Louis CK's England gigs cancelled after complaints

>"Louis CK's forthcoming UK gigs have been cancelled.

>The two gigs in Leeds next week at Leeds Hi-Fi Club on Wednesday 22nd May and Leeds Wardrobe on Thursday 23rd May, were only announced earlier this week.

>The announcement of the gigs prompted online condemnation, with other comedians and members of the public posting their feelings on social media, criticising the planned UK performances of Louis CK, who admitted to sexual misconduct in late 2017.

>One of the venues responded to a message from comic Tash Goldstone by saying: "Louis CK was booked at the Wardrobe by an external promoter. Following the review of feedback from multiple sources the venue and promoter have decided to cancel. This event will not be going ahead."


Why can't they just leave him be, he's performing in tiny clubs in fucking Leeds ffs

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Because tiny clubs need every member of their tiny clientele, and if half of those people boycott the place for hosting Louis CK, they're toast.



I guarantee you the people complaining have never attended a comedy show in their life

gotta love how they eat their own. what the fuck was louie thinking pandering to these fucks. I bet he thought finally Im a part of normal society. too late you weird fuck.

> you want to watch me masturbate?
> *masturbates*
> oh! i thought he was joking! I guess I'll sit here and watch instead of saying I thought he was joking or sing my own agency to get up , and then years later report it as a rape

>close room
>lock door
>be a boss who has power to dictate the future of your career, life, and happiness
>man three times your weight says "I'm going to masturbate now"
>stay absolutely still and in fear that any other normal human would understand waiting for him to cum and lose his energy so you can escape

*blacklists you*

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>brits cant into bants


He'll always be welcome at the IBG

There's no way in hell any of the people complaining actually attend those clubs.

notevenwhathappened.exe failed to install, they were asked and said yes

IMAGINING what someone MIGHT do something to you inside YOUR OWN HEAD does not constitute them having done a crime

He did nothing to the woman who did say no, which proves the imaginary events of what they thought might have happened weren't even reflective of reality

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post more olsen

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imaginary repercussions*

> had the pleasure to see him in Paris three weeks ago
> not one fucking complaint from the public
> nor from the sjws
>killer set
>feels good to be a frenchman


What the FUCK is misconduct?

People who weren’t going to see the shows don’t want anyone else to see them either.

The reality is that he would have full sell out for each show but because of few retarded, online hecklers he won't even get the chance to do so as retarded britbongs take their political correctness even more dead serious than Amerifats.

>denied epl spot
>denied louis ck


>close room
>lock door
That's what Gawker "reported" and it's a lie. Congratulations, you're a dumb fuck easily manipulated by Gawker. What does that feel like, being a dumb fuck?

There are literal muslims walking the streets of Bongistan that have raped women and children and the same people complaining about Louis CK have absolutely no problem with this.

>There are literal muslims walking the streets of Bongistan that have raped women and children

What's wrong with that again?

louis ck deserve every little tiny bit of misery on his life.

a career trying to ape that obnoxious new yorker vibe from woody allen with a shitty movie and an annoying tv show, a hypocrite pretending to be one of the good guys while expose himself to a bunch of women.

and the exposing himself is not even the worst part, im sure the women in this case are opportunistic whores, but he is an asshole and its nice to know that the hype around this hack is over.

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Take people's money and they act like they own you. Worst career move ever.

>hypocrite pretending to be one of the good guys
He did a joke about jerking off in like every other set. One thing he isn't is a hypocrite.

same with aziz

they were happy to push zog for money before zog destroyed them

I miss him so much lads

more please

>they were happy to push zog for money before zog destroyed them


These people need to figure out that pretty much every person that desires power, money, or fame is a piece of shit in some way.
Singling out CK does nothing. Outrage culture is pathetic and changes nothing.

>jerk off in front of CONSENTING women
>lose your entire livelihood and get shamed for all eternity

Reminder to never back down and never ever fucking apologize to these animals.

Fuck this unfunny, virtue-signalling piece of shit. You reap what you sow.

can you write some of his bits? what was new in it that was different from the leaked set?

>airplane food
it is terrible

>IMAGINING what someone MIGHT do something to you inside YOUR OWN HEAD does not constitute them having done a crime
So you're saying powerful people don't use their influence for nefarious means? Guess those jews obtained everything on the straight and narrow then.

>>feels good to be a frenchman

see, this is how I know you're lying

He is a man. A man who holds a position of great influence in the comedy world. The power imbalance present makes it impossible for a woman in his field to truly consent. It’s like saying a child can consent to her father fucking her.

Imagine someone trying to engage in a consentual act with you and your first thought is "Well I might be able to get stuff from this person in the future"
This is literally the mind of the foid


Had more jokes about his #metoo stuff, there was a reapeat from the " I made my drunk friend fuck me in the ass, while I had lipstick on my anus so he had to explain to his wife how come there was lipstick on his dick", jokes about him living in france at the moment ( he is in couple wiht a famous french comedian, Blanche Gardin ) and mostly I don't remember because I was drunk with a friend

>posting their feelings
This is the worst timeline, why does this fucking matter

Remember when standup comedy was subversive and non-PC ?

I wish Patrice was alive. He wouldn't let this shit happen without giving those faggots hell.


If you're not a yellow vest go fuck yourself.

Oh please gtfo w/ this shit. He wasn't even that popular when he did it and several of them were just stand-ups at the same festival as him. He asked to jerk off and they were like "haha sure Louis whatever show us your tiny dick haha!" so he jerks off and cums all over and they are like "oh I didn't think he would actually do it!" Sarah Silverman said he did the same thing to her and she consented and liked watching him jerk off.

I'm sick of gay X-ers pretending that Patrice would've been "based" or been your previous uncle tom.

Here's the real truth, most comeidans have seen the writing on the fucking wall and have adjusted their sets to be unfunny and gay now due to immense political pressure. These people have lost.

>He is a man.
Oh fuck, execute that son of a bitch then!

>I just went a couple of times, I can't stand poor people near me

You know the rules. Tits or gtfo.

Bullshit. Patrice didn't shy away from going against this shit. He was a real one who never was concerned with his fame.

Keep telling yourself that pal. Where are all the "free speech" comics now? They've been forced out by DSA activists and other fat women pigs.

Patrice is a cope, he's been dead for years and it's a way for idiot conservatives to virtue signal about shit you've lost control over.

duh, thats why they killed him.

This sucks. Louis was the promised one, the great red hope that would lead us to the promised interracial breeding grounds.

I thought Muslims do not drink.

I was there too, it was great. The major part of it was in the leaked set though. Also he didn't do the nigger bit.
Louis seamed a bit moved by the standing ovation at the end.

Patrice wouldn't have sold out like that but I'm sure he would be a fat hack ranting about white people like Paul Mooney.

>posting their feelings on social media

guess those clubs don't like money

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as a character of itself, not a confession about being a fucking weirdo.

seriously, at least jerk off while youre sucking the woman tits, at least there is some kind of intereaction.

what the fuck exposing your disgusting ginger pubes to a woman just looking at you turns you on? fucking retard sicko.

yes, thats the infuriating part. these mother fuckers would throw any person on the fire by doing way less than they did and somehow they act like true woke gentlemen.

pieces of shit.

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>what the fuck was louie thinking pandering to these fucks
His ego went into overdrive after that Emmy
>Hollywood friends
>working with legends
>gigs that make tons of money

only twitter warriors would even know he was coming to their country

he could've roasted the audience like Rickles and still been the funniest man alive

i fucking hate feminists as much as the next guy and i think women shouldnt even vote, but dont tell me that exposing yourself to a person you work with and youre in the position of being the BOSS or a more powerful guy, isnt some kind of kinky weird bullshit from a degenerate.

any person with a shred of self control would do that with a fucking whore and not expose himself into this situation.

I couldn't stand the leaked set, that fucking idiot screaming laughing and yelling his approval of the jokes was so infuriating

she's gonna age horribly. still would, of course

He wasn't their fucking boss, just a more popular comedian then them. The whole idea of "any sexual contact whatsoever between anyone with any kind of disparity in relative 'power' is rape" is total feminist bullshit.

do you guys know who is Dieudonné ? Hes far better than your Louis Cuck, hes a french comedian who actually talk about the JQ &other red pilled stuff, he's really controversial and blacklisted by almost all the clubs;

He's forced to play outside in nature

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fuck off incel

There is no forgiveness or repentance in the Religion of the Left.

He's a bit shit since 2012

I wont even argue with you, you are so stupid

ok banlieusard

He's a hypocrite because he talked about feminist shit and how other men suck

>feels good to be a frenchman
France is where you have famous actresses saying "#metoo is retarded", your country may be tearing itself apart at the seams but at least you understand how sex works

Britain's going full SJW+1984 despite being under a "conservative" government, I fucking hate it. We do have comedians wary about this shit but because they're successful and English they can afford to fuck off to anglophone America, leaving behind only the cucked, BBC-endorsed comedians.

Now excuse me, I've got to go contribute to the local spoon amnesty and buy myself a wanking license

im not talking about "any sexual contact", im talking about some weirdo who ask if he can masturbate in front of you.

the fact he cannot control this impulse shows how fucked up he is; the fact that he acted like, until them, that he was nice guy, shows that he is also a psycho.

cannot understand how defend even try to defend this pile of shit once he was, before, LE KEK KING.

worst part is trying to put this degenerate shit as the same thing as ask a girl from the work out.

I hope you get hit by a car

any videos of his set?

No they made everybody put their phones in a sealed pouch, plus there was other securities, and we had to sign a waiver/NDA when buying tickets

so your saying women in the workplace are in effect children who cant consent ?

He should give up on touring get his own cam show.

Pic unrelated.

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No, he's saying an employer holds sway over his employees. Consent isn't really consent if you fear your career is on the line.

(And fwiw: there were several incidents where he did NOT ask first, he just whipped it out.)

he should do a podcast called driving miss ogeny.

I hate this fucking world nothing makes any sense

Louis CK isn't even that funny anymore. His last two specials were terrible too. Who gives a fuck at this point.

I that Robert DeNiro's son?

>Consent isn't really consent if you fear your career is on the line.
Where do you draw the line? Some whore going into the office of some Weinstein-esque character being offered a role in some big budget movie for a blow job? Is that rape? It's disgusting, no question, but I'm equally disgusted by both players in this game. My perception is that in the judgement of situations between men and women there is an enormous bias in favor of women, effectively infantilizing them. Lous CK surely did some fucked up shit, but hell, much if not most of the stuff I read during the #metoo era was straight up ridiculous behavior of women.

He will be doing Compound Media shows with Anthony Cumia at this point.

>gotta love how they eat their own. what the fuck was louie thinking pandering to these fucks. I bet he thought finally Im a part of normal society. too late you weird fuck.
Everyone is willing to help along whatever stupid degenerate shit is being pushed not giving a shit how society ends.

Contrast this to the idea in everyone's heads that the good guys always win.

People are stupid myopic cowards.

its incredible how this asshole become ONE OF THE GUYS because he was accuse - and admmited and excuse himself, like a bitch - that he was a exibicionist degenerate.

if it wasnt for this CK would be doing Yea Forums incel jokes, you faggots.

If I could get away with jerking off in front of attractive women I would too.

If it's not within your control, learn to laugh at it's absurdity.

Based retard. Patrice was famous for burning bridges. The man gave no fucks.

if they were women doing comedy the chance of them being attractive is borderline zero.

the thing here was to fullfill some fuck up fantasy, he could do the same with a prostitute but wasnt have the danger and shit. the guy is a psycho: you cannot be masturbator exibicionist and le cuck king, the dude who care about women.

thats a business transaction between a whore and a pimp. nothing illegal. imoral, yes. the victim: the more talented actress who doesnt act like a whore to get a role.

FACT: people suck dick for way less than a role on a movie.

now weinstein is a big guy (for you) and i can understand a fragile tiny dumb women who works for him "accepting" to watch him masturbate and come on a plant because he has is strong enough to smash her face with a punch. thats another context.

yes, some of his material was just plain sad and niihilistic shit.


I hope he finally fucking kills himself