Kys yourself fucking nigger faggot FUCK OFF
What am I looking here?
based retard
>trying to force a meme this hard
pretty sad to see
Drowning out the haters haha
Congrats on ruining your own OP with your volume icon, you fucking mong.
have sex
Learn how not to screencap like a fucking tool.
I hope you're embarrassed OP because this thread is pathetic.
have sex
Is this the worst thread on Yea Forums right now?
Have sex
All of the embarrassment comes from your post, friendo
its the only good one
Firstly, that image makes no fucking sense. Secondly, you're going to have to do better than >have sex
How do you fuck up this bad?
>being a trumpfag in 2019
yeah Im thinking you need to have sex
I've had it, pretty overrated experience. Also, my ass still hurts
>its another /got/ crossposters prove their newfaggotry episode
Based thread
thinking man's shitpost
after you, incel
Nice try, but it doesn't make up for the shit image in OPs post.
fuck i'll give it up
you should look into sneed. its another epic hilarious meme on here that you're probably not aware of
t. Sexlet
I genuinely laughed to tears
well done OP
this post was a fucking masterpiece
Ok this was pretty funny, my sides are gone
Nah, that meme is shit too. Most of the memes on here are shit, honestly.
Well, pardon us Mr. Gucci Loafers
have sex
I fucking love this meme.
i hope every twitter/article screencap thread from now on is covered by the volume icon
What makes you think I wear Gucci loafers?
It's perfect.
Well la dee da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure
This is the most normalfag meme and anyone who likes or posts it is a faggot who should go back to r*ddit. It's the ultimate combination of all the cancer that's killing this board, from the ohnonohaha meme that appeals mainly to niggers, the headline screencap, to the phoneposting, if you're even remotely amused by any of this, you've outed yourself as a zoomer and you should leave immediately.
What makes you think I live in New York?
Have sex
oh no no no no he's not unironically taking into this ironically hahahahHAHAHAHAHA
Well, if it isn't Mr. Salad Fork
Well, if it isn't someone incapable of presenting a rational argument.