She died like a bitch

>i dont wanna die weeehhhhh

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She died while being told what to do, which she despises, similar to how Tywin died on the toilet since he had too much pride.

What did you expect her to do? 1v1 the dragon?

because she was a bitch
probably the most fitting death in the series

She died how she lived, then

Yeah and when I'm staring down at you OP about to put a fucking shovel through your face, you'll be acting the same way if not worse.

Reminder that Cersei will be remembered in Westerosi history as a brave and just queen who died defending her city from a flying monster and a horde of barbarians

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the strong and confident persona was always a fake one for her, i mean this show is really not that complicated, but it seems like tv dont even understand basic things anymore. i blame 10 years of superhero movies

Qyburn should have reanimated Balerion for her so she could ride into combat against Dany

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Blow up King's Landing with wildfyre while Jaime tries to stop her, he pierces her heart with Widow's Wail and she keeps screaming to burn them all, he caresses her neck while sobbing, pulls out the flaming sword out of her dead body and while the building explodes he radiates with power, the flames open while he carries Cersei's dead body out of the Red Keep while the Rains of Castamere are playing on the background.

it's an american flag behind this post, isn't it?

As if any other country could think up something that badass

So what exactly was the plan?
I mean, there must have been a plan, right?
Or was the plan "stand in red keep staring like a little bitch while YASSS QUEEN wipes out the entire fleet/army/city"?
Surely she didn't just behead her best friend for shit and giggles, right?

>I am forgotten

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Will the maesters make illegal any theories of the Sept of Baelor explosion being an inside-job ?

Her death was genuinely emotional desu
I don't understand people feeling the need for her to have a horrific death

Dragonfire can't melt brick wa-
oh nvm

>Uuugh sweetie bad people deserve horrible deaths, just like DRUMPF AMIRITE SISTAAAS ?

Holy fuck, this is the exact same thing I thought was going to happen.

I always assumed that Daenarys' vision in the House of the Undying was King's Landing after Cersei destroyed the city in one last act of defiance and that the horrors would finally teach her the lesson she needed to learn to be a good ruler.

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the coolest part was trying to make incest romantic.

HBO has no bounds.


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>Dany ever being a good ruler
unrealistic exceptions

Where else would a testosterone filled post come from? We have the largest amount of normal straight white men left in the world

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>Sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

She figured that ballistas were good at killing dragons, but didn´t account for D&D to massively nerf them in episode 5.

This. It'd be a nice poetic irony if she's remembered as a just, kind queen who brought her people into the castle to try to save them from the evil Hitler Dany.

Or even just the newer dead dragon (Viserion? forgot which one it was). After all he reanimated the Mountain, why not a dragon?

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Was this scene the first time she didn't do the Cersei face?

She also didn't anticipate that Dany would magically bring back all those dead unsullied, Dothraki and Northern soldiers. They even had Qyburn state, quite realistically, in the previous episode that Dany's forces were spent after the giant battle they had with the zombie army, something we literally saw in the episode.

lifting weights to insert penis in pussy is not a sttrugle

>“the red keep has never fallen”
>the red keep literally falls on her
pottery. bravo d&d.

rhaegal is the one you're thinking of. it's the one you posted in your pic lol