Girl sits next to main character on bus

>girl sits next to main character on bus
>he doesn't immediately start to sweat, blush and look out the window until she leaves

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cringing at your life

>girl sits next to main character on bus

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>Girls sit next to OP

Fuck off

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>twitter politics faggot comes on Yea Forums
>posts a frog

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Wow bro you sure are edgy, very cool!


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>main character on bus or train
>people don't go out of their way not to sit by him, even preferring to stand
sorry, dropped. can't relate

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that happens to me too but only because women can sue you if you even brush up against them nowadays - let alone stare-rape them or some other microaggression

thanks, you too


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Anyone have the cancer version? That shit made me laugh so hard I got cramps in my stomach.

no seats

Lose weight

That is the cancer version.

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then why not rape them?

you're already getting rape charges, there's no reason to stop

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>main character on bus
>other people aren't spitting on him, calling him a freak and a loser, and aren't beating him while laughing
I'm tired of unrealistic scenes in movies.

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That's the one. Cheers.

>main character uses public transport
>main character interacts with people

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hey there

fuck wojakposters, fuck discord trannies, fuck twitter feminists, fuck alt-emo "doomers", fuck ironic commies and actual commies, fuck alt-right pussies, fuck frogshitters, fuck shills, fuck reddit newfags and fuck you

>main character rides bus
>doesn't get a boner

>character gets on the subway
>see this
What does the character do next?

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>riding the bus
Poorfags and Eurotards pls leave

Nobody cares and your opinion is worthless, okay?


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>girls refuse to sit next to me and think it upsets me
>they don’t know that I’m claustrophobic and fucking hate when people sit next to me
Enjoy standing, whores.

>no seats because getting crowded with teen schoolgirls
>all stand around in their uniforms
>they keep milling around and pretend they are making space
>the driver yells again
>no one sits next to me
>the driver shuts the door and she and I make eye contact as she checks her mirror one last time
>she makes that white guy paying black guy on the street face in pity
>drives off
>the whole time QOTSA if I had a tail plays on my skull candy headphones
>pass more school girls who look into the bus and point and laugh at me crying as my bifocals make my watery eyes anime tier
Fuck Catholic school girls :'(

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Based buzzword-poster

I'm serious dude, move on. I used to care about this stuff like you, but in the end, it doesn't even matter.

>girl sits next to main character
>girl gets up and leaves
>main character doesn't immediately sniff the seat she was in
Unrealistic garbage.

But I'm not even trying

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>character on a fairly full bus but sat on his own
>nice looking girl gets on, looks towards space next to him
>looks at him and smiles, asks "mind if i sit here?"
>"s-sure no problem" he says
>she smells so good
>their elbows lightly touch as the bus jostles them
>it's like electric, it's the first human contact he has had in literally years
>he falls in love and spends the rest of the journey in silence, savoring that brief elbow contact
>every masturbation fantasy now involves this woman
>he will never see her again and she will never think of him at all
>my elbowfu

Throw that faggot off the speeding train

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She later goes on twitter to complain about the uncomfortable journey she had sitting next to a creep and how to be a woman in today's world is to always be on defence or some shit.

seen this before, and can't help wondering how the fuck someone gets an actual raven as a pet, it's a fucking wild animal, birds in general would just fly off given the chance. The only conclusion is that it is a familair, it's an actual witch, just going about their business without a worry.

I would love having a companion like this (the bird obviously not the female)

Man, I'm obscenely lucky, apparently I am one of the attractive ones. Girls smile and blush when I look at them and smile. And they are always willing to talk to me, play with their hair, and flirt in general. I never noticed until my wife started getting furious at all the women apparently hitting on me. I thought they were just being normal people, but apparently I'm "attractive", being 6 foot 6 inches and looking like John Lennon. I ended up marrying a short, fat girl because I thought I would never do better. Now, I'm 30 years old, I've gone back to school, and I have 18-21 yo girls throwing themselves at me...and I have to turn them down. And I'm getting old, soon only young girls with daddy issues will be interested in me.
All because I thought for years that I was ugly. So many lost opportunities.

That said, despite all the missed opportunities, at least I can talk to women and they don't think I'm an incel lunatic. I am very lucky in a sense, I just wish I wasn't so depressed and self deprecating so I could have fucked all the amazingly attractive girls who have thrown themselves at me over the years...I still dream of a girl I met when I was 17 and she was 16, she was perfect. Danielle was her name, and I would do anything to go back and take a shot with her. Instead, I waited, never had the guts to ask her out, waited until I was 20 to lose my virginity, and then after sleeping with a total of 3 women, I met my wife. I stay with her because she is obsessed with me, will do anything for me, and I feel like I owe her.

But, god, I miss you Danielle, I never understood that you weren't just being kind to a weirdo, you were trying to get me to make a fucking move. Fuck, you tried to drag me to your house in the middle of a school day to hang out, just you and me. I still look at your pictures today, I'd probably still leave my wife for you, even if you are 30.

Alright, I'll fuck off to /r9k/ and hate myself there.