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PTA only makes bombs and has no Oscars. Leo is right to do it.

PTA is only interested in impressing critics these days. Wish he'd get his head out of his ass

PTA requires nuanced acting. The last time Leo did that was Gilbert Grape.

lol if you think inherent vice and the master were intended to "impress critics" wait until you hear about the shape of water
lewis won for TWBB. every movie he's made since magnolia got many nominations

once again Leo is on top. The madman can't lose

Probably lost his respect for PTA after he killed PSH.

PTA called him a pigfuck

That was Tom Cruise though

it was the olsen twins who sold him the heroin

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As soon as I saw that Phantom Thread was both a period piece and starred DDL, I knew I’d never watch that pretentious garbage. At least I can rewatch Boogie Nights and Magnolia.

Leo is also doing Scorsese's next movie Killers of the Flower Moon, I wonder if that might have caused scheduling conflicts with the other two.

Makes sense. He doesn't need artificial prestige, he wants to be part of visionary journeys.

*Beep beep*

I'm here to pick up my next girlfriend from school soccer practice.

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>leo doing monster movie/creature feature
im ok with this


what a pleb, could at least get himself one of those shitty teslas to keep larping about global warming

Pta probably told him he's a shit actor (because he is)

>imagine that DMV test


The Master and Inherent Vice had pretty polarised reviews

When IS the next PTA film anyway? It's been long enough since PT

i'm not supposed to be divulging this information but it's going to be a harry houdini biopic

It was entertaining desu. Comfy settings and seeing DDL act like this hyper verbose, regal, and refined manchild was hilarious. Doesn't live up to Boogie Nights though.

It's his funniest movie ever. More funny than Boogie Nights, even.

Do a Gilbert Grape sequel Leo. Seeing old, skinny-fat Leo being a massive retard alongside old, burnt out Depp would be funny. And Juliette Lewis could use the money.

Boogie Nights is one of the really good 'rise and fall' movies, along with Goodfellas and Wolf of Wall Street. Has a lot of rewatch value.

what the fuck is pta

They've been driving the same truck and airstream around for 30 years and it's like a year of their wacky adventures?

>Right now, I'm just admiring my own gallantry for eating it the way you've prepared it.
Gotta use a variation of this in real life when some fucker you hate has given you shit to eat yet thinks it's amazing and won't shut up about it.

pussy taint asshole

Del Toro is mediocre as fuck. He should stick to comic book movies.

I agree it's a good one, but it feels a lot more indulgent with its massive cast than his later films. Sometimes it feels like a vehicle for the actors to have fun. With Punch-Drunk Love I think he learnt how to make a lot more focused films.

say that to my face motherfucker

Haven't seen Punch Drunk Love due to my bias against Sandler (yeah, I know I've heard this one shows that he does have talent, but still). So would recommend strongly? But I like PTA stuff that others seem to hate, like Inherent Vice. I probably should watch The Master but it's one of those films that doesn't appeal to me based on the premise and shit.

No Englishman of the generation his character is meant to be of, at the time the film is set, would have used the phrase "right now", so thanks for warning me user, into the trash it goes.


It seems like everyone had fun making Boogie Nights except for Burt. The loose feel of the movie is appealing and the deleted scenes are hilarious.

If your standards are really this strict IRL, I have to wonder what films you actually do enjoy and rate highly.

Punch-Drunk Love is probably his weirdest film. I like it a lot but it's nothing like Boogie Nights or even Phantom Thread. It's a psychopathic rom com. Probably the only good rom com for guys ever made
On first watch I hated The Master. Now I honestly think it will forever sit as the high point of his career. I don't see how he can top it.

What's pretentious about relationship study? Boogie Nights and Magnolia are his worst films. He was just copying Scorsese and Altman. It was distracting. Later on he found his own style. His post Punch Drunk Love filmography is much better. There Will Be Blood, The Master, Inherent Vice and Phantom Thread are much better than Magnolia and Boogie Nights. So is Punch Drunk Love.

Does Scorcese-esque go with the territory of rise and fall period films with lots of drinking and drunks?

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To each his own. I personally find DDL’s over the top method acting insufferable so I hated TWBB and didn’t watch Phantom Thread. I did enjoy The Master quite a bit. Inherent Vice was alright.

Wait really??? Kinda disappointing desu :(

DiCaprio's acting doesn't really fit PTA's post-Magnolio style anyway.

You definitely need to see Punch Drunk Love. Adam Sandler is very food.

No it's literally copying the camera work at some points and some other things. He was aping Scorsese and Altman so hard in those 2 films.
He is more subtle in Phantom Thread. I wouldn't say that he was over the top like he was in TWBB. You should check it out, it's very funny. If you have seen Age of Innocence, he gives similar performance there as he gives in Phantom Thread.

His method acting does strike me was ridiculous, especially when you consider guys like Heath Ledger would act like themselves inbetween the filming. Maintaining an accent I can understand but DDL did some ridiculous shit like refusing help for pneumonia cause modern medicine wasn't period accurate.

However, I will always give him credit simply for the roles he played in The Boxer and In The Name of the Father, cause in both films he played Northern Irish Catholics from Belfast and I never once said 'these two are totally the same guys' despite being played by the same actor with characters of the same background. Compare that with Leo DiCaprio. Really good actor but I am always aware it's Leo whether it's Wolf of Wall Street, Django, Revenant, etc. Always aware it's Leo, whereas I saw the character before DDL in his films, and the Boxer and Name of the Father really illustrate this.


Seeing Nic Cage work with PTA is pretty high up on my kino wishlist.

reminder that DiCaprio is an idiot

literal Leonardo Retardo

even a middling PTA film is better than del toro's best

a middling apple pie is better than PTA's best

post traumatic asshole

Mmm... middling apple pie

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mmm... seeds

It's very difficult for any period movie set within the period that cinema has existed to satisfy me, because I mostly watch pre-1970 movies, so if the cadences of the speech are at all anachronistic, I pick up on it.

>It's a psychopathic rom com. Probably the only good rom com for guys ever made
A radical feminist is screenshotting this as we speak.

is PTA still being bankrolled by Larry Ellison's daughter?

Magnolia doesn't look like an Altman to me, though I see where you're perceiving the influence.

Phantom Thread is heavily derivative of Terence Davies, though.

straight from isreal

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Magnolia was very similar to Short Cuts from what i remember. Phantom Thread was more like Max Ophuls for me, but it wasn't distracting. I haven't seen anything from Davies yet.


hey user here. I've worked on a bunch of del toro's movies.

I believe this might be for Fantastic Voyage. A remake of the original. I know he was working on this and coming up with previs stuff for it. this was also a year ago.
Pretty sure its for this project tho.

Leonardo DiCaprio in Talks to Star in Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Nightmare Alley’ (EXCLUSIVE)

>While there is a 1947 Fox pic, this film will be more based on the William Lindsay Gresham novel of the same name. The 1947 movie starred Tyrone Power as an ambitious young con-man who teams up with a female psychiatrist who is even more corrupt than he is. At first, they enjoy success fleecing people with their mentalist act, but then she turns the tables on him, out-manipulating the manipulator.

>The film shoots this fall as del Toro fills out the remaining roles.

hmm its been sometime since I worked with the guy. but i do know he is doing a fantastic voyage movie.
cool to know.

more background info I know.

since crimson peak flopped they were really nervous about giving him money. He had to put his own money in for Shape of Water .Well we all know what happened after that.
so now they will greenlight anything he wants to do.

You have to remember though that people didn't just speak differently years back, but they spoke differently when acting then they did in real life. Ever watch a play? People don't speak the way they "naturally" do. Movies have continuously shifted more towards naturalistic dialogue but the difference was far greater in the past.

I'm glad based Leo is BTFOing this faggot.

PTA is a shabbos goy kike stooge hack.

That's pretty based. He's a confident enough alpha Chad to not need a Porche or Ferrari or some shit.

Volvo (not even Swedish änymore)
Jail bait (based)
Based (based)

it's not fair

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Boogie Nights is def influenced by Goodfellas and Raging Bull, but is enough of its own thing to stand on its own. It's highly rewatchable. One of those movies you can skip to any scene and it will be a great scene. Also has my favorite ensemble cast of the '90s and possibly the best ensemble since The Godfather.

Smart move desu

lmao the state of redditors
>Boogie Nights is def influenced by Goodfellas and Raging Bull
gee ya think? thanks for the insight Ebert
> but is enough of its own thing to stand on its own
> It's highly rewatchable
maybe if you're a teenage numale millenial with the brain capacity of a squirrel
>One of those movies you can skip to any scene and it will be a great scene
yeah love the pool party. and how about the disco party. and the house party. and the new year party. and the... oh you know what I just realized? all the scenes are the exact fucking same with zero depth
>Also has my favorite ensemble cast of the '90s and possibly the best ensemble since The Godfather.
imagine having such a shallow depth of cinematic knowledge that you feel this way, and having so little self awareness that you actually share this cringe opinion with others
holy fucking embarrassment and reddit

Fucking based. PTA is a HACK.

based. love when redditors come over here trying to sound artsy and pretentious and they just get completely btfo. fuck reddit and fuck PTA.

It's so derivative that for me it can't stand on its own. There are some good scenes i will admit that. I also disagree that it's the best ensemble cast since The Godfather.
And Del Toro isn't? PTA is one of a few american directors that are actually good.


Living american directors i mean.

Great argument you fucking faggot.

kys ya sensitve numale redditor

No, you.

what is PTA?
pic unrelated

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Phosphate acetyltransferase

Bull fucking shit. I'll believe it when I see it

>period piece and starring DDL
>"must be pretentious"
I hope this is a troll post

its sauce user, that's what we say on the channs. it from "the 100" S1E1

What or who is PTA? The parent school pta?

People misuse the word pretentious all the time. They usually use it when they don't understand something or dislike something. Usually they dislike it because they are too stupid to follow the basic themes of the film.

Paul Thomas Anderson....Director

Never heard of him

t. the type of faggots that ruin Yea Forums

You're probably those kind of gatekeeping faggots that scream about reddit spacing 24/7 despite the 'reddit spacing' being used by oldfags way back in like 2003. So fucking insecure about your status on a anonymous Taiwanese board that you scream reddit whenever someone posts something that penetrates that thin skin of yours.

Pathetic. Let me guess, the replies are gonna be something like 'seething' or 't. reddit'? Dumb gatekeeping newfags are predictable as hell[/spoilers]

>Never heard of him

I had to look it up on google. Never heard of him either.

Paul Thomas Anderson, new friend

Porsche is not a show off car its what people who like driving buy to go to the track. unless you are talking about that onions u v

Inherent Vice was kino. The book was great too - even Pynchon's weaker (i.e. more accessible) books are an order of magnitude better than most other author's output. Besides, it's not like anyone could ever adapt Gravity's Rainbow, Against The Day, or Mason & Dixon.

He also turned down an Inarritu script for this btw.

not even the best ensemble cast of the 90s

This. Casino, Short Cuts, Usual Suspects, Heat all had a better ensemble cast. I'm sure there are more.

It's about the Harlem renaissance.

go back to plebbit youre not fooling me

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This right here is peak contrarianism

How close were they?

>their mentalist act

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Shape of Water flopped though. Are the investors really that impressed by fake awards?

how the fuck did he get popular
he can't act and has no screen presence


Low IQ bait.

Step aside

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Magnolia is his most pretentious film.

Telsa model 3 are actually neat
The van and luxury versions are ass


the PTA has disbanded!

This. He should make a Marvel movie. Critics love those.

PTA-Mark Wahlberg kino is back on the menu boys.