPPY ENDING


Social media has made everyone think their voice matters.

>a literal NYT best-selling novelist is a shitty writer


Why not the whole last four seasons? Oh because they only care that the SJW hero, Danny gets turned into a crazed killer not that writing has been shit for sometime.

>basedboys, femcel,s and slaykweens throwing a tantrum on social media over a show

They need to have sex.


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impressive amount of signatures compared to all the tranny and feminist petitions that only get a few thousand signatures and headlines on every news site.

Episode 5 redeemed got for me

You are a dumb fuck aren't you?

These are the same sort of people that want a second referendum on brexit because they didn'T get what they want

pics or it didn't happen

fucking dumbass

I agree with this. I always thought it would be a good ending for a series that was praised for killing it's characters

Millenials were a mistake. We should've skipped two gens.

Hahahaaahahah. I’m going get one and name it Reuental. at least he will be in character.

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>How big of a faggot do you have to be to believe a petition will do anything, when the last episode is going to air in 3 days, and be done?
Instead of shooting politicians and setting fire to buildings, people these days express their anger by signing their email to internet petitions.

Right there with ya. I called my shot 8 years ago that this bitch be crazy and everyone called me a misogynistic asshole. Now they are refusing to pick up my calls.

5Listen here, fuckface. You go pet and provide treats and tell that dog hes a good boy right the fuck now. Its not his fault you bought a living animal because of a show.

it is not possible to write a better season, because you have to go all the way back to season 5 to fix everything. you're obviously seething about this season, probably because you thought the last 3 seasons were fine. nope, this is the end result. lmao deal with it

It's getting a Disney ending though

They'd have to go back to at least season 5 to deal with this.

Remember when 'entitled' was the major buzzword on Yea Forums? I think we where all unironically correct, our society is literally full of retards who think they are entitled to everything they want. If they don't get what they want they scream and complain and sign worthless petitions until they run out of breath or someone gives in.

How did it get this bad? Not liking a show is fine, thinking you have the right to demand it be remade in your image is just unfathomably egotistical.

How about giving the dog something to do besides shit, you lazy bastard.
These dogs are work dogs and need a lot of exercise or a fucking purpose

>over 2,000,000
>more than the ratings for any other HBO show except Game of Thrones
holy fuck

>2 000 000 sign petition
link? the one I find only has 600k signatures

Quite an unfair opinion.

The first six seasons were awesome in their own right, and deserve all it's accolades.

What the audience is truly saying is, if the show-runner still wanted that same style of writing to continue, don't do what you've been doing.

It's not entitlement, just wisdom.

...then again, starting a petition doesn't do fuck all when the show is about to end this Sunday. So why should anyone be a faggot about it?

>How did it get this bad? Not liking a show is fine, thinking you have the right to demand it be remade in your image is just unfathomably egotistical.

It seems no worse than the constant backlashes Yea Forums has against movies once a female or black person is introduced.


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it just hit 3.5 million

>2,000,000 sign petetion
>petition actually has 500,000
way to jew up the numbers repetible journalist


there are people on this board that actually believe this petition will do something. there's a guy spamming "holy shit it's getting 3 signs a second guys!!!"
truly sad state of affairs

You treat that dog well, or else.


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>because you have to go all the way back to season 5
More like Season 2, only Stannisfags think 5 was the turning point.

explain yourself


Whatever happens we win

Remember when all these people were trashing Star Wars fans for not being able to handle TLJ lol

there weren't any catastrophic plot threads in season 2. it's fine. you're just a baby


Yea Forums is always right. Like the ironic spamming of "have sex", feminists and trannies unironically think the only worth a woman has is her holes and if men have access to it.

Theres a reason women don't compete in men's league even thought there is literally no mens league, only womens league. Mens league is open to both but no women dare enter

This includes Chess

Fucking CHESS

>implying they care their petition does anything
They just want attention and they got it. They already won.

Talisa and then Season 3 had the dog war plot and it only got worse from there.

If you still thought the show was good by the end of season 4 you were either a deluded normie or a stannisfag, only possibilities.

>fans upset at shit storytelling and rushing bs
>creator literally says the show could have gone 12 seasons
>show is 8 seasons
>fans upset because dany turned evil even though it was going to happen anyways jump on bandwagon of show being bad, but really they just didnt get their way
fuck it all

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to be fair a disney ending would have been better than this shit, it's like instead of writing a good ending Martin just wrote an unexpected ending

Hard to believe there are 2,000,000 guys living in mom's basement.

This is just so great to watch as someone who had to endure watching their favorite characters get ruined already.

Fuck Dany and fuck jannies.

all these people saying Daenyris is Hitler are in for a big shock when they realize the British and Americans were actually the ones firebombing German and Japanese cities

Yeah Warsaw was like that when Germany got there

switching jeyne westerling with talisa is not a catastrophic game changing plot thread. i dont know what the hell dog war means. the show was fine up to s5e1, everything after that was a disaster. the worst things that happened in s1-s4 were brienne taking out the hound and shirtless ramsay. everything else did not destroy the show in anyway, and this is coming from a bookfag.

The scale isn’t even close mate. Britain dropped more bombs every single night on Germany than Germany dropped on anyone from 1939-1941.

>switching jeyne westerling with talisa is not a catastrophic game changing plot thread
Man you should actually read those books before outing yourself.



Tulisa sucked desu but minor in the grand scheme of things.

disregard cucksucking op and his faek article, it's still at ~600k

please, they just switched around the reason from honor to love. that is catastrophic, that is nothing more than a nitpick. he fucking dies anyway so it doesnt matter

they're going to need a lot more than one season to undo this disaster

have sex

are they going to get fired from star wars?

> he fucking dies anyway so it doesnt matter
Same could be said of all the other catastrophic changes.

>"Whoa we completely missed the point of this character and our changes ruined how this interaction played out but it doesn't matter because they died in the end lol"
Come the fuck on user.

Jamie killing the night king would be far better


Never thought I'd say this, but based D&D for pulling the best heel turn in the last decade. It was all worth it. The fact that they had the balls to do it makes me interested in whatever gay star wars shit they got.

lol imagine being this much of a shit dog owner
do you not know how to vacuum?
or how to do laundry?
or how to give a dog a bath?

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No, This has been the biggest season of not only the show's history but also television history. This season is literally bigger than the Super Bowl. No amount of fan backlash will stop them at this point.

it really isn't that important, it's a minor change that they went with because they knew it would work better with the general audience. it works fine. the main point is that it does.not.destroy.the.plot. do you not understand that?

King Slayer kills the Night KING... Kino.

And the same non argument could be made about every other catastrophic change the show has made since. Get that threw your tiny brain before responding.

And yet Germany owns the EU today. It's seems like they still won by losing. Based Germany.

you're a retard complaining that they changed a minor detail that ultimately isn't that important. dorne is a catastrophic disaster, not fucking talisa. fucking moron

two words: hella fr*ckin epic

>Instead of shooting politicians and setting fire to buildings
Yeah, because people dying over a tv show is so much better then mailing a letter or bitching on the internet.

at least it's shaming the writers with all the attention it's getting

The show had problems, but I never really paid much attention to them because I had only read 1.75 of the books and I'm a huge pleb.

That being said, the moment when the show completely died to me was the episode that where they went to capture the wight to show cersei.

I can't even recall a single more destructive episode in almost any other televised series I've ever watched. They just completely fucked everything up and I couldn't go back to enjoying anything about the show. I can't legitimately believe there were still people excited beyond that point.

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I want them to remake it because the writing was stupid not because I give a fuck about Danny being a “good” guy.

>I can't even recall a single more destructive episode in almost any other televised series I've ever watched.
you mean the episode where bronn and jaime fight the sneks? the show was beyond saving by that point


That minor detail changed an entire character arc for no reason and ruined Robb's character and the show's world building all for what? A Romance?

>fucking moron
Don't get mad just because you've lost the argument, learn from your mistakes and grow. :)


Different user here, and while I do agree that it does make robbs character much stupider, overall I think the shows dip in quality was after the red wedding, and really noticeable after tyrions trial. Those moments, to me, seemed to be the last good moments and where the production clearly stopped trying, since they knew nobody was going to tune out after.

Robbs character mutilation was the first instance of a much larger problem, that never was fixed.

big gay dog?

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>I can't legitimately believe there were still people excited beyond that point.
I was still hoping against hope that they would somehow find a way to turn it around and make it all worthwhile. But yeah - that was what did it for me too.

Why the fuck would anyone let D&D write that garbage? Even if grrmartin has completely checked out, surely the people at HBO give them some sort of oversight? How did anyone think that was a good idea?

Gen Z is more fucked, more SJWs for the future user

Truthfully, I tuned out everything happening in Dorne. The show didn't make it look interesting in any way and I was always waiting for their scenes to be over so I could go back to characters I actually cared about.

In a series that did a good job bucking trends, it was the most cliche thing I've ever fucking seen. The plot armor was a mile thick. The deus ex machina were coming from at least three different directions.
and for what??
nothing. Cersei doesn't care. Euron fucks off (then.. doesn't? because he's there again like that scene didn't happen). it was worthless. they wrote all that garbage for no reason other than they wanted a stupid frozen spectacle.

I think it’s great that all these ass blasted viewers are likely the same people that cheered on Rian Johnson’s TLJ shit fest. Not so fun when the shoe is in the other foot huh?

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robb falling in love works fine and it destroyed nothing. romance does work better on tv than some muh honor she comforted me. that wouldn't work at all, it would just seem empty to most of the people who watch the show. and once again, it did not destroy the plot, which is the main point. you can argue about how it changes the character all you want, but it did not in any way destroy the plot.

Before you blame the children, blame their parents. Blame the shit world/environmental factors they grew up in.

Their reasoning for it was so Robb wouldnt be offscreened doing fuck all in the westerlands like he is in the books.

They fucked up the first scene of the first episode showing they dont understand the source material.

it also doesn't really matter. both reasons make him seem fucking stupid anyway. in the show, he's an idiot for breaking a vow because he fell in love. in the books, he's an idiot for breaking a vow because he fucked some girl and thought it was the honorable thing to do to marry her.... theyre both dumb as fuck

are normies upset because the writing is shit or because things aren't going the way they planned?

The top image is how liberals unironically see themselves.

Get pregnant

lmao seething commie


>>robb falling in love works fine and it destroyed nothing.
Uh huh... you keep saying that but it's not very convincing. Try reading the books user.

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There was a romanian woman who actually managed to get in the top 20 of men's chess. Romanian woman, i believe, forgot her name

Most of the ''top'' female players hover in the end of the top 100, if at all.

Is your imagination so terrible that you need a show to be the book? I have no problem with shows changing aspects of their source material if it suits the medium better or tells a better story.

The Shining is a shitty book, but a great movie.

shut up cracka

My friend who doesn't even watch the show has an idea for an ending where it turns out the whole think was a LARP at a renaissance fair where they were just imagining things.

they should have sex instead of complaining about gender politics in tv shows.

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Regardless of the scenerio, the fact faggot DnD felt allowed to rush the shit out of it into 6 shitty episodes to go work on SW faster is intolerable

lmao i have zero interest reading this series again. you bitching about how this destroyed the show is all that needs to be said about what a whiny manbabby you are. what the show did with harrenhal was a more significant change than jeyne fucking westerling. are you going to bitch and whine about harrenhal now and how they dropped vargo hoat?

Like you wouldn't marry that ass

your friend sounds like a stupid poopoohead

Britain's retaliation on Germany was pretty justified.
What the US did to Japanese civilians however wasn't, as Japan had never bombed US cities (and I ain't talking about that colonial oversea military base in Hawaii).

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You should read those books though.

absolutely pathetic. how can a person this bitchy even watch this show? do you just scream at the tv until you can't breath throughout every episode like a lunatic?

She did have a nice bum, not going to deny that.

you're as thick as a castle wall, sweetie

Probably the former but if you keep talking as if it's the later it'll make them more upset so do that.

shut up faggot

>Japan had never bombed US cities
they'd have dropped ten times that on us if they had the opportunity and resources, fuck off

>what if

cant they make new good movies rather than recasting old ones? just a thought....

they already vivisected and raped other populations, why do you think they're somehow not capable of dealing with the morality of firebombing?

lmao go look what they did to china you stupid fuck

>Rape of nanjing
>Japanese comfort women
>Unit 731
The Japanese were monsters just like everyone else, stop being retarded

Jesus, and I thought the OP was the stupidest asshole on this site.

If anything, it may warn future writers to just hand off a successful project if their bored, or to not rush endings. Both of these seem obvious though. Thinking this will lead to a redo season is retarded.

>Stannis kills his own daughter to stop snow
>Entirety of Dorne plotline dropped
*crickets chirp*
>All of Azor Ahai abandoned
*paint dries*
>Mance Rayder burns to ash, Selmy stabbed in the back by a masked man, etc
*single cough in the back of the room*
>Mad Queen sacks Kings Landing

It's women.

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Where do I sign?

They should remake every season after 4. Fucking idiots are completely unaware of how they ruined Stannis, Littlefinger, Tyron, and Varys.

>”hey did you hear about that online petition about game of thrones”
Literally the only effect this will have irl

Omg this so much. We don't deserve doggos. *sigh*

>bitch about every way dumb and dumber fuck up the show through S8E4
>suddenly praise their retarded writing because it pisses off some feminists
honk honk

I have never seen this show. Why are people upset over the last season? I only ask because i see this a lot online but also my coworkers keep bitching that it's ruined, and idk anything because I don't watch it

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you are a f-u-c-k-i-n-g J-E-W dude

The consensual orgy of Nankin is largely overblown

I don't see any praise.

Schadenfreude. Show still sucks ass, but at least we can enjoy the butthurt.

Ah yes, the honourable noble and ethical Imperial Japan. Silly weeb.

I wish we can send these fuckers to the gulags, but they would eventually get replaced by machines.

>dumping napalm on civilians of an absolute monarchy who have zero say in their foreign policy
>justifiable in any way

9/11 was objectively much less awful, as US citizens can vote and thus are accountable for their country's actions.

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they are refusing to pick up your calls because you are a basement dwelling faggot with no friends
might be projecting a bit but i hear ya bro. word

tell me how well venezuala is doing, commie?

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S8E4&5 were unironically both kino, fuckoff libtard

he fell for the b8

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I was aware of the shit writing in got from season 5-7 but even I was genuinely caught off guard by how shit the writing was.

none of that shit is justifiable, you retard. it's just that anybody who thinks Japan wasn't capable of those kinds of acts needs a serious reality check.
Japan doesn't get to play victim when the unleashed horrors of their own.
you don't get to butter both sides of the toast, friendo.

Holy fuck you people are fucking sad

Go on user, enlighten us as to how it's not accurate

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cute doggos m8

Don't care that much. Just thinking of everything as an allegory to your politics is pathetic

unironic boomer shit
on MY Yea Forums?

>"Look at the recent character arc assassinations and rushed pacing in the name of subverted expectations. Let's petition for a redo for season 8 after having to wait two years for this."
>"This mess started after season 4. You fags might as well petition for a redo for last three seasons"
>"Nah bro. The show sucked ass after the first season."
>"Retards. The show was shit from the start. GRRM should have finished the novel series before giving the greenlight to HBO then we'd get a faithful and proper adaptation."

Meanwhile D&D along with the GOT cast walk home with a thick paycheck leaving GOT fans seething for eternity and being forced to eat up the finale, the prequel spin-offs and the last pair of books if GRRM ever releases them.

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It's clearly not an allegory, it's not even attempting to attribute any sort of hidden meaning to the plot of the show retard. It's simply an "expectation vs reality comparison". You're clearly just buttblasted.

truly, they won the A Game of Thrones

Glad shitlibs are getting their own TLJ experience

>soon people will talk about the iran invasion and stop shitting about shows

>not getting a white German Sheperd.

these incels need to have sex

It is getting the Disney ending, you retard.

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If HBO is smart they actually hire new writers and remake the last season. Easy money. Everyone would watch it.

All basedwars fans are shitlibs. Including the boomers.

Danielle Steel is the fourth best-selling fiction author of all time.

You could have the exact same endings as you have now just in 10 episodes and better executed and it'd be fine. The problem is this retarded mess being in 6 episodes and way too much filler.

Social media has made it so your voice does matter. People whining loudly on social media does lots of things. Gets people fired, gets them to redesign a new Sonic, gets people elected, starts riots.

kys for treating an animal like a funko pop

>the germans never holocausted americans!
Read up on the Japanese invasion of China/SE Asia before spewing your nonsense

Remaking one season is not enough though. D&D just fucked it up and normies are just waking up to this.

These are the same people that manage to remove most if not all the fun out of Cleganebowl ffs


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Okay, cringe

Blockading is an act of war.

Why aren't journalists calling these people incels/alt-right like they did with the Last Jedi? It's the same shit.

Because incels or alt right aren't whining right now. With TLJ it was buttmad losers.

What? The only people that watch GOT are buttmad losers

Fuck China you stupid expat chink. I wish the japs killed more

Mayne the Russians hacked the GoT writers you stupid tranny lol

>me no know. Fuck you though.

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The dog is clearly smarter than you. Getting a life long companion because of a shit show and then mistreating it. I hope this is bait you complete and utter faggot.

So you got HBO after season seven?

it occurs to me that women get turned on by powerful, dangerous men. For many women, claiming that white men are all merciless tyrants gets them wet. Shagging tim nextdoor isn't exciting but getting fucked by a sexist racist colonising asshole is a turn on

Watching you Danyfags seethe is extremely entertaining


>I have a low IQ, the post

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So it's not a matter of principle, literally just "it's okay when we do it"

But I guess that's the case with everything you fucks do.

based retard

you were the cringe all along

if they were smart they would've replace D&D with people who actually wanted to continue the show for another 3 years


Do brainlets ever get tired of defending shit with this low effort """defense"""? Seen this shit since Mass Effect 3's Yo Dawg ending.

It's about the chaos.

fuck anyone who defends that game

Honestly, why not make 4 more episodes? They changed Sonic why not do this? Hard to talk about this but without doing leaks but how I would change the plot is make Bran a mastermind.

>Bran programmed Dany with bells using some sort of hypnotism
>Bran warged into her dragons and ran them into the arrows
>Bran wanted Daenerys to go insane so she would be killed
>Bran had Varys killed
>Bran literally warged into The Night King so that Arya would be in the perfect spot to kill him but he was so strong that Arya almost died because TNK broke the warg

I think making Bran into a Walter White character would save the show.

Season 4 was better than Season 3

you mean skinchanging?

>surely the people at HBO give them some sort of oversight?
Most people in television are retarded.

I warged into ur dad and fked ur mom


I wanted the night king to rape torture and murder everyone in winterfell, all of it to be shown explicitly, and I then wanted the series to become a post apocalyptic world where Westeros is all ruled by the undead except for small pockets of villages that are protected by Brann's magic and ignored by the undead and now we can see the day to day of Rick Grimes and his followers in these villages. Is that Disney?

I think everyone's mad because of the bad writing not because of the mad queen.

why did LOST fan not do this

>all the slaves doing nazi salute to blond hitler
>she burns down everything
the image is depicting the opposite of that text lmao

That is not true. This season could have ended the same but not been nearly as dogshit. The season has had shit dialogue and has been full of retarded scenes like the dragon dying and the crypts shit.
Worst scene in the season imo was ep3 when Jon was walking through the castle and looking around and literally the only people left were main characters that had been "dying" for 30 minutes. It was like they were shoving the lack of suspense down your throat.
Shit like that was not the result of excluded plot from earlier seasons, it was just lazy shitty writing.

Guys go on on (((pornhub))) and write "daenerys bends the knee"

Does it have a better or worse plot than the actual show?

classic disney is problematic af, they want a 2019´s DISNEY a.k.a the same shit with more women and black lesbians


She should quit being so negative, she's not half black, she's half-white.

Imagine unironically repeating a Sarah Silverman joke. Have some pride, man.

they are fighting pretty well against the fucking empire of the united states that uses its economic hitmen to destabilize their country in many ways.
Basically what they is now doing in Mexico, burning the capital of that country, because their recent president who is disgusting those bastards.

>Little girl kills giant
>"This writing feels kind of... off. Anyone else? This just feels stupid."
>Dany chimps out at bells

Easily wasted money on reshooting an entire season of television.

They already made money. They could make an alternate ending and make even more money because people are dumb enough to watch it.

>national-socialists were slaves to hitler
jesus christ are you a retard?


Season 7 was already shit so this wont do anything.

but poorly-written, subvert-your-expectations tripe IS a modern disney ending

pick one and ONLY one, based Japs

Just season 7? It's been shit since at least Season 4 or 5.

>subvert-your-expectations tripe
You can blame Game of Thrones for that shit.

Several of the seasons prior, there's plenty of foreshadowing and outright "Wille zur Macht" by her.

Instead he killed Euron the uh...king?

I reiterate, the end of season 3 was the presage to catastrophe.

Yaaaas my dragon queens, slay

GoT should have had a Hamlet ending where everyone kills each other and then a forgeiner power takes advantage and just moves in

These fucking normies lmao. Just write some fan fiction and get over it.

>GoT should end with everyone dead and they're having an orgy in the afterlife
So like this but with dragons instead of robots youtube.com/watch?v=IO4Tk63ukpM

It's gotta put some stink on the expectations for Star Wars. This seasons not getting any good reviews in the mainstream

Just curious, do you have an inner voice?

What do you mean

Do you hear voices user, In year head?

Imagine thinking signing a petition will make a network fund and redo an entire fucking season of a show

It's both. The people that already hated it for its shitty writing still hate it for its shitty writing, it's just that the YASSSS QUEEEN SLAAYYY troupe is also mad now.

Just the normal inner speech

This petition started after the mad queen, not the actually offensive episodes 3 and 4. This has everything to do with the butthurt of Dany’s obvious story arc conclusion.

>this is unironically what commies believe

Venezuela went to shit because they ran out of oil and didn't diversify their economy because they stole everything all the companies built in the country. The companies left and when oil prices dropped and their reserves are almost tapped they didn't have anything to support their shitty socialist government and the people started flipping out.

The U.S. didn't do anything to make Venezuela what it is now. They did it to themselves. The government isn't "fighting an empire" they're murdering their own people.


Yep, so many good characters have been ruined by those hacks and not a peep until their precious Dany suffered the same fate. Fuck them all.

Why do white people live vicariously through shitty media so much more than other races? You'd expect niggers with their Wakanda stuff but opiate-slurpers really take the cake.

2mil people that need to have sex oh my lord

Figured as much.

Because when you've reached the top and everything is provided for you for minimum effort there is a tendency to resort to escapism because life is no longer fulfilling on its own.


>tfw no mutt qt gf with daddy issue and a persecution complex

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When you want to be so subversive that you give your own show a shitty ending


you are a nigger

how th fuck do they think this will happen logistically? All the actors will soon be bind in other contracts of various lenghts. It is impossible to get the same cast at the same time. Fucking delusional brainlets.

Wouldn't that be some shit if Bran had warged into Dany and made her burn the city??

Why did anyone find this shit subversive? This is exactly how she was always going to wind up. Anything else would have been a cheat.

America really moves to keep the shit in Venezuela, just to kick China a little.

red and basedpilled

I meant more the aftermath. King Bran, the council, gayworm mattering, Jon being banished north..

Where are they getting 2mill from? The petition has 700k


He was still right


Mrs. I'dliketo Speaktothe Manager


woah there friend, this is a blue board. Please contain your racism, you'll offend your fellow anons.

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older generation, bunch of faggot zoomers cant accept that DJ Trump is el presidente


I'm just happy that other people hate it too. I don't care why, there are a million good reasons and as many bad ones, but shit is shit.

Unequivocally based my dude. Let the Commies burn.

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You really don't get it
They're signing the "petition" to let HBO get more money off another season. The people who are signing are giving away money to get more GoT

why do plebs hate tragic endings so much? are 9-5 jobs really that shit that plebs need 100% feel good material to get through the day now?

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First of all, since you did not define socialism very well in your post, I am forced to assume you mean one of the following: 1) a system under which wealth is redistributed from the rich to the poor; 2) a system under which the government controls the economy; 3) a system under which the working class control the means of production. The reason I specify these is that there is a lot of confusion in regards to what is and is not socialism, and having a definition handy really helps. As a socialist and a Marxist, I (as well as nearly every socialist, Marxist, and communist I've ever interacted with) generally take definition #3, which is essentially how Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels would have defined it.

In defense of that definition of socialism, I would point out that no such system has ever existed on a large scale for any reasonable length of time. Remember, under definition 3, the workers must own the means of production, aka factories, mills, etc. In the soviet union, the workers had very little actual say over what went on in factories, and had essentially no control over the government, which ran nearly everything. That is not socialism, that is totalitarianism. In Cuba, China, and (though to a different degree) in Venezuela, this is also the case. I would not consider any of these countries to be socialist.

Some examples of countries I would consider socialist are: the Paris commune, the zapotistas, the CNT and POUM controlled territories during the Spanish civil war.

isnt that the purpose of escapism?

Fuck off /leftypol/

>tfw you're a normal person and season 8 is living up to all expectations

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>Things aren't happening exactly as I wanted, therefore it's "bad writing"

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there's plenty of escapist material that's tragic and sad, it's plebs specifically that are averse to those things for some reason

>we wanted a disney ending
You mean a good ending? Name one bad Disney ending

Justice for Stannis!

Star wars

you are a jew nigger

Not an argument

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Name one Disney movie with black lesbians u ass

>Hamlet ending where everyone kills each other and then a forgeiner power takes advantage and just moves in
But that's exactly The Three-eyed Raven is doing. He's an untrustworthy foreigner seizing power

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Pacing is bad and it's rushed and a lot of events either don't make sense or only happen because every single character is a total idiot, it's been this way for a while

>2 million
america is finished

>HBO series
>everyone surviving
Pick one.

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Why would you get anything other than a lapdog if you're too lazy to take care of a big one properly?


Underrated post and underrated game.

>black features with white skin
She would have looked way better if it was the other way around.

>Some examples of countries I would consider socialist are: the Paris commune, the zapotistas, the CNT and POUM controlled territories during the Spanish civil war.

Lol, clearly shining beacons of civilisation.

>A bunch of NPCs throwing a tantrum on social media over a show

Not an argument. How about actually criticizing my argument or the places I'm talking about other than some lazy sarcastic comment

The problems with season 8, are due to the preceding 3 seasons of dreck. You can't solve it by merely rewriting 6 episodes. They've been setting up this garbage pay off since at least season 7. And the show has been trash since at least season 5.

Finally Dany breaks the Mary Sue mold and becomes a true multidimensional feminist villain, and incels are already harassing her with petitions. Fuck the alt right.

This. Can't wait for the finale to air. Show has turned to shit seasons ago and normies never gave a shit back then, they're only raging now because the character that got shafted was their favourite character.

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the final scene of s7 with the ice dragon bringing down the wall was pretty kino desu


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>this meme

>the seething (you)s

>fucking turning point
Boomers came through for once.



Fuck you for killing off my favorite characters (Dolorous Edd and Lady Mormont). I literally couldn't care less about anyone else on the show.

>post you stopped watching after season 3

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An embargo is not a blockade.

have a (you)

> How about actually criticizing my argument

I'm stealing your obnoxious commie drek as pasta.

damn and I wasn't even phoneposting
gn I hate you all

I'm cool with Arya, because I read the books and the assassin training made sense. It is fantasy after all too.

What was completely retarded was the little bear island girl giving orders to bloodthirsty GoT grown men from bloodthirsty GoT culture and everyone taking it seriously.

Do you seriously not understand that the Nazi's were a socialist party?

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nice one user

The writing is bad, but you are correct in saying that bad things happening to their chosen one is the reason that they have noticed it.

>I will sabe da show
>by preserving Queen Dany as ma Waifu Mary Sue


Like Germany wasn’t bombing the shit out of Britain beforehand. The Blitz was all an Anglo-Jewish trick

How do you know that's not what I did?

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>all remaining Starks survive
>order restored
>evil destroyed
>no bad guys left
It's literally a Disney ending.


Nobody actually believes petitions have power to change anything. It just sends a message. Seeing as how even TV news is reporting on it, they succeeded.

just like it took Luke being written as a different character for Star Wars fans to notice SW was bad. it's okay for not everyone to invest themselves to the same extent in a story.

Haha fucking pwned those libtards epic style!

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I like how its all the brown people that she is promising socialism to, and how its all white people she is killing. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Anyone else catch that????

why anyone would enter the entertainment industry in this modern time is beyond me

For easy money. That is why you are poor.

oof this much projection

I will always love that using incel as an insult shows that women's entire worth is whether they're fuckable or not.

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>le in le this le moment I am le euphoric and le enlightened le le

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She's nobility and a proven commander/leader. This isn't that shocking.