Watch a movie with a girl

>watch a movie with a girl
>checks their phone within 5 minutes and doesn't understand what's going on
>watch a movie with some bros
>everyone is watching attentively occasionally making some funny jokes
why does this happen?

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have sex

Because women are mentally children also does anyone have the webm of her giving her friend a lap dance?

2 years ago I went to watch Anabelle with two female co worker of mine and they werent acting like what you are describing. I acted like a fag and covered my eyes half the movie while they watched it attentively

How did we let women become such brazen sluts?

>woman spends 99% of her time thinking about her own looks
>expecting the 1% time not doing that to be spent on a kino


looks like a mixed berry smoothie

You are the gay numale friend obviously and don’t count


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>that hair flick

Girls can gyrate like common whores but to effortlessly move hair like that is peak femininity

I'm not, 100% hetero even though I'm virgin


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Why do women have so little grace? Traps are more feminine at this point.

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I'm sure there are plenty of fat whales who would be interested

Doesn't matter if you're hetero, if you're a man and you cover your eyes during a horror movie you are fucking GAY.

my mates used to spend most of the time on their phones or talking, we had fun but it was impossible to actually imerese yourself in the movies. you have to carefully curate who you watch movies with

>men are so smart haha!
>whole thread is dumb ape niggers chimping out over the webm instead of discussing the topic
just accept it, both halves of the human race is pathetic and dumb

Is this supposed to be sexy?

Bitches like this give twerking a bad name. I can see why some fags complain about twerking when it's done like this. There's no style or sensuality to it. It's just aggressive spasming and convulsing.

I couldnt take it, Im too sensible to this shit, the girls I was with actually laughed at my reacton and one of them wanted to sleep with me

Not him, but I’m too scared. I don’t cover my eyes, but I jump up. How much of a faggot am I? I’m a friendless KHV, so it’s not like I’ll watch anything in the cinema with other people, but it makes me feel like a disgrace...

Was that description really neccessary

>cute white girl
>starts dancing like a literal nigger
Why? I HATE this shit.

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i bet she fucks

holy shit imagine getting called a faggot by your crush

She looks like she only _____ _____ _____

>bait image
>bait topic

Thinking one is better than the other is peak brainlet

Sure. It's just that one half is on average more pathetic and dumber than the other.

that's the niggerish thing I've seen all day and I've seen some pretty niggery things already