The GoT prequel has got to be out of the park. I know from early descriptions it sounds like an SJW fest...

The GoT prequel has got to be out of the park. I know from early descriptions it sounds like an SJW fest, but HBO isn’t Disney and this franchise is their only golden goose. They can’t afford to dick around and test the audience. And after the backlash of Season 8 they can’t settle for mediocre. Any bets or predictions?

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Naomi Watts is the main character of the Long Night prequel... its also full of niggers... its dead in the water. Bury it

I'm hoping it's about robert's rebellion, it would be neat to see the adventures of young ned and robert, as well as stannis' hold of storm's end

>I know from early descriptions it sounds like an SJW fest
you guys must be insufferable in real life

its set 5000 years before the current events

Anything they do without using GRRMs books as a blueprint will be trash. GoT seasons 1-4 were good because they took the best aspects of the books and adapted it to the screen. Writers in Hollywood are creative hacks when it comes to writing original material

Only a complete retard would invest themselves in yet another GoT dumpster fire.

It’s children of the forest shit

You clearly don't have a life, people are a lot more open about this stuff IRL where it all isn't recorded. Imagine how shit the casting choices would have been if they where picking them based on today's influences.

I know OP is insufferable because I do interact with them regularly. Literally all they need to call a show SJW is to see a black man in the casting list, just like how they see me as a tall white man and that's all they need to feel safe to spew drivel. It's such surface level thinking.

This is HBO we are talking about. All the shows they are currently advertising minus Chernobyl are all about lesbians and cross dressing. Fears that HBO might get cocky are reasonable.

remember the idiots calling The Leftovers SJW because black people got cast for season 2 and it was kino? when you guys cry and moan every single time you see a black person, it makes you look idiotic and encourages other people to double down on diversity simply to separate themselves from you

Don't you have a hard time watching cinematography weakened by forced thematics in the name of "progress"?

>you guys
>Yea Forums is one person
what did he mean by this?


That’s actually part of my point. I’m not writing the show off. There are definitely people that kind of get too worked up over nothing. I’m not. This could very well surpass D&D or it could be absolute shit. It’s still being made so we just have to wait for promo stuff.

There are no non blacks in any Nigerian media so why must we have niggers in ours?

Are there even any good writers to choose from anymore? Seems like every TV show and movie within the last few years fucking blows.

they are all going to be absolutely terrible, we all know this

This right here is exactly it. 7 years ago a women director or the annnocmemt of black characters wouldn’t alarm me at all. Hollywood liberals dilbertly say they just want to put people in positions of race and sex regardless of merit or care for the lore.

Showing the rebellion kills its appeal from the perspective of the mythology. It'd be as dumb as showing the Tower Of Joy duel in its entirety

Oh wait...

Are there any non-blacks left in Nigeria?

>Black people all over Westeros
No, it's not even racism, it's just the fact that I can't stand politics trampling over in-universe consistency.

If they wanted their casting to look like fucking Black Panther, they should've set it in the Summer Isles.

leftovers is total garbage and you're retarded

Literal bullshit but OK.

>bronn is 3cp0 in this depiction... YIKES
should be varys

Nothing sounds more unappealing than a children of the forest and white walker spin off.

jesus christ poltards, you're like a slav calling themselves roman

white walkers are forever tarnished

People wouldn’t complain if Africans, and sometimes others, weren’t shoved into every thing purely for retarded far left politics: from white character roles in the MCU (even Asgard of all fucking places), and even dramas about historically 100% white events from the history of EUROPE. It’s fucking racism, therefore you are a racist for supporting it yet you have been brainwashed into thinking it’s progressive.

>muh racial authenticity!
>crickets on all other historical anachronisms

it's like you guys desperately search for some reason to sound intelligent and educated but the only criticism you can muster up is race even when other historical stories have blatant errors for technology, fashion, society, culture, etc.

>The First Men were niggers
Did you even bother reading the books? Of course not, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You're just trying to justify shoehorning diversity into a place where it has no real reason to exist.

Have fun lashing out at the /pol/ boogeyman, I'm not a /pol/tard at all, I'm just sick of blatant political pandering being given precedent over in-universe consistency. This shit is absolutely toxic. Honestly, that's probably half the reason they shot down Robert's Rebellion proposals, which would've been kino and contextualized GOT. They simply wouldn't be able to shoehorn in blacks as easily. Now, they can turn the clocks back 5000 years and have showfags carry water for them. Kill yourself.

The average person is indifferent and/or supportive of SJW stuff in their media. Even most of this board is left-wing.

It's not set in just Westeros, you dopes. It takes place all over the world because the Long Night is a worldwide event. That's why it's called Bloodmoon. It's about the Bloodstone Emperor, the Yitish chink who started the first Long Night.

>Historical anachronisms though
Which are established in books. This isn't an adaptation of medieval Europe, it's loosely based on it. Whatever might have been anachronistic for medieval Europe isn't so in Westeros, and doesn't undermine the internal consistency of the story. Is that really such a difficult concept?

>It's like you guys desperately search for some reason to sound intelligent and educated
Isn't that exactly what you're doing here? You're coming in with some overeducated gotcha take that misses the fundamental criticism entirely

>The First Men were niggers
literal science

Nope. No matter how reasonable you are you can get through to these people. They’ll call you a racist and say get a vasectomy even though you’re just making observations and not being racist in any way. Now, some asshole will come along saying LALALALA RACIST KILL WHITES LLALALALALALA there’s no point, these people are braindead and conditioned by media to think of everything as racist

You’ve seen Fallout 76, it can happen, you just don’t want it to, me on the other hand would like a shitfest

Again with the bullshit and goalpost moving. It’s actually common for people to rip into historical dramas because of things like inaccurate tech and the relationships between characters. Why would any logical person cast a Nigerian Jew as a white French Catholic queen who actually existed? You’d be shitting your pants on Twitter if it was reversed just because of race, and rightly so because it’s racist.

>”left wing”
You mean seething racists?

I agree. It would be like watching another season of true detective. By this point you know it’s gonna be poorly written, pointless violence and nudity the usual HBO stuff low IQ morons who can’t read a book or get some real hobby watch.

That sounds cool. So we will finally get to see some asians? I know places like that exist from what book fags have told me. Could be world building kino.

Not even most of California is supportive of it.

That’s what leftards do, but the dumb cunt is wrong anyway because those other elements do get scrutinised.

I've never met someone IRL who actually supports it besides one fat acceptance girl and even then she hated SJWism

People say "they hate forced diversity" but they still say shit like "diversity is good" and "women should have more representation" and what not. They are not the militant twitter types who whine about literally everything and anything but they will sooner side with SJWs than anti-sjws. Maybe I just live in a big city though.

>The GoT prequel
fuck that, fuck prequels
give me sci-fi Westeros

>people hate forced diversity
>better box office than ever
maybe if poltards want less diversity they should stop pirating everything. the market goes where the money is

After season 8 of got normies won't care so it'll be cancelled after season 1.

>HBO isn’t Disney and this franchise is their only golden goose. They can’t afford to dick around
See If HBO is truly under new management and changing formats, then they have no interest in maintaining long-running franchises. Anything is fair game to fund or cancel, just as long as it's cheap to do so.

>I'm not a /pol/tard at all,
>I'm just sick of blatant political pandering being given precedent over in-universe consistency.
Being sick of political pandering is peak /pol/ though. That's not a bad thing. Not sure why you fence sitters are so quick to distance yourselves from that board. They may be extremely edgy at times, but their hot takes are less hot than you would like to admit.

>I'm not a /pol/tard I just spend all my time online complaining about diversity, trust me I wish I could vote for Obama for a third term

>KILL WHITES: the media giant
Sorry, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to get mad about racism.
>t. Leader of the Avengers
fuck you, racist leftist retard

These posts might be hard to read, but point wise they're absolutely correct.

that'd be the most stupid thing they could do
there's a reason the sillmarillion isn't a movie

are you ready to be subverted?

It's being written by George himself, it should be 100% kino. There's also only one nigger thats been cast and one spic. So, I doubt we'll be seeing much of them. If anything, we'll only see them in their respective homes, such as the summer isles for negros,

GRRM is working on the prequels.

Have sex.

This is good. I don’t mind exploring and fleshing out Essos. That black pirate guy who appears once every other seasons is one of my favorites. Shame he never got to fuk da queen during the war.

I don't really care tbqh and it will be mediocre


Leftards this ends in one way with niggers taking your jobs and houses, eventually there will no whites in any media only niggers and jews.

Look, I hate forced niggers too. For example with the next episode of Chernobyl they have one despite Ukraine probably being the most hostile place for a negro in Europe. But the difference with ASOIAF is that there are entire other continents that have been explored in other books by GRRM. There are blacks, asians, dwarves and shite. I don't mind if there is like one or two niggers in the show, hell I don't mind if they go to the Summer Isles in the show where its full of them. As long as it makes sense.

This. Just make it feel natural.

>For example with the next episode of Chernobyl they have one despite

The purpose of blacks in an media can easily be replaced by a middle eastern person blacks are completely unnecessary in any media outside of Africa and thats the truth. Blacks were so unheard of in medieval Europe despite (((historians))) claiming so that it wasnt until the slave trade that west whitey began thinking of them as stupid subhumans.

Dunk and egg/ Blackfyre rebellion is there best choice, but wouldnt be surprised if George said fuck em and refused to let them take from his books apposed to them creating something in his world

>just make it feel natural
>Yea Forums rages against black panther for a year

Valyrian Freehold prequel is here:

>"This story centers on the decline and fall of Valyria, a colonial empire which ruled half of the known world at its height. It reveals the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within. A major focus of this prequel is on diversity, as it deals with issues of immigration, naturalization, and cultural identity - all within a multi-ethnic democratic state. The central conflict that kicks off the series is, "what does it mean to be 'Valyrian', and who gets to share in that power and prestige?"

The series is going to be an metaphor for North America.


Attached: Valyria_on_the_Doom.png (1300x768, 1.07M)

The SIlmarillion isn't a movie because it's basically an encyclopedia, not a story.

>their only golden goose

This is HBO, they've been doing it for over 20 years. You think they don't have more in the pipeline? They always have a hit.

>A major focus of this prequel is on diversity, as it deals with issues of immigration, naturalization, and cultural identity - all within a multi-ethnic democratic state.

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Reminder any diversity good argument is debunked by the existence of China and Japan.

that's literally a metaphor for Rome you illiterate phillistine

Making it about national identity? Talk about meta and divisive. Not saying they couldn’t pull it off but nuance is not a strong suit of Hollywood at the moment. Will probably have a Trump cameo.

i cant even imagine being so autistic that having women and minorities as characters is so distracting that you cant enjoy the show

wrong out of africa is a bunch of bullshit nigger