Be peasant Northman

>be peasant Northman
>dad died fighting in the south against the mad king and his southern supporters
>hear about southerners cheering for the death of Ned Stark, the bloke who actually helped us commoners out
>brother died fighting for Robb against more fucking southerners
>other brother got stabbed in the back at the red wedding by FUCKING SOUTHERNERS
>spent years living under tyranny of the Bolton’s, who were backed by FUCKING SOUTHERN CUNTS
>lose all of my friends and remaining family to the white walkers while the southern bastards leave us to rot, even though they know they’ll die too if we fail
>manage to defeat the white walkers without their help
>finally get the chance to have some revenge
>kill some evil southerners
>try to rape a southern whore to get over my PTSD
>Jon Snow kills me

Did he deserve it?

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>i-im the victim here
nah vro put your cock away

Strike your commander, you die. No mutiny tolerated.

>Did he deserve it?

He had a boner, Jon should’ve known he couldn’t control his actions. He himself broke his oath due to a boner


Whatever the rules in the GoT universe, our real world has specific rules we recognize, in that Dany committed a war crime by executive (a) soldiers who had surrendered, and (b) innocent civilians.

Another war crime is raping the locals, but where Dany went balls-out batshit, Jon saw a crime being committed and stopped it.

This scene seemed too absurd even by the standards of this series. Has a random grunt EVER killed his own king when ordered to stop raping?

Reminder that Stannis had rapists in his army hung and other lords including Randyll Tarly had them gelded.

>Raping in the MIDDLE of a siege
>Attacking your superior

He was an idiot. Death will set him on the right path.

Jon gave him a chance to walk away.