Other urls found in this thread:
>Iodine QT will NEVER strip you naked in a panic
russians here?
>What happened while Dyatlov wasn't looking.
its like three threads late but whatever
>we did everything right
user, why did the Deputy Chairman see graphite on the roof?
Who's only keeping their subscription because of Chernobyl?
>nurses, medical doctors, and nuclear technicians all dress like cooks
Nuclear reactor fuel isn't even close to being enriched enough to explode like a nuke and an ordinary explosion wouldn't have had any effect on the fission itself.
So the 2 MT number is most likely just about the explosion's power itself and the resulting fallout of now 4 destroyed reactors
like another user said, i really wish that weren't me because it's not worth dying a horrible slow death just for the touch of a woman.
based and meowpilled
>why are you throwing the ball to me, snow nigger?
i would say that.
One of the firefighters must have dropped their extra large pencil while working up there Comrade.
I got an email from HBO for torrenting episodes 1 and 2 what do ?
Get a VPN ? Whats the best VPN ?
>it's not worth dying a horrible slow death just for the touch of a woman.
>implying I'm not dying a horrible slow death regardless
Thank God we live in an age where radiation is better understood and....oh
How does a boat work? Legasov, they're too heavy, they should sink.
email them a picture of your butthole to establish dominance
There are plenty of safe DDL links from among other sites. There trick is finding a filehoster which doesn't throttle the fuck outta free users.
Stop using torrent.
How many roentgens?
Subscription to Rutracker?
are the speeds you start to suffer from radiation as inconsistent as in the show? it seems strange that one dude would quickly keel over and start dying pretty quickly but the other guys felt fine despite hanging around in 15,000 röntgens for an hour or so
well atleast in 5 years you have enough time to tie your knots and say goodbye, on the contrary the guy with the nurse will suffer hell compressed in a few days, feels bad.
Retard here. Hypothetically, if you could scoop up the exposed core and drop it in the ocean above the Marianas Trench, what would happen? I know they say in the show the water would vaporize before it got anywhere near it, but wouldn't all that pressure/gravity force the water onto it anyways, extinguishing it? I mean, where else would the water be able to go?
>Vodka helps absorb radiation
Slavs were literally built for a nuclear holocaust.
Pool closed because of U-235
subscription to #zombie-warez ?
Ok, no great but not terrible.
Nothing horrifying
Yeah, should I tell people that they're radioactive to a certain degree just because we're carbon based life forms for example (which means part of that carbon is made up of radioactive isotopes)? Maybe I really should start to.
use XDCC
Will a VPN stop these letters or what ? My ISP shut off my internet temporarily because I got one from HBO and from 20th Century Fox
Not great, not horrifying
not great, not terrible
I hope the cat is ok
I actually can't find any records of people dying from ARS the night of the fire.
I wish I had. At least it would have been quick for them :(
I told a friend that you get irradiated from sunlight and he automatically thought it meant ARS and that I was bullshitting him. He's an engineer and I'm a fucking lit/languages graduate.
how the fuck does HBO know what you're torrenting and why they care enough to send you an email about it?
Alcohol's a wonderful thing user. One of our oldest and most useful creations.
>be a big soviet boss, promise to triple meat production in your region
>be rewarded and praised even before you do anything
>to fulfill the promise, slaughter all the cattle, spend state money to buy meat from neighboring regions
>next year, no milk no meat no grain, production plans totally failed, region's economy collapsed
>commit suicide
Guys, should we get a new monitor? This one only goes up to 3.6. What if it's actually higher?
>you're pessimistic
>report to the shrink
ARS no fucking way for me
I got super sensitive skin
spf 100 for me most of the time.
So which system is used today ? The roentgen, the millisivert or the sievert ?
I got a DMCA notice from my ISP prompted by Disney for torrenting The Force Awakens. They get on public torrent trackers and record the IP address of any seeders distributing their intellectual property then bitch to Internet Service Providers about it.
I was an nukeman
Along the uranium I did science
With no graphite rods online
Many a young mom lost her baby to my trade
Many a soldier lost his hairline on my fail
The cancer got me in the spring of ninety-five
But I am still alive
I was a pilot
I learnt my trade against the afgan
And with a hind I did bomb runs
I flew a chopper above the core of chernobyl
I hit a cable and lost control of my ship
And when the brass saw it they said that I got killed
But I am living still
Which one keeled over and died? The bloodied one? He got scalded by steam in addition to the radiation and died one to two weeks later.
all of them
Time for some gay shit
The reading is not too bad. About one chest X-ray in a year. Comrade you should go and take a look on the roof of reactor building four. Just have a peek and report back here and we'll have some vodka and potatoes.
At this point the fire is has been put out. What is left is the nuclear fuel undergoing fission, no amount of water can stop this nuclear reaction because although it's generating a huge amount of heat it's not on fire.
Even if it was possible, extracting the fuel from the destroyed reactor would just expose everyone outside to fatal doses extremely quickly.
mutts and their zoning laws lmao
as long as a politician was given some cash theres no problem building that power plant next to the school no goyim
so looking at light kills you?
I once bought defective spf60 suncream. Burnt the whole front of my body and got some 2nd degree burns as well.
Yes user. Stay in your basement.
ARS is Acute Radiation Syndrome. Key word, ACUTE. Like in excess of 75 roentgen. At that stage you're probably going to barf. But you can bounce back.
100 roentgen, hair loss. But you can bounce back...somewhat.
200 roentgen, you're in the might bounce back.
450 your body has been damaged in ways it doesnt know how to repair. It will fight...and you might survive...but not as you are.
600 roentgen. Your guts have been mutated. You'll never enjoy food the same way again. Probably cancer too. But you can still survive...maybe.
2000 roentgen. Here is a clock. Time yourself. You have anywhere from a minute to a month. But you are not going to live.
how was it defective?
When I was young I was swimming in the Mediterranean for hours. That was really bad....
how are you now?
I lowered the control rods Comrade Dyatlov!
For more Radiation kino, watch Into Eternity. It's about the Finish plan to bury all their radioactive waste deep inside granite. >
It's in English even though the title is in Spanish.
you dont get sunburn from water
incorrect sweetie
Why is /RBMK/ so cuddly-comf with blankets, hot coco and cookies?
2000 Roentgen = 2 Sievert ?
That amount would cause radiation burns and severe genetic damage but their death would be over the course of several days. Anybody that had direct physical contact with the graphite fragments or radioactive dust inside the facility would have been fucked in a matter of hours and there wouldn't have been much left of them days later.
When you get massive doses of radiation your body starts to fall apart at the genetic level. Your DNA frays apart, your cells can't repair themselves or maintain the integrity of their cell walls, the burns would basically peel you apart. Your guts would basically melt. Your skin would go into necrosis and liquefy in places.
None of the poor fuckers that were in there actually had the gear to block that shit. The three guys that they sent into the facility to depressurize the tanks at least had water-tight suits and closed breathing apparatus. The staff were probably wearing cotton.
Iso e português, americano da porra
By hand, excellent. But it's 3 am, how did you get so sunburnt?
Is that the most destructive spell ever cast in 30+ wizard history?
I know. I was just talking about radiation from sunlight and x-rays in sieverts etc and he sperged out and told me you can't die from sunlight. Of course it's not dangerous but it's still radiation
I don't know, it just didn't work at all.
Just fine, this was years ago.
That's portuguese you uncultured swine.
is it the same as extracting the magnet or are you hosting and posting?
Aye, VPN should stop them. Alternatively, there are services where they download the file from a filehoster nearly instantly, then you from them.
I noticed the geracoes and figured it out after posting. Sorry. Have a naked Pripyat chick as compensation.
>I don't know, it just didn't work at all.
could have been before broad spectrum sun blocks. Also always reapply every hour or so
FUCK I forgot about that song.
inspired muh story idea about a beam of energy that shoots up into space and then all forms of media and emergency alert systems announce that existence is going to reset in like 5000 days. Then it's just a bunch of stories at different points in the countdown as society all starts to collapse and shit.
I remember back shortly after chernobyl, the media was in full panic mode about the milk in central Europe, due to fallout caused by it, making it show increased levels of radiation. My dad did some quick math (it's not hard) and just had a good laugh because you would've had to drink like hundreds of thousands of liters of milk to intake any actually significant amount...gotta love msm.
No, the ratio is 100 to 1, and that's only if you account for all types of radiation.
Sieverts are for all types of radiation.
Roentgens are.for ionizing radiation only.
3.6 seems safe
"Nuclear Power Plant Poisons Europe" is a hot headline, news shows love that kind of material.
Do you think imagining their co-workers as clowns would have helped alleviate everyone's mood to deal with the crisis better?
hot and based, thanks user.
What's the #nibl of western shit though?
Must be the feed water.
I might have seeded just because I didnt set my bit torrent to stop automatically. Guess its time for a VPN. Whats the best ? Nord ?
>nobody will love you as much as fireman waifu
How much milk you drink in a year? Two? Five? Some of those isotopes dont decay quickly...
I'm pretty sure they can only make a substantive claim if they catch you redistributing what you download.
No, thats actually significant, you should evacuate...
seemingly it'd have gone without saying that those fucks should have taken their irradiated gear off before entering the hospital. Frigging dimbusses are killing Iodine qt.
This. I've never torrented shit in my life. Last time I did anything other than DL via the likes of Mega/Rapidshare and the various others was when I was still using fucking WinMX etc over dialup.
Go to Warez-bb or passessforthemasses and find links in the TV forum. Mega and 1fichier give good speeds to free users, the rest tend to throttle you pretty bad.
It is the Aurora Borealis we are currently enjoying over Prypiat.
Why did they shove the graphite off the roof?
Things were tough in the Soviet Union. People had to make do.
There's a committee meeting at 2 pm, you will be on the panel. You are only to answer questions about an RBMK reactor.
it's dangerous
something something bullets
Push all material together in one place to then contain in the sarcophagus
what's on their chests?
It was super radioactive and they needed to be able to work on the roof to build the sarcophagus.
get a load of this hothead
rad badge.
Dosimeters I guess
I drink three milk a year personally. He probably still has the math around, is kinda the guy that makes notes of everything, but as
Pointed out, msm just has a hardon for shit like that. In the end, most of it just seems like a big running gag if you're even mildly scientifically inclined.
I would much prefer if cooks were to dress like nurses, medical doctors, and nuclear technicians. All of those professions favor cleanliness and sterile environments. Imagine if fry cooks in McDonalds wore scrubs.
I think that's the low range dosimeter.
It's just the aurora borealis.
A sight that will no doubt be burned into my infant's eyes and memory forever. So beautiful.
wood phuck
>three milk
something something impending doom
for me, it's 5 milk
reminder:she can't wipe properly
>Hey everyone! The nuclear power plant's one fire! Let's go look!
Guys, guys, i know i have an active imagination, but can anyone else see that fella holding a guitar?
Something like
How much do I have to spend to get a geiger counter that clicks and looks cool?
film badge dosimeter. only used to tell long term exposure for people who work near radiation so they can keep a tally on their numbers.
There was nothing better on tv back in the day, specially in the USSR
Well, I also eat like 10 cheese, so it kinda evens out.
Me too
>drop the equivalent of 4 tsar bombas in the ocean
enjoy 3 armed babies all around the pacific
>radiation so strong his soul bursts away from his body
I saved the thumbnail, wtf.
Was that scene real? Did people really go out to watch the fire at 2 in the morning?
Dont all ejac at the same time.
El portugués no es un idioma de verdad
Wrong the cloud officially stopped at the French border. And RBMK can't explode unless you can bring some proof of the contrary?
I told ya you dirty whore
Oh snap!
I was watching a Russian doc on the clean up and a weird fact brought up is cats seemed unaware of the radiation while other animals like chickens were acting alarmed. Consequently cats either died or went bald around their legs.
>Fallout goes out of it's way to avoid Denmark
seems rude desu. Danes aren't THAT bad.
There is way, way more radiation in the core than that. It's radioactive enough to do two Hiroshimas every hour and it will be doing that for literally hundreds of years. But yeah 3 armed babies and shit.
Subscription to Limewire pro?
I consume 3.4 milk a year (cutting back from 4 milk)
What am I looking at?
dumb slut
>When the dog is running after the bus
>Just watched second episode of Chernobyl. Creators of this tv show are real racists! I mean, look at that: there are no any black actors here! Guys, are you serious? Where're your diversity? #ChernobylHBO
>Gorbachev is timetravelling Hodemchuk
More Soviet kino recommendations? Already saw Death of Stalin, and Stalker is on my list.
Radiation fluorescing mammogram?
If I want to learn more about Chernobyl, any book recommendations?
kek, thought of this instantly as well
It's time to accept international help
user, I...
They didn't get to the "cleanup" part yet...
Depends. Do you know Russian?
not good, not horrible
>If you want to understand the Republican Party under Trump you need to watch #ChernobylHBO and face the real horror of human social dynamics. #thisisnotfine
Leviathan is not Soviet but it's kino.
God, I wish I were that radiation
>three point six milk
'Midnight in Chernobyl' by Adam Higginbotham is a very good book, extremely readable, not too technical.
It's Soviet enough.
the cat is fine
shortly after Fukushima the news on the radio kept saying radioactivity in a very large radius around the station was "a million times base level"
what they failed to mention was that "base level" was basically jack shit and a million times that was barely enough radioactivity to equate what you absorb during ransatlantic plane flight even if you stayed in the zone a whole day
>Already saw Death of Stalin, and Stalker is on my list.
These movies, in the same line, separated by a comma... Are you sure you are ready for Stalker?
From the creator of the show
>There is real merit to this argument. The lesson of Chernobyl isn't that modern nuclear power is dangerous. The lesson is that lying, arrogance and suppression of criticism is dangerous.
>The flaws that led to Chernobyl are the same flaws shown by climate change deniers today.
So a week tops
I'm horribly depressed, so yes.
Not great. Not terrible.
>In the second half of the 18th century, Chernobyl became a major center of Hasidic Judaism.
/pol/ was right again
So, in reality, who had the idea to send the three guys for dropping the water ? It's the lava guy ?
>What if it's actually higher?
You are many kinds of fucked and should vacate the premises immediately.
>The flaws that led to Chernobyl are the same flaws shown by climate change deniers today.
The hyperbole around Fukushima was and is infuriating. Gave ammunition to the anti-nuclear retards. Set nuclear energy back a lot.
Did they threaten with court?
it's heavy handed and a sweeping statement but he's not wrong.
Don't worry, Tovarisch. The next episode they reunite them with their owners.
Yes, comrade.
>The lesson is that lying, arrogance and suppression of criticism is dangerous.
Fucking I R O N Y from that cocksucker
How? All dogs go to heaven, but communists go to hell. Don't tell me God would send a doggo to hell.
>he doesn't know about the azores high
Careful or you'll end up at the infirmary
No but my ISP threatened that if they kept getting DMCA complaints they might stop providing me with internet access. It sounded like bluster but I didn't press the issue. There's not a lot of options for internet where I live and the movie sucked anyway.
War and Peace (1966)
Dr Pavel, I'm KGB.
>citing the reality that it's been happening since the industrial revolution started proves it isn't happening
why don't you realize you're just a useful idiot shill for fossil fuels? They're destroying your future and the entire human race is facing an existential crisis. Enjoy the immigration crisis when equatorial nations became uninhabitable cuck.
Viy (1967) if you want to fall in love
Not Soviet, but try this, involves a (coming) disaster and crooked covering ass authorities. Commiblock aesthetics too
>writer unironically compares the covering up of Chernobyl to trump calling cnn fake news
Aside from the feminist mouth piece at least his politics don't come up in the show much.
Perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man before flying him over an exposed reactor housing?
First one to talk gets to fly on my helicopter
>not color corrected
Idiot, there's been several cycles of 'global warming' and 'global cooling' alarmism since the fucking 1700's. It's just unfalsifiable Malthusian nonsense. That's why they switched to the term 'climate change', because then they're never wrong since the climate is always changing - humans or no. The question is how fast and with what consequences. And the Alarmist answer is always 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE UNLESS WE REDUCE THE HUMAN POPULATION (except me and my family) DRASTICALLY WITHIN THE NEXT 50 YEARS'. And then those fifty years pass and... nothing.
And the ironic part is there was hysteria and mass unconfirmed deaths in the years following Chernobyl that turned out to be wrong while the accident was bad , it wasn't THAT bad so he wants to compare it to climate change?
>Korneyev’s sense of humor remained intact, though. He seemed to have no regrets about his life’s work. “Soviet radiation,” he joked, “is the best radiation in the world.”
>this whole post
>First one to explain to me how an RBMK reactor works gets to stay on my helicopter.
keep shucking and jiving nigger you're doing SUCH a good job. You get a gold star from daddy.
>Tell me, how does a marine monster of that size evolve to walk with just two legs? It's imposible, stop spreading misinformation.
lol it's funny how much oil shills lapse into their talking points. Unironically talking like the characters in the show.
>Ehhhh... borsch got soggy. I knew this job wasn't going to be easy.
Nevermind that, Tovarisch. Just continue your work. We must not undermine the fruits of our labor.
Oh shit its the wish granter!
And speaking of oil, remember how we were going to run out?
Can someone pls, for the love of Vladimir I. Lenin, shop Rippletits onto the doctor and the SS+GOMAD book somewhere in there
Stalker is a great movie. Pisses me off that everyone I show it to gets bored by the time they hit the zone. Read Roadside Picnic sometime as well, the end of that book is depressing as fuuuuuuck
>w-we've been talking about this for 100 years you guys
>look at this youtube video
you didn't have an argument my dude. You're destroying the future for no reason other than your circlejerk political nigger shit. Violence against you is justified.
>Comrade, he is shooting lasers from his back
>No no, that's just bioluminiscence, like fireflies, it's typical even with basic organisms.
Mein Fuhrer... 3,6...
lol you people are such faggots
t. incel, but you're still faggots
so is this show actually good?
someone fill me in
>Violence against you is justified.
Well wew'd, my friend.
No need to worry, I will throw the core into the sun like an athlete
post a picture of your hymen
best reaction faces
Far better than capeshit and GoT
Not great, but not terrible.
ideally you should just shoot yourself in the brain. Save everyone else the hassle. Honestly why not?
You're probably going to be a genetic dead end anyway. Just do it shill. Livestream it too.
there is some woman who shows up out of nowhere with the ability to teleport and get into high ranking soviet meetings who ruins it
>so is this show actually good?
Watch it and find out.
Stop spreading misinformation
>Every atom of micro-oxygen is like a bullet. Oxidizing everything that it touches. Toyko Bay currently holds over 3 trillion of these bullets. Some of them will not stop firing for over 50 thousand years.
This man is in shock. Get him to the infirmary.
So it wasn't bullshit that the STALKER games made up.
100 times better than all the capeshit and gotshit this board seems obsessed with
also memes
You're delusional
You mean the Soviet media blackout that didn't allow criticism, almost like how people who think global warming is the leading danger to mankind react?
>tfw have hbogo
>dtill torret the episode cause streaming can get laggy
i-i hope they dont mind
>Autist chan>>Maria Suerovich
Anyone who claims this film is anything other than foreign made anti-State propaganda is spreading misinformation and threatening public safety.
It doesn't actually matter if you seed back or not, any peer can see every other peer whether their download is complete or not. Programs like PeerBlock were made specifically for this reason but it's better if you just don't use public torrents.
if there are no graphte sticks to slow the enutrons doen then how does it still undergo fission?
Tiredfu reminded me that when Knobyl is over I could jupt straight into Godzilla threads
She's such a dork. So much better than the unnecessary "American".
Cargo 200
Not Soviet, but in the correct period.
hahaha take that you Finnish cu......... FUCK
Post your local Nuclear Power station, Yea Forums
Come And See
Reminder that """radiations""" are a meme. Those 3 guys you see for that cheap cliffhanger didn't have any problem.
Tell me about the ball. Why it is so round?
my local station was where they filmed the series
Oh, you poor man
prepare your iodine comrade
This looks like a safe and efficient source of infinite energy for the people's consumption. Cut it's budget and hire Ukrainians.
>What if it's actually higher? think rbmk reactor can explode? Those are dangerous thoughts to be thinking at a time like this...disgraceful really...and not in your best interest!
I don't know if their flashlights died from the flux but there was a real concern they would be fatally irradiated even with their protective gear.
As far as I can tell, they just got lucky.
Say That To My Face Fucker. Not Online. And See What Happens.
Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station
>listening to voices of chernobyl
>real woman talks down to soldier about incident
>real soldier threatens to bash her face in
>fictional woman talks to soldier
>soldier listens to her and brings her to scientists
It's kind of funny.
>Sellafield is a nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear decommissioning site, close to the village of Seascale on the coast of the Irish Sea in Cumbria, England. The site is served by Sellafield railway station.
>Sellafield incorporates the original nuclear reactor site at Windscale, which as of May 2019 is undergoing decommissioning and dismantling, and Calder Hall, a neighbour of Windscale, which is also undergoing decommissioning and dismantling of its four nuclear power generating reactors.
>It is the site of the world's first commercial nuclear power station to generate electricity on an industrial scale.
It's getting wound down, so it won't be dangerous for very much longer.
It still has a few Nuclear Police Officers standing guard outside with their assault rifles (it's quite rare to see armed police officers in the Northern part of Great Britain)
The closest out of active ones in the country, but the ones in Russia are closer to my town.
Anything used to handle nuclear material is going to be dangerous forever.
Forgot the bit where she got arrested? She only got to talk to the scientist because the colonel is kino af
Uh oh
So would sunscreen protect against the radiation burns?
the one that detected the accident outside ussr first
>I'm going to kill the core
Idiot, doesn't he know that we make pencils on the roof?
Based Sellafield
Closest to me is Hinkley Point where EDF is currently ripping the Government off big time with building the new reactor.
>tfw you live in a country where the neither the ISPs or the law gives a single percent of a shit about muh piracy
feels good man
Those soldiers were awfully nice and accommodating.
When will they show some of the famous landmarks like the woodpecker or the Ferris wheel?
You should see the shrink
Not so much. Sunscreen protects in the UV spectrum using aromatic-ring molecules.
The funny thing is for the climate change creator to show unrealistic catastrophic levels of radiation when nuclear power is a actual "clean" energy source.
>Between 1950 and 2000 there were 21 serious incidents or accidents involving off-site radiological releases that warranted a rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale, one at level 5, five at level 4 and fifteen at level 3. Additionally during the 1950s and 1960s there were protracted periods of known, deliberate discharges to the atmosphere of plutonium and irradiated uranium oxide particulates.[75] >These frequent incidents, together with the large 2005 THORP plant leak which was not detected for nine months, have led some to doubt the effectiveness of the managerial processes and safety culture on the site over the years.
>In the effort to build an independent British nuclear weapon in the 1940s and 1950s, the Sellafield plant was constructed; diluted radioactive waste was discharged by pipeline into the Irish Sea. Greenpeace claims that the Irish Sea remains one of the most heavily contaminated seas in the world because of these discharges.
Kek. Nothing personnel, Paddies. ;)
Ơ̸̫̹͆̏̉̚͝ ̷̗̮̟̱̰̖̙͖̺̠̹̦͍̾͝H̸̢̛̦͙̬̻̯̪̦͎̬̦̄́̒̌̂͗̐̿̃͊̍̈́̄ͅͅͅ ̴̧̧̜̥̻̋̒͊̇̾͊͊̃̈́̀͑̓̕̚R̶͍̠̘̳̈́̐͜ ̷͔̮̩̞̉̕E̶̝̙̋̓̎̀́̏̈́́̉͒́̾̃̈́̌ ̶̪̎̇A̴͉̞̱̮̙͍̪̖̰̼̗̝͖̔̃̊̃̊́̓ͅͅ ̵̨̩͖̻̻͓̰̗͓͎̋ͅĹ̸̢͎̥͕̗̘̥͍̞̝̹̠̀́̋͂͗̋ ̸̢̢̰̣̺̯̯͔͚͌͜ͅL̵͓̟̞̥̘͉̫̰̈́̓͜͠ ̴̨̧̳͓͓̬̞̝̰̗̗̣̄̓̀̊̀̋̐̿͌͆̕̕͠ͅŶ̵̨̧̫͖͉̫̘̩͔̱͈̌͒͂̌̈́͛͑̎͒́̃ͅ
>Shit, should we go check that out?
>Nah, it's probably alright
>Closest to me is Hinkley Point where EDF is currently ripping the Government off big time with building the new reactor.
Tenner says that the new reactor never gets finished.
Should I start learning Ukrainian, bros? This show has really got me into it. I'm a friendless NEET, by the way, so I technically have the time to learn it.
Kino colonel = Kino troops?
learn russian, dummy
Nord doesn't allow for torrenting.
>Should I start learning Ukrainian
You mean Russian?
probably the shittiest looking NPP i've ever seen
Absolutely based.
Its crazy how much shit goes wrong at Sellafield.
EDF have already started with the muh brexit stuff but its probably just them angling for more gibs.
>implying goblin DNA doesn't give immunity to ionizing radiation
>diluted radioactive waste was discharged by pipeline into the Irish Sea
Shoren Begorrah! It's like annuda potato famine!
It's just kind of funny you hear about talking back to a real life soviet soldier gets you a punch in the face but she wasn't afraid or anything talking down to them. She wasn't afraid talking down to any of her superiors really, kind of out of charcter for soviet union no?
Now you've done it.
Olkiluoto 3 will hopefully become operational soon. Will be 1600 Mw electrical
Nobody speaks Ukrainian in Ukraine, idiot. It's just a prank that lasts for few centuries now.
Extremely out of character, but the creator explicitly said he wanted a strong female scientist as a middle finger to men.
Hallucinations induced by a lack of ionizing radiation.
>based Sellafield
>so based it set its reactor on fire
>so based it renamed itself to avoid bad pr
Took the Brits two days to realise that the reason their reactor was getting hotter rather than cooler was because they set it on fire. Managed to kill, 240 people with cancer because of it.
get rekt wh*toid and drink your soimilk, enriched with delicious Russian cesium
That's the joke user.
High level kino colonel.
To these moment, there was just one title on the building (hospital) in Ukrainian. There were plenty of content in Russian, though
My neighbours speak ukrainian.
I live in Poland
>EDF have already started with the muh brexit stuff but its probably just them angling for more gibs.
>EDF Energy
>Parent company: Électricité de France
>Majority shareholder (84.5%) in Électricité de France: the French government.
We're fucked lads...
this fucker is 400km upstream from me
am I safe comrades?
Ukranian is just a dialect of Russian
Like Slovakian and Czech or Croatian and Serbian. They're meme languages, only recognized as separate languages due to politics.
How can you live in a country that doesn't exist?
Yes, just don't forget to stock iodine.
Fuck if i know.
C̶̦̝̍́̐͑̒̌͌͆͒̔͠ ̵̧̢̠̠͖̦̰̪͇͚̞͕͂̎͆͋͒ͅǪ̵̜̮̝̏͛̀ ̴͙̺͓̰͉̖̉́͊̿́̈͑̈́́͌̀̾͝ͅM̷͖͎͖̗̠̗̻͙͍̫̮͎̽̓͆͝ ̴̟̳̪̙̳̥͎͆̄̎̈́̎̏͜Ę̴͕̳̇͋ ̵̡̖̺̫̙̯̫͎͖̬̠̻̊̊̾̓̉̏̐̾ͅT̶̛̺̥̙͉̖̩̗͈̯̜̮̄̌́̉̀̾̎̏̔̑͠Ơ̵͙̜͍̹̬͆̓Ṃ̵̢̧̧͖̫̞̍͝E̴͚͒̓͋̿̎͑̓́͆̈́͠͠͠
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Sort of answers your question.
anyone remember that story of those scrapyard dudes who illegally stripped an abandoned CT-scanner? they didn't know what it was, but found some kind of glowing substance inside the machine. one of them was so fascinated by the material he brought it home to his wife and kids. his daughter rubbed it all over her arms while playing with it.
suddenly everyone started getting very sick. it turned out the glowing material was radioactive Caesium-137 (used in medical scanners). the guys daughter and several other family members died horrible deaths from acute radiation syndrome. the little girl received several times the lethal dose.
the guy who originally took the material home to his family actually ended up surviving despite taking the biggest dose of radiation. he became depressed and died from alcohol poisoning after trying to drink the pain away. fucking brutal.
poor fucker killed his whole family and poisoned hundreds of people because some idiot in government didn't want to dispose of the medical equipment properly.
You see? Why won't they come back to Ukraine if the love it and it's language so much? Probably walking around in vyshyvanka too.
we definitely need more rule 34 of reactor chan
Also, poem at the beginning of Ep 2 actually is in Russian (Simonov "Alesha")
>In 2006, responding to persistent allegations that the official figure of 31 direct deaths during and immediately following the disaster omits other confirmed trauma and ARS deaths from the same period, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) revisited the issue. Citing additional deaths from trauma or ARS directly attributable to the disaster during 1986 and 1987 -- including those of a physician and a journalist who arrived at the plant shortly after the reactor explosion and a helicopter crew of Chernobyl liquidators who died in an aerial attempt to pour a decontaminating acetate mixture on a liquidator work area in October 1986 -- UNSCEAR revised the accident's immediate death toll to 54, acknowledging in the process that some groups assessing the same data place the number as low as 49 or as high as 59.
"Trauma", lol, and the helicopter pilots.
Wow, those evil magical radiations! am I right reddit?
If you walked into a nuclear power station with a handful of brazil nuts the radiation alarms would go off.
Chernobyl Prayer by Svetlana Alexievich
How many people did this disaster actually kill? The wiki says 43 basically but that can't be true.
More like radiaZION amirite?
It probably killed over 15 million throughout Europe and Asia, possibly more if you include North America (but it's a little hard to pin it on the fallout).
Maybe after this we will get some Fukushima kino?
Then again we're not going to see the extent of that for years.
Pic related
100% cinemas in Ukraine show films in Ukrainian, all my Ukrainian friends speak Ukrainian. Gtfo, Ivan
Is there an article on this? Like irregular jumps in cancer or something?
>based Dyatlov is only in for 4 episodes
Already got it.
Just watch Shin Godzilla. It is as faithful to the true history as Chernobyl.
Think it was a source for radiation therapy. A ct scanner probably would just use a source for x-rays, which isn't inherently radioactive by itself, but creates those silly, ironically unhealthy, rays on demand.