Is there any equivalent for console wars with TV and film? I remember BD vs HDDVD was a thing for a hot minute, and sometimes shitflinging from other sources crosses over like DC vs Marvel, but I can't think of any huge rivalry between fanbases of different shows/movies/cinematic techniques etc.
Is there any equivalent for console wars with TV and film? I remember BD vs HDDVD was a thing for a hot minute...
Chuck vs Sneed
All those games outside the first three suck and why would someone pretend that the Wii had lots of 3rd party support or good online? What kind of retard picks that hill to die on?
>What kind of retard picks that hill to die on?
I mean there is shit like hulu vs Netflix
Why does he have such shit taste in everything?
>stereotype athletes as dumb as bricks
>while he himself cannot comprehend highschool mathematics
Why am I not surprised he like Other M
not liking ff and twilight is fine rest is pure shit though
Betamax vs VHS
Blu Ray vs HD-DVD
Marvel vs DC
Because he has no personality of his own. He's not so much a beta orbiter as he is THE beta orbiter
Fair call about Twilight. Final Fantasy used to be good a long time ago though.
Your mommy buying you a ticket to a marvel movie doesn’t lock you out of seeing roughly half (or 90%) of all movies that will be made.
>Lol Periodic table u dumb jock
>What the fuck, how do I solve basic equations
This is ironic, right?
No, It's Dobson. He works in a level of logic unavailable for the rest of humans.
People are trying to force some sort of streaming platform war, but everyone laughs at them because only total retards pay for streams.
>Needing a thesaurus for the highly complicated and obscure words "apple" "Dying" and "Wine"
>Liking Other M
>Liking the LoZ Show
>Liking Lady in the Water
>Not understanding why people like cars
A literal child's mentality.
all of the day bro
Someone have that post about him getting angry that his gf saying his art looks 3D and he has a meltdown?
>betamax on the same side as marvel
it adds up
Like he know shit about the periodic table.
>Like he know shit about the periodic table.
That panel is the equivalent of a TV costume designer putting a NASA t-shirt on a kid to show that they're a "genius".
Hey fuck you, Muramasa: The Demon Blade is the best game in that image.
>things that I like
lady in the water is fine
albino, fit, young, bdh is literally PERFECT
Haha the cat talks
>one of the "new IPs" is wii fit
>TV game
based out-of-touch boomer