How will this affect D&D

Will people see them for who they are

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They still get paid, so they won't give a fuck.

the show costs millions to make.

they aren't doing a redo.

What the hell is wrong with americans? It's a tv shows for children about flying lizards, get over it.

It’s definitely not a children’s show my man

Why there were no petitions to remake The Last Jedi?

it just make showfags look like idiots desu

at this point it is

A manchildren show, m’lady!

there was one to decannonise it, got over 100k signatures


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It's 2019 and there are still people that think that signing an online petition can actually change things.

>Obscene violence

>For children

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why can't retards accept that a piece of fiction just didn't go the way they wanted?
you're not the author, stop crying faggot

American children are used to that

they cost millions

What they need to do is start a protest that they'll refuse to watch the new star wars movies from them

The shitstorm would be amazing

> triggering half a million idiots over MUHHH YASSS QUEEEEN!
Bravo D&D

literally female hitler

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All varieties of sex, which they are exposed to online.
They hear about it on the news all the time.
They hear worse in school every day.
>Obscene violence
They see worse in videogames.

they should start the retcon with Robert's rebellion

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yes let's throw a million dollar production in the trash and start from scratch because some faggots with no life were butthurt

GRRM is a hack
last book never ever

This is a lot of free advertising for the show

Lol, I've seen plenty of canadafags and britbongs complaining too.

Based and subverted.

are we at the anger or bargaining stage?

It does though. HBO clearly listens to social media as evidenced by all of the fan service in the show.
This is all about giving a middle finger to the executives involved. Things like these have a lasting impact in that industry.

No one actually wants a remake, but it is nice to see people galvanizing against a media corporation and not just mindlessly consuming for once.

How the brainlets on this board do not get this baffles me.

> petition

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Lol we won't even get the NEXT book let alone the last

They would have to start over from season 3 to dig themselves out of the hole season 8 is in.

Are these people being called babies like the people who hated TLJ?

Let them have SW. It's done anyway and they won't be damage to another franchise.

>muh nihilism
Grow up.

There is no problem with Daenerys going evil. The problem is the last 2 seasons have rushed everything instead of let it slowly develop and make sense.

It won't affect them at all. They even know people would get butthurt about the ending. It's also the sort of shock and rage that they're aiming for with the series, casuals were shocked and offended by Ned's death and the Red Wedding too

"Redoing" the final season would likely likely mean having only one "reunion" episode (instead of 2 that we got) and maybe Rhaegal dies during her (second) attack on the Iron Fleet (giving the audience a bit more context on why she is going mad). The end result would still be that she goes mad, as this is what GRRM intended. D & D are hacks, but HBO is not going to "redo" the season for a couple changes that make things slightly easier understand for the brain-dead masses.

D&D are on track to ruin Star Wars

Daenerys becoming the villain is the only thing that actually made sense this season.

Westeros doesn't like Dany, some of her advisers turned on her, Jon snow's heritage was revealed, and she's always been a bit psycho, it all made perfect sense.

Normies are fucking retarded, the whole season has been shit and THIS is what triggers them the most?


So they didn't care when they butchered reek, lady Stoneheart, Selmy, Dorne, Young Griff, Stannis, Victarion, the Tyrells, the High sparrow, Tommen and strong Belwas, but now they care for some reason?

>normcels seething this hard

She's literally is YAAAAASSSS QUUEEEEENN SLAAAAAYYYYING so what the fuck more do they want.

have sex

The petition is not about Dany in any way. It is coincidental.

>18.4 million viewers just for that ep currently
>500,000 signatures
Kek who cares

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mmmmmm sweatie
>Obscene violence
all that happen to children

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Have these petitions ever worked?

to trigger billions (of sjws)

They will remake it, but in a trilogy of movies. Obvious cash grab opportunity here.

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executives do not give a fuck about your dumb petition just
because you are unhappy things did go your way. go cry into your dany lovepillow

They'll just bury their heads in the sand and assume that people don't like it because it subverted their expectations. At least they should have more humility than Rian Johnson.

Eh its a long way off of what she has been doing. She has had some ruthless things that she has done but the whole dragon scene with burning for 40 min when they had surrendered was just weird. Why not just burn down the red keep? Thats literally all she had to do and we still could have had the things go bad for her but instead she is flying around burning literally peasant shacks

>Re-do final season due to fan outrage
>its even worse.

People crying about Danny while I’m over here still crying about the Night King not being an actual threat

Most people know the physically can't redo the season, but they just want D&D to know that the season was so shit that a redo would be better

A sign of the terrible writing leading to this scenario.

Basically. Even if this somehow happened they would just take fan ideas off of reddit to keep people happy and it would just be trash anyways

>a show that became famous for subverting fantasy tropes
>wwwwaaaahhhhhh why did they subvert my expectations


Dany going Mad Queen is the best thing to happen this season.

Why are normies triggered?

This petition was actually made in response to that and not Dany, though the majority of the signers are doing it for the latter reason

Don't think that hbo would lose a cent anyway I think that even with this stupid season they made a lot of money

i'm kind of interested in how this is going to pan out. Obviously its not going to get remade but every major news broadcasting service is reporting on this for some reason. Peoples dissatisfaction isn't being swept under the rug again, like say with star wars. Either more people will become vocal with their hate or media people will downplay it, call the people that signed the petition alt right incels or russian bots or something, they might say that 500,000 is only a small minority of the viewers anyway. scare people away from having negative opinions GoT for fear of being labeled

5 > 4 > 1 > 2 > 3

>How will this affect D&D
It won't. As far as HBO and the entertainment industry in general is concerned, they generated millions upon millions of dollars including all the merchandising and made one of the most successful TV show in history. Hollywood doesn't care about quality of the product or critical reception, professional or from the public(unless they can use it for marketing purposes). So D&D will continue being employed and no one will give a shit about some gay fan petitions.

Wow here's a socially beneficial victory...

>another brainlet
Of course they do, this is how the entire industry works nowadays. Twitter and Facebook have huge influence. Just take a look at Disney and how they react to social media trends and reactions. This should be common knowledge.

Who gives a fuck about any of the characters, this is about the legacy of the show makers.

It's not that it's not a good twist, it's that it was poorly developed.

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are you faggots also going to petition GRRM to rewrite his ending when it inevitably turns out to be the same?

Based and go-go pilled

A more faithful animated adaptation will obviously happen at some point and normies will like it even less.

>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (i.e. the books) to fall back on.

>This series deserves a final season that makes sense.

>Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!

This is the text of the petition.
>implying this wasn't Yea Forums 4 days ago.

Stopped watching this show a while back. What are fans pissed about ?

So school shootings are allowed (and even encouraged) for children in your country, but not a fantasy tale because it shows a titty?

Honestly I’m surprised this place doesn’t like being subversive for its own sake. Half the people here only ever have opinions that are opposite to the general consensus.

>implying it will end
>implying if it actually does get finished it won't be different thanks to based Young Griff

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D&D botching the season completely for no reason

so because the story didnt end the way you want it to you think you can ruin the shows legacy through.... an online petition lol

>Peoples dissatisfaction isn't being swept under the rug again, like say with star wars.
Because they can't spin this as incels or straight white male fragility. Literal blue haired feminists and muh representation nigs are mad about it.

to piss off billions.....

Are normies really this mad? Seriously, did anyone not see Dany going full rrrreeeeeeeeeee? Everyone knew this was coming, right?

its not fans, just danyfaggots like the couple itt who are still seething this fucking hard because their Tumblr fanfic ending got absolutely btfo

They wanted to jump ship to get a start on star wars and they're confederate alt history show

Normies didn’t see it coming, But D&D did terribly when it came to pacing out the transformation.

I personally do not give a shit about the show. I did not even watch most of it.
I just enjoy it for being a fuck you towards corporate influences on an artistic medium. And towards hack writers like D&D.

As someone who hadn't invested a single minute into the entire series I have to laugh at the morons who got sucked into this from the beginning only to see it come crashing down. Haven't any of you learned from shows like Lost and The Walking Dead? The lesson is to wait until the whole thing finishes to see what the final say is. Anyways, I hope these threads continue to pop up so that I can amuse myself during my Victoria Day long weekend here in Canada.

inb4 "Have sex, leaf"

Some of you are alrite. Don't go to Kingslanding tomorrow.

Really? It sure seems like it after season 3

Have intercorse, tree foliage.

500,000 eh? That's a lot of incels. I wonder if the Russians stoked their outrage like what happened with Star Wars?

based leafbro. you from vancouver?

The best thing about this season is seeing just how much delusional and spoiled are some people.
>Dumb show does shitty GIRL POWER
>they clap like seals
>ignore a prophecy that was build up for seasons just so you could subvert expectations
>they clap like retarded seals
>ignore another prophecy that make one characters life hell
>they start clapping like manatees(some of them probably are fat like manatees)
>BUT a woman is retard
>shoot again, spend millions of dollars, so my feefees won't be hurt

this is what happens when you tailor the previous season for the capeshit audience

these are the people who are signing the petition

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how is that nihilistic?

>You think you're saying something relevant as you connect the dots
>You never reaqlized you have to get in line to suck a cock
>You're telling me that fifty million fans are never wrong
>I'm telling you that fifty million fans are fucking morons

Do they want to remake the whole season or just episodes 4-6?

People are already pinning it on "mad that your favorite character" died or some shit like that

Problem solved.

>Will people see them for who they are

Disney's bottom-bitches?

They petition is about D and D being shit writers

>based griff defending KL with golden company from daenerys

>season 8 mulligan
>everyone dies at Winterfell
>Night King marches on King's Landing
>kills everyone there
>Season ends

It’s not a shock, it’s just badly written


proof that the average normalfag are retarted children. some post that S.O.I. who was getting an organism while watching capeshit trailers

Just like the Bible

They'll actually get married but she can't give him a baby so she'll go mad

That game is amazing with TLC mod

>abloo abloo the show is only bad now because my kelly c went mad
lets just ignore 5, 6 and 7 being equally as bad

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Well we can agree that the 2 year wait wasn't worth it

Danny is so going to die and is going to be so sweet seeing those tears

he meant to say numales and women but he was close enough

it's not about the story moron, it is about humiliating D&D. Something this board does too

I agree but waiting in the last 2 episode for her go completely mad was a poor decision

It still is I hope.

The problem is that it can't really be fixed unless they go back to like season 5.
They didn't really lay the ground work for any of the shit they're just ticking off of their list now.

i just want aegon to win everything in the end
it was part of the prophecy that she will be able to bear children again
so what happens to arianne and dorne

its funny how you dont see anybody say 'oh i loved it but it was badly written'
almost as if claiming the writing is bad is the stock excuse for complaining about things not going your way or something....

>is ok when they show is utter crap as long as it has YAAS KWEEN SLAY
>but now that my Kween is about to die because she's crazy, now it's bad

Yes, just live American TV.

Whut, the pacing is all over the place.

>It still is I hope.
Since normies are now upset about Dany, Yea Forums did an 180. This board is full of reactionary idiots

That the most one dimensional goodie girl character in the show (but most liked) finally went full Warhammer 40K and incinerated hordes of unwashed peasants, shattering their worldview again without them having recovered from The Drumpfening.

Some will say that it's because the pacing and writing is fucked this season in particular, which is true, but the majority of the outrage is because their beloved character actually became interesting. The last 20-30 minutes of the episode was actually quite good.

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There was hope then, hope that it could get redeemed.
Even /got/ only really gave up about it after Stannis character assassination and the battle of the bastards.

Personally I never liked GoT that much and think gurrm is a lousy writer that deserves all this shit, but the message is that s8 cemented the incompetence of d&d.

It is a fucking children's show. Grow up.

Please refer to Burlington Bar. It's definitely a show for children.

huh? when did GoT have paedophilia?

Actually on most places people are upset about Jon going full doormat.

have non-consensual anal sex, leaf.

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it was alluded to, Meryn 'too old' Trant for instance

Imagine subscribing to HBO only to watch this shit lol

Lowest rated episode is number 4, for good reason.



underrated post

>the battle of the bastards
It was great though.

I still have to recover from TD s3 user.
And I pirated it.

People are upset about literally everything this season. Ranging from Euron, to the night king, to Arya, to Jaimie, to Dany, to Jon. Which makes Yea Forums's 180 even more moronic. Just because some yaas queens are upset this board is suddenly fine with the show.

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no shit retard roastie

>only the final season
>not asking for GG to redo everything after season 5.

Like this episode and parts of ep. 3, all DESPITE the writing.
Cinematography in the last seasons(like Hardhome) is a fucking miracle, hell the scene with all the civilians getting BTFO by Dany was incredibly well done for a tv series.

The problem is the writing, the special effects team and such are doing a great job.

It was comfy, not good of course but comfy. I just don't understand why do people pay for things they consider shit even when they get entertainment out of it. Just pirate it.

That's pretty normal for this place honestly.

Na..just north of Toronto (Markham). Which is same as Vancouver, I guess.

I know, it is just sad.

you didnt need to wait till season 8 for that, the dorne shitstream was enough of an indication they were hacks
people are only realising it now because theyre upset dany went mad

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It was shitty cgi most of the time and makes it look like The Hobbit. I would maybe agree with you if there was less Arya/crumbling walls scenes. They didn't show Dany after pic related, only closups to la goblina over and over again.

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Where's the petition to release the fucking books? I know that fat fuck has them done, that lying sack of shit

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fuck off, this site is rightful contrarian clay. if you’re not here for salt mining and shitting on everything, you know where you need to go back to.

Based stannischad

Because she was planning on burning the city before the attack started. She didn't count on them surrendering. When they did, she went through with the plan anyway.

Exactly, who the fuck comes here to have people agree with them?

I am here for the 24 threads desu, and they are comfy to tell you the truth.

>>For children

I hope der ewige maus drops them from nu wars and lets rian run the franchise into the ground solo


>salt mining and shitting on everything
So this is the power of summer.

1-3 seasons are still good anyway and worth watching.

oh george

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At the very least half of the people signing the petition aren't actually concerned about "bad writing", they're just mad that Dany isn't the benevolent ruler sitting on the Iron Throne they imagined and that they killed the one black female. Anyone who actually cares about writing has been saying the show is shit since season 5, and some even before. Ironically, even if by some miracle the books were completed and a remake of the were to happen, the people signing the petition would still be mad, because Dany would go mad and die again, same as she would in the books. It's the canon ending, that's never gonna change.

I have been here for a while, this is why I am sad.

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so fucking sick of this cringe culture
i fucking HATED the last two star wars movies, and i am guaranteed to hate the last. but i am not demanding disney remake them to my liking. i just fucking WONT WATCH OR SUPPORT IT

The epitome of a beta faggot, perfectionism.
Look at the chad Steven King, releases whatever he wants, if he thinks about a cool story while writing a book he puts that down for another book to write later instead of trying to put every fucking idea he gets together in the same book.

>fast forward 13 years

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As long as it reaches D&D and gets reported in the news I am fine with that

There is no such thing as a show for adults.

keep passively consuming, friend

I’m actually a lot more positive about things than I used to be, but this site is pretty much the only contrarian stronghold I know of and it’s better that way. it keeps things fresh but also lets people harp on the same shit if they want to.

there are plenty of comfy threads too but it’s just nice to know that contrarians and malcontents have a place they can air their grievances and will likely get replies affirming them as not crazy or alone (at least not entirely).
because the rest of society certainly doesn’t give a shit about them and even calls them privileged, then simultaneously calls them incels.

not at all
the internet and social media is hardly representative of anything.
most people don't care about any of this

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>Oz was a kids show

It won't

I've read that as well. But considering how poorly rest of the series have turned out I don't think one would watch season 1-3 and then stop. A few would continue with the rest and agree with the consensus that the rest sucked and thus, wasting their time. Most would skip it altogether.

>As long as it reaches D&D
Why do you care? They don't. You really think no one has called them out on their stupid shit before this petition? Plenty of actors have apparently told them their shit doesn't make sense, but they were told to shut up and just say the lines.
And what impact do you think it being reported in the news have?

>implying adebisi is not the best role model for my wife's son


What a lazy fuck, damnit why do I like this shit. Someone post the image of him whining that women don't like his self insert Sam, and that they want the BCC (Big Clegane Cock)

>And what impact do you think it being reported in the news have?
To make an analogy, people hating TLJ made Solo a flop, which won't change shit but it's funny to look at.

I'm instinctively contrarian and can't help myself

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>Everything I don't like is for children!
Yeah user I bet you watch some real mature anime

>people hating TLJ made Solo a flop
uhh no
maybe that played some part, but it's hardly the only reason.
First of all no one cared to see a han solo origin movie especially after he died in TFA. Not to mention no one wanted one without Ford. The movie had no reason to exist. It wouldn't have done much better even if people liked TLJ.

>people hating TLJ made Solo a flop
Yeah, but I don't think people needed news reporting on it to know they hated TLJ. They saw it, decided for themselves they didn't like it, then made a decision not to see Solo. Most mainstream news coverage of the fan backlash against TLJ focused on how it was incels and misogynists who hated it because of the female characters anyways.
I have no doubt that the current fan backlash against GoT will hurt future viewership for the prequels they have in the works, but I don't think media coverage of this petition is going to have much impact on it.

The thing is, in retrospect, Dany has always been like this. We just didn't see it, because there was a veneer of compassion over it. But she has always tried to do horrible shit, only to have advisers back her down from it. Her go to solution for almost any major problem has always been "Maybe we can burn it a little?"

Her ambition and self-interest managed to reap rewards in Essos that were also good for the people, but that's it. Her perception of the innocent is conflated with those who agree with her. The miserable serfs of Essos were innocent because they loved her. The miserable serfs of Westeros are enemies because they don't.

CBS owns Showtime

same, there’s just something wrong with my brain. it’s not 100% of the time, but more often than not I feel a strong urge to go the opposite of whoever I’m talking to.
it’s one of the reasons that I like a lot of movies, because I know the contrarians on Yea Forums hate everything so I’ve gone super contrarian full circle.
there’s definitely something wrong with me though because I can’t help it.

>there’s definitely something wrong with me though because I can’t help it.
It's called being so patrician even you don't understand it

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the only way we can beat them is by having Disney cancel their SW contracts.

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>for children
this excuse is made for literally everything when everything fucking ever is made by adults

what an interesting contrarian opinion

If those cucks surrender to the twitter mob I promise to try my hardest and use the utmost ends of my hate to twist and culture such a hostile enviroment for their next series that they themselves will question their choices as clueless as they are.
>What can one man do hur hur
Everything and more with a few good men.

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how can one person be so smug??

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Give me a few good russian bots

That's right, it was the Russian agents that became GoT writers and ruined this show....ten years ago

я тyт