Even though they copied Elliots Manifesto word for word was the rest of it kino?

Even though they copied Elliots Manifesto word for word was the rest of it kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:


most incels wouldn't even approach a girl let alone actually asking for their number

decent acting, shit script

You're not a truecel if you haven't been rejected a thousand times

if you have enough confidence to attempt to talk to owmen then you're a normie.

>went outside

JFL when you can actually recognise this avatars on that forum

It has nothing to do with your retarded "normie" paradigm

it's the mainstream definition of incel, not the Yea Forums definition of incel.
it's trash.

Incel on Yea Forums is just a catchall term for nerd virgins.

Bretty good shortfilm

So what I've noticed is that there is a conflation between what an Incel is.

On one side, people "from the left" want those "from the 'alt'-right" to be viewed as Resentful, sexless, violent men, who are a danger to Society. And those sorts of men certainly do exist, especially when they get "influenced" (listen to arguments from one side, which speaks to their current bias, but don't then view the argument Objectively) by ideas which,at their core, seek to ask if Society has changed in manner which has made things "less fair" for CERTAIN types of men. Or, has Society changed to overly-favour women? And yes, women are violently raped/sexually abused/belittled/mocked by men, even when they're more Competent. Bur women aren't faultless; they're Human Beings, like men.

On the other side, you have people who are naturally introverted, or who feel they've missed out, and are failures. This ties into ideas of Ageism, and I'd argue actually has a significant impact on both men and women. Men, because "by Age X, you should be established"; Women "by Age X we won't hire you. because you'll likely soon decide to be a mother". These people will also develop aspects of Resentment, but are less likely to be violent. But, they too wonder if Society has changed.

The saddest thing I've seen was a YouTube comment apparently made by a young girl, which essentially amounted to her stating that she was confused about whether or not she should go into a STEM field, because she 'felt guilty', as many arguments claim that women "should" be mothers (rather than career drive, that sorta thing).

People shouldn't let these discussions influence them like that. If you're capable, GO FOR IT. That's not to say they're invalid/unimportant discussions, they're just a different way to see the world, or how some currently experience it.

Why are the media and leftists obsessed with incels over the past few years? It is like incels are replacing Nazis and the alt-right as the go-to "enemy" they now obsess over.

Incels are a great target because they’re equally hated by everyone.

Incels are lumped in with the alt-right and mostly deservedly so.

You're underlining the problem of extremely fringe neologisms describing incredibly specific things being adopted and corrupted by the mainstream, on both sides.
It also points at the issue that 3/4 of the people who came to this website in the past 10 or so years at time don't read what you wrote because they have an utterly different understanding of the words that you use.

I feel bad for the introverted ones. The first part is pretty accurate though. I seriously doubt we’d see nearly as many /pol/ bait twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums if those posters had happy, healthy sex lives. Sexual frustration fuels the shitposting on the high traffic boards.

thing is though elliot didn't carry himself like jim parsons. he wasn't tall and gangly and his movements weren't awkward.
he was built and looked like a normal healthy guy, was quite handsome even. the incel thing was in his mind and radiated outward in his relationships/conversation not in his behaviour or even his voice.

reckon that's true for most incels. at my school the jim parsons looking awkward guys weren't the coolest but they were nerdy and eventually got friends and girls .
incel is a state of mind and they were wrong to portray it as Sheldon Cooper like because TBBT gets geeks entirely wrong and Jim parsons looks and acts like that because he's gay not because he's awkward with women

Elliot was an a little above average joe with mental ilness

They realized that calling right wingers racist antisemite turbonazis made them seem cool, so they started a new psyop to associate the right wing with "incels" despite incels being from reddit and women being more attracted to right wing men.

You're either an easily brainwashed idiot or a shill.

Incels are leftists from reddit. They are essentially sexual communists.

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yes and.??

Oh please. Do you really think all these supposed conservative right wing Christians on Yea Forums would be shitposting so hard if they were getting regular sex?

>tfw i don't even want to have sex

Virgin is a classic insult. The "right" during the French Revolution used virgin and cuckold to refer to the "left"

Yes. I do.

the only reason these so called incels are uppity is because normies always encroach on things they like. They cant be left alone anymore. Normies will always find a way to ruin their escapeism by co opting it. then they get angry when they retaliate. its like the bully when the bully gets his comeuppance when his victim all of a sudden reacts in a burst of uncontrolled anger and suddenly acts like he was the victim all along.

>talking to a thousand different girls
Fucking chad

I mean, probably because Australia and Canada but you see what I’m saying.

>first 60 seconds
>approaches and talks to a girl in public
Was this meant to be a fantasy film?

It's just more dead memes being pushed by desperate libfags, but is a bad idea with the election coming along.

incels and nazis and the alt-right all deserve popular contempt and ridicule
have sex

Women find right wing men more attractive than left wing men.

No woman fantasizes about guys with pink hair dye who cry about toxic masculinity.

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>incels and nazis and the alt-right
One of these things is not like the others.

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>were supposed to believe this tall white dude is an incel

Yea I remember I was here for that. When did we start calling that time the French Revolution?

lmao yeah I’m sure your infographs about jews and redpills really gets the ladies hot and bothered

the actual redpill is that chad has little to no political views whatsoever.

>go to jail because I have failed to provide evidence of having had sex in the last week for the third time (first two strikes just resulted in fines)

Yeah, women love masculinity.

Speaking your mind despite social pressure to do otherwise is masculine.

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have sex nerd

and in the mainstream it means "can't have sex". it's way more literal than the Yea Forums meaning of it.

Hard to swallow but true. Chad’s life is too fun-filled and easy to worry about stupid shit like that.

Incel is more humiliating. Nazis (the 1930’s ones) are considered evil but are intimidating and have a certain mystique attached to them. Plus most people on the far right wouldn’t feel very bad being called a Nazi. No one wants to be an Incel, even Incels.

>246 videos of him hitting on woman and failing
Thats 245 more times then a Yea Forums incel.

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gotta blame someone for everything otherwise the sheep might wake up.

In essence, this is just sex shaming, or lack thereof. Male virgins were mocked before, this is just one other way to humiliate and mock them. The fucked up part is that there's probably plenty of guys out there who are virgins, but don't start being bitter about it until the mocking and humiliations start and then they turn towards the more extreme to find a sense of belonging, since everyone else is excluding them based on their lack of sexual experience.

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Yes exactly what I personally see as an incel is someone that is extremely sexually frustrated and blames everyone around them for their own shortcomings. So it isn't their own fault they stayed inside their basement the entire day and never got laid instead it's the Jews/niggers/feminists/SJWs/women or whatever they come up with next instead of realizing they are making their own prison.

No it isn't those people are just called virgins. Incel has slowly morphed to the type of people that feel like they are entitled to sex and happiness. As if the world owes them a favor instead of realizing everyone in this world is their own individual and if someone wants to have sex with you or not is for 2 individuals to decide and you just wanting it to happen is not good enough.

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>someone that is extremely sexually frustrated and blames everyone around them for their own shortcomings
i.e. left wing redditors

Yea Forums is full of self-improvement threads and the general mentality is that you have to earn it.

what a fucking retarded argument. You're not entitled to life and yet if I kill you should be pissed because it's not fair. Life's not fair but it's not irrational to be pissed about it.

True but Yea Forums is equally filled with women hate threads and crab mentality mind poison.

It's time to go back.

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You misunderstand. I'm not saying there aren't people out there who are bitter and feel entitled about how they should get sex on some basis without any effort put into it. I'm saying that people who just happen to be virgins also get pushed into this generalization by faggots like you because your only venue of attack at them is to "have sex", regardless of their political views. You are marginalizing a group of men, you mock and shame them and then you wonder why when feeling persecuted they turn to extreme measures.

By all means, tell the stuck up cunts they're stuck up cunts. But when you start labeling everyone with that kind of shit, how the fuck do you act surprised that it's turning them aggressive in return against everything you or any other might stand?

I will never understand the left's desire to sex shame lonely men.

What's funny to me is that they say sex-happy people can't be angry or bitter at times, while being full of anger and bitterness themselves.

- Character is a fairly normal kid, either too ugly/autistic/poor/smart/raised too uprightly which leads to contempt towards his peers as he simply doesn't fit in with his peers who dislike him for, in their eyes, being worse/better than them.
- Character discouraged by his attempts to make friends and bullying decides to seclude himself from his peers as much as possible, which leads to even more alienation and contempt as he can't even find a common ground for conversation.
- He escapes into world of video games/Internet/online games (depending on the year of production), if he plays single player games he becomes progressively autistic & locked up in his own head, if he ends up playing competitive online games he comes progressively frustrated and angry. In both cases the character becomes a shut-in who has difficulty talking with anyone face to face as he loses ability to socialize.
- His hermitage and attempt at replace his social life as a kid turns into a full blown addiction. Character starts losing grip on reality and what's really important as he starts identifying school with something unpleasant and painful, counting hours before he can go back to his video games and online friends.
- His passive, seated lifestyle makes him progressively unhealthy, depressed and tired. Leading to depression and further alienation.
- His sex drive is either lowered or skewed by constant masturbation and constant discoveries of new, more depraved and messed up fetishes as he has dig deeper into in order to fight off the fatigue and boredom of watching the same kind of porn without the joy of physical contact coming from real sex.
- Most girls become too imperfect for him, while the ones he fancies don't even look in his general direction as the sex depraved incel watching sex scenes too fucked up and too depraved for most women becomes awkwarder around them - undressing them with his eyes while being unable to have a regular, normie conversation he never had.

this is so accurate that I'm sure there are way more men like that than most people think

Am I an incel if I never bothered to approach girls?

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- Character becomes progressively jaded and hateful, deprived of friends, sex & happiness. His awkwardness & insecurity reach unbearable levels where every laugh and whisper incel hears seem to be mockery aimed at him.
- His depression gets worse as he grows up, losing his only hobby he so dearly hanged to. He can't express his hatred and edgy humor anymore as Internet becomes a normie heaven, heavily moderated by moral puritans. His online friends "abandon" him by moving on with their lives. It only worsens when he hits the wall of reality and notices that his inability to take chances after years of pain and self-pity turn him into a failed neet who is too shy and nervous to even look for a job.
- The incel is egoistical and full of himself (probably because of typical snowflake parenting most millenials received) - he becomes angry and starts hating every female, boycotting portrayals of females in his favorite entertainment forms while writing death threats towards feminists and clinging to sexism and supposedly superior masculinity which he doesn't have anyway.
- Story goes in two directions: Incel A snaps and goes full Eliot Rodger on people.

Very interesting. I made this post here . What I see in your story is how a lot of this is self-induced. I know, since I am what could be considered an Incel.

I've made decisions that I regret, mis-allocating my time. Hate to use that annoying cliche, but "if only I tried", lmao.

The issue I see though is that if someone, like me, wants to change, and be different, why am I hamstrung by Ageism. Why try to stop me from being "better"?

I think an aspect of that is that people are always going to need a lowerclass that they can look down own. They "fit-in", therefore, are validated.

They 'had sex', so to say.

let's coin a new term for this: lazycel. celibate because too lazy to degrade yourself for pussy.

- Incel B spends yeas burring his life in bitterness, sadness and anger.
- Sooner or later he runs out of options as his parents can't support him anymore and his local benefit centre stops believing in his stories about lower back problems and autism.
- He finds some shitty job that he hates, maybe even gets his own car and got enough money to move out and pay his own rent.
- The hopeless ones basically stay in that state till they die, never achieving anything or having their 5 minutes.
- The ones who redeem themselves move beyond the anger and regret and try to make the best of their life. Maybe get lucky enough to get some used up roastie who still isn't a single mother, go up the career ladder, become the shift manager or be offered a new position through some upskilling and courses.

pls delet this i can’t handle this today ;_;

It's possible to live a fulfilling life as a wizard, but most people aren't cut out for it

>a lot of this is self-induced
to clarify, that's just me trying to be Objective. It's not necessarily the sole reason why increasing amounts of young men are struggling

Honestly this probably describes the majority of Yea Forums incels. I just want sex to literally fall into my lap like in my doujins.

honestly its easier to be an incel than to chase after a girl you cant attain
being an incel is the ultimate cope

Calling you nazis makes you look cool and dangerous.Over the past 4 years everyone learned that right wingers aren't aren't cool or dangerous but are socially maladapted nerds who cant get laid and spend all day posting online shit they never say irl

It goes hand in hand. Incels are all too often “friends” with girls they desperately want to date.
t. reformed orbiter

Meant for

I thought becoming a tranny was the ultimate incel cope.

Have you tried paying a whore for sex?

It is but only after you’ve spent years going down the /r9k/ rabbit hole.

I want someone to want me

During my no gf incel period I honestly was about to go through with gay sex but then changed my mind. I wouldnt be able to take myself seriously knowing that I'm a cocksucker

Literally me.
Plus I'm not interested in most women with the way they are socially.


Kek I remember when /r9k/ first showed signs of turning into what it did, when all those threads about orbiting girls started appearing.

Become interesting or have something they would want then. If you look like a basement dweller that has nothing going for himself that has an aura of negativity and self hatred surrounding him then nobody would want you

I’m going to share my rock bottom beta orbiter moment with you guys in the hope that it helps some of you out there: In my senior year of high school, I drove the girl I was desperately in love with to Chad’s house and dropped her off. I hope this helps.

>Incels are leftists from reddit. They are essentially sexual communists.
kek, this is your brain on /pol/

Self-improvement advice is good, but it also needs to be examined, in the context of what Society is today.

Have expectations of men and women changed towards each other? Have roles changed?

It gets into aspects of hypergamy and what people actually desire from each other. This discussions can become what could be viewed as Sexist.

>Become interesting or have something they would want then
I tried.

Society wont get better. Everyone knows what women go for so it's better to just meet those criteria

Perhaps, and the advice that I shouldn't improve to attract women, I should do it, for my own sake, is also good.

But let's say I do change, will change the potential reality that women judge men on height? Will it change the potential reality that as women become more educated and career driven, they'll only go for an increasingly smaller percentage of men, or not even both with having a family at all? Will it change that dating sites do apparently show exhibit some form of the Gini Coefficient?

Are those even "problems" to be "solved"? Don't we have other issues to worry about?

you're a vocel if you choose not to talk to women you stupid retarded idiot. It's not a pissing contest about "I'm more of a shut in neet den you are!" If you literally can't get laid despite all efforts you are an incel. If you don't even try you are vocel

what if I don't try but I know that if I did I would fail no matter how hard I try?

why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this shit?

So Elliot Rodger wasn't an incel?

>you're a vocel if you choose not to talk to women you stupid retarded idiot
Tell that to the people calling everyone an incel

>those subtle jabs at us
the captcha, one comenter named "pepemaster9000" and the other named "user"

Then that makes you based and redpilled.

>Women find right wing men more attractive than left wing men
Fat fingers typed this.

Attached: Trump-Supporter-720.jpg (720x420, 48K)

wait there's "hitlerdidnothingwrong" and "anonincel" too, jej

Because every board is just /r9k/ with a topic/hobby attached. tfw no gf is the most universal feel of them all.

>Because every board is just /r9k/
>implying tfw no gf is universal
>implying tfw no gf is even remotely comparable to the 'cel' faggotry of /r9k/ddit
go and stay go

I'd really like to find a hobby imageboard that isn't shit and isn't obsessed with women.

His voice, and looks, remind me of Adam Driver

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But Yea Forums is right over there my man unless you mean 2d woman too.

Proof is in the pudding bro. Post an on topic thread on literally any board and you’ll get a handful of replies. Post a thread about your problems with women and you’ll get 200 easy.

not even Yea Forums is on Yea Forums's or /fit/'s levels
must be the leaking from reddit after they banned the incels subreddits

Yea Forums is pretty shit nowadays.

it's true, but it only applies to actual conservative men in the real world. masculine, handsome, dominant men, not bitter /pol/cels who spend their days screeching on the asshole of the internet.

there are anti-blogposting boards, you know?


True. I do enjoy the slower ones like /out/ and /vr/. The mainstream boards are pretty much all the same though.

Nothing more masculine than posting on the anime board Yea Forums

then you're a delusional tard who will regret pissing away his youth

What did they mean by this?

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deepest lore

are we getting big tittied goth gfs?

if people laugh at me or make fun of me even when I'm not talking to them why would I even try, it would only make me more miserable than I already am.

only good post ITT

>Incel menace
>Incel terrorists
Why is this shit so funny

These people usually feel resentful, and without their needs sated by a female partner, would be happy supporting something that threatens the status-quo.

I think this whole covering of incels by the media is trying to shun virgin men into hiding it about themselves that they're virgin before too many men realize their fellows are virgin and that this is unacceptable. Something like 30% of men that are now eighteen are virgins, and much less so for girls.
It's not very fair.



lol what are they gonna do
there are incels who are far better at tech than any of the vagina shitholes.

Incels will still be around to provide tech help for free to any girl that acknowledges their existence.

so just like with any IT company.
I work in a big IT agency and we have a girl that gets help from one of the network adminds who looks like a goblin.

he looks like one


It doesn't matter what it used to mean, it's just another word for virgin at this point

was this woman trying to set a jewishness record? I think she got it.

the absolute state of amerimutts, dudes literally a hapa.

>aw geez user stacy rejected me again! can you believe it?

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not him but totally believeble to me, he is either a 4/10 or a 6/10 depending on the angle

>implying it ever was different for the entire history of mankind

>tall and lean
>good bone structure, thick eyebrows and hair
Cope. This guy easily swims in pussy.


Have sex

Kek, surprisingly accurate. He even uses a PC and not Mac. Good eye for detail.

>| Drama Short Film

you're a city slicker if you live somewhere with more than 50 women of a dateable age

>people on Yea Forums in 2019 live in literal villages
This place still manages to surprise me sometimes.

It's a politically correct way to call your opponents virgins. Surely you can see why that's so appealing.

I mean, I think it was different during most of European history from the middle ages to now.

man joji really branching out

>rejected a thousand times
wow for an incel he's social as fucks for sure.

I live in Scotland. America has cities with a higher population than Scotland does. everything is a village to you people here.

Haven't posted in the thread yet but incel means involuntary celibate. Literally does not imply being a fucking neet or hikki.

have sex

not how language works

>incels actually think people will believe them when they say they ask women out
>incels actually think people don't know that they're just fugly dickheads who sit at home and never try to better themselves and act normal in order to get a gf

>Dude, just GET OVER your crippling mental illnesses and body deformations like lmao have sex

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I think you’re a little off base here. A lot of Yea Forums incels are in good shape because they can control their physical looks to some extent. It’s the mental issues that really get you.

>much incel
When are soiboys going to stop using their fat feminist girlfriends as arguments?

Roasties fear the incel.

Utterly based

I think you underestimate social/mating incompetence besides looks.

>words can be whatever i want them to!

>pedant means teacher

Why is it very hard to see a female incel?

No such thing

Because thats how sexual reproduction works. Females have limited eggs plus immediate responsability towards their offspring that takes years of their life so they need to be picky with which male will provide the better genes and who wont abandon her when she’s vulnerable and weak.

Males on the other hand have an endless supply of reproductive cells and they can forget about their offpring the moment they pull out their dicks.

Since women are so picky, the best strategy is to not let pass any chance of sex and move on to the next chance asap since your cell supply is abundant and your time on earth is little.

You need to be a special kind of ugly girl to be rejected brainless sex by dudes who have nothing to lose.

Isn't Elliot's manifesto is a script really to go? Why they haven't adapted into a screenplay yet?

>Incels already over 30% of the male pop in the >US, it will double in 10 years most likely.

Order 66 when?

>>Incels already over 30% of the male pop

Nice LARP, Chad.

>He doesn't know.

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honestly this

Because they've killed from dozens to a few hundred people in the west in the last few years, like more than isis.

it's the only insult they have user and it's not even that effective. the left can't meme afterall.

>28% of the men between 18 and 30 make up for 30% of the male population in the US
American education everyone

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>one year ago makes you cel
>no indication of lack of voluntariness makes you in

It was hyperbole mutt now run along now.

Literally me

>I was only pretending to be retarded

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Just look at Japan for a glimpse at our future.

>be white
>be incel
Honestly if you're white but can't get laid then you're either a volcel or just didn't try hard enough.

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based and chadpilled

politics is for nerds

what should I see? There has always been a sizeable amount of desirable men for as long as civilization has existed, nothing wrong with natural selection

unless you're disabled the only reason for being an incel is choosing to be a moralfag/lawfag who takes no for an answer

whores don't count

i wasn't talking about paying

Incels also want their first time to be their ideal fantasy romance just like in their animu.

unless you're talking about raping that's the only other thing I can think of.
Nevertheless some men are completely undesirable.

Not hard enough, nerd.

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Instead of being an incel why don't you make an attempt to hold on your own individuality instead of latching on to a group in a feeble attempt to find a place where you have a "belonging".

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The harder they push it the more ground we have to work with.
Let them push incel, just allow it.
It's for the best.

Almost no incels are deformed, and even if they were that is not an impediment to having sex. Even hotwheels had sex. Mental illnesses can be treated.

They don't tend to make incel sites and hang out on them, they tend to have sites relating to other things and then discuss incel-ness there. And those communities tend to be very private.

EXACTLY, don't fit in.
Go out there and be you to the very core.
What's wrong with being yourself anyway.

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yeah just live your life alone bro, live in a amphora like that mentally ill faggot

How old are you bro, cause that's literally me

I knew I was fucked from the first time out
no need to repeat the experiment just to get the same result

that's why I don't bother trying
I know I'm garbage

Because men are pretty entitled desu

Holy shit.. LMAO.
Elliots Manifesto and the avatars/posts/messages, very familiar. It's all too accurate, except for the main actor. Way too handsome, but still plausible I guess.. Since he was pretty autismo.

Yass gurl

>unless you're talking about raping
he was very clearly talking about raping

kek, enter the tough guy

it's objective truth

>Mental illnesses can be treated.
Easily the stupidest, brainlet comment I've ever seen on this site. Sweet Jesus.

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Rape doesn't un-incel you, the same way you're still a "virgin" even if you go to a prostitute you fucking edgelord retard. It's much more than just sex, it's about relationships, attraction and affection.

>women can't be incel just go to a bar
>It's much more than just sex, it's about relationships, attraction and affection

Incels are purely far-right /pol/ goblins. seethe more.

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I've noticed society has had enough of incels/alt-right/whatever. The daily acts of violence, the constant whining they do, even shit as mundane as reviewbombing movies. It's all building up towards a massive anger and animosity against this underclass of society.

Everywhere at my work, all the successful people and women especially are talking about how much they hate incels and want something to be done about them. They're tired of living in fear of their latest mass shooting and are tired of having to see their ramblings on social media.

So, what's going to happen to Incels when normal society finally becomes fed up with them?

>that pain results from a misplaced anger
this sounds backwards

Compared to liberal soiboys who look like this?

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Why the fuckety fuck would anyone be interested in a movie about incels when there are cringe compilations?

>Why the fuckety fuck

Not all incels are neo-nazi, but all neo-nazi's are incels

>women especially are talking about how much they hate incels and want something to be done about them
did you tell them they could always just have sex with them

is there any evidence he's actually liberal? Hes made jokes about blacks on twitter

burn them clean

I mean he's not crossdressing so automatically more masculine than most nazi's who were predominately trannies

damage control

Hopefully they get put into camps.

Most incels aren't totally brainfucked, just entitled losers in moms basement who need a dose of reality.

have sex

The "involuntary" in involuntary celibate implies that the reason they aren't getting laid is due to forces outside of their control, this includes being physically unattractive.
What you're thinking of is the standard /r9k/ robot that has fallen into obscurity in recent years.

Why do incels get so mad when they're named?

Attached: name the incel.png (547x350, 281K)

>He's more masculine then soldiers because he cries at Star Wars trailers!

He has a wife.

Almost like they make up excuses since they can't accept that their failure is 100% up to them.

>swindler, profiteer
if you're going to modify the quote, at least do a better job

Have you seen her?

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Incels don’t exist.

If they kept approaching women they would eventually find their soulmate.

They just need to lower their expectations/standards and keep at it!

Just be yourself and continue putting out good vibes!

You can ONLY call yourself an “involuntary” once you’ve asked every single woman out. Until then, quit whining and stop underestimating yourself!

don't think I want to mate

Nearly 24.
Worked for 4 years while I was getting a masters. Had a lot of family stuff going on plus I sort of wanted to just take a break after I finished that is currently dragging on.
Right now I basically don't go outside, but when I did I still just didn't really pursue women. Some would even get flirty with me and I just wouldn't press forward because of my own twisted moral ideas that you shouldn't if you know you couldn't marry them.

Obviously they exist. Just because the name is idiotic doesn't mean that the cult isn't real. Democratic Republic of Korea is a thing too.

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>Just be yourself
Ok senpai, here (You) go.

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it is
the anger is a biproduct of trying to rationalize their situation and pain

>fucking lel kek reigns supreme
Seriously this would have been kino if he put the gun back down at the end. As is it just feels like punching down at incels

most nazi soldiers were trannies tho.

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I bet that guy has had a wife or has a wife he fucks. Good for him.

also Hitler had one testicle, a gay lover, drank bull semen on the reg and was on hard drugs while raping his niece

Sounds like the dream for the average /pol/tard tbqh.

Incels are entitled and degenerate weakling first world wh*te scum and their pajeet and asian equally socially awkward immigrant allies. Imagine being so much of fag that you cry and be depressed all day about not having sex

but were his bunker lamps made from the skin of Jewish children who were masturbated to death in state of the art sex machines?

>punching down at incels
What on earth is wrong with that.

someone sounds salty that der fuhrer was a confirmed fag

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>you're still a virgin if you lost it to a fat chick/while on *any* psychoactive substance/lost it in a different country...

why would a German lie about a past they're so proud of

"At least I'm not an incel" is for normie losers what "at least I'm not a nigger" is for white losers

top lele kek reins supreme

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If I was molested as a child by my relatives am I still an incel?

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It seems so, though we probably need a German teacher to confirm it for us.

Wrong. Goddamn I wish I was raped when I was younger. When I was in 4th grade the janitor was a pedo and got arrested, why coudlnt it have been me god fucking damn it

Doesn't answer my question.

>his hands are small*
>no, they are fat



does that make Livia Soprano form the Sopranos an incel?
she was unable to feel joy according to the writers

he better be Jewish

>Actually thought I was on /r9k/

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if it bothers them so much why can't incels pretend to have sex instead? Just act like you have it. There's no way anybody would know weather you had or haven't had sex.

. . . and HAPAS!

Well being a bully for starters. Bullying those who don’t deserve it and acting petty and condescending.


If you hate half of the human population then you DESERVE to be bullied, incel.

I guess that means pretty much all men deserve to be bullied. You’re bullying a bunch of sad, suicidal men who never got to experience life’s greatest pleasure, and you feel vindicated in doing so.

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Love at first sight is real

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Celibacy rates are rising

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Height is extremely important

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>and here's what's interesting when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

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>all men are hateful fucks

have sex

No, all men make snide and offensive comments about women, and vice versa. This basically proof that the people bullying incels never hung out with “swinger” type guys who get laid in the regular, by different women. In fact I believe women are raped three times more at frat parties, but of course no one cares when Chad is misogynist.

there are two tactics they resort to
>shaming your sexual inadequacy
>shaming your class

Are they white or goblins, which is it?

I think it's funny they try to claim he is gay without realizing what implications that itself has


That isn't horribly inaccurate.
What, is the character watching a stream of some incel about to go on a rampage, or is it his own stream?

That's why you should learn to give no fucks when people throw insults like that your way. They only do it because they have no arguments anyway.

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I just want to point out that Incel discussion was started by some college girl that was a virgin, and wanted to discussion the problems with people who have similar situations to herself

Imagine if your friend in film school hit you up for this
>Hey man, wanted to gauge your interest in a role
>Sure dude, what kind of commitment are we talking?
>It's the lead role, but it's a real short film. Few days of filming tops.
>That sounds awesome man, what's it called?

>- Most girls become too imperfect for him, while the ones he fancies don't even look in his general direction as the sex depraved incel watching sex scenes too fucked up and too depraved for most women becomes awkwarder around them - undressing them with his eyes while being unable to have a regular, normie conversation he never had.
This last one is wrong.
Should be
-Realizing that he can't have any success with women at all no matter how much he lowers his standards, he doubles down on wanting perfection as if he can't have it anyways, why not only look at the best?

I honestly can't relate to the "undress with eyes" thing, how do you even do that? Fantasize how a woman looks like naked? What's the point if you'll never see them naked? Just watch porn instead. This is the same reason I got bored of shitty chaturbate camwhores who never got naked or put on shows so I would rather look at the less attractive ones actually riding a dildo over the shitty popular and attractive ones who did nothing but talk about bullshit no one cares about for hours straight.


My close friends know I never smashed and unironically mentioned that 40yo virgin film a few times as banter

lmao. Is this what the media thinks incels are really like? Who the fuck hits on random chicks while they are studying in a library? I only knew of one guy growing up who I knew for a fact was a virgin, because he was my best friend at the time. He was normal in pretty much every aspect compared to our peers, but he just never had a gf, or one night stands or anything. He was even friends with tons of the "popular" girls in our school. I think he just felt too self conscience to ever make a move or something. He wasn't bad looking, but he certainly wasn't good looking either. From all outward appearances he was a normie, but he just never did the deed. I haven't talked to him in years, and maybe he's gotten laid by now, but by maybe 23 or 24 he certainly hadn't.

I'm honestly more of an incel than him and I've fucked 3 chicks.

>all men make snide and offensive comments about women, and vice versa
Nah. At best you could make a point for offensive but it's a far cry from the bitterness and woman-hating from incels.

>In fact I believe women are raped three times more at frat parties
Of course, most rapists are people they know after all.

It's not as much that people dislike incels because they are potential rapists/school shooters; most don't have the drive to take a shower after all. It's just the constant whining and bitching combined with an entitled and hateful attitude. They are basically the human equivalent of a mosquito.

He was probably excited since the movie business is shit and getting an acting role is hard as fuck, unless you suck some jew’s dick. Also he got paid.

>muh showers

What if you tried a couple of times in highschool but zero times since then?
Also there's also example of failing in middle school, and elementary school.

Actually you know what now that I think about it the game was rigged from the start and I was always doomed to be an incel.

Give it a try, bud. It feels pretty nice.

Alright! Girlfriend here I come!

I don't understand why this is so hard for normans to understand. They believe with enough 'hard work' A N Y O N E can get with a 10/10! Justburself!

But life doesn't work like that.

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i had sex once
i hate being touched by anything that's not the water from my shower or my own clothes though so i won't have sex again most likely
what does that make me?

Yeah! One day. Shower only gives 50xp, which are taken away in a few hours. It's a daily quests though.

I haven't cringed this much in a while. So I get that incel is funny joke and all but is there solution or endgame to all of this?

>As soon as I get out my doorbell rings
>There's a harem of VS super models at my door
wtf I love showers now

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Why are people incels? How is it possible you couldn't find one girl to have sex with you in high school? There are equally ugly women that I'm sure would be willing to give it up to some nerd, had they just put in the slightest bit of effort? What the bloody hell is going on with men these days?

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holy shit this was hilarious god incels are pathetic

Humans are social animals you fucking moron.

>Wanting to sleep with ugly women

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I was bullied in school from day one dude. I grew up hating myself and wanting to die. All I ever wanted was to be part of some group, ANY GROUP. The worst part is that girls actually showed interest in me when high school came, but because of years of abuse I never thought I was good enough, never had the confidence, never could approach. It didn’t end there too of course. I continued to get excluded from cliques at work, never made any new friends. And here I am now, a 25 year old virgin.

>I was bullied in school from day one dude
what a pussy wimp faggot.

Women who are as "equally ugly" as me literally do not treat me like a human being simply because i'm unattractive. That or they ignore me entirely.

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So why choose to believe shit and do things that will make most humans want to avoid you?

he's literally me.

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Thats a cope if i ever seen one

It's so dumb how much value we put on this one singular activity. I doubt most people would have sex if it wasn't for peer pressure. The one time I had it was in order to not be a virgin. Fucking hated it. Made me nauseous. I'm so glad I don't have to ever think about it again. It's fine being a virgin, just stop thinking about sex and it literally has no impact on your life.

Don't worry senpai, the day of the sexbot will be here soon.

I hope

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Alright, I’ll stop throwing orange juice at people.


Yup, every fight I got in was with some mutant kid who clearly developed earlier than everyone else. I was small forever until I was around 20.

my favorite parts were seeing the blonde's pretty feet teasing Sam and seeing Sam walk out the door at the end to throw lead into her because she wanted him to be a good cuck and not do anything about it since her boyfriend was there

but it's true user
skin to skin contact makes me uncomfortable
i need to be in control of things touching me, uncontrolled touch from other things (especially warm or warm things) makes me want to die

>Stop taking the redpill, goy! Females will despise you for it!

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>I doubt most people would have sex if it wasn't for peer pressure.
Deeply and profoundly wrong.

I’d rather just make prostitution legal. I know I’ll never have a girlfriend, let me fuck at least.

why didn't you take the twink pill?

I'm about 2 mins, the hands in pocket, awkward stance, ...these are non verbal cues women read right off the back.

Take whatever pills you want. Just why being surprised or pissed when they have the promised effect?

those fucking usernames

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Because I got taller and hairier. I would have made a good think though, but I’m not gay.


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oh for fucks sake he looks like me

If you live in the US, it's never going to happen. Liberals won't even let you show cleavage in video games anymore.
How was I suppose to know that people don't like hearing the truth in their cringe and bluepilled lives?

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>I was bullied in school from day one dude.
lmao fag.

some people are just inferior to others, it's just not nice to say it, and people will lie to you and tell you it's not true because they don't want to admit this uncomfortable truth

>It's just the constant whining and bitching combined with an entitled and hateful attitude.
But you're only exposed the the whining and bitching (there is no entitled attitude from incels you stupid normalfag) when you go out of your way to enter incel communities.
Protip: Yea Forums is an incel community

Incels don't ever infect communities, it's ALWAYS the other way around of incels making a community for themselves and normalfags joining in and demanding the politically incorrect parts of the community be changed.

is this the thread where unsuccessful virgins make fun of other unsuccessful virgins?

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Pictured: Ben Shapiro with normal-sized judge's gavel

>there is no entitled attitude from incels
Wew lad.
>when you go out of your way to enter incel communities
They spew their cancer over all social media and basically any site that has open comments.
>Yea Forums is an incel community
It's not. Never was. And probably never will be.

they have social anxiety

Yeah I know man. I don’t know why we don’t have whores anymore, I guess they want men even more sexless and miserable. I mean just look at sexpats.

No way that's true.

>Incels don't ever infect communities
Yeah they do, a lot of forums/communities for short people were infected before they started banning incel posting. Same for social anxiety/autism-type support groups, I saw that one happen personally. Plus femcel spaces were overrun with shitposting incels so they had to make them private or shut them down.

>Wew lad.
You can't name a single thing incels claim to be entitled to

you go on communities for....short people. dude lmao.

If you're American there is prostitution in Nevada and escorts are easy to find, a lot of men use them.

Straight from the whore’s mouth and normalfags will continue to encourage incels to make ten times the effort for even a chance.

>incels don't think they are entitled to sex and relationships
>inb4 no true incel fallacy

>hes never seen the chadfish stuff

Wait you mean the places that always had the type of people who would be incels, had incels on them?
That's not incels infecting the community, that's the community becoming aware of that they aren't alone with their problems and beginning to communicating with each other.

As opposed to shit on Yea Forums where you see people getting mad at anime images.

Dude let’s be real here. I’m not blowing a bunch of money going to Vegas. Or risking arrest/theft from some sketch ad fuck escort who’s gonna charge me like 400 bucks for half an hour.

Its like you have no idea who you browse the site with ... man you got a lot of field research to do.

That would involve using social media.
Fuck that shit

Since when does a desire for something mean you claim to be entitled to something?
Normalfags are brainless I swear.

I don't, I'm just saying it is something that happened. This article mentions it:

> Incels “spread fear, uncertainty, doubt,” among younger male users already insecure about their heights, he said. “They want you to feel bad about yourself.” As one r/short poster put it recently, “I honestly wasn’t even that depressed about my height until I spent more and more time here.”

The one I had personal experience was a site for social anxiety support that got taken over and turned into an incel site.

i got my dick sucked by a prostitute once. i will never do that again, total waste of time, rather just jerk off next time.

If you took ten fucking minutes and visited any incel forum you’d quickly realize just how much these men hate themselves. And that they’ll never be happy because if thing they can’t change (face, height, skin color). They know they aren’t entitled so sex, or relationships, or even female attention.

Except a lot of people on those sites were not incels, and incels started attacking people who didn't follow or spout their party lines (so people who made efforts at improving their lives, for example). They made the communities toxic by attacking people until all the normal people (whether they were technically incel or not) ended up leaving and the places festered.

wtf unless you jerk off ten times a day enventually you'll want something more

opinion disregarded, normalfag get out if you can't hant the bants

Prostitutes are going to be expensive, that's just how it is, especially if you want anything of worth. If you want a $5 blow job you probably wouldn't like the kind of woman you'd get that from. Risking arrest is something to worry about, yes, but there are ways of avoiding it, if you were really interested in it there are sites to help you find genuine escorts. Again, it's a regular occurrence and a lot of men do it.

They aren’t saying anything that hasn’t already been told to short men by women and other men. You can delude yourself into thinking you can make up for your height, or just accept that no one likes short people.


If it were bants people wouldn't have minded, it's the nonstop bitching and moaning and attacking anyone who doesn't bitch and moan that people dislike. And this website isn't your safe space, if you don't like it fuck off to wizardchan.

oh boohoo. so short guys shouldn't hear that kind of stuff? sorry to say but women are the ones that have problems with shorter guys... if a guy is below like 5'5 then yea he's gonna have some problems... why even deny it?

The moment you claim that you deserve or are owed it.

>you’d quickly realize just how much these men hate themselves
That's obvious enough. But you can still hate yourself AND be an entitled fuck, complain how "unfair" it is that other have better lives and so on. And sure, there are different types and some focus on the defeatism but claiming that there aren't tons who think they are owed and deserve all that is just dishonest.

>absolute state of normalfags
just get off Yea Forums then bro
just go out and go to parties instead of shitpost here bro
just go talk to your friends instead bro

If roasties hate incels so much then why not just have sex with them? I'm pretty sure that personality doesn't matter when it comes to casual sex.

Yeah I know the sites dude. I guess I don’t want sex enough to put myself in jeopardy.

I didn't say any of those things, you brain dead retard. In fact I told you to go to your safe space echo chamber.

>I'm pretty sure that personality doesn't matter when it comes to casual sex.
And this is why you won't get any.

Because that would actually fix the problem.

>The moment you claim that you deserve or are owed it.
At best incels claim that sex is a psychological need, and that's still not anywhere close to an entitlement claim just like someone saying people need food to live isn't the same thing as saying they are entitled to be fed just for exisitng.
dumpass normalfags are too stupid to think
>complain how "unfair" it is that other have better lives and so on
Life IS unfair and it has nothing to do with entitlements you fucking retard
"life is unfair" is even a boomer saying for christs sake.

Your the one supposed to go out and do those things normalfag, go to your echo chamber

Because the real solution to the problem is for incels to kill themselves.

How could personality matter in casual sex?

>telling people to kill themselves
You seem to be much more evil then the average incel that you hate so much.

You aren’t wrong, many do.

He's only suggesting the easy solution for their "suffering". It's either that or working on themselves.

Because personality doesn't matter, physically appearance does.
And despite all the lies, looks DO matter and incels ARE below average looking in a sexual market where even average isn't good enough.

>The moment you claim that you deserve or are owed it.
and here we go with the pussy ass entitlement narrative again. people who try to frame this entire subject by forcing this entitlement angle are a joke and don't understand a single thing about any of it. you either don't really understand anything about this, you're trolling, or you are purposefully trying to turn this entire argument into an argument about entitlement, possibly for political reasons. i find it really interesting how every time this subject comes up this same argument keeps coming up, it's like a fucking agenda.

If incels are so unhappy and so doomed, by both genetics and social circumstance, that they can never escape incel-dom and are persistently unhappy enough to consistently whine about it every chance they get suicide seems like the most rational course of action. Think about it logically.

Then you’re basically admitting the world is fucked and it’s churning out suicidal young men. Telling them they should die instead of a girl or fucking anyone to be there for them.

Yes, it's all an agenda. Not you being entitled so badly, you don't even realize how disconnected your entire world view is. But hey, at least you got (((them))) to think about instead of doing a thing about your life.

Social circumstances can be changed (they won't, but it's technically possible)
An incel born 60 years ago wouldn't be an incel, they'd probably be married to a homely wife and have a couple of kids.

I'm not admitting anything, I'm statement what incels say about themselves and their situation. And I am not saying that the world is telling them to kill themselves, I am saying that if they perceive their problems to be inescapable and their suffering constant then the most rational thing to do would be to just commit suicide.

forcing this entitlement argument just makes you look even more transparent. no one is entitled to anything, we aren't even entitled to life. there, move the fuck on and shut the fuck up about it

>An incel born 60 years ago wouldn't be an incel
There were incels in the past. Ted Kaczynski is a famous example (he's still a virgin). The stereotype of the "weird uncle" has been around for a long time too.

Lol im not saying that but im saying that bro

Yeah pretty much. If you talked to them you'd know this.

It's much more evil than anything that the average incel says. Also, an easier solution than incels killing themselves is for roasties to just give incels sex. But maybe the thought of having sex with an unnatractive guy feels worse than thinking about suicide.

Lmfao yeah, the unabomber is the average incel.

I never said he was the average incel, I said he was a famous example. Seems like a pretty common incel issue is that you guys really can't read.

>I don't support THAT position of my cult
>hence my cult doesn't support that position

>an easier solution than incels killing themselves is for roasties to just give incels sex.
Torturing other people to please others? Now that's sick. Also a perfect example of the entitlement.