When's the last time you walked out of a movie?

When's the last time you walked out of a movie?
For me, it was Benjamin Button

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walked out of avengers after I realized there were no end credits scenes

Alita made me walk out.

Walked out of Shindler's List after finishing my wank

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>it was Benjamin Button
Why ? not much cgi you fag ? Oh wait...

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Never because even if the movie is shit I don't want to disturb people.

But if I had to do it, probably for justice league

For me it was Sneeds adventures in Guatemala

ending of that movie made me cry, bet you couldnt handle your emotions and fleed like a bitch

walked out of the simpsons movie when i saw there was no SNEED

I didn't walk out on American Hustle, but I came really really close to it. it's a shitty movie other than Louis CK but the first 15 minutes is especially bad. Amy Adams is just awful.


Doesn't that mean u likely walked out at the credits?
U missed the post credits scene............

I walked out of The Poke of Zorro

Absolutely based

I never had the misfortune but I really considered it during The Wolfman, I think the only thing that kept me watching was Emily Blunt, It was the first time I saw her.

Closest to walking out of the cinema was Hercules with The Rock and it was actually the only time i was not satisfied with a movie in cinema.

get Chucked

Walked out of "The Poke of Zorro" because I wanted to challenge people to a duel.

I can't wait for The Simpsons Movie 2: The Return of Chuck.

I didn't even get my money back because it was almost over but
>love is the one thing that transcends time and space
you gotta be fucking kidding me never been so pissed walking out of a theater did a 40 year old housewife write this screenplay?

Could have been a decent movie until that bullshit.

I walked out of the Sneedsons movie when Homer jumped gorg.

I never walked out because I'm always with friends, but I honestly thought about it while watching Lucy.

took a girl to see Atonement in high school
we walked out right when the time-skip to the war happened because we were both so pissed off at what that sister character did
ironically we missed the war stuff which was the best part of the movie

>walking out of a movie
Do city slickers really do this?

I never do. Even when watching a movie at home I always watch till the end. I’m not equipped to give it a score if I haven’t seen it to the end.

Feardotcom. Got a ticket to see Swim Fan instead. Other than that, I got a refund for my ticket to see Annabelle because the niggers st the Crenshaw mall were too fucking disruptive to enjoy the movie. me and my girl walked right out of that.

Why would you walk out of a movie you'd pay for? I'd stick it out, just to get my money's worth

>"I am Homer Simpson." Think you're the only city slicker in the world? Mr. Simpson, you've become part of a bigger farm. You just don't know it yet.
>Who the hell are you?
>Chuck Sneed, director of S.N.E.E.D. I'm here to talk to you about the Tomacco Initiative.

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>be me
>be 8 years old
>go see Scream 2 with mommy
>Scream was childhood kino
>had to see the sequel
>movie starts in movie theater
>oh shit omar epps gets stabbed in the ear in bathroom
>ghost face in theater
>he stabs Jada Pinket to death
>think Ghostface is going to get me in theater
>tell mommy I'm too scared
>we go into Titanic when the boat starts sinking
>it was also scary but kino

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Chuck and Buck (2000)

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