Woah, what a bitch

Woah, what a bitch.

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You mean what a based and redpilled culinary queen

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>based and redpilled
>Fucks an old jew.

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based, also gordon was cringe

remember when reddit trolled them so hard they closed?

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Amy herself still comments on her own episode on Youtube and other KN episodes.

it was a front the husband has mafia connections

I saw that. She is "belongs in a mental ward" insane

What ever happened to this lunatics?

Why did they even bother putting in any effort then or going on Television, or giving a shit about muh Yelp? Most fronts are shit heaps.

Im still in love with Miranda thou

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Because Amy is literally mentally ill. She legit thinks she's a good restaurant owner.

her husband got deported

as opposed to illegitimately thinking
think before you post

They moved to CA, have a pretty nice, big house, and Amy still bakes but has no store front.

Here's an article with some info - azcentral.com/story/entertainment/dining/2016/09/07/amys-baking-company-where-are-amy-and-samy/89916600/

and here's her instagram where she still looks like a deranged harpy - instagram.com/amysbakingcompany/?hl=en

At one point she was selling tshirts, but the online store is closed now

I still prefer qt from the pizza that ate Denver

if the collective of Yea Forums shared a mother, she'd be Amy

holy based!

Whatever nerd. Have sex.

Did Priscilla Chan write this?


Gotta love how the follow up is just as bat shit.

>go to watch amys baking co on youtube
>first 2 minutes is a recap of full episode including highlights

Why do our American friends do such things?

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She also wrote a shitty ass book that costs $2.99. The amount of photoshop going on here hurts my eyes

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>so in 2006 sammy invested over a million dollars in this restaurant to make my dream come true

She's mentally ill, user, either she's ignorant or she chooses to not understand.

based. Also that bitch Tattiana was hot af.

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why are underage twitter niggers so afraid of writing 'fuck'?

But the cakes in the episodes were bought in?

this is terrifying

Who fucking knows. Probably were. Look at her insta, she's supposedly baking all those intricate desserts but has nowhere to sell them anymore.

Also she's at least 40 - 45 years old and posting pics like this. She's out of her mind.

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Is she the one who was kill? One who I thought was always underrated was the one from Mike and Nellie's. She's more front of house than waitress, but she has one of those dresses on and no bra. She's highly cute. It's this one, I can't find a pic of her.



waitress was kill. she was also qt. Tatiana was the owner.

Her husband was straight off the boat from Israel. I wonder kind of funding he was giving to Mossad.

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I like Amy and to be honest her food looks really good. When Gordon went he even said the food was delicious. It just so happens that as with a lot of very talented people she is a somewhat "crazy". Gay zogged soi factories like reddit go apeshit when they detect somebody that has resisted their standardized paradigm.

I support Amy.

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For me? The alcoholic sister and the devilish harlot waitress from Galleria 33.



Sara was hot as fuck but damn she got fired fast

Did Sammy really get deported?

I think I've seen every episode at least twice and they're interesting to dissect. At around the 35 minute mark she calls a customer on her bullshit for sending back pasta, I think this was a very genuine moment. The customer just wanted to start drama and be on TV is my guess.

Kek that shit eating grin at 12:56. Feels like a girl that fucks like a wildcat and would wake you with a steak knife to your throat.

>Tatiana was the owner.

Now I remember her. She had that crazy look in her eye. The kind I could imagine to just walk all over her wimpy husband. Hot.

childhood is idolising lisa, adulthood is realizing rita makes more sense

best girl is Tariya from Yanni's, she's so cute crying all the time

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Nah senpai miranda is my waifu

>Why did they even bother putting in any effort then or going on Television
She stated that she wanted Gordon to show up and be impressed by how excellent her food/restaurant is, so all the "haters" on yelp would be silenced by Gordon Ramsay televising how wonderful her restaurant is.

i'd let her chomp my foreskin

No, she had actually made them. Gordon commented on it, wondering why the fuck they weren't the centre of their entire business (what with the name being Amy's BAKING company).

looks cute

Yeah and it was later revealed they were store bought and passed off as their own. She even commented on it on Facebook with something like "he's British, he wouldn't understand".

>"he's British, he wouldn't understand"

She's right, Ramsey couldn't identify a tender piece of elk.

I could have swore I read somewhere that most bakeries actually buy their basic cakes en masse from another company and then just decorate them, and that it's not really frowned upon in the industry, but that could be a bullshit memory

>Sami Bouzaglo (born 1950 in Morocco, now an Israeli citizen) prior to the show was an immigrant who had been known by authorities to have been convicted in drug distribution and extortion, where he served a year in prison before arriving in the US on a work permit. Shortly after the events of the Kitchen Nightmares filming, he was arrested by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement and was tried in deportation hearings. On May 22, 2013 he was deported back to Israel by the authorities due to the criminal history and other factors.

She's getting dicked down every night by a normal functional human being with a stable job and big muscles. You're a cuck for being attracted to a woman you don't even know

Have sex

5.5/10 bait
Not bad, but from your typing it showed you tried hard. I should have come more naturally. I hope you work on that.

why is that woman's face like an alien and why does that guy look like his skin as the same elasticity as a 130 year old woman

Didn't the guy get deported?

This is BPD at its finest.

This is what a personality disorder looks like IRL.

My ex used to be very upset at this episode because she behaved a lot like that, and me pointing it out made her go nuts.

>shouts about people being hateful
>is hateful herself
>turbo projecting, no self-awareness
>hates "redshittors"

She is basically user IRL. Look into the mirror, incels, this woman is how you appear to others.

biggest manchild, he's a trust-fund kid no less

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>this woman is how you appear to others
>no self-awareness

So why would I give a shit? Checkmate atheist.

forgot the link (this is episode 2 of the manchild series)