CW has a new Nancy Drew. Here's the trailer:
Nancy Drew
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Why do Jews hate Celts so much?
Based. Anything that triggers racists is good in my book.
based /pol/tards
For fucks sake
Are you sure about that, mutt boy?
I know right?? Next thing they'll do is call you a tr*nnie because these nazi incels just have no arguments and just cry about shit all the time.
Why is it literally always WFBM? Do spics and chinks not exist? And do they not have women too?
Damn you Netflix.
and people actually thought mad max wasn't like millie getting fucked by jew producers LOL
Beast Nancy Drew.
Before she was a degenerate garbo slut.
Looks like a worse version of Veronica Mars.
Another one?
anything webmable in that movie?
Now I'm glad they didn't keep have Sophia Lillis do the role from her movie.
Women are easier to manipulate, so they are an easier target for brain washing.
yeah wtf is up with this shit, we have three fucking Nancy Drews in this thread alone, who even watches this? never met anyone past elementary school that even read the books, so this is 100% full on interracial propaganda geared towards lil girls, congrats CW, love the whole bondage theme too, 5 year olds will really connect with that
Blacks are the lowest of the low and everyone knows it. So when a Jew wants to promote the destruction of his hated racial enemies, he pairs their woman with Blacks.
Why does it have to be about sex and edgy shit and fucking black men? Why can't it just be a show about a girl who solves mysteries?
God it must be awesome having a huge dick.
Because we need more IR relationships in movies and TV. Are you opposed to that??
No this movie is really uneventful and bad.
Based Finscher not fucking a kid.
Fuck off, racist.
What does that have to do with the user's pic?
>Why does it have to be about sex and edgy shit and fucking black men?
because women are perverts and everything has to be about sex.
>Why is it literally always WFBM? Do spics and chinks not exist?
The Jews distract you with nigger interracial shit while chinks and spics replace whites through immigration.
Judging from his wife that dude is either loaded or hung like a fucking horse.(or probably both) Either way I'm happy for him because I can tell from this picture alone that his life is fucking sweet.
>source material is an innocent teenage girl that solves mysteries
>show is her fuckign black guys
Why? How does this add to the character?
honestly this, they act like men who say a 16 year old is a pretty girl are fucking pedophiles and should be shot and yet they consistently buy and view media sexualizing teenagers, women are masters at projecting their own fucked up psyche onto everyone else
>multiple scripts out there for Nancy drew since the 70’s
>a movie studio finally bites
>other studios other studios greenlight Nancy drew products
Same reason DC shit got made when the mcu came out, same reasons you had armegfonden and deep impact
>urban chap is an ex convict
...Or maybe he's just let himself go in recent years? Maybe they just like each other? Christ user, if everything in life was about having Scrooge McDuck's money or that guy from Boogie Nights' dick, then the vast, vast, VAST majority of people wouldn't exist.
yeah this is blatant jewry to convince white women it's okay to be whores and race traitors and if you don't see that you're a fucking weak person
Sweetie, being pro-IR relationships is anti-racist. How about you fuck off, you nazi incel fuckhead?
unironically can't wait to see you hang nigger lover
jews despise all christians and europeans
>4 daughters
>I can tell from this picture alone that his life is fucking sweet
>four, FOUR teenage daughters
his life is pain
On the one hand I really did not want my waifu Nancy to be a dirty girl. On the other hand I'm a black dude so this is mah fetish made real. Feels odd, hopefully this is more than some silly fling but love.
it wouldn't be if they weren't constantly inundated with jew propaganda like op posted, but yeah, whatever
teenage girls operate as if they all had BPD, living in a household with 2 of them was interesting, I can't imagine 4.
it's not so much the jews as it is women themselves, they've always been like this, that's why they were reigned in in every functioning civilisation on earth
What the fuck is bpd
borderline personality disorder, my underage friend
this is what american youth are drawn to
>women need to be controlled
>t. member of sex that commits 99% of all rapes, 99% of all murders
who the fuck abbreviates mental disorders as if it's a hip thing..?
Fuck that, the Hallmark Mystery Channel is much better.
As a black man, this gives me hope.
psychologists? retard. most people with half a brain know what I'm talking about, it's the offcial abbreviation
both factually untrue, granted men commit most of the violent crime but women enable foreign groups of men that commit such crime at a much steeper rate, they defend them, and lust after them. men can destroy individual lifes, women destroy whole countries
Do you include abortion in your murder stats? Women murder far far more than men, and for much baser depraved reasons
>women are to blame for a man's crimes!
lmao pathetic control yourself.
Human sexuality needs to be controlled
Male sexuality is immediately physically destructive but easy to figure out
Female sexuality is incidepus and destabilizing to society
One is a crime problem, the other is an existential crisis
>women are to blame for letting niggers run wild
A solid reason not to watch this schlop, but to be fair it’s not like I was going to watch anything on the CW
>t. member of the sex that commits %100 of abortions.
You know what word I miss? Propaganda
I am so fucking sick of jews pushing this bullshit. White women only fuck dogs.
i will definitely watch
Unlike you everyone isn't an easily manipulated brainlet gaining their morals from the thought control box.
Here come the amerimutts and their hatred towards anyone who isn't ambiguously brown like them.
this is the bad guy this season
Probably because Esau was a redhead. I don’t know why they still hate them though when he gave up his birthright to being the patriarch of Israel
The only thing that will hang is neo-nazis like yourself.
Riverdale 2.0
how can she hold her phone like that? is she a pro guitar player?
>points out bmwf is overrepresented in tv and media
>le nazi
every time
When is this movie coming out?
Why are you guys so good at finding literally every BMWF relationship in media?
mulattos are the masterrace eurocuck
What do mean finding? Every new show is nigger fucking.
>Why is it literally always WFBM? Do spics and chinks not exist? And do they not have women too?
This programming is aimed at white women.
Was that the Half Life footstep sound at 1:02?
I think so
Abortion is not murder, incel
If that was the case, you jerking your sad dick to japanese cartoons would count as murder as well
can all you fags please go the FUCK back to r*ddit? surely there's a cuck sub you would all enjoy
you're obsessed with black cock m8
>she doesn't know the difference between a zygote and a sperm cell
Women were a mistake.
Netflix and cable television are filled with BMWF Blackenings. Television is aimed at millenial spinster women with dyed hair and septum piercings, that's the new coveted Male 18-35 audience. They've already made peace with the fact that millenial and younger males mostly play video games or watch capeshit and anime. Television is literally for women now. The producers know they'll get the effeminate brainlet male crowd anyways.
Season 2 is
Nancy Drew and the Case of the Missing Baby Daddy
It's actually surprising to me to see TV shows WITHOUT niggerings in them. If there's a show with a white female lead in it, she's gonna be fucking a black guy at some point.
they look like they fuck black guys
kek I've seen the people who are your supposed allies irl. I ain't worried. oh and not the same poster you were playing footsies with.
They confirmed do.
you sound like a fattie
Esau was the biggest fucking idiot in the Old Testament holy shit. "Sure bro I'll give up my birthright for some lentil soup". If I was him I would've just taken that stew away from Jacob after kicking his ass.
>The CW
>you sound like a fattie
sides actually hurting when I laugh since I just got done with a 2 hour core workout.
Have you read the reading material, user ? Who to say who is right for what, but I think Sophia fits right into the description on what’s on pages. Opposing to the one in the series on CW, she seems walking all by herself ... Sooo I hope whole things get cooked for its own good.
>a jew
are you having a stroke, user?
gotta work that core to burn stomach fat
This post smells
The CW = The Coalburning Women
the black characters last name is nickerson lol
at first it was deliberate programming created by subversive jewish writers to destabilize white society, but now whites creating it themselves "ironically" because they know it upsets "nazi incels"
Does showing white couple is now illegal? What is with this interracial shit ?
A time honored tradition that dates back on Yea Forums since before 2010
>image very related.
I'm not white so I don't give a fuck.
she's just poking out her tongue to make the other girl take her hand away
Sophia is pure!
Is that like code for gingers?
izombie used to be good. before they made her fuck a black
This, however...
>First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a socialist.
>Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a trade unionist.
>Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was not a Jew.
>Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
revealing her true desires to lick every part of that girl's body
oh no, what a shit. What a fucking shit. It would be better to get new game instead of these shitshows.
I'll wait for them to get to the Asians. Otherwise I don't really care. Sucks for whitey I guess.
Also is it Ned? He's canonically white, aaaaaa
>It would be better to get new game instead
What are you trying to say autismo?
The CW is definitely the most lefty station by far.
>A television show I don't watch is an assault on me.
So this is what its like to be retarded.
There's like 50 Nancy Drew games, user.
>character's name is nick nickerson
>cast a black guy
are the jew writers secretly based?
Nancy isn't a slut and isn't like that. Her relationships with Ned are still pure.. Stop ruining my pure Nancy. Stooop
Are you a heterosexual male? What non-homosexual cares about Nancy Drew
he's Ned. Neeeeed
>I'll wait for them to get to the Asians.
user, I have bad news.
Why is it always a redhead woman
Oh my god?!!?!!?!!!!!!!!
Oh no. My world. It's over. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
BRB. Got to fuck my Asian girlfriend and enjoy my life.
They're the whitest people in the world. That's why the jews funded the first invasion of Ireland.
Whites are between eight and ten percent of the world's pop, and their women of breeding age constitute just two or three.
Due to the poisonous influence of feminism, very few whites have more than one child a piece. Race mixing is like kicking a dying animal for fear it might try to get back up.
Why does the CW never portray the actual realistic existence of coalburning between an obese white woman with several mixed children by different fathers and a low class black ex con?
I'm a heterosexual
>Due to the poisonous influence of feminism, very few whites have more than one child a piece.
brain dead retard detected.
Sounds like the white community is dropping the ball. Maybe change your culture.
Feels good to be from a group who has a billion people in one country.
oh sweetie no
>falling for the kike propaganda
well done mutt, this is how they destroy your nation.
omg they're waterboarding that poor woman :(
wouldn't mind a chink or spic desu, but blacks are disgusting
>brain dead retard
Nice comeback.
Bet they do lewd panty stuff in the first episode and no panty stuff afterwards. Shows always try to lure you in with sort of thing.
a good looking hispanic guy racemixing with a white woman would at least be realistic. I've literally never seen an attractive white woman so much as look at a black man in real life. I live in a city with a 15% black population and women stay away from that area of town and are disgusted when "muh dik bix nood" types come to the down town malls to verbally harass white women in passing. it's like that video that big titty feminist made once trying to decry catcalling by walking around NYC for like half an hour and all it actually pointed out was that black and brown men are 100% of the aggressive unwanted attention.
what "comeback" were you expecting to your delusional shit/pol/sting, you fucking retard.
>implying it hasn't been dead since 1965
Here's a you! Hope you have a blessed day.
You'll notice that all the "irish aren't white" propaganda sprouts up suddenly in history at the time of Cromwell. You know, the man who ended the exile of the Jews in England.
I wonder why the "Irish aren't white" sentiment suddenly appeared at that time.
imagine to watch her first time with a girl
yeah just keep drinkin that koolaid right up kiddo, good boy
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman.
I don't visit or post on /pol/ . Congrats, on coming up with yet another original comeback tho.
underage lesbian experimentation is my fetish, stop it
>seething whitey
Sure you don't buddy
The English hate the Irish more than anyone else ever could.
Idk what the fuck you cucks are bitching about. White people are either the strong or vast majority of people populating North America, Europe, and Australia. Most races only have one continent.
A billion people and still a shithole that has contributed less than the average euro nation lmao
it would probably be mutual rubbing to orgasm with kissing and nothing too advanced
>i don't visit /pol/ I just share all their opinions and save and repost their memes
lol ok
Well, how about you attempt to educate or correct me instead name calling? I'll wait. That's right, you can't.
well I'm gonna go to bed cause otherwise I'll spend the entire night fapping to sex stories like that and will run late for work
have a good one, user
she'd be pretty cute if she had an upper lip
Correct. And it all stems from Cromwell. The man who let the Jews back in.
Believe what you will, but I don't. If I were to be entirely honest, I really wouldn't fit in there.
I'll go clockwise from the Irish one.
What an odd picture to pretend to be white in.
Yeah but at least 100 years from now, we'll still be around. You won't.
Despite all that you've accomplished you fail at the most basic meaning of life, procreation..
Can’t wait for them to chuck the black dude love interest into the background and bring in a white chad to be the boyfriend like they did with Supergirl.
She's already been niggered; it won't matter. She'll be tainted.
>settling for burnt coal
I'd literally rather be 5% white than 100% irish
this desu
You know who would say that? Someone that's 5% white. How embarrassing.
In the end, he did a good job. Because he made whites hated so much that they've been cucked for the past 70 years because of his actions. Germany is the most cuck of them all.
God Job Hitler-kun.
Debate me!!!
>durrrr, if baby-killing murder, than so is jerk-off
Typical shit-tier woman thinking.
>doesn't know the difference between a gamete and a zygote
this is why people like you shouldn't make the laws
why does the medical abortion of vaguely human-shaped fetal tissue trigger incels so much? did you know that up to 50% of conceptions are naturally aborted by the body within the first few weeks after conception?
No wonder Fincher is such a fucking nihilist
>doesn't know the difference between a zygote and a human
this is why people like you shouldn't make the laws
Go ahead. Tell me the difference.
>why do people not like murder?
it's a curious thing, for sure
it's meant to indoctrinate 5 year olds
not you
any porn look alikes?
>This roastie thinks a sperm cell is the same as a fertilized zygote
This. I don't even fucking care at this point if it's against my own interests, I just love to see people in genuine pain.
Well you guys idolize Hitler. So it's a bit weird you suddenly have an issue with murder.
Also, by your shitty logic you ovulating would be murder cause you're wasting eggs
>BBC meme on the telly
>meanwhile it’s not even that common irl
Look I get muh white jeanocide but you faggots are wasting your time. I’m sure this shit will die out and you’ll marry that 10/10 aryan queen.
>you guys
I hate Hitler. I hate Germans. And the French. And the English. And everyone else. Maybe try not to strawman so much in future.
You post mad me sad. We've really come to a point where simple things like that just don't exist anymore.
>God it must be awesome having a huge dick.
Not really. You have to ease into sex every time and sometimes the chicks get scared which doesn't help.
It's pretty based. Don't have to try as hard at sex and the girls are always impressed and satisfied.
t. 9.5 inches
>this site went from making dead baby jokes to defending the rights of unborn children just because being conservative is contrarian now
This really activates my almonds
Because Jews hate everything including themselves.
>jokes and actual murder are the same thing
zoomer newfag
I'm 30 and have been here since 2013.
>Nancy Drew get b l a c k e d
How would I ever find out about these shows if not for triggered racists on the interweb!?
They also did this in iZombie. Black guys can't catch a break on that show.
>black cop gets cucked by zombie white gf's white zombie lovers
Same but I have a nagging feeling that it's false hope.
Pissing off racists is a character building exercise.