>be peasant Northman >dad died fighting in the south against the mad king and his southern supporters >hear about southerners cheering for the death of Ned Stark, the bloke who actually helped us commoners out >brother died fighting for Robb against more fucking southerners >other brother got stabbed in the back at the red wedding by FUCKING SOUTHERNERS >spent years living under tyranny of the Bolton’s, who were backed by FUCKING SOUTHERN CUNTS >lose all of my friends and remaining family to the white walkers while the southern bastards leave us to rot, even though they know they’ll die too if we fail >manage to defeat the white walkers without their help >finally get the chance to have some revenge >kill some evil southerners >try to rape a southern whore to get over my PTSD >Jon Snow kills me
Strike your commander, you die. No mutiny tolerated.
Grayson King
>Did he deserve it? yes
Ian Martinez
He had a boner, Jon should’ve known he couldn’t control his actions. He himself broke his oath due to a boner
Mason Gonzalez
Whatever the rules in the GoT universe, our real world has specific rules we recognize, in that Dany committed a war crime by executive (a) soldiers who had surrendered, and (b) innocent civilians.
Another war crime is raping the locals, but where Dany went balls-out batshit, Jon saw a crime being committed and stopped it.
Justin Davis
This scene seemed too absurd even by the standards of this series. Has a random grunt EVER killed his own king when ordered to stop raping?
Jaxon Price
Reminder that Stannis had rapists in his army hung and other lords including Randyll Tarly had them gelded.
Elijah Edwards
>Raping in the MIDDLE of a siege >Attacking your superior
He was an idiot. Death will set him on the right path.