Woah guys you told me the nazis were the good guys wtf!

woah guys you told me the nazis were the good guys wtf!

Attached: come-and-see.jpg (1000x625, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I never said that

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>slav looks scared cuz bad nazis for 3 hours: the movie
yes op i got tricked too, thankfully i watched most of it on 1.5x speed so it wasnt as bad as it could have been

Barbarossa was preemptive strike. Soviets were going to attack and would have conquered more of Europe without germany’s sacrifices.

Fuck slavs, also karma is a bitch judging by modern Russia.

based soviet and redarmy-ed

IRL it was even worse. Some of the things the Nazis did are too gruesome to put on film in the US.

Nazis were idiots led by a psychopath who destroyed his people and lost ancestral German lands.

Like what, and please do provide a source, I would hate to call you a retarded nigger who pulls shit out of his ass.

how damaged am i that i can relate on a visceral level to the original version of this pic?
give it to me straight pls

>he hasn’t read Stumbling Collosus


Everytime a filthy mutt starts rambling about how cool the nazis were I have the urge to cringe.

Imagine what your veteran grandpa Eugene would think about of your mixedrace fatass crying about "muh hit-tler" on an anime imageboard.

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You misunderstand.
Germans are the bad guys, not nazis.

Shut Jerry go get your wife fucked by a race.

The experiments they did? The mass rapes? Machine-gunning POWs in the legs, dousing them with gasoline, and setting them on fire? Injecting chemicals into twins' eyes?

>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your luger with you"

there's hardly any "good guys" in war

Attached: Idi i smotriCome And SeeИди и смотри(1985)_snapshot_01.56.35_.jpg (704x528, 40K)

90% of nazi-boos are being ironic tho, say what you want about Yea Forums but most people here are just shitposting to get a reaction

>ancestral German lands
No such thing. Germany didn't become unified until late in the game, and as soon as they did they embarked on a mission to destroy europe.

Attached: oscar.png (900x900, 713K)

The germans first unified to dab on the romans and slavs never stopped being butthurt about it

>most people here are just shitposting to get a reaction
ahahah nope, this was the case a long time ago but today it's full of people who respond seriously to the silliest sarcast bait posts.

>formed voluntarily through unification of German speaking states
>other European countries
>some monarch chimped out and blobbed and subjugated all their neighbors
Germany is the most peaceful nation

i was there, it all happened

the nazis were the good guys by the way. 1488 killniggers killkikes

bad job at ironic false flagging

Leningrad was never under German control.

Supply regime was decided by Soviets, so if they decided to use only part of available transport capacity for food, preferring to use the rest to supply the production facilities, rather than people, it was their decision, not German one.

they were, the main characters in this film were commies.

Post the dancing scene

Not what happened.
t. read about the siege

>you told me
/pol/ told you that, not Yea Forums
Nazis were pop-evil faggots who traumatized europe beyond imaginable and deserved everything they got post-ww2, but they gave us cool aesthetics to jerk over to and life lessons why you shouldn't get your audacious & superficial "superiority" get over your head.
If you /pol/kid still doubt the gruesome autism of nazis, study who dirlewanger brigade were from it's origins, the movie is based on them and no /pol/schizo can't deny it like holohoax.

Whats the name of this movie?

1. Leningrad was never under German control.
2. Proportion of food in supply link was decided by Soviets.

Which point you do not agree with?

arrive and watch

their grand fathers died last year after getting sucker punched by jamal while on their way to the VA office.

The same VA office that recently filed for bankruptcy but was able to sell the funeral plots of deceased soldiers. The buyer used the rotted corpses as fossil fuels to power the back up generators in a south korean hosptial that practices new born circumcision. All the foreskin is ground up and infused into anti-aging face cream and shipped by to the US where celebrities shill for it on instagram.


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My grandpa was a German POW and said the guards were chill as fuck and just played football the whole time


Leningrad was sieged by Germans and they almost entirely cut the city supply except one road they faild to take.
The city was starved and it's supplies were bombed rutenly.
It wouldn't even matter if Germans took it, since starvation was always the plan, read Hunger plan.

Leningrad wasn't the only crime germans commited, the hunger plan, soviet pow starvation and shooting, rotterdam bombings, entire occupation of Poland, Occupation of Crimea, Countless massacres, Occupation of Belarus where Dirlefaggots were stationed etc.
You should stfu and go /pol/ where nazi saints dinduniffin and tried to save europe from itself.

The city was literally under siege. Do you not know how war works?

>The experiments they did?
no idea what you're talking about
>The mass rapes?
That was the Soviet army
>Machine-gunning POWs in the legs, dousing them with gasoline, and setting them on fire?
Ridiculous Jew victim fantasy, never happened
>Injecting chemicals into twins' eyes?
See above

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Which country? The incident I mentioned was in France

Cum in Sea

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Hey look a Wehraboo


look it up faggot, its real

Is he naked?

>no idea what you're talking about
>That was the Soviet army
>Ridiculous Jew victim fantasy, never happened

I'd love to talk about how beautiful Come and See is one day.

They are

My granddfather (RIP) was ukranian (married my grandmother but not my mother's father) and came here to Britain some time around the war, he never really talked about it much i was only a kid when I knew him but I distinctly remember him saying multiple times whenever something relevant came on TV, "BLUTTY JEWS", it was like an in-joke, haha granda is going off about the jews again. Wonder what happened

>American Education

Holy shit is the Matrix IRL


>90% of nazi-boos are being ironic
Oh look another reddotard. You gonna claim the racism we use is ironic as well?

All of those things are well recorded.

>Sourcing Wikipedia

So you don’t have any real sources ?

>The mass rapes
That never happened. You're thinking of the Russians.

>Rape prepubescent german nazi girls in 1930's
>Nazis award you with entire brigade of recidists and fellow rapists
>Let loose in Poland
>Let loose in Belarus
>Massacre thousands of poles
>Rape even the polish nurses who heal wounded wehrmacht soldiers
Were nazis pro-rape movement?

Well were are the records

The Jews have you programmed well.

I wish there was more love in the world, I'm so tired of seeing people in pain

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Have sex.

Someone post a source to the mass rape of an Italian city by allies after “liberating” them from the Germans

"Why did you pick up the rifle, Florya?"

Attached: Idi i smotriCome And SeeИди и смотри(1985)_snapshot_00.57.15_.jpg (704x528, 109K)

Go to a gay bar and let every homo in there rawdog you. Then kill yourself.

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t. butthurt

He was a pilot who was shot down over France. The only bad part was that no one had anything to eat, other than that it was just guys being dudes.


great film

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Pilots were the most privileged POWs.

no not love as in ass sex love I meant love as in people recognizing themselves in others love

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>All of those things are well recorded.

People always say this, then when they get asked for those documents they say the Germans destroyed them all to hide their supposed crimes.

Very convenient.

Soviets used only part of transport capacity for food, reserving place for production supplies.
You dispute that?

>Leningrad was sieged by Germans
It was not taken.
You dispute that?

>except one road they faild to take.
There was no road. "Road of Life" is Ladoga Lake.

>It wouldn't even matter if Germans took it
They didn't. We aren't discussing what if scenarios.

>Leningrad wasn't the only crime germans commited
Leningrad was never under German control.
You dispute that?

>starvation and shooting, bombings, occupation
Yes. Doesn't make Germans responsible for Soviet decisions, however.

>You should stfu and go /pol/ where nazi saints dinduniffin and tried to save europe from itself.
Same to you.

Pilots were treated well from both sides in the war.


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It's only some of the documents that were burned. A lot of evidence survived in other forms though.

Here are my statements:

1: The city was never under German control.
2: It was Soviets who decided that food will take limited percentage of whole supply volume.

Please, name which number is wrong and provide explanation.

here you go little guy

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Don't you have a cock to suck somewhere?
Yes let others physically recognise themselves in your butthole and fill it with their love.

I'm a holocaust survivor. None of it happened, it was really more like an adult day care. They had to make some hard choices about rations though towards the end of the war

such as (((survivors))) telling their (((stories))) about how the nassis literally gassed their grandma when she was only 8 years old? mhmm.

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Did you not read the post?

Do you not understand how a siege works? The entire goal is to starve your enemy out and not have to assault a fortified position. We have been doing that ever since castles were built

I'm a naziboo only when it come to their science and technology, the end years of the war brought up some peculiar ingenuity

>1.5x speed
>wasnt as bad

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I sincerely didn't get this scene. Literally went "For what purpose?" in my head


oy vey dose evil nazis turned my grandfaddah into a lampshade aftah dey killed him in a mastahbation machine

Not all the camps were terrible throughout the war. Some were apparently decent early on in particular, though they did have trouble with supplies later on. The extermination camps were hell on Earth though.

Which number is wrong? Just name it.

Oh, sure thing Schlomo. Convenient excuse.

>Wehraboos deny warcrimes as hard as the nips and weebs

Children exerting their pure innocence and joy for the last time in their life. Completely alone in blissful nature, sort of like Adam and Eve

approach and behold

If you didn't know that simple fact about pilot POW treatment you must be either baiting or a legitimate 13 year old discord zoomer.

Enter Low Orbit and Take Sensor Readings

You're being disingenuous. That's what.


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can somebody please explain to me this conundrum
what makes you think that an actually SS officer didn't do any of it it when you who are a sheltered discord zoomer on a computer alone like the thought of it

>he is making that face again
wooooaaahh kino

He never makes that facial expression before in the film.

The fuck does it even means?
For a second I will humor you and repeat, bazillionths time, the point of my statements.

It was Germans who besieged Leningrad.
It was Soviets who decided to use only part of supply link for food, despite mass starvation, wishing to keep production facilities running at the expense of human lives.

But I bet you will not ever make any direct counterclaims, only babble vaguely disapproving things.

I was there. Can confirm hell on earth. I only lived by some miracle as the gas didn't affect children under a certain age.

>nazis never did anything bad or committed war crimes
>all the atrocities were committed by the allies
>if you believe otherwise then you're a brainwashed goyim

It's war. It is highly likely that both sides did atrocious, inhuman things and at that point it's really not productive to compare how many people were massacred on each side, no one was any more righteous than the other. German, Russian, any other nation, it's irrelevant. What matters is leaving these events behind, and healing the terrible wounds left by human conflict. Building a secure society for future generations to further medicine, technology, arts, and ultimately the human race.

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>Dont keep enough supplies for the army
>Get overrun by the Germans
>Even more dead

Astounding strategic thinking there user. The soviets should have taken your advice and be better fed for when they get liquidated

And now the historians come and say "uhhhh we can't build a secure future if we don't deal with the past first" and we go round and round till infinity

> Building a secure society for future generations to further medicine, technology, arts, and ultimately the human race.

Human race is the one who commits all those violent things since time immemorial.

Should we really clamor for it's proliferation and procreation?

Should we really pretend we do not know our own nature and do nothing about it, perpetuating the endless cycle of death and suffering?

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>the Soviets decided
There was no way to supply such a huge city because Germans decided to starve everyone inside to death. That was literally their plan.

This is not true. Much more civilians from the Alleid side died compared to Axis civilians.

Your Yiddish to English translator isn't quite up to snuff pal

>allies never did anything bad or committed war crimes
>all the atrocities were committed by the nazis
>if you believe otherwise then you're a brainwashed incel

You ignored part about providing materials for in-city factories, which were kept working with workers dying on their places from starvation.

There are multiple diaries of survivors of Leningrad siege, many of those are workers. Read them if you can or get someone to translate for you.

That's not how Yiddish speakers would speak
t. I know some Yiddish

What would those factories be producing exactly?

he's wearing boxer briefs, if you lower your monitor contrast you'll see it very easily

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cringe.....but you're right

>Imagine what your veteran grandpa Eugene would think about of your mixedrace fatass crying about "muh hit-tler" on an anime imageboard.


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What is going on in this image? Is he sucking his thumb?

It doesn't matter. People died in the millions at the end of the day, and they didn't get to choose whose side they were on. It's a great loss to any community or country as a whole, and it damages every single layer of society. War is a backwards exercise.

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Legitimately get an autism test for your own safety.

shes gonna be ok tho right?

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>this was the case a long time ago
it actually wasn't, filthy newphaggot

Literally kids being innocent and not understanding the situation.

Oh I see now.


>[…]Hitler insisted that von Leeb draw the tightest kind of circle around Leningrad. Secretly, the Führer instructed von Leeb that the city’s capitulation was not to be accepted. The population was to die with the doomed city. Random shelling of civilian objectives was authorized. If the populace tried to escape the iron ring, they were to be shot down.
Truly the good guys.

>Leningrad is the birthplace of Bolshevism. As long as it is in German hands it will have the same role that Constantinople used to have to the Czars' Russia. Its re-conquest will be point no. 1 on the program of Bolshevism, which the Führer wants to displace into Asia. The city must thus disappear from the face of the earth, like Cartage in its time.
Yup, nothing wrong with that.

>The commanding general viewed the installations for the winter and the construction of emplacements and then discussed with the commanders and battery leaders the use of the artillery in case of the Russian civilian population trying to break out of Leningrad. According to army order of 18.9.1941 Nr. 2737/41 secret, such attempts are to be prevented, if necessary by force of arms. It is the task of the artillery to fend of any such undertaking as far away as possible from our own lines by opening fire at an early stage, so that the infantry is as far as possible spared having to shoot on civilians.
It's nice of them they cared so much about their soldiers. No one likes to shoot civilians.

*too based

>The fate of the Soviet prisoners of war in Germany is on the contrary a tragedy of the greatest extent. Of 3.6 millions of prisoners of war, only several hundred thousand are still able to work fully. A large part of them has starved, or died, because of the hazards of the weather. Thousands also died from spotted fever. It is understood, of course, that there are difficulties encountered in the feeding of such a large number of prisoners of war. Anyhow, with a certain amount of understanding for goals aimed at by German politics, dying and deterioration could have been avoided in the extent described.

>For instance, according to information on hand, the native population within the Soviet Union are absolutely willing to put food at the disposal of the prisoners of war. Several understanding camp commanders have successfully chosen this course. However in the majority of the cases, the camp commanders have forbidden the civilian population to put food at the disposal of the prisoners, and they have rather let them starve to death. Even on the march to the camps, the civilian population was not allowed to give the prisoners of war food. In many cases, when prisoners of war could no longer keep up on the march because of hunger and exhaustion, they were shot before the eyes of the horrified civilian population, and the corpses were left.
Dindu nuffin.


Rheinwiesen was worse, gtfo

> Finally, the shooting of prisoners of war must be mentioned; these were partly carried out according to viewpoints which ignore all political understanding. For instance, in various camps, all the "Asiatics" were shot, although the inhabitants of the areas, considered belonging to Asia, of Transcaucasia and Turkestan especially, are among those people in the Soviet Union who are most strongly opposed to Russian subjugation and to Bolshevism. The Reich ministry of the occupied Eastern territories has repeatedly emphasized these abuses. However, in November for instance, a detail [Kommando] appeared in a prisoner of war camp in Nikolajew, which wanted to liquidate all Asiatics.

>The treatment of prisoners of war appears to be founded for a great part on serious misconceptions about the people of the Soviet Union. One finds the opinion that the people become more inferior the further one goes East. If the Poles already were given harsh treatment, one argues, it should therefore be done to a much greater extent to the Ukrainians, White Ruthenians, Russians, and finally the "Asiatics".
Based Liberators.

Leningrad WAS supplied over Ladoga. Read on Road of Life.

And it was Soviets who decided on WHAT will be in their supply deliveries, not Germans.

So when Soviets began importing damaged tanks into city for repair, instead of sending in food, it was their decision, not some hitlerdidit.

And feeding animals in Leningrad Zoo when humans were starving to death was also Soviet decision.
Even their hippo survived! Yaaay!

That doesn't make sense. Zyklon B was used with only oxygen as reagent. It should have only killed lice and it doesn't make any sense that adult jews and lice died, but young jews survived.

You don't believe me that there were working factories in besieged Leningrad?
Speak clearly.

of course the germans were evil shits and subhuman thieves, especially towards eastern europeans, they murdered, destroyed and plundered

jews didn't suffer much during ww2, it was mostly slavs but jews brainwash dumb westerners and exploit them

are you by any chance polish ?

It was not enough to supply the whole city. You're blaming Stalin for trying to save people inside Leningrad and not the Germans who planned to starve everyone inside and level the city to the ground.

Attached: 1547402149240.png (645x773, 11K)

only poles know the actual truth about ww2?

>jews didn't suffer much
Oh come on, lol. They were he main target of Nazi oppression. The Nazis never really planned to physically exterminate Slavs. For Jews such plans existed.

November 1941: approximately 1,500 tons of food (primarily flour)[2]
January 1942: approximately 52,000 tons of various supplies (of which ~42,000 tons were food)[2]
February 1942: approximately 86,000 tons of various supplies (of which ~67,000 tons were food)[2]
March 1942: approximately 113,000 tons of various supplies (of which ~87,000 tons were food)[2]
April 1942: approximately 87,000 tons of various supplies (of which ~57,000 tons were food)[2]

around 600k-1million jews died during ww2, around 30 million slavs

The soviets wouldn't have done shit. They were too weak. They only won thanks to US support cuz they didn't want Hitler to reach Arabia.

I couldn't be clearer user. We have war materiel going to the army, food, and materials for the factories. What are the factories making with the material, which is cutting into what can be sent in food?

This. It was a Europe vs USA war and Russia was the anglos' cannon fooder

I can never work out what that is in her mouth

/pol/tards and wehraboos absolutely seething ITT

>On Hitler's direct orders the Wehrmacht looted and then destroyed most of the imperial palaces, such as the Catherine Palace, Peterhof Palace, Ropsha, Strelna, Gatchina, and other historic landmarks located outside the city's defensive perimeter, with many art collections transported to Germany.[60]
Saviors of the Western civilization, lol.

Implying that it is wrong to save art from jews.

Even if it was impossible to save EVERYONE, it doesn't mean you can't save more by not keeping in-city factories fucking running with corpses of workers littering the floors.
Read survivor diaries.

Soviets decided to send raw materials for factories and damaged AFVs in for repairs, instead of equal mass of food and medicines.
Not fucking Germans.

Look up fucking Leningrad Zoo. Vegetables grown to feed fucking animals, while children died.

And Stalin never wanted to save a single person in his fucking life.

Attached: NotForPlebs.jpg (540x800, 48K)

Some of those handheld blowing instruments I think

I am guessing a whistle, hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong.

Well, Poles remember that war started in 1939 with Soviet and German joint invasion...

Attached: ComradesAndKameraden.jpg (2000x1388, 507K)

Slavs don't count as much as jews do. Just like cows don't count as much as humans. Understanding the relativity theory we can estimate that only 1/128 jew died on the slavic side.

Are you claiming I made up factories working in besieges Leningrad?

Yes or fucking no.

>that ugly fuck with glasses
Truly the Aryan master race.

jews should remember that too, since now they blame poles for not all of them dying to save jews and also demand 300 billion dollars in reparations from poland

Please ESL user, answer the question that is being asked without reading it as some sort bizarre rhetorical trick. Why would I ask what was being made if I didn't think the factories were functioning?

False. They wouldn't have done shit for a few years but there's a reason they were producing tanks, planes and arms.

true, slavs are too kind and tolerant towards evil and they pay the price for it, they should've let germans burn all jews without hesitation

You're fucking moron, desperately trying to peddle bullshit but twisting facts. Fuck, you even pull "Think of the children!" card.
>importing damaged tanks into city for repair
"Importing". Or maybe those tanks were fighting to defend the city? Did that thought ever cross your mind?
And when you have limited space, on the road that is not only under constant enemy fire, but also is a fucking lake that barely even covered in ice, EVERYTHING you put on caravan weights more than gold, so you think twice should you put food for everyone (which is literally impossible) or supply defenders so the city can stand. Hell, the country would fall if not for Leningrad's factories.
>Even their hippo survived! Yaaay!
Why do I have a strong feeling that you didn't read neither the article you posted nor Road of Life.
>people were risking their lives and starving themselves trying to feed the animals
But I guess you looked at the hippo and though
>Order No. 666
>Feed hippo, she cute. People can starve.
>Stalin XOXO

Except that slavs were "occupying" living space for germans. That totally doesn't mean physical removal. Just like "concentration camp" means "quarantine for typhus ".

Two stupid mutts. At least you too are just uneducated, unlike "Why didn't they just send more noms???"

>he actually believes what he was taught in holocaust class

Probably because they got embarrassed in WW1 and embarrassed by Japan.

I didn't learn that in school.

>soviets wouldn't have done shit. They were too weak.
Except we had 3 times more planea and tanks.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-16-20-49-08-966_com.android.chrome.png (1080x1920, 177K)

>Except that slavs were "occupying" living space for germans.
Yes and they planned to Germanize or deport them to the East, unlike the Jews which were to be exterminated.

You literally quoted all the reasons for their actions and they're legitimate. You're just too naive to understand.

A standard "if this is a consular ship, than where is the ambassador" implication of opponent lying.

You still didn't say if you think I'm lying, opting for a literal rhetorical question
>Why would I ask what was being made if I didn't think the factories were functioning?

Also, google is literally a tab away.

But fucking okay.

Here's the article from official Saint-Petersburg(ex-Leningrad) website:

~50 factories were online, producing ~100 types of military material, including tanks, artillery, infantry weapons and ammunition, 7 submarines, >60 attack boats and absolute shitload of other stuff, with thousands of workers per factory starving to death on duty.
Throw the rest in google translate. It's a fucking wall of text.

Here's a number of orders for Leningrad industry to deliver stuff with provided deadlines:

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x681, 390K)

>Leningrad wasn't the only crime germans commited, the hunger plan, soviet pow starvation and shooting, rotterdam bombings, entire occupation of Poland, Occupation of Crimea, Countless massacres, Occupation of Belarus where Dirlefaggots were stationed etc.

The only thing that actually pisses me off in this list is the bombing of Rotterdam. It was supposedly a very beautiful city. I wish I could've seen all the European cities at their height.

I'm glad you're being replaced by Muslims. Smug Western shits.

He's just pulling your leg.

Post a picture of yourself.

>that one seething slav

Should they just do nothing and starve to death anyway or what, lol? You seem unironically autistic.
Maybe, it's still a war crime.

> Or maybe those tanks were fighting to defend the city?
They were imported from other places as openly claimed by russians themselves.
Data is open and available.
>1346 tanks repaired

>should you put food for everyone (which is literally impossible)

You still can drop useless shit, like low grade scrap for bayonets and add some dry milk.
And stop strawmanning me with "saving everyone" bullshit.

>Why do I have a strong feeling that you didn't read neither the article you posted

Because you are a moron.

Animals were not used for food, aside from some killed ones by bombings, saving some human families.

Zoo was growing vegetables, as articles PROUDLY state, to use as a fodder for animals.
>B пepвыe мecяцы вoйны oни coбиpaли нa пoлях тpyпы yбитых cнapядaми лoшaдeй, pиcкyя жизнью, yбиpaли c пoлeй oвoщи.
"In first months of war they[Zoo workers] picked up corpses of horses killed by shells, endangered their lives while picking up vegetables from fields"
>Becнoй вcю cвoбoднyю тeppитopию пpeвpaтили в oгopoды, гдe выpaщивaли кaпycтy, кapтoфeль, oвec и бpюквy.
"In Spring all available territory was turned into gardens, growing cabbages, potatoes, oats and swede".

>B нoябpe 1941 гoдa в зoocaдe пpoизoшлo пoпoлнeниe: y гaмaдpилa Эльзы poдилcя мaлыш. Moлoкa y мaтepи нe былo, oднaкo мecтный poддoм eжeднeвнo выдeлял нeмнoгo дoнopcкoгo мoлoкa, блaгoдapя чeмy гaмaдpильчик cмoг выжить.
"In November 1941 zoo had an addition: hamadryad Else gave birth to a baby. Mother had no milk, however local maternity ward provided some donor milk, allowing little hamadryad to survive"

>But I guess you looked at the hippo and though

...Wow, you could save some people from starvation with all that meat.

That's what I think, anyway. What do you think?
Couple of human lives or one of the hippo?

That's very nice of them. I don't know what's the problem. We are talking about million of people who starved to death or died from some epidemics. Such a small amount wouldn't save many lives.

Please stop calling them that.


>starve to death anyway
If you replace 10 thousand tons of tanks with 10 thousand tons of food, lots of people will not starve to death.

You know there was a war going on? Do you think they didn't need those tanks?

most of the lend lease came after they won at stalingrad which (+kursk) decided the war. it just speed things up

Let's finish the "Did Soviets exchanged lives of Leningrad citizens for tanks" question first, shall we?

So did they?

Because according to official Russian data, they totally kinda... did. Proudly so.

Reminder those were ukrainian collaborators, not germans.

well some of them yeah
there are germans aswell

Most of the shit Mengele did wasn’t too nice.

funny how multicultural the was SS, despite being the elite nazi vanguard

how many jews were actually killed in extermination camps? was it even a million?

What's the fucking deal with Ukranians? How evil do you have to be to do something like this to practically your neighbors?

Neighbours are your worst enemies in the majority of eastern Europe.
Look at former Yugoslavia

How evil do you have to be to nuke an entire fucking city

They wouldnt habe done anything. Stalin refused to believe Hitler acutally invaded the Soviet Union at the beginning.

Let's say there were "only" 200 thousand of them killed. Does that suddenly not make it an attempted genocide? At which death number it stops being relevant?

by that logic does war not count as genocide? you're killing thousands of people from a certain country and therefore a certain ethnic group

this happened by the way

Russians are not one specific ethnic group. Americans are not one specific ethnic group.

Stalinists claim that ~700 000* executions for political motives during the great purge is not enough to accuse Stalin in mass murders.

So, you do the morbid, hypocritical, disgusting math...

* - Number is accepted as truth by absolute majority of Stalinists, including those prominant in contemporary Russian media. Only tiny marginal minority is pushing "no deaths at all" claim.

>dousing them with gasoline, and setting them on fire
actually what the soviets did to wounded german soldiers who had to be left behind after a retreat.

SS and Wehrmacht had volunteers from alot of countries like Spain or Arabia

>Ivan, we of starvings, why are we of gettings tanks instead of more food?
>stfu Vladimir, tanks need of fixings, we're defending the Motherland here!
>Yuo see, Ivan, in 70 years some retard, probably american, will laugh at you on the Japanese Illustration Plank.
>Blyat... fuck this then. Let's go eat a hippo!

They are "we wuz" of slavs. Collaborators though that helping germans will grant them an independent ukraine. Germans outright said "no", but collaborators said fuck it and continued doing what they were doing.

"Russians" are. It's because foreign generalization everything that comes from Russia, in any of its form, is "russian". Pyccкий != poccийcкий/poccиянин/whatever.

Brice ov freedum. Dog bless.

Genocide definition includes "nation". Also religion.

Goalpost shifting from
>Soviets would never chose factories over peoples lives
>Factories were more important than peoples lives. S-shut up!

>that one Nazi woman who was wearing swastika earrings

Did they actually wear this in real life?

absolutely adorable, isn't it?

Attached: xkfpronrap24.jpg (558x800, 136K)

Yes, there were many, many reports about Nazis shoving entire villages into barns and burning them.

All these "people" praising nazis are being ironic, right? I mean, there is no way that such degenerates exists. Imagine unironically praising """""master race""""" who was so weak and scared of soviets that managed to attack them in the middle of the night despite peace treaty, just like dirty rats and STILL lose. Pretty pathetic to be honest.

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Wait, "the only"?
Germany fought shitfucking cuntload of wars.

is this your first day on the internet
now you're going to get an exact post like you made just with partisans instead of nazis in the post

it's like you just jumped straight from twitter to here. bet you made the same exact post about trump voters before he became president

I couldn't care less about uscucks politics, but Trumps victory was one of the funniest and best events ever happened in your shithole.

I am not from the US
lurk more

Don't put words into my mouth. No one said "more important". But when your entire country is on the brink of annihilation, regardless of what naziboos say about totally dindu's plans, you make a choice: support the front and in the end survive or starve all the same, just a week later.
Scratch that, starve even earlier because you didn't have ammo to draw the enemy away from caravan.
You're a fucking master of taking moral highground, I'll give you that.

I wonder if there are example of sieges like Leningrad. I'm thinking more modern, not "Decisive Tang strategic victory".

Why would you care about their politics then?

People like to talk how terrible it is to divide humanity in "good breeds" and "bad breeds", but are absolutely terrified of admitting that if there are no such things, than humanity as a whole has to take the blame for actions of its parts.

No "deceitful Chinese". Deceitful humans.
No "greedy Americans". Greedy humans.
No "merciless Russians". Merciless humans.

It is through admitting our faults, through accepting our imperfections, can we begin the long and arduous process of healing.

Attached: Wallace_Breen.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Attached: oy.gif (666x716, 1.72M)

So do you fucking accept that Soviets deliberately used Leningrad as factory production site despite mass starvation or fucking not?

You are a fucking master of dodging a simple fucking yes or no question.

So you are saying that no "breed" of human can be especially greedy or merciless and that we should just "heal" ignoring everything ?

Based, and fucking redpilled

>They only won thanks to US support
There were no US support untill middle 1942.
So how did Soviets managed to keep Moscow?


Those were fucking Morrocans. All they did was rape and murder.

You cannot be more merciless than having no mercy at all.

And humans have none.

You cannot be more greedy than wanting to have everything.

And humans want all.

And as I said, the healing should start through admitting our faults, not ignoring them as some... less than scrupulous personalities try to misrepresent my statements.

Attached: BreenCondescending.jpg (337x516, 108K)

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the Slav began to hate.

Attached: 1552691275453.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

>When the Slav began to hate.
they have been murdering each other for thousands of years and quite happily so, like natives and like the africans. They only start to complain when someone from outside it taking part

"pre Lend-lease" June 22, 1941 to September 30, 1941 (paid for in gold and other minerals)
first protocol period from October 1, 1941 to June 30, 1942 (signed October 7, 1941), these supplies were to be manufactured and delivered by the UK with US credit financing.
second protocol period from July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943 (signed October 6, 1942)
third protocol period from July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944 (signed October 19, 1943)
fourth protocol period from July 1, 1944, (signed April 17, 1945), formally ended May 12, 1945 but deliveries continued for the duration of the war with Japan (which the Soviet Union entered on August 8, 1945) under the "Milepost" agreement until September 2, 1945 when Japan capitulated. On September 20, 1945 all Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union was terminated.

Right how dare those dirty soviets keep military factories running while we attack them.

>They only start to complain when someone from outside it taking part

Which is both hilarious and infuriatingly hypocritical at the same time.

Ask the Jews in the NKVD who murdered millions of Ukrainians not even a decade before. Blood for blood

>these supplies were to be manufactured and delivered by the UK
That's the point. and brits send very few of their stuff since they also were desperatly needs of tanks and planes

Just like they were going to start WWIII
Fuck off, the way the Cold War btfo every boomer. The Soviets were so shit their economy self-destructed and the Cold War ended without (officially) firing a shot. They were always screwed, to pretend otherwise implies commies are capable of something. Literally their greatest achievement was drowning Nazi Germany in their own blood with an absurd 12-1 casualty rate and without the west even that wouldn't have worked.

Stop pretending commies are competent. They're about as threatening as a tard with down syndrome.

Attached: 12.png (743x534, 366K)

Six million, perhaps?

>I will not stop being retarded until you accept my point

This conversation started with sovietfags claiming there were no other supplies except food and critical war materiel being sent into besieged Leningrad, because Stalin would never ever work starving people to death.

I provided proof that there WERE supplies for in-city factories which were not insignificant supply-wise and shitton of people starved, dying near their workbenches.

What. The fuck. Else. Do you. Fucking. Want.

Now were are going to huff and puff at wrong labels on land-lease goods? Not american - doesn't count?
What the fuck, holy shit!

>please user don't go to /pol/, please I beg you!

Attached: Idi i smotriCome And SeeИди и смотри(1985)_snapshot_00.08.38_.jpg (704x528, 42K)

Watching faggots like you bitch about newfags is like watching Morrowbabies bitch about Skyrim. You faggots speak from a sense of superiority yet ignore how dumbed down your shit was compared to the previous installment.

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>I will not stop being retarded until you accept my point

I don't even know what your point is, you retard.

My point is:
Leningrad had working factories, which required supply capacity to keep them working.

What is YOUR point?

Is this "yes, Nazis did those things" or "Nazis did only that and were justified" response?

It's kinda hard to tell on Yea Forums.

>Not american - doesn't count?
Yeah because in 1941 UK send to USSR the same volume of supplies as Mongolia and Tuva
And especially said that USSR won because of american (even despite the fact that some of you stuff, for example, tanks, were utter trash)
>and critical war materiel
And of course military production doesn't counting as ctitical war material in besieged city?

i bet you write for vidya, good god
your groupings imply a historic truth, that people borne to a nation inherently are of a nature when a more accurate approximation of reality would be that people of a certain nature were ushered to action through coercion
so in fact "Xnature" humans is far more accurate then "Xnature" nationality

Question was:
Were there factories running in Leningrad and requiring external supply?

My answer:
Yes, there were. Here are a bunch of prooflinks.

What do you want from me now?

>What do you want from me now?
Just stop bitching about the fact that military factories worked in Leningrad and stop blaming long dead people for it, they had a war to win and siege to break.

>i bet you write for vidya, good god

Gee, thanks.
I love doctor Breen. I wish he was more of an antivillain. As he is he is too much of an unpleasant bastard, I think.

>If a community pretends to be retarded, actual retards may join thinking they are in good company.

I'm not "bitching" about it. I'm trying to prove that those fucking factories existed to braindead cunts, who refuse to follow a single link.

>they had a war to win
Was there an atrocity in history of wars not using this same exact excuse?

>Was there an atrocity in history of wars not using this same exact excuse?
It wasn't atrocity.

Based has been around for years and years on Yea Forums, well before this nonsense

they're not ironic, they've got irony poisoning.

there's a point where you can't tell if you're being ironic anymore.

If working people to death by starvation and exhaustion is not an atrocity, then nothing is.

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You point is: "factories bad. city starved deliberately. stalin bad".
My point: "factories good. no, it wasn't". They did what they had to do. And you're forcing your opinion and calling it a fact.

I seriously don't understand what are you trying to do other, than have a long and convoluted "sovjets bad and everything they did was bad, no exceptions" shitpost. You go back and forth between war effort bad, then zoo bad, now factories bad. Everything bad, commies responsible for blockade.
I'll give you another example: during blockade, there were an artists who were starving like everyone else, but finished a mosaic for Moscow metro. They didn't stop (well they did, but only whe bombs were falling on them), they didn't evacuate, they finished their work.

Okay, you're a fucking brainwashed faggot. Should've started with that.