>watch a movie with a girl
>checks their phone within 5 minutes and doesn't understand what's going on
>watch a movie with some bros
>everyone is watching attentively occasionally making some funny jokes
why does this happen?
Watch a movie with a girl
Austin Green
Carter Hill
have sex
Joshua Ortiz
Because women are mentally children also does anyone have the webm of her giving her friend a lap dance?
Aiden Morgan
2 years ago I went to watch Anabelle with two female co worker of mine and they werent acting like what you are describing. I acted like a fag and covered my eyes half the movie while they watched it attentively
Nathan Jenkins
How did we let women become such brazen sluts?
Asher Howard
>woman spends 99% of her time thinking about her own looks
>expecting the 1% time not doing that to be spent on a kino
Charles Clark
Jace Price
looks like a mixed berry smoothie
Blake Turner
You are the gay numale friend obviously and don’t count
Jonathan Jones