/RBMK/ Chernokino general

Nothing ever happened pic related edition.

Some rare videos to watch :

Dyatlov's interview in prison : youtube.com/watch?v=l6PJObsMJ64
Full length Dyatlov's interview after his release : youtube.com/watch?v=IVthWR4cR1g&
Mikrofon!, life just outside the exclusion zone 2 years after the accident, french subtitles only : youtube.com/watch?v=VHOEP1Ws1YE
Video about life in Pripyat and the construction of reactor 4 in 1983 : youtube.com/watch?v=Sp9ZkMCXygI
"Last shift", video about what happened that night and immediatly after the accident + archive photos of some of the reactor 4 operators, including an interview of Toptunov's mother and Khodemchuk's widow : youtube.com/watch?v=kpIFa2gHHgE

Good to note that they're all in Russian or Ukrainian.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Source material isn’t really compelling enough to warrant a tv show. It seems like it’s trying to be smarter than the Wikipedia pages the lines are from

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Explain what I see.

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Why is that graphite glowing comrade?

Russian semen in the water.

bbq of death

graphite inside the reactor core where its supposed to be. check and mate sitnikov

Graphite...and not just the graphite fuel did cladding but the fuel rods themselves. Christ, what happened to the poor shit who took this photo?

I like that he left saucers for the cat. Nobody had bowls for pets during communism.

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A trip to the infirmary

What graphite? Are you delusional ? To the infirmary!

>Jet fuel wont melt steel beams

>Not handling fresh nuclear fuel with only a tissue to protect your hand

Can you even into socialist heaven comrad ?

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So that is the power of the famous equation. Cheers user.

I'm nostalgic for RBMK reactors now, whats wrong with me.

they should put these back in service and build more.

No pet food, either.

In real life Dyatlov was well aware about core destruction. It was on the gauges. No water flow, no pressure, control rods stuck. He didn't know about scale, but he knew that it was pretty bad. After walking around 4th block and seeing destruction firsthand he ordered to disable emergency pumps, because they were useless, water communications were nonexistent. This series partly based on "Chernobyl Notebook" which contains a lot of fiction, and not on real evidences. Dyatlov was a professional, but this series makes him look like a fanatic.

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Burnt concrete, comrade

Look at that solid Russian architectural design. Quite beautiful in its own way.

I wish the soviet union was still around, I want to be Soviet.

Probably used a robot.

What's the point posting them none of them have subtitles

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Page with some cool Pripyat and Fukushima expedition photos

go to bed vasily, you're drunk

>solid Russian architectural design.
>blown to pieces by some kind of oversized kettle.


brilliant, maybe another one will have a melt down and then we can have even more disaster kino

He was well aware the core exploded in the series as well.

I find funny that the intro starts talking about not focusing on heroes and villains but then you have Miss Marvel and Doctor Incompetent right after that.

fave nuclear accident death anyone?

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Learn Russian or just watch without listening.

Geothermal, Coal, Solar power plants are not my power plant, they are too boring and probably American as well, RBMK is my Reactor ok.

spicy rocks

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>oversized kettle

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So do I, but for different reasons

>Boris, are the protons fissioning properly?
>One moment comrade, let me take a look

Sitnikov's grave

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Legasov was a party man, he was selected because the government felt he could be trusted on some level not to stir up unnecessary commotion. This HBO series implies, thus far, that he was immediately for evacuation - when he in fact was not. His suicide the show says is from the horror and mis-justice, but in reality it was much more likely to be combined with guilt. I think the show should have showed Legasov as stuck between being a good government supporter and doing the right thing for the people , but ultimately making the right choices and being a good guy. Because that is more like the reality. Fomin and Brukhanov I think should have been showed as more caring but ultimately too scared to make the right step because of political pressures, where the show implies they are completely evil.

Surprised Yea Forumss bullshit detector isn't going off a little harder. The story of Chernobyl is very interesting, but this is not it.

>yfw you realise that's not snow on the camera

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Xaxaxaxa, нeт

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>you will never get to drop the big one on a bunch of pinko commies

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for fellow retards who just barely got trough chemistry

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>why do Russians drink so much?

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user, I understand you've been posting dangerous pictures.
Very dangerous pictures.

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>I even in death I still know how bad it is

tfw you get your pepsi reward after going into the containment zone

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who did they cast as pic related

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>Fomin, why did they see grafite on the roof
man what a cunt, love him

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Thoughts on the ending? I felt it was a little too happy, especially after the false reports of an explosion made it seem like there was some sort of horrible disaster that would kill everyone. It was kinda anticlimatic.

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(The official podcast of the show is kino and explains a lot of the decisions that piss people off.)

>This is Intergalactic Director Bogdanoff. My neutron gland just picked up 3.6 roentgen signal. My face is growing, what the fuck have you bitches done?

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Everyone who is interested in the Chernobyl disaster, take a look. This is the best channel about the disaster there is. It is called Telecon Studio. It has many high quality videos from the 80´s. Some also have commentary from a former rescueman who was there after the accident.

These have English subtitles. Have a nice weekend anons.


yeah, seeing it was just a control system tank made it seem way smaller than it was hyped up to be

Poor robot was too exhausted to do a proper flip.

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Good post.

Nice quints, but I meant more in the "better the devil you know" kind of way

>They entered the reactor building around 10:45 pm and found two mutilated men soaked with water: one clearly dead (Byrnes), the other moving slightly (McKinley) and moaning. With one entry per person and a 1-minute limit, a team of 5 men with stretchers recovered the operator who was still breathing around 10:50; he did not regain consciousness and died of his head injury at about 11 p.m. Even stripped, his body was so contaminated that it was emitting about 500 R/hr.
holy shit

This you miss the point fella

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>[laugh track intensifies]

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This guy.

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Manager Bryukhanov, I'm USSR.
We were asleep.
You don't get to list accountable individuals.
They're not my day shift. Don't worry, the accident is well under control.
And why would I inquire them?
They were trying to run the tests. They work for the deputy chief engineer, the one in charge.
Get 'em on board, I'll call it in.

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drinkingest fellers there is. I'd assume even if they didn't keep getting stuck with corrupt governments they'd still be drunks just because of how fucking shitty the weather is most of the time.

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Is it true that they sell aftershave in old vodka bottles so people won't look trashy while drinking it

The accident report I just filed with the Union lists burnt flesh, ionized air, spicy graphite here, but only 3.6 roentgens! First one to explain how a nuclear reactor works gets to stay on my aircraft!
Who paid you to claim a RBMK reactor could explode? *BANG* He didn't explain so good. Who wants to try next?
Tell me about graphite, why is it on the roof? Alotta misinformation for a hired deputy director!
At least you aren't delusional, who are you?
If I hit the SCRAM button, will you die?
You're a mistaken comrade.
FOR U-235.
Was getting sent to the infirmary part of your plan?
Nothing, we did noting wrong!
Well congradulations, you've gotten radiation into the atmosphere! Now what's the next step of your 5 year plan?
No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
>pilot begins to fly around the plant roof
Have we started the fire?

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can someone explain to me why BRUHkhanov was prosecuted
sure he downplayed the accident but he got his information from people who were supposed to be experts
inb4 soviets just wanted someone to blame

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to forget they live Russia

>Bismuth has a Half-life Billions times the estimated age of the universe
what a try hard of an element.

>japanese barely drink
>south koreans drink almost as much as Russians

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Wouldn't it have been better to let the cat out?

We drink almost as much as the Russians but don't have as many illnesses as them.

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>When the prosecutor asks you about graphite

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Ulana, can you please shut the dooooor!

these memes are reaching supercritical levels of comfy

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Physics is scary. The universe is scary.

>not drinking Chernobly

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Robot, or maybe this is part of a documentary set.

I want him to tap my booty bros

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That's illness. Here's consumption


Bismuth is intrinsically edgy.

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you insulted him a little bit
little bit

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I was thinking the same. Mad amount of drunks in Alaska as well.

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Thats right cocksucka, go back to Pripyat.

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KGB will check up on him and free the cat.

we need someone with major photoshop skills to replace the plane with the helicopter

Would have been better than what we got.

Dyatlov does not give a fuck.

lol fucking white people

Oh and I forgot, you can still find intact fuel bundles in the plant :^)

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Just go take a little peek

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That's just some bottles of coca cola.

>RBMK reactors have a flaw that can cause massive power output loop
>the operators werent informed that it could happen

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good thing he had his dosimeter clipped on!

That looks like a tasty wrap

pic related, some madman standing in the reactor vessel.

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This is exactly what happens when chefs run your NPP.

>just a little peek he said

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>no cute reactor-chan in a frilly dress

Chembros, why was boron the best choice?

He was the plant director or some shit, so he was automatically responsible if something happened.
That's pretty much the job description, he didn't have to do anything specific, he just had to keep shit running and sign orders.

probably one of those assholes who thinks he has never done anything wrong

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He was a nuclear engineer and there was more than enough evidence available to him to determine the disaster was much worse than Dyatlov said. By taking Dyatlov at face value he became complicit in his mismamagement.

capable of absorbing many neutrons without fissioning

>3 volunteers had to pull a spock preventing a full
blown thermonuclear explosion
why didn't they use those three retards to do the job? I think it would have been poetic justice no?

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Cute girls doing cute things are the only prevention against suicide I have left.


needs a nuclear blush

B-but Dyatlov said..

have a bonbi then

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kek, comrade

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Has anyone twitted core-chan to the producers?

i'd rather be..

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Hey, who took that picture of the Elephant's Foot? Was it one of the three that went in this episode, or did that picture get taken later?

Neutron poison. High cross section for neutron absorption

I wish I was RBMK

>I'm gonna kill myself in five years
>does it in two
What did he mean by this?

Are you implying they should rewrite history or are you confused why they didn't send the three incompitents who wouldn't even know what to do in there?


It was taken 10yrs later

kek at the music

Crusader vehicle at chernobyl driving at incredibly hihg speed

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she's 15

Shoe box

he died at 77 years old or some shit

>Nobody had bowls for pets
That's why he used saucers,stupid.


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No I was talking about real life, but yeah it makes sense and your right. Outside of banging on a table these retards would have fucked things up further.

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... and at the time (after 10 yrs) is still registered 8000 Rontgen

This post actually warrants the use of this image

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Kekked hard

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He died 4 years after.

elephants foot is *much* later, it likely wont feature in this series which seens to focus on the immediate aftermath and cleanup

>VERY fast APC going at incredible hihg speed

What was he thinking about ?

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>I still have no fucking idea how a RBMK reactor can blow up like that.


thos beans

About the wisdom and glory of the Soviet Union, comrade.

They moved the helicopter crash o be far earlier though, they might move things around for dramatic effect.

>This court is delusional
>they all need to be in the infirmary

So how did humans mine uranium? Did all the miners die at first?

Trying not to look at the star witness.

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We use african niggers and aussies to mine uranium ore. Nothing of value is lost.

In SU, to have any mid or high position you had to be a party member.

He's thinking about how no one could explain how a RMBK reactor can explode

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Series about the Japanese nuclear disaster when?
I want to see worried qts!

There was no uranium. To say that there was is a violation of the principles of Marxism and makes one a threat to public safety. Are you a Western puppet, or just an incompetent fool?

Uranium ore isn't quite as radioactive as its processed byproduct.

Why do you think uranium in its natural form is dangerous?

Why didn't "The lid is off, the stack is burning, I saw it!" become a meme?

Why yes I'd love a nice cold can of SNEJAJIOBLU

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the core exploded because they wanted to test if they can start the diesel engines fast enough in the case of a grid black out.
why do you need the electrical grid to power your cooling pumps?
you are sitting in a npp generating like 4 GW of electrical energy.
that should be enough to run some cooling pumps

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Exactly. Making this guy out to be an immediate hero is just dishonest. He was a good guy, but he worked within the system and played it. He was NOT for immediate evacuation like the show says he was.

Because these mental midgets would rather repeat the same memes from the first thread than try something new.

This. I can picture it.
>liquidators surveying the basement, trying to get an idea of how long they have to dig the reinforcement tunnel
>turn a corner, Geiger counter starts rumbling
>liquidator holds the probe in front of him, trying to minimize exposure, no visual, need to confirm the presence of
>is that a light on in that room
>probe passes through the doorway, Geiger counter SCREAMS
>liquidator turns and bolts as the camera pans over to a softly glowing mound of dark red goop

look at all that burnt concrete

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He died 4 years after the incident IRL.

I guess its another layer of security.

look at all that NOT graphite on the roof lol

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It is, unless the plant happens tp be in low ppwer mode at the time. They wanted to see if the reactor could do it in extreme conditions.

Now that's where you're wrong, comrade!

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Uh oh our steam generators are out, uh oh our turbine is out for repair. Uh oh a problem with our auxiliary shit at all

Will they be back? A great duo.

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You use grid power for cooling pumps, if it fails you switch to generator power. But that takes some time to transfer, so they wanted to confirm that they could use latent steam in the turbine for power to hold them over while the transfer switch did its thing.


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I can't think of a reason why a nuclear power plant would want multiple backups when it comes to pumping feedwater.

General secretary
please explain to me how a RBMK reactor explodes

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Perevoschenko had the best lines! The faces he makes when he hears about 3.6 roentgen on the dosimeters is golden.

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you pretty much need to just become a meme ambassador and spam things in every thread for them to become memes. I've been saying there's a lot more memeable lines that we just missed because it's really like 4 people doing all the screencapping and stuff.

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Reactors don't fucking explode. It's a power plant, not a nuclear bomb. Stop spreading disinformation.

these tests were in case a war with USA happened.

Their trial will be upon them near the end of the series. Legasov is also there.

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I'll explain you how it explodes if you can explain to me how else could graphite end in the FUCKING ROOF.

>I wonder how it looks right now

Um excuse me comrade doctor!
Look sweetie pie, i am a nurse and i know how to handle nuclear contamination!

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Are we brothers, Valeriy?

Why don't we fire nuclear waste into space?

Great post, have another you

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tHe AiR iS gLoWiNg

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Are you paying for the rockets?

Tissue actually does block Alpha and Beta radiation both, they're very weak in that regard. Can burn your skin but thats about it on the surface. Just don't get it inside your lungs or intestines, thats where its very lethal. Gamma radiation is what penetrates pretty much everything though.

Too much of it

It's not worth the risk of having nuclear waste raining over a population center.

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Rocket might explode and shower us with it.

>tfw I learned I live less than 100 miles from four Russian 1000 megawatt RBMK reactors
The one thing the Finnish border can't protect me from...

I love cheap nuclear energy but it can also melt my face!

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>Uh oh our steam generators are out, uh oh our turbine is out for repair
they wanted to use the rotational energy from the steam turbine (as it wound down under residual steam pressure) to power the diesel engines.
you are in shock, report to the infirmary

Shut up and board the bus, old man!


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did you just call Iodine QT a nurse?

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Did that helicopter accident happen?

Lifting things into orbits is very expensive. It's cheaper to bury them in the ground.

Yes but in October, not April.

>Maybe somebody could explain to me how RBMK reactor works?

Yes, though not on the same date.

Yea but much later than in the show. youtu.be/ICOu7KksgUA


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>ZOMG these are NUCLEAR BURNS!!!
>Their cloths are contaminated!!
>touches hot clothes bare handed
>gets burns on hands
Why did she not think of this?

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Pripyat actually looked like quite a comfy town to live in.

>He was NOT for immediate evacuation like the show says he was
Actually there was argument between physicians, who insisted there's no reason to evacuate, and physicists, who insisted on evacuation. Legasov mentions Victor Sidorenko as the most passionate evacuation supporter, but he's not in the show.

lads, if you haven't, you should read Voices of Chernobyl. I was reading it before the series began, and it is a kino complement.

>be firefighter
>get called to put out a fire
>get extra milk rations

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>Why did she not think of this?
They knew but they didn't have a choice. This is Soviet Ukraine circa the 1980s. They didn't exactly have boxes of rad-proof gloves laying around. They probably didn't even have latex gloves.

Fomin has logic on his side! What do you have?

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When the soviet army finds a minefield, It walks to it like if It wasn't there.

kill yourself, you leftist kike

i honestly don't get why these guys were trying to hide what was going on

>Mikrofon!, life just outside the exclusion zone 2 years after the accident, french subtitles only : youtube.com/watch?v=VHOEP1Ws1YE [Remove]

does anyone want me to do english subs for this although idk how to add those to youtube on a video i don't own

Nothing can compensate for the reactor design bullying.

I won't do that

Oh fuck I remember kicking some gopniks out of Raiduga shop

>You can definitely taste that metal, but it's still perfectly edible. Chernobyl irradiated food, not bad.

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Some of them knew. People weren't quite aware of what radiation actually does, Chernobyl disaster itself was the first really big scare of how dangerous radiation can get.

graphite on the roof and a concrete expert

Nice and hot

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Not great, not terrible.

I wonder what Vladimir I. Lenin would think of you

>tfw the pilot was so full of ARS he was throwing vomit on the windscreen/controls and didn't see the cables

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>Ugh, ogh. That is gnarly. That is awful. Just going to take another small bite here... maybe make it into a porridge... not bad.. what am I doing

*original music starts playing*

how the fuck does that even work? wait... what exactly is half life?


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Did he make a sequel video where he shits his guts out and comments on it?


how long it will take nature to undue an element

I get that but they didn't have medical forceps or other hand free / extending tools for the job?

Reminder you can make your own DIY reactor at home with just smoke detectors!!

>>Lead is the heaviest element in Nature which is stable
>Lead doesn't have radioactive isotopes

>Gold isn't heavier than lead and AU197 isn't stable

thats just toohunned bees m8

conservative estim8

He'd also get on the bus if he knows what's good for him!

What have you done to me /RBMK/? Why did I create this? Why do I want to create more?

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Why don't they decay to gold then?

If you mean LNNP, it has quite a list of accidents...


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she didnt get burns from the heat moron, also she probably didnt expect them to be that irradiated, nobody really knew what to expect
>you are dealing with something that has never occured on this planet before
did you miss that line

>wait... what exactly is half life?
Radioactivity requires energy. Radioactivity itself decays the object and eventually the irradiated object runs out of energy. Half life is exactly that, how long it takes for this process to cut the radiation output in half.

Core-chan is like a bullet. She won't stop firing in your dick for another 50 thousand years.

>I get that but they didn't have medical forceps or other hand free / extending tools for the job?
Imagine how long it would take to drag four or five fire departments' worth of flame-retardant clothes into a basement with forceps and calipers.

>Why don't they decay to gold then?
why doesn't what decay to gold

damn, so even when I shit out a nice log after taking pepto it still takes over a billion years to break down in my septic?

Unstable atoms

how much graphite do i need?

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Let's say you have 100 atoms of atomium-69. If the half life is 50 years, in 50 years you'll have 50 atoms of atomium-69. In 100, you'll have 25, etc etc.

just a few pensicils user

>when a chill night shift turns into a national disaster

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Danger from secondary exposure is over time. You're safe enough to quickly take irradiated clothes off and deposit them, but don't wear them!


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>how do i explain my absence to core-chan

You don't get sunburns on your skin because the sunlight is hot. You get sunburns because of the UV-radiation. Now imagine dust and water can cause you sunburns too and you get what liquidators had to deal with in the irradiated zone.

5,000 tonnes. And 50 helicopters.

>tfw had to drop the show after the Legasov objecting to adjournment to meeting scene because confrontation/injustice/bully scenes make me so uncomfortable

Anyone know this feel?

>asks for iodine
>instantly recognizes radiation burns
>kind of forgot about the cloths themselves being radioactive

wouldn't the water flowing in/out of the containment shell be lightly irradiated? or does that have something to do with bing far enough from the reactor to not nab any gamma? or do i have it all wrong?

Helicopter's blades touched the crane cable.

Do not spread disinformation. Are you being paid by the capitalists?

This show is great. Thought it was kinda weird at first with the English/American actors serving in a Soviet Ukraine nuclear reactor using well known English expressions, but after a while you just embrace it.

Furthermore, Jared Harris is an actor whose body of work I famously always enjoy

Docu kino

Her channel is very good, lots of exploration in and around the plant

>Helicopter's blades touched the crane cable.
t. can't read

RBMK reactors dont explode.

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Not as strong in this show because you already know they can't keep bullying for long until Sweden ruins their party and exposes them.

More please


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Was Chernobyl an American attack on a Soviet civilian target?

>aesthetic concrete coffin
>frogs swoop in and make some ugly hangar

If your fuel elements aren't leaking you would have only minimal activation of the water

Now imagine if even one of them didn't have the iron testicles to give the bureaucrats a reality check at risk of imminent death.

See I don't fully buy this. If the waste we encapsulated in a strong enough vessel and launched at such a trajectory where it would fall in the ocean if an explosion, controlled or otherwise, happened at any point during the ascent, it could be done safely, and at less cost than building underground storage sites. This could work for decades and stop after either fusion or viable breeder reactors get worked out.

If course it was haarp

5 packs of Ticonderoga pencils should do, has to be the that brand though

No, notice the water leaving the shell is not the same as the water entering the core. It's a thermal relay system. Irradiated water transfers the heat to non-irradiated water.

Imagine if those water reservoirs exploded. Whew lad!

Are you implying that Khodemchuk was an imperialist saboteur?

>all those lights looking like eyes and control rods


No, I'm saying that the explosion was obviously caused by an airstrike.

>If the waste we encapsulated in a strong enough vessel and launched at such a trajectory where it would fall in the ocean if an explosion,
Problem is rockets have the habit of exploding or crashing down very soon after launching in the air, so they don't have the time to drop anything in the ocean. Not to mention the rocket exploding in the atmosphere spreads that radioactive shit far and wide hundreds of kilometers downwind.

Even if it would be perfectly safe, it would be incredibly costly because entering our orbit is incredibly difficult and always requires a fuckton of fuel. We would need some kind of railgun-future tech that just flings the capsules into space so hard they leave the orbit or something.

Impossible, you are delusional

>matter is just a word for atoms
t. brainlet. Matter is everything that has rest mass, which includes the elemental subatomic particles that make up atoms.

redpill me on the radiation demons. did they come from inside the core?

Nowadays its relatively safe, you only get a lethal dose if you hang out in the same room for 45 minutes. But at the time when the very first pictures were taken, you could only spend around 1-2 minutes at most in the room, the photo itself got obscured to shit thanks to the radiation.

>thread about tv show makes anons on a mongolian throat singing forum all discuss nuclear physics, the danger or not danger of nuclear reactors and learn about things

It is beautiful

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Saw this scene coming and i didn't like it :(

True or not their blind belief in their system is very amusing. Nothing can go wrong since the state does not allow it. Anyone directly stating that something is critically wrong is delusional and promptly sent to the infirmary. Shoe factory workers outrank nuclear scientists. Comrade, ignore massive beam of light in sky and taste of metal! Continue work on reactor 5! (which they actually did for a whole day while it burned...)

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Take a look at the sun. It radiates sunlight with the force of 1 quintillion nuclear bombs per second. Thats where most radiation demons in our solar system comes from.

Oh and their only almost working radiation meter/geiger counter is locked in a safe that only party members can acess...

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So you're saying that the Sun is one giant orgy of plasma succubi?

Two of the radiation sickness fatalities were the nuclear plant guards who spent their entire shift guarding the premises, unaware they're being slowly poisoned to death in the process.

>Ninety million now!

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speak english motherfucler

>Now to prevent a shitstorm, the Admin Committe has sent a detachment of jannies to /RBMK/.
>How many jannies?
>Between 2 and 4 men.
>What's really going on here? How much of a shitstorm is it?
>There's mild shiposting but it's limited to the sjw posts themselves.
>No they aren't!
>Excuse me?
>You saw anons core-chan-posting. You saw anons bitching about accents. There's more trolling than they're saying!
>We have photos here, we have facts! I say we start a new thread!
>Gentlemen! Please, please. Iodine QT is here. Do you think I'd keep posting her if it wasn't safe?
>user, the thread is autosaging!
>The Dunning-Kruger effect. Completely normal phenomenon. It can happen with minimal shitposting.
>I wonder how many of you know the name of this place. We all call it /RBMK/, of course.
>The Kinobyl General Thread! And how proud would Moot be of you all tonight. Especially you, young user and the passion you have for the anons.

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Because lighter elements dont decay into heavier ones

>Tsar papa, Russia mama.

Pretty simple doctrine if you ask me this is what get them through.

>Suffers from metal fatigue in the reactor vessel
The EPR is a shit design.

She was in a hurry to help the firefighters you git. Also just because you know that radiation burns are a thing doesn't mean that you know that you literally shouldn't touch those clothes for a single second.

Those uniforms are now sealed in that basement because of how much radiation they still emit. How was she supposed to know that it's that bad? She just knew that it's bad and she was there to help.

Is that real? how retarded can you get....

Wrong there is no "elephants foot" the Americans faked the picture in their Hollywood film studio

>True or not their blind belief in their system is very amusing
It was equal parts true believer bugmen and the kind of people who just put their head down and did the work. In the absence of religion you might be surprised how quickly the State becomes God.

This, they just filmed a giant turd in area 51


Attached: Dyatlov was in charge. It was Dyatlov!.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Kek !

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>Aaaggghhh sa e me dyatlov


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How did Sweden know that the radiation was from a Russian reactor?

Interadesting comrade. Keep drinking

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Because the USA was the one who blew up the reactor and fed that information to other NATO countries.

It is real... sadly

What do you guys think that feels like


They contacted other power plants and calculated the approximate point of origin based on wind direction and where it wasn't coming from.

Fan fucking tastic.

it was stumbling all over the window pane and slurring its neutrons

every country not red should be glassed

darwinism you could say



People complained but there has been aggressive establishmentarian trolling to Correct the Record.


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They didn't know that specifically at first. In the show the person on the phone just started unloading all the stuff the world knew after the release of the American satellite images. IRL that wasn't until April 29th. The Frankfurt thing was May 1st.

Jesus that's depressing in many ways.