Why did he cry? Who was he? Just an agent if Sauronman?
Why did he cry? Who was he? Just an agent if Sauronman?
The scene was too epic for him
Grima probably thought that he had been waging usual political games for power with Saruman against Theoden, but when he saw the army he understood the fate of human race was at stake.
>i'm going to call my spy wormtongue
What did Saruman mean by this?
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
overwhelmed by emotions. Yes just a Rohan man and spy of saruman.
He was a jew.
I see, thanks
Why did the gods even hire this guy and gave him his powers? Couldn't they tell by the name that he would be villain material? That's as retarded as listening to advice from a guy named wormtongue.
He though about the cost and tax increase necessary to mantain such army.
his name was grima, "wormtongue" was given to him because of his nature
Because Uruk hai are orc kino
>Who was he?
Singer for The Misfits.
A doctor, a scientist, a teacher, a surgeon, an engineer.
He realized that this army is going to kill everything and everyone he knew and it's put him in shock and disbelief
Literally snoked. And people say this is a good written story.
most intimidating portrayal of orcs I've ever seen. God I fucking love that trilogy
He was an incel who just realized that he would never have sex. Truly /ourguy/
You laugh but the orcs are canonically better at science and industry than every other race.
Orcs are black people, this image is racist
lol what, where did you get this info? how can they be compared to the amazing mining industry of the dwarves and the healing science of the elves?
its kind of a meme that people take the industrialization of the orcs literally. In the shadow of war game some of the orc fortresses look straight up ripped from Victorian England
It is literally in the fucking books. The orks and goblins are always described as industry-heavy and innovative because Tolkien hated the Industrial Revolution and technological progress.
>Tolkien hated the Industrial Revolution and technological progress.
Reminder that """people""" on this board actually believe this.
Theoden was willing to forgive him for the unthinkable simply because of his heritage. The act of forgiveness and compassion was literally beyond his understanding.
no, it's not in the fucking books. you said they're BETTER than any other race, and I'd like a citation
He knew Gandalf would influence the king on dropping import tariffs and that would destroy Rohan's industry while only making the (((elves))) richer.